A genie offers you this deal re: the Supreme Court. Do you take it?

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I spent the winter writing songs about getting better:
The deal is:

Both Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas will retire in the next few months. However their replacements are guaranteed to be...Fuzzy Bear and Ferguson97.

Do you accept the deal?

I'd only take it if the Court agrees to record or live-stream oral arguments.

Joe Republic:
Fuzzy Bear is in his mid-60s, while Ferg is in his 20s.  I'll take it.

OSR stands with Israel:
btw that would be a massive move to the left for SCOTUS as Thomas is a good deal to the right of Fuzzy and Ferguson is a good deal to the left of Sotomayor

The only genie offer I'd take re: the Supreme Court would be for it to be abolished and all 9 of the freeloaders on the bench to be placed directly into real jobs.


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