AfD is 10 years old now

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This week, there was the 10th anniversary of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).
This party changed a lot in this interval. It was created like an eurosceptical and economic liberal (not in the American meaning). Then, it became more extremist and adopted other issues, like xenophobia, climate change denial, anti-Covid19 policies, anti- "gender ideology". The leaders now are not the leaders of 2013.

And their presently polling their best in years, and closing in on their highest ever. Mind you this is 15% - 17%, but its still high within context. Notably, its thanks to yet another 'change' in the party brand (though in this case less and change a more a major shift in emphasis) towards isolationism/anti-Ukraine policies from COVID conspiracies.

Middle-aged Europe:
Quote from: Oryxslayer on February 02, 2023, 09:20:45 PM

And their presently polling their best in years, and closing in on their highest ever. Mind you this is 15% - 17%, but its still high within context. Notably, its thanks to yet another 'change' in the party brand (though in this case less and change a more a major shift in emphasis) towards isolationism/anti-Ukraine policies from COVID conspiracies.

I'm not aware of any polls that had the AfD at 17% recently. The latest YouGov poll had them at 16% but that was more of a outlier.

Don't they tend to drop off in support as an election approaches anyway?

Quote from: CumbrianLefty on February 03, 2023, 07:39:19 AM

Don't they tend to drop off in support as an election approaches anyway?

Indeed. There were quite a few state elections over the last two years where the AfD underperformed their polling results. They also polled around 14/15% in early 2020, but almost dropped below 10% in the 2021 federal election.

Not that it matters, since they are still completely isolated and a political non-factor.


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