Oldest person you've known

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Tossup between two, don’t know their exact ages:

First was a family friend, who died when I was a kid, was in his early 90s. Really interesting and genuine guy, who served in the Desert Rats in WW2, as part of a tank crew in Africa, and had met (and been yelled at by) Montgomery himself.

The other was an elderly woman who was our neighbour for her late 80s-early 90s. Lived independently up until the final year or two. She’d seen our town turn from a thriving fishing village to a beleaguered backwater, and back into a recovering tourist spot. Lovely wit, and although flagging, always a pleasure to say hi to.

Progressive Pessimist:
I could be wrong and may have forgot about somebody but I actually visited my Uncle Joe a few days ago in Florida. He is 93 and in pretty good shape...well, apart from his pancreatic cancer and Parkinson's. But he is mentally still very sharp.

EDIT: I forgot about my late aunt. She was 96 at the time of her death.


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