Potential presidents who share the name of a former president

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Alben Barkley:
Hillary Clinton STILL has a better chance of becoming POTUS than some of the people listed in this thread, as does Dwayne Johnson.

President Johnson:
You know what would be hilarious? Another President Johnson during the 2060s. Then the United States would have existed through three different 60s decades, and in each one there was a president named Johnson. It would be even more hilarious for that president to be a Democrat, born in 2008, from a Southern state, elected vice president in 2060 or 2064 and then ascend to the presidency after his predecessor is killed through an assassin's bullet. Maybe he or she also leaves office in 2069 with medicore approval ratings.

Obviously she doesn't seem interested in running, but I'm surprised no one mentioned Michelle Obama.

Out of all of these, Cori Bush is my favorite possibility. Imagine the USA finally electing a strong progressive as President and having her share a last name with Dubya.

Quote from: bagelman on September 24, 2022, 02:51:56 AM

Out of all of these, Cori Bush is my favorite possibility. Imagine the USA finally electing a strong progressive as President and having her share a last name with Dubya.

Cori Bush-Liz Cheney '24


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