Do you listen to any Barstool Podcasts?


Yes, I am an Award Winning Listener to PMT.

The NY Islanders streams were the best thing about Barstool, minus pizza reviews. Long Island values are American values. FDNY/NYPD love working hockey games because the fans are patriotic and support law and order.

I am a historical AWL, but I must admit I just haven't been able to keep up with being a regular listener for the past couple of years (probably since COVID started). I love those guys, but the episodes are just too long sometimes that I can't squeeze them in unless I am listening on x2 speed. When I pick up an episode every now and then it feels like I never stopped listening. There's quite a lot of life parallels with me and Big Cat so I relate quite a bit to him.

I do regularly listen to Red Line Radio, and I have heard every episode since they started pre-Barstool. Its just my preferred way to consume Chicago-related sports talk, so that is my jam. I also listen to pretty much every Dog Walk Draft episode, and I will listen to another Dog Walk episode here and there if I find the topic interesting.


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