2025-29 -A Blank Canvas

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« Reply #150 on: September 20, 2022, 06:06:25 AM »
« edited: September 20, 2022, 07:59:44 AM by PRESIDENT STANTON »


Todd: Welcome to this Sunday's Meet The Press, we have a full program, and that includes an exclusive interview with White House Chief of Staff, Byron Donalds, but before we go to that interview, here are some of the big stories that occurred in the past week, all of President DeSantis's administration are in place, with the exception of incoming Attorney General, Barbara Lagoa who was confirmed last Friday, and will be sworn in on Tuesday, this week end, the Republican's House Caucus Winter Retreat is underway in Virginia Beach, and special guests include the President, the First Lady and the Vice President, but one person who isn't there, is the White House Chief of Staff, Byron Donalds, because he's here and we will discuss some of the things that have so far occurred and things that haven't occurred.
Todd: Welcome to Meet The Press, Mr. Donalds.

Donalds: Thanks for having me Chuck.
Todd: You have most of your administration in place, the exception being Attorney General Barbara Lagoa, she is due to be sworn in on Tuesday, why the delay and why not Friday as originally planned.
Donalds: (chuckles) Chuck, nothing runs as smooth as we'd hope, simply put, the Attorney General's family Bible wasn't available and was at her home in Florida, so we agreed that we'd just wait until Tuesday to get thing's done.
Todd: Since the President has highlighted that Border Security will be one of his major priorities, what is the plan on how to fix it?
Donalds: You'll have to wait until Wednesday evening to find out, but his nomination of the Vice President as the national coordinator for Border Security and Immigration Reform, is a key component of the overhaul that is envisaged.
Todd: Which will be?
Donalds: You can wait until Wednesday?
Todd: Okay, onto another item, which is the Balanced budget amendment the president spoke about during last year's campaign, isn't this idea more aspirational than ambition?
Donalds: Not so Chuck, It is high time that we put in place guardrails on out budgetary process and start eliminating needless spending on program's which have long past their sell by date. Most state's have similar systems that requires that budgets be balanced and even better to have surpluses, it's high time we change our habits, which are infinitely bad.
Todd: Do you think such an amendment will gain passage?
Donalds: I think such an amendment is necessary, it forces us to go beyond the conversation and be proactive on the spending area. I think the fact we keep raising the debt ceiling is untenable and this is due to the fact, that as a society we continue to indulge the idea, that there is a big money tree. Also Chuck we pay more on the interest of which we owe, than actually beginning to pay down the debt. This is how we can address this never-ending deficit spending, one problem causes the other.
Todd: Don't you think that such a proposal is unrealistic?
Donalds: No Chuck, we don't, we went down this road before in 2008, where some of our largest financial institutions nearly went under, because of such habits, where we were paying Peter to pay Paul.
Todd: Where do you start then?
Donalds: We start with a freeze on existing spending, one example of needless spending, is Defense spending, do you know our Defense spending takes up over one-third of our overall spending, and most of that is waste.
Todd: Would Defense Secretary Braithwaite agree with you? We had a conversation on this exact same topic and he accepts that spending cuts in the Defense area are necessary, especially in procurement.
Todd: Onto another topic, it relates to the border situation, your administration state's its a crisis, Democrats state otherwise, and suggest it's made up, what would your response be.
Donalds: It's a case of 'Rome burning while Nero fiddles', I find it incomprehensible that Democrats and such commentators, as Lawrence O'Donnell and Alex Wagner insist it's all made up and it's
a crisis that doesn't exist, they should tell Senator's Kelly and Sinema that, or even tell former Congressman Bonilla, apparently they didn't get the memo. And, with all due respect to O'Donnell and Wagner, I doubt they actually have visited the border and if they did, they'd probably suggest as former Vice President Harris once said, "There's no problem with the border!"
Todd: Okay onto another topic, during the week, former Trump economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, and I will paraphrase, "The DeSantis economic team are vastly inexperienced compared to the Trump economic team"  what would your response be?
Donalds : That's a matter of opinion Chuck, I have great respect for Larry Kudlow and we will always value his advise. However, the President listened to the views of the Transition head's, and both Andrew Card and Mick Mulvaney, went over the records and backgrounds of the economic team we have in place, I doubt David McCormick, Steve Moore and Pete Peterson are inexperienced in matters of finance or economics, the President is happy with the choices he made.
Todd: There has been some speculation revolving around the recent overseas trips by Secretary of State, Robert  O'Brien to Poland, Ukraine along with Turkey and Israel, close attention  has been focused on the Israeli and Turkish leg of the trip. It was reported that officials of the Palestinian Authority were in Istanbul at the same time that Secretary O'Brien was there, is there a reason why the Palestinians would be meeting with Secretary O'Brien, before his visit to Israel.
Donalds: I think that had such a meeting occur, it was probably for reasons that the Palestinian Authority would prefer to remain confidential. Beyond that there's nothing I can add.
Todd: Onto matters of politics, you yourself, Veterans Affairs Secretary Brian Mast and Homeland Security Secretary Carlos Gimenez all represented congressional districts in Florida, we know all three of you resigned your seats, how do you rate the chances of Republican's on holding the seats in the special elections now scheduled for April 22? And will the President go down to Florida to campaign on behalf of the candidate's now running?
Donalds: Yes, is the answer to your first question and if the president feels it is necessary to put in an appearance, then yes.
Todd: Onto the situation in Arizona and California, the border situation is having an impact on the political picture in those states, and Republican's appear to be competitive in race's for the Governorship in both state's, according to polling, and the announcement last Friday, that Young Kim, has established an exploratory committee, that is, as we all know, the first step before actually filling a candidacy, how would you rate the chances of Congresswoman Kim?
Donalds: I think it's early days to begin speculating on Governor or Senate seats 20 months out, but Congresswoman Kim, probably needs to start organizing and fundraising, California is the largest state and there's a lot of real estate she will need to cover, so she's in a better position to make decisions on her state.
Todd: Is she in Virginia Beach with the President? And will they be having a conversation on her plans?
Donalds: As she's a member of the House Republican caucus, I can imagine she will. No doubt she will see the President, but I can't be sure if Congresswoman Kim will discuss California with the President.
Todd: This hasn't come up much as of late, but it refers to the new Air Force One, when does the Air Force expect to take delivery?
Donalds: I'm not sure Chuck, but from what I know, the new Air Force One should be delivered and in use by the end of the year or early next year.
Todd: Apparently the livery for the Aircraft has been changed back to what President Trump decided upon and not what President Biden chose, was this an intentional rebuke directed at President Trump?
Donalds: That's not the case, Chuck, the paint to be used on the livery chosen by President Trump had already been procured by the Air Force, and to avoid unnecessary waste, the new color scheme was adopted.
Todd: Thank you for appearing on our show.
Donalds: Thank you for having me, Chuck.
Todd: Next Up, our roundtable line-up, guests will include, New York Times White House Chief Correspondent Peter Baker, Former White House Communications Director under Biden  Kate Bedingfield, Republican Strategist Al Cardenas and Washington Post Live Anchor Leigh Ann Caldwell.

Todd: We will return after this break.
Todd: Welcome back, and to our roundtable guests. There is much to get to. Al Cardenas, your take on the one on one discussion with the White House Chief of Staff?
Cardenas: I think DeSantis picked well in choosing Byron Donalds, as Chief of Staff he's doing what he needs to do, which is to keep the trains running on time and ensure that the message is on cue. I think he's not a Donald Regan or a Bob Haldeman, more a James Baker.
Todd: Kate Bedingfield you are smiling, comments?
Bedingfield: He, President DeSantis is using the same model of Chief of Staff which President Biden used with Ron Klain, and that ensures everyone gets to do their job, I think the Ted Cruz selection was the only time that DeSantis tripped up. But it will be forgotten now that Barbara Lagoa is in place, personally a Democrat should have been chosen instead.
Todd: Speaking of which, Kate Bedingfield, Donalds was very critical of Democrats in claiming that the Border Security crisis is not that, and all made up, what are your views?
Bedingfield: I think Republican's tend to overdramatize the situation for political purposes; I still believe that there are problems, but not as serious as DeSantis and his team claim.
Todd: Leigh Ann Caldwell, what are your viewers thinking about the Border Security issue?
Caldwell: In Arizona, residents down there, want practical solutions to what to them has become a worsening situation, but I agree with Donalds, Democrats need to understand that they will be left behind, unless they start taking the situation at the Border seriously, Resources, particularly our financial one's, particularly in how we address the problems along the Southern border in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. And when people like Lawrence O'Donnell state it's made up, it doesn't help matters. This is not a Democrat issue or a Republican issue, but it's an issue.
Todd: Peter Baker, you are writing yet another book, this time about the 2024 campaign: '2024, DeSantis got it right: How and Why?" Do you still think Democrats are getting it wrong? And DeSantis is right?
Baker: Oh yes Chuck, DeSantis hit a nerve and an awful lot of voter's bought his argument, the result, Democrats paid a heavy price for the so called Wokeism and identity politics, that DeSantis accused them of. I think we have begun to see a shift in the tectonic plates of American politics and how demographics are playing a role in that shift. You only have to look at the national county map to understand that.
Todd: Al Cardenas you are nodding your head in agreement. (Cardenas smiles).
Cardenas: The shift that Peter points to can be seen at how well DeSantis did with Hispanic and Asian American's, it's no coincidence that Young Kim, who was born in South Korea and now represents California's 39th, and has done so for the last four plus years, is considering a run for Governor next year. Republican's sense an opportunity here and it is understandable that you have Kim in the mix.
Todd: Leigh Ann Caldwell, is their a connection between the immigration issue, the Border Security and to what Peter Baker suggests is a demographic changes caused by this so-called tectonic shift?
Caldwell: I think it's the elephant in the room and Democrats continue to ignore it at their peril. The warning lights are flashing red, and the fact that Andrew Yang's Forward party will have access to ballots in all 50 state's, should be pause for concern, especially for Democrats.
Todd: Well we're out of time, thank you for coming, to our viewer's you can go to Meet The Press online to join out conversation on the topics on the show today. Join us again next week, so if it's Sunday, it's Meet The Press.
(Meet The Press credits roll, with the MTP signature  Tune)

Byron Donalds Appearance on the Other SundayMorning News Shows covered the same topics discussed on MTP

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #151 on: September 20, 2022, 11:16:20 AM »
« Edited: September 26, 2022, 06:04:25 PM by 2016 »



President Ron DeSantis
of Florida

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Author: Government of Florida

Vice President Nikki Haley
of South Carolina

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Author: United States Department of State

President of the United States of America RONALD DION „RON“ DESANTIS (SWORN IN JANUARY 2020 2025)

Vice President of the United States of America NIKKI RANDHAWA HALEY (SWORN IN JANUARY 2020 2025)


ROBERT CHARLES O'BRIEN as Secretary of State (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote)

KENNETH BRAITHWAITE as Secretary of Defense (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote)

DAVID HAROLD MCCORMICK as Secretary of the Treasury (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote)

All 3 Individuals were confirmed because of a Deal that had been struck between Republican Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn of Texas & Democratic Senate Minority Leader Charles "Chuck" Schumer of New York before President DeSantis took Office on Monday, January 20th at Noon.
O'Brien, Braithwaite & McCormick were sworn into Office on the Morning of Tuesday, January 21st by Vice President Nikki Haley.
White House Chief of Staff Byron Lowell Donalds & National Security Advisor Dina Habib Powell-McCormick took the Oath of Office that same Day.

BRIAN JEFFERY MAST as Secretary of Veterans Affairs (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 75-25; Summitted Resignation to the Speaker of the House Monday, January 27th 2025)

CARLOS ANTONIO GIMENEZ as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 82-18; Summitted Resignation to the Speaker of the House Monday, January 27th 2025)

Vice President Nikki Haley once again administered the Oath of Office for both, Mast & Gimenez during the Afternoon Hours of Monday, January 27th 2025 after both House Members summitted their Resignations in the Morning.

The next Confirmation Roll Call Votes will be for Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin to be Secretary of Commerce and Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse to be Secretary of Education. The Senate will likely to vote during the Senate Business Hours on Tuesday, January 28th 2022 or Wednesday, January 29th 2022 as Senate Majority Leader Cornyn has already filled for Cloture.

GLENN ALLEN YOUNGKIN as Secretary of the Department of Commerce (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 85-15; Resigned as 74th Governor of Virginia on Thursday January 30th 2025; Sworn in as Secretary of Commerce Friday January 31st 2025)

BENJAMIN ERIC SASSE as Secretary of the Department of Education (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 83-16; Summitted Resignation to the Senate Thursday January 30th 2025; Sworn in as Secretary of Education Friday January 31st 2025)

JON MAEDE HUNTSMAN as Secretary of the Department of Energy (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote; Sworn in Secretary of Energy Friday February 7th 2025)

TIMOTHY EUGENE SCOTT as Secretary of the Department of Housing & Urban Development (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote; Summitted Resignation to the Senate Thursday February 6th 2025; Sworn in as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Friday February 7th 2025)

CHRISTOPHER DOUGLAS STEWART as Director of National Intelligence (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote; Summitted Resignation to the Speaker of the House Thursday February 6th 2025; Sworn in as Director of National Intelligence Friday February 7th 2025)

NICOLE ROBILOTTO NASON as Secretary of the Department of Transportation (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 66-33; Sworn in as Secretary of Transportation Friday February 7th 2025)

In another Deal reached between Majority Leader Cornyn & Minority Leader Schumer 3 more of President DeSantis Cabinet Nominations were confirmed on Thursday, February 6th 2025 by a proforma Vote: Jon Meade Huntsman as Secretary of Energy, Timothy Eugene Scott as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development & Christopher Douglas Stewart as Director of National Intelligence. The Senate conducted one Roll Call Vote and confirmed Nicole Robilotto Nason as Secretary of Transportation with a 66-33 Vote.

JOHN LEE RATCLIFFE as Director of Central Intelligence Agency (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 71-27;Sworn in as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Wednesday February 12th 2025)

Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn of Texas has indicated that at least 4 more Votes will be taken next week for the Nomination of Interior, Health & Human Services, Agriculture and the Environment Protection Agency.

KRISTI LYNN NOEM as Secretary of the Department of the Interior (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 58-42; Sworn in as Secretary of the Interior Friday February 14th 2025)

BENJAMIN SOLOMON CARSON SR as Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 67-33; Sworn in as Secretary of Health & Human Services Monday February 17th 2025)

RYAN FRANCIS QUARLES as Secretary of the Department of Agriculture (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 76-24; Sworn in as Secretary of Agriculture Monday February 17th 2025)

ERIC EIKENBERG as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 70-30; Sworn in as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Monday February 17th 2025)

The Week from Monday, February 17th to Friday February 21st 2025 will likely be the Final Week where the Final DeSantis' Cabinet Confirmation Votes will take place.

Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn has scheduled Votes for the Department of Labor, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Director of the Office of Management & Budget, the U. S. Trade Representative as well as the Chair of the Council of Econmic Advisors and the Director of the Office of Science & Tech Policy with potentially either the Vote for Attorney General or Ambassador to the United Nations being the Final ones.

STEPHEN MOORE as Chairman of the National Council of Economic Advisors (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 78-22; Sworn in as Chairman of the National Council of Economic Advisors Thursday February 20th 2025)

CURTIS JOSEPH „CJ“ MAHONEY as U. S. Trade Representative (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 76-24; Sworn in as U. S. Trade Representative Thursday February 20th 2025)

BRAD CLOSE as Administrator of the Small Business Administration (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 81-19; Sworn in as Administrator of the Small Business Administration February 20th 2025)

PETE PETERSON as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 80-20; Sworn in as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget February 20th 2025)

ANDREW DAVID „DREW“ BAGLINO as Director of the Office of Science & Tech Policy (confirmed via proforma Voice Vote; Sworn in as Director of the Office of Science & Tech Policy Friday February 21st 2025)

RICHARD ALLEN GRENELL as Ambassador to the United Nations (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 54-46; Sworn in as Ambassador to the United Nations Friday February 21st 2025)

BLAKE GATES MASTERS as Secretary of the Department of Labor (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 59-41; Sworn in as Secretary of Labor Friday February 21st 2025)


Nominated former Texas Senator RAFAEL EDWARD CRUZ as Attorney General on January 7th 2025 (shortly after President DeSantis was inaugurated Questions began to arise on this Nomination with several Republican Senators declaring not to confirm the Presidents Pick; a botched Interview on CBS's 60 Minutes on February 2nd 2025 eventually sunk the Cruz' Nomination; the former Texas Senator, after a Meeting with Senior White House Staff & Advisors, subsequently withdrew his Nomination on Monday February 3rd 2025)

In the immediate Aftermath after the failed Ted Cruz' Nomination Speculation surrounded who would replace him with two Names frequently being mentioned, former SOCILITOR GENERAL under President Trump NOEL FRANCISCO as well as UNITED STATES JUDGE FOR THE 11TH COURT OF APPEALS BARBARA LAGOA, who won her Appointment as a Judge to the Federal Bench in 2019 by a resounding 80-15 Vote.
After deliberatating with CoS Donalds, Senior Advisor Brad Herold & White House Council Chris Sprowls President DeSantis eventually decided on a compromise nominating LAGOA as Attorney General & FRANCISCO as Deputy Attorney General.
News to the Media leaked out during the Afternoon of Wednesday, February 5th 2025 that LAGOA would be chosen and she was officially nominated by President DeSantis during the early Evening of Friday February 7th 2025 in the East Room of the White House with her family & Vice President Haley in Attendance.
Lagoa's Selection drew widespread support from Senate Republicans with Majority Leader John Cornyn telling FOX NEWS BRET BAIER during an Interview on Special Report that her Nomination would be fast tracked. When questioned why Cornyn stayed mum but Sources inside the White House claimed that President DeSantis wanting her to be confirmed before a Joint Session of Congress where he would address the Nation for the first time since his Inaugural Address which House Speaker Steve Scalise invited him for Wednesday, February 26th 2025.

Nominated former United States Judge for the 11th Court of Appeals BARBARA LAGOA as Attorney General on February 7th 2025 (confirmed via Senate Roll Call Vote 69-30 on February 21st 2025; Sworn in 87th Attorney General and only the 3rd Women to hold this Office on Tuesday February 25th 2025)


WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Nominated Florida Congressman BYRON LOWELL DONALDS as WH CoS on November 7th 2024 (Sworn in as WH CoS Tuesday January 21st 2025 & assumed Office that same Day)

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECREATRY: Nominated former WH Press Secretary KAYLEIGH MCENANY as WH Press Secretary on November 7th 2024 (McEnany assumed Office January 21st 2025)

WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Nominated 2024 Campaign Spokeswoman CHRISTINA PUSHAW as WH Communications Director on November 7th 2024 (Pushaw assumed Office January 21st 2025)

COUNSELOR & LEAD WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR: Nominated Florida Republican Party Chairman JOE GRUTERS as Counselor & Lead WH Advisor on December 17th 2024 (Gruters assumed Office January 21st 2025)

SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT: Nominated FL-based Strategist BRAD HEROLD as Senior Advisor on December 17th 2024 (Herold assumed Office January 21st 2025)

WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL: Nominated Former Speaker of the Florida House CHRIS SPROWLS as White House Counsel on December 17th 2024 (Sprowls assumed Office January 21st 2025)

NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: Nominated former Deputy National Security Advisor DINA POWELL-MCCORMICK as National Security Advisor on November 18th 2024 (Sworn in as NSA Tuesday January 21st 2025 & assumed Office that same Day)

HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISOR: Nominated former Virginia Attorney General KEN CUCCINELLI as Homeland Security Advisor on December 21st 2024 (Sworn in as Homeland Security Advisor Tuesday January 21st 2025 & assumed Office that same Day)

DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY: Nominated former Federal Prosecutor KASHYAP PRAMOD „KASH“ PATEL as Director of the National Drug Control Policy or better know as „Drug Czar“ on December 21st 2024 (Sworn in as „Drug Czar“ Tuesday January 21st 2025 & assumed Office that same Day)

CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Nominated the Commissioner of the Texas Environmental Quality JON NIERMANN as Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality on December 8th 2024 (Sworn in as Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality Tuesday January 21st 2025 & assumed Office that same Day)

ADMINISTRATOR OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS & SPACE AGENGY: Retained current NASA Administrator & Former Florida Senator CLARENCE WILLIAM „BILL“ NELSON as Administrator of the National Aeronautics & Space Agency (Nelson was Sworn In as NASA Administrator by then Vice President Kamala D. Harris on May 3rd 2021)

DIRECTOR OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION: Nominated Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner MARK GLASS as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on March 3rd 2025;)

VICE PRESIDENT CHIEF OF STAFF: Vice President NIKKI HALEY tapped former Chief of Staff to Melania Trump STEPHANIE GRISHAM as her personal CoS on February 5th 2025 (Sworn in as Haley's personal CoS Wednesday February 5th 2025 & assumed Office that same Day)
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« Reply #152 on: September 20, 2022, 11:25:03 AM »
« Edited: September 20, 2022, 12:09:16 PM by 2016 »

Monday February 25 2025
President DeSantis returned to Washington Monday Afternoon from the Republican House Caucus Winter Retreat in Virginia Beach, Virginia a KEY AREA for the upcoming Gubernatorial Election in the State slated for this November. Virginia Beach is considered to be a swing area within the Commonwealth of Virginia as it voted for then Presidential Candidate Joe Biden in 2020 before giving now former Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin its Vote in 2021 as well as then Candidate Ron DeSantis during the 2024 Presidential Vote and newly elected Senator Jill Vogel. Republicans also picked off a Key House Seat with Rep. Jen Kiggans during the 2022 Midterm Elections.
The Suburbs in the Country were revolting under then President Trump but since came back strong for Republicans in 2022 & 2024.
As the Winter Retreat was closed to the Public we don't have any reaction what was said regarding the President Agenda and other stuff but it is common that House Members give the Media a little insight while speaking under the condition of anonymity so some House Members Reactions will roll in over the next few Days.

White House Communications Director Christina Pushaw notified the Press & Media for the Public swearing-in of Attorney General Barbara Lagoa this evening. The Swearing-In will commence at 8pm ET on Tuesday, February 25th 2025 in the East Room of the White House after a private swearing-in during an AM Ceremony in the Hoover Building.

And with that I am throwing it back to President Stanton Wink
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« Reply #153 on: September 20, 2022, 12:19:35 PM »

Noel Francisco,  Solicitor General of the United States, under President Donald Trump was nominated as Deputy Attorney General by President DeSantis on February 7th, 2025, the same day that newly confirmed Attorney General Barbara Lagoa , his nomination was not widely covered by the media and as such he went through a relatively seemless and smooth confirmation process, as his appointment was seen as less political than the Lagoa nomination. Francisco assumed his duties on the February 18, 2025 and has been serving as Acting Attorney General since then. Despite efforts by Senator, yes you guessed it Elizabeth Warren to hold up the nomination, Senate majority leader John Cornyn , who's said to be losing patience with the antics of Warren , has taken to ensuring that there's enough votes available to invoke closure at at moments notice, so much so that Warren got into a verbal spat with  Majority Whip, John Thune, the normally mild mannered Thune , quipped "Why don't you go back to the reservation Pocahontas?" (This is the nickname which right-wing trolls refer to Warren as). Left wing media types such as Mika Brzezinski, Alex Wagner and Lawrence O'Donnell reacted with outrage to what was viewed as racial slur. Both most figures in right-wing media such as Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt and Sean Hannity, made light of the furor. When asked to for a response  to the comment  made by Thune,  White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany dismissed the incident as "much ado about nothing". Thune offered an apology to Warren for his outburst, but warned the Massachusetts lawmaker, your antics will no longer be indulged.
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« Reply #154 on: September 20, 2022, 04:01:59 PM »
« Edited: September 20, 2022, 07:44:03 PM by 2016 »


This is an early based America's Choice 2026 Senate Map based on what @SaintStan86 has given me. As you can see the Democrats have already being put on Defense in New Hampshire & Georgia, both Democratic-held Seats because of the Intentions by New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu & former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #155 on: September 20, 2022, 04:32:03 PM »

Tuesday February 25 2025
The former Florida Supreme Court Justice (served from January 9th 2018 to December 6th 2019) & Federal Judge for United States Court of Appeals for the 11th District (December 6th 2019 to February 21st 2025) was sworn in as 87th Attorney General of the United States of America at a private Ceremony in the Hoover Building this morning with Vice President Nikki Haley administering the Oath of Office.

BARBARA LAGOA will take a ceremonial Public Oath of Office inside the White House at around 20.00 Local Time tonight.

All yours now President Stanton!
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« Reply #156 on: September 20, 2022, 07:16:22 PM »

Wow @2016, that Senate map doesn't look too friendly to  Democrats , I could see a net gain of +1 for Republicans , the reason I say this,  is that if Susan Collins does decide to call it a day, then I could imagine a Democrat pick up is on the card's. That being said besides Georgia Duncan and New Hampshire Sununu , Virginia might reveal a surprise, especially if Sears holds the Governorship this fall, which very likely, then Republican's will be tempted to target  Warner . These are the state's which seem to be target rich opportunities in this and next year's election cycles.



BAIER: Hi Everyone, this is Bret Baier,  reporting live, we will be covering this momentous event, in which recently installed Attorney General Barbara Lagoa will take the oath as this nation's eighty-seventh Attorney General, in taking this office, she will be only the third woman in history to assume this position, the other two were Janet Reno who served under President Bill Clinton,  you will remember she had to oversee the appointment of Kenneth Starr as Special counsel to investigate the Whitewater affair. The other woman to hold the position was Loretta Lynch, who was Barack Obama's last Attorney General; she two had a controversial situation to deal with, which was Hillary Clinton's email server and was forced to recuse herself allowing FBI Director,James Comey to oversee that investigation. Britt Hume is here with me, Britt your thoughts?
Hume: I think Bret, that Judge Lagoa has a large inbox in her brief, which will to begin prosecuting the group's and individuals responsible for violating our immigration law's,  and from what I believe Lagoa, has been given carte blanche to pursue the narcotics cartels as well.
Baier: My apologies, Britt, but President DeSantis along with the Vice President and Judge Lagoa are approaching the lectern.
DeSantis: Good evening everyone, this a great day for America, I am proud to have at my side, woman who is one of the best legal mind's, this is not the first time, that I have appointed Judge Lagoa to a position, many of you will recall, that one of my first acts as Governor of Florida, was to ask Barbara Lagoa to serve on the state's Supreme Court, and here we are again six years later and with her Bible in hand! (Laughter).
I will say this,  the eleventh district court loss, is the Department of Justice's gain, and I know she will be a great Attorney General. (Applause).
Vice President Haley then steps forward, and nods at Lagoa, who with her husband holding the bible and surrounded by her children.
Haley: Judge,  are you prepared to take the oath?
Lagoa: I am.
Haley: Please place your hand on the bible and raise your hand and repeat after me.
I Barbara Lagoa do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully  support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Lagoa: I Barbara Lagoa do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Haley: That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
Lagoa: That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
Haley: That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
Lagoa: That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
Haley: And that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
Lagoa: And that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
Haley: So help you God.
Lagoa: So help me God.
(Loud Applause and cheers)
Vice President Haley with a wide beam written on her face, ladies and gentlemen, I have the high honor and privilege, to introduce our nation's Attorney General, Barbara Lagoa.
(More Applause and cheers). The Attorney General finished hugging her husband and children, before stepping forward in front on the lectern.
Lagoa: Wow! Thank you everyone, I thought for a while I wouldn't locate my bible. (Laughter and Applause). Madam Vice President thank you for making sure I tool the oath. (Applause).
Mr. President, again I would like to thank you, for the tremendous faith you have placed in me. (Applause).
We have both have had an amazing journey to be here, it shows the majesty and boundless possibility of a country,  that the child of immigration can achieve success through diligence and effort. I am grateful to be living in a country where such dreams are possible. (Applause).
However, as I prepare to assume the responsibilities of being this nation's Chief law enforcement officer, I am mindful of other immigrants who are victimized by smugglers and predator drug gangs. I can pledge this, these criminal's will have their day, when they are subject to the rigors of the American legal system and justice deserved, will be served (Applause).
For too long, our Southern border has been neglected and this has allowed the influx of migrants who are never processed legally and therefore are not allowed the protections of a system that will and should afford them the same dignity and peace of mind, we as citizens take for granted (Applause).
We have to secure our border and reform our system of immigration and naturalization and to that end, I will ensure the law is enforced with fairness. (Applause).
The Department of Justice in a DeSantis administration with restore faith to due process and there will be no abuses under my watch. (Applause).
Thank you again Mr. President and to quote one of our past President's, "Let us Begin" (Applause).
Baier: Well there you have it folk's, we have an Attorney General.
With me in the studio, is of course Britt Hume alo with Tom Bevan, Co founder, Real Clear Politics;  Amy Walter, National Editor, "Cook Political Report; Kimberly Strassel, Member of the editorial board, at the Wall Street Journal.
So let's bring in our panel, Kimberly  Strassel,  your thoughts.
Strassel: Well my first thought, is Ron DeSantis is probably happier tonight, he has the Attorney General he would prefer over Ted Cruz. He knows Lagoa from his time as Governor of Florida, and she has a superb grasp of our law.
Baier : One of the things which the Attorney General spoke of, is that the predator gangs who exploit migrants, will be pursued with full vigor. It appears that the administration is focusing more on the causes of the migrant crisis and seeking a remedy to cure those causes, a completely different tack than the Trump administration.
Walter : I think the DeSantis administration is signalling it's intent not to target migrants, but rather those who exploit them, they are aware I think, the problem and their causes are not that simple, that is why the Vice President will spearhead the administration's efforts to solve the Border crisis.
Baier: Tom Bevan, you were looking at the tableau in the East Room, what did you take away. Well the first thing, is that they had a bible (Laughter). Seriously though, the President is more clued into the issues that will come to dominate the national discussion over the next few months. It will be interesting to see what is unveiled in his speech to congress tomorrow night, but he's likely setting the terms of the debate for the foreseeable future. He understands one thing, above all else, he has the mandate and the political muscle to flex as well.
Baier : Interesting, but before we go, Britt Hume your final thoughts on tonight?
Hume Yes Bret, Someone once said, "You can't fight something, with nothing!", and from what I have seen since the DeSantis inauguration over a month ago, Democrats have nothing to say, except the Border situation is all made up, It seems the party's mindset hasn't changed since Joe Biden sent Kamala Harris to address whatever problem he believed existed, and apparently she was unable to recognize what has become a steadily worsening situation. To his credit, the President is seizing the initiative and wants to tackle a situation, that Democrats fail to see is urgent. Its nearly a decade since Donald Trump, asked "What the hell is going on?" I think we will soon get our answer and hopefully a solution. Bret.
Baier Join us tomorrow night, as we cover the President's address to a joint session of Congress.
Thanks for watching Special Report, I'm Bret Baier here in Washington. Jesse Watters now ready to paddle his way through "PRIMETIME". Hey Jesse.


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« Reply #157 on: September 20, 2022, 07:26:03 PM »


This is an early based America's Choice 2026 Senate Map based on what @SaintStan86 has given me. As you can see the Democrats have already being put on Defense in New Hampshire & Georgia, both Democratic-held Seats because of the Intentions by New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu & former Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan.
@2016, Washington State has a Senate contest in 2026? 2024 yes, and 2028 definitely. But I'm sure nothing is happening in Washington State. Otherwise brilliant map.
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« Reply #158 on: September 20, 2022, 07:37:00 PM »

@President Stanton,
That Interview with CoS Byron Donalds on MTP was really amazing. I couldn't have drawn up a better one. I likened the Balanced Budget Amendment Talk. That will probably one of the big topics in the Presidents Address to Congress.
Kate Bedingfield saying a Democrat should have been appointed as Attorney General ought to be a bit of a joke though.

I can't wait for his Address!
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« Reply #159 on: September 20, 2022, 07:55:47 PM »

I think Collins will retire. In such a big R caucus, she doesn't have much sway anymore. A replacement by Jared Golden is probably in the cards.
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« Reply #160 on: September 20, 2022, 08:01:05 PM »

@2016, well I gotta say, the team effort is essential and you are helping make this a great TL! As for MTP,  I am familiar with the cadence and speaking style of Chuck Todd, when you watch MTP, which is a great show as well, then Todd is easy. Byron Donalds was a whole  different proposition, a tad more tricky, so winging it was the best option available. Your input is very helpful in how the story of this TL evolves, keeps it honest. Whatever you do, it works and keeps things sharp.
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« Reply #161 on: September 20, 2022, 08:10:21 PM »

I think Collins will retire. In such a big R caucus, she doesn't have much sway anymore. A replacement by Jared Golden is probably in the cards.
You are probably right, Pinigree has had her chance, she blew it in the 2024 cycle, Jared Golden presence would ensure a  Democratic pick-up.
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« Reply #162 on: September 21, 2022, 11:14:12 AM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 07:19:05 PM by 2016 »

Wednesday February 26 2025
It's a big Day for President RON DESANTIS! The President will address Congress and in fact the Nation for the first time since his Inaugural Address on January 20 2025 charting & outlining the pathway forward for the next twelve months.
  • CNN will start its Special Coverage at 8pm ET, one hour before President DeSantis speaks with Anchors Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper & Wolf Blitzer together with their Political Team consisting of Dana Bash, Gloria Borger and Political/Polling Director David Chalian (It will be the Final Time Wolf Blitzer will anchor a big Political Event as he heads officially into Retirement on Friday)
    It will be the first time new WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT CECILIA VEGA makes her debut on CNN with some in the News Media calling KAITLAN COLLINS/CECILIA VEGA the new Woman WH tandem.
  • CBS will start their Special Coverage as well at 8pm ET with CBS Evening News Anchor Norah O'Donnell, John Dickerson, Major Garrett and FACE THE NATION Anchor Margaret Brennan
  • NBC will start at 8pm as well with Nightly News Anchor Lester Holt, TODAY SHOW Anchor Savannah Guthrie, Political Director & Moderator of MEET THE PRESS Chuck Todd leading the Team off with Andrea Mitchell, Nicolle Wallace & former Biden Communications Director Kate Bedingfield weighing in.
  • ABC will start their Special Program at 6pm ET with World News Anchor David Muir leading off the Networks Coverage. He will be joined by George Stephanopoulos, Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz, ABC NEWS LIVE ANCHOR Linsey Davis, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie with new White House Correspondent John Harwood & Congressional Correspondent Mary Bruce reporting from the White House & Capitol respectivly.
  • Finally the FOX NEWS NETWORK will also start their Coverage at 6pm ET with Special Report Anchor BRET BAIER leading the Team off. He will be joined by MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS SUNDAY ANCHOR SHANNON BREAM, Fox News Senior Political Analyst BRIT HUME as well as former White House Press Secretary under George W. Bush DANA PERINO and newly installed Political Director BILL HEMMER weighing in. The Network will also be joined by SANDRA SMITH, JOHN ROBERTS and Political Contributors HAROLD FORD JR, KATIE PAVLICH to give their thoughts & experties.
    White House Correspondents Peter Doocy & Jacqui Heinrich will report from the WH while Chad Pergram & Mike Emanuel will report from Capitol Hill.

The White House announces that Secretary of Defense KENNETH BRAITHWAITE has been selected as the „CABINET-MEMBER DESIGNATE“ for tonights Presidential Address to Congress, will watch President DeSantis' Speech from a secret location.
Since the horrible Attacks on the World Trade Center & the Pentagon on September 11 2001 every White House is required to designate a Cabinet Member to a secret location who will not attend Joint Session of Congress Speeches by the President such as tonight or State of the Union Speeches. Tonight that will be Pentagon Chief Kenneth Braithwaite.

Sources close to the White House saying when it comes to National Security PRESIDENT DESANTIS is expected to issue a DEFIANT WARNING to China President Xi Jingping when it comes to Taiwan and other National Security matters concerning the two Countries, the United States and China.

Jake Tapper: We just received some News on some of the Topics President DeSantis will touch tonight in his Speech to Congress:

  • Border Security/Immigration Reform
  • National Security/China/Russia
  • Economy/National Depth/Balanced Budget
  • COVID-Endemic/Other Executive Orders he already took as President

And with that I am throwing it to President Stanton for the Coverage & President DeSantis 1st Speech to Congress.
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« Reply #163 on: September 21, 2022, 09:00:50 PM »
« Edited: September 22, 2022, 07:31:32 AM by PRESIDENT STANTON »

Wednesday February 26, 2025.
The 8:30 hour,
Fox News Coverage of the President's address to the Congress.

Baier: Hi this is Bret Baier here in Washington, joined by Shannon Bream and we will be covering the president's upcoming message to congress, I am joined by Dana Perino, and the rest of our all-star panel, including Harold Ford, Britt Hume; Bill Hemmer, Martha McCallum, John Roberts, Sandra Smith and Katie Pavlich.

On Capitol Hill we have Mike Emanuel and Merv Bergram welcome all, before we talk, I am going to Peter Doocy and Jaqui Heinrich, our White House Correspondents who are standing by. Peter what can you tell us from where you are?
Doocy: Hi Bret, well as you can see the President and First Lady haven't emerged to the waiting Limousine, and from what I am hearing the president was still in the Oval office still putting some final touches to the speech, from what I already know, the President is behind schedule.

Baier: Jacqui Heinrich, you have some news?
Heinrich: I have Bret, just heard a few minutes ago, we were informed by Communications Director, Christina Pushaw that included in the speech, is a clear message to Beijing regarding Taiwan, it appears that President DeSantis wants to lay down a marker with Xi Jinping regarding the status of Taiwan.
Baier: If this is true, we are going into unknown territory, John Roberts, your reaction to hearing this.
Roberts: No surprise here, we know that DeSantis is not someone who minces his words and I guess he wanted to take an opportunity to inform Beijing, that they are no longer dealing with an administration that will talk tough, but let's things slide. I guess he needs to put it out there.
Heinrich: Hold on Bret, as I just said, yes here he comes, yes with the First Lady and they
have disappeared into the Limousine.
From what I can see and our viewer's can see, is that the President is engrossed in the speech. From what I hear, he will keep working on the speech right up to the final minute. Well now the limousine is departing the White House for the ride to the Capitol. Bret back to you.
(Split screen: The House chamber, which is filling up with Senator's and Congresspersons
Baier: Thank you Peter, well as you can see the House chamber as every member wants to get prime position, in order that their voters will get a chance to see them trying to exchange handshakes with the President.
We have Mike Emanuel, our Capitol Hill Correspondent,  Mike what's the mood there?
Emanuel: Anticipation and excitement,  I spoke with Michele Tafoya of Minnesota and she was in high spirits.
(Clip of exchange between Emanuel and Tafoya)

Baier: Well in a few moments the President should arriving, Chad Pergram, have you spoken to any of the Congressional leadership regarding the speech, particularly the Taiwan

Pergram: Very little opportunity, it has been a hive of activity here all day, everyone is energized after the break in Virginia Beach over the weekend.
Baier: Thank you Merv and Mike, we will be back with you after the speech to get reactions and thoughts.
I'm here with the panel, a President's speech to congress is the stuff of high drama, what do you expect?
Hemmer: Well it is something that is awaited with anticipation and tonight is no different, but I expect that the President will be focused on achieving his one primary objective tonight, which is to outline what his administration will do about the Border, but I also believe that besides the balanced budget amendment proposal. the bulk of the speech will also be given over to education. However the Taiwan piece is something no one was expecting.
Baier: Martha, I understand he's including education in the speech, would there be a reason for this.
McCallum: There is linkage between how education trumps crime, and the crime which is a symptom of the influx of drugs from the southern border, I think politically it might not mean much in the immediate, but you improve education and ensure the availability of knowledge, then the social problems caused by drugs and the drug gangs can be addressed. It will take time, but I think the president believes you have to start somewhere.
Baier: Sandra Smith, what's your expectations
Smith: If the President knocks it out of the ball-park, then the rest will come easy. Remember if his party has solid majorities in both houses, but I wonder if pivoting to Taiwan helps with the Border security and immigration aspect.
Baier: Sorry to interrupt you, Sandra, I can see that the President and First Lady have arrived at the East Front of the Capitol, I can also see that the Supreme Court are being escorted to their seats, they will be followed by the President's cabinet in a short while.

Mike Emanuel, is it true that the Secretary of Defense, Kenneth Braithwaite is the only cabinet member who will be absent tonight?
Emanuel: That is true Bret, as is customary, one member of the President's cabinet pulls the short straw and tonight, it happens to be Kenneth Braithwaite, he is what is termed as the "Designated Survivor", just in case something like what happened in the series of that same name were to occur tonight.
Baier: The First Lady has arrived into gallery. Everyone is breaking into applause.
Well I can see the House of Representatives
Sergeant at Arms, Paul Irving is standing at the entrance to the House chamber, is about to announce the President.
"Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States"
Thunderous applause and cheers as President DeSantis made his way into the Chamber, he reached to shake the many outstretched hands. The progress was slow and eventually DeSantis reached the dais.
(Cheering Continued).
DeSantis handed up two identical brown leather folders to Vice President Haley and Speaker of the House, Steve Scalise who were standing and applauding the President.
A few moments later, the Speaker rapped his gavel and announced, "I have the high honor and distinct pleasure of introducing the President of the United States.
Sustained Applause and Cheering resumed. The president could be seeing mouthing the word's"Thank you".
Soon everyone had resumed their seats.
Speech to Congress by President DeSantis (see Text) in next post.
Baier: Well there you have it, the President's first message to Congress. Katie Pavlich, what did you think of it?
Pavlich: I thought it was a stunning speech, especially on the matter of Taiwan, it was
direct and leaves Beijing with very little doubt regarding Taiwan, it was in sharp contrast to the mixed messages given by Biden to Russia on Ukraine three years ago or even George Bush and Iraq over Kuwait in 1990.
However didn't give too much details on the Border situation, long on rhetoric, but short on specifics.
Baier: As we see the President makes slow progress out of the house chamber, Harold Ford, your thoughts.
Ford: I have to disagree with Katie,  I believe the President offered an outline on his intentions regarding the Border, I think it will be up to Haley, Gimenez and Lagoa to flesh out the policy and other aspects of the changes that the President wants to put in place.
Baier: Martha, you were telling us before the speech, that the education proposals are a part of a larger strategy
McCallum: I think so, Bret, I think by the reforming education system an strengthening standards, it's the building block to ensure that students don't fall through the cracks.
Baier: Dana Perino, you once worked for George W. Bush, similarities and differences?
Perino: I think the DeSantis administration is setting down a marker, that education can make a difference, on Border security, he needs to have the information on how to address the vulnerabilities in how we enforce security, Immigration reform, but I think this administration has a better handle on things as we stand. He's being ambitious, but not too ambitious.
Baier: Britt Hume, what is your take on the Taiwan section of the speech?
Hume: I think it really will create renewed tensions with Beijing, not that there isn't any already, however he very skillfully weaved our values and our nation being a beacon for those who want to make this country their home, very different to the sledgehammer manner of Trump's engagement with other nations and on the home front.
Baier: Well we are now going to Annapolis, to hear the Democratic response to the DeSantis speech, it will be given by Governor Westley Moore of Maryland.

Moore: Good evening, fellow Americans, a few minutes ago, we heard the President's speech. While the goals he spoke about were lofty, he didn't talk about those who have already fallen through the cracks.
These are the people that the administration needs to invest their time and energy in.
The President's speech was focused on a border situation, while serious, the nature of the problems at the southern border are not as serious as the President claims. In fact the figures are not as high as we have been told. There are problems more serious in our back yard, yet the President proposes to freeze government spending levels. Who suffers? Those who are on the margins of society,
while at the same time he proposes increases in teacher's pay, but what about public school spending? Will public schools be ignored?
The president spoke much about enforcing law's, but tends to overlook the areas of policing, where racial profiling seems predominant.
We all agree that problems exist, but the president focuses his attention on the wrong problems. To conclude, the President suggested we should begin, I agree, but let us begun in dealing with the problems right here at our front door, thank you and God bless the United States"
Baier: Well there you heard Governor Westley Moore of Maryland with the Democratic response to the President's speech. Harold Ford as a Democrat,  what is your response.
Ford: Moore unfortunately is an example of my party's current policy orientation, more about ignoring the problems that have become too large to ignore, nothing about balancing our budget and what Democrats  need to do and certainly he minmized the border situation, same old, same old. Also the fact that Moore never once mentioned anything about Taiwan, is troubling. I had expected that bipartisan support should have been offered
Baier: Dana Perino, this speech will be dissected and polled. What was your big takeaway?
Perino:The DeSantis speech did deal with the border crisis and he pointed out the possible remedies he envisaged. I would have discussed the Border wall and even hinted, that it was a last resort.
However, the Taiwan part of the speech will dominate our news cycle for the next few day's.
Baier: Thank you Dana, this is just coming in, and a reaction from Beijing, the statement from China's foreign ministry, it reads "China expects the United States to refrain in its internal affairs and threats by the United States will be viewed as just threats".
Wow! Sandra Smith, what does this statement say to you?
Smith: Obviously China might assume DeSantis is bluffing and if they did move against Taiwan, which they regard as a province of the mainland, DeSantis would ultimately do nothing.
Baier: John Roberts, apart from the Taiwan passage of the speech, what was the big takeaway?
Roberts: overall, the speech communicated the administration's intentions on both border security, immigration and the balanced budget. As for Moore, I think he was speaking to a different audience and not those who are concerned about the issues the President raised.
Baier: last but not least, Dana Perino, your opinion on both speeches?
Perino: I think DeSantis was big on rhetoric and if you were expecting more details on Border security, you were going to be sorely disappointed. As for Moore, he could have acknowledged the seriousness of the Border situation, he chose not to. If Democrats want to be competitive with Republican's they'll need to offer solutions and not dismiss it out of hand. Also I think that there was nothing said about Taiwan, suggests to me, that Moore didn't have much an opportunity to process in his mind, a response on Taiwan.
Baier: Before we go, Mike Emanuel, what has the reaction been on the speech at the Capitol.
Emanuel: You can say unanimity, at least from Republican's, he hit out of the ball-park tonight, especially with the Taiwan part of the speech, Democrats while being critical on the Border issue, praised the President for taking such a strong line with China. One Democratic lawmaker, Senator Gary Peters of Michigan, you recall he was Kamala Harris's running mate in last year's presidential election, told me that he thought DeSantis needed to make it clear to China on Taiwan. You can bet Bret, even Democrats will applaud DeSantis for his speech on Taiwan. Bret back to you.
Baier: We are going to Jacqui Heinrich at the White House, anything going on there yet?
Heinrich: Well the President and First Lady are still at the Capitol, but Peter went into the White House to find out if there's any reaction from the public, Christina Pushaw, the Communications Director and Joe Gruters received the latest snap poll, and there's a 67% favorable response on the President's speech. Apparently the public, really liked what he had to say. However, it has been confirmed in the past few minutes, that the President will travel tomorrow to Arizona after a brief stopover in Peoria, Illinois.
Baier: Well thank you everyone and thanks to our viewer's, I think this speech will be the subject on everyone's mind tomorrow morning and very likely on Sean's mind, so I'm going to hand you over to Sean Hannity for a double edition of Hannity.

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« Reply #164 on: September 21, 2022, 09:01:40 PM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 09:15:58 PM by PRESIDENT STANTON »

                               WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26 2025

Madam President, Mr. Speaker, Clergy and guests, over a month ago upon assuming the responsibilities of the office I now hold, I had in mind various goals in what we needed to achieve and have achieved, this includes executive orders which I signed with full effect and which not only removes the travel restrictions which had been imposed by the Covid-19 epidemic, allows the resumption of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and reinstates the Mexico City Policy (Applause).
I am happy to report through research, therapeutics and vaccines, which have been developed and have rendered the Covid-19 virus to be no more serious than the common cold and those freedoms we have for so long cherished, are once again a reality. (Applause)
We are a nation that cherishes the values of freedom to self expression, self determination and the ideals of democracy and the idea of self determination, these values are shared by nearly every country around the world, we also respect the idea that all nations regardless of their circumstances, have the right to exist and the freedom to determine their destinies, this includes Ukraine and of course Taiwan as well, for too long President Xi Jingping and the Beijing regime have concluded that Taiwan doesn't have the right to exist as a sovereign independent country, for too long President Xi Jingping and his comrades have concluded that the People's Republic of China can intimidate and hold hostage through endless war games and cyber attacks.
For too long President Xi Jingping has lived under the illusion that the United States will idly accept that his regime can and will dictate the destiny of Taiwan.
Let me make this unequivocally clear to Mr. Jingping, that Taiwan's rights to exist as a Democratic and sovereign country will be defended and protected by the United States. We saw what Russia tried to do to Ukraine three year's ago, for that reason, Taiwan's will not share Ukraine's fate (Standing Ovation and cheers).
For that reason Beijing cannot expect that the United States will tolerate any attack on Taiwan. (Applause and cheers).
For that reason, I urge Beijing to respect Taiwan's sovereign rights (Applause).
The United States prefers the path of peace and expects other countries to exist respecting international norms.
Another country which has violated international law and violated international norms, is Russia. Exactly three years ago Moscow invaded a neighboring sovereign country, and since then Ukraine has resisted Russia's efforts to annex and subjucate their country. We will continue to render both military and economic assistance and with the help of our NATO allies, will continue to assist Ukraine from Vladimir Putin's jackboot. (Applause).
Our nation's history is colored by conflict, but not out of aggression, instead out of a necessity to preserve our national security and the ideals upon which our country was founded. (Applause).
It is because of these values, our nation serves as a beacon for people who seek shelter, however, while we welcome immigration, we do not welcome bad actors crossing our borders to abuse our ideals or are open society. (Applause)
it is important to remind those who do not share our values and abuse those of us who do.
We read about and see illegal immigration taking place along a southern border, that is no longer protected in a way, that ensures we do not have to endure an endless influx of people who haven't been vetted by our immigration service.
Inefficiencies exist in our immigration system that is no longer able to cope with the influx
that continues. This will and has to stop (Applause)
Therefore I propose a plan that will include a reform of our immigration system and fixing our broken border security. (Applause).
These twin problems have revealed a system which is now incapable of addressing a migrant situation and a border which doesn't fulfil its function. (Applause).
Debate and politics have for too long prevented us from addressing an ongoing crisis. However, changes will and can be made.(Applause)
With this in mind, a plan to bring a resolution to this problem will be implemented, this plan has a two-pronged strategy.
The first part of this strategy, was the appointment of Vice President Nikki Haley, to be our nation's Border Security Coordinator, her task will be to conduct a comprehensive investigation on ways on repairing the outstanding problems and issues that currently exist.
The objective will be to ensure that our Southern border is ultimately secured. (Applause)
Any and all workable recommendations, will be administered and executed by those agencies presently responsible for our border security.
The second part of this strategy, will be to overhaul our immigration system, improve existing operations and guidelines, again this is a process that will be under the supervision of the Vice President.(Applause)
It should be noted, that in the past few day's, I met members of the Congressional leadership, and besides their involvement in talks, I was glad to have met individual Senator's and Congressman from the Democratic party, who see the need to fix these problems and want to harness their energies for the common good. (Applause).
Now many who are watching tonight, will question the rationale in adding another level of bureaucracy to solve what can solved by just applying existing law's with more rigor? My answer is this, those existing law's do not work and are insufficient in tackling what is a worsening immigration problem. (Applause)
Through legislation and recommended remedies, we, I'm confident will eliminate the immigration and Border Security issue once and for all. (Sustained applause and cheers)
As you are all aware our southern border crisis, is not just caused by an endless influx of migrants, who seek a better life, in the same way that our forefathers travelled from far different lands for a better life.
We need to have a system that ensure, that those who came for a better life and wish to follow a better path, they have the opportunity to do so. (Applause)
This is now the exception, rather than the rule.
That is why we need to make some overdue changes, this is because everyone knows that there are problems created by a border that has insufficient protections.
These include an tenfold increase in criminal activity, this includes human trafficking, drug and narcotics trafficking, as well as gang activities in our cities and towns, the intention of my administration, will to bring a halt to this kind of activity once and for all. (Applause).
This nation has a new Attorney General.(Applause and cheers)
With the Department of Justice now under new leadership, I have full confidence with Barbara Lagoa overseeing our law enforcement agencies and in coordination with our new Secretary of Homeland Security, Carlos Gimenez, that the day of the human trafficker and the drug cartels are done. (Applause).
As I said on many occasions during the time I sought the office I now hold, we need to address our spending habits and one way to do this, is to enact a balanced budget amendment. (Applause)
I ask this of you, how has it become the habit of our political class, both past and present to spend money we really don't have? It is quite simply not good practice to assume that such habits can't continue unabated, we need and must change these habits and do so now. (Applause)
We can do such a thing, by passing legislation that allows the state's to ratify and pass a constitutional amendment that requires and forces the government to enact spending limits. (Applause)
To do this,  will require all of us to make some tough choices and changes on how we do our business, the intent of all of us, should be to reduce the size, scope and influence of government. (Applause)
So tonight I call upon you to accept that changes will be required and necessary and with that intent, I will freeze any increases in expenditures throughout the federal government. (Applause)
During the last number of year's, I and you the people who elected me, have been led to believe by certain interests, that law enforcement was an unacceptable evil, but let us collectively recognize that federal, state and local law enforcement are the primary protectors of the health, safety and welfare of everyone in this great land of ours. (Applause)
However we have to accept that law enforcement under certain circumstances is not perfect and in everything that is imperfect, it is imperative that we allow our better angels to encourage changes and reform. (Applause)
There is a reason why there has been a break down in law and order, and it is this, our education system is inadequate in dealing with the changes that have occurred on a global scale.
With this in mind there is one thing we must remember of above all else, and it is that we mustn't forget that we have opportunities to begin making those changes necessary these will include.
Putting students, families and teacher's first, this means investments in our nation's education system. (Applause)
I am calling on the congress to secure a higher per pupil total of $7, 793 per student, that would be a weekly increase on the current rate of $137. (Applause)
We have to secure an even higher K-12, with $122.5 Billion in federal, state and local funding, including $5 Billion for mental health initiatives.(Applause)
This was done in Florida, and therefore we can do likewise on a national scale. (Applause)
But education is not just about students, its about teachers and standards in teaching.
Education should be the silver bullet to make possibilities accessible and to do this, we need to have to best tools in our arsenal, one of these, to have the best teacher's. (Applause)
We need to raise pay for teacher's, therefore I propose that congress make available $25 Billion for teacher salary and provide raises for veteran teacher's and other instructional personnel, thus ensuring that we can attract the best and the brightest. (Applause)
I also propose that an additional $5 Billion in funding to support teacher's bonuses and professional development in computer science. (Applause)
There should also be an expansion of school choice options for students. (Applause)
Also, I am asking the congress to make available an Family Empowerment Scholarship, and enable 300,000 students an opportunity to enroll in such a program. (Applause)
The elimination of common core from our nation's classrooms and replaced with a new B.E.S.T. (Benchmark for Excellent Student Thinking. (Applause)
Along with this, I am requesting that congress establish a National Civics and Debate Initiative (N.C.D.I.), through a partnership between the Department of Education and the Marcus Foundation, to elevate civic knowledge, civic skills and civic disposition for middle and high school students. (Applause)
This initiative would include a multi year grant from this foundation, would promote the expansion of middle and high school debate and speech programs to all our nation's public school districts and support for high class teachers that are catalysts for students becoming great students who can preserve our constitutional republic for future generations. (Sustained Applause)
I am happy to announce that the First Lady, will be establishing a partnership between the Department of Education and various non governmental groups to provide 50,000 to our nation's children in foster care, who need a mobile technology device, such as a laptop or notebook to assist in addressing the unique challenges to educational stability that these students confront. (Sustained applause and a standing ovation).
We need to understand, that while the road we choose to travel, will present many obstacles and that the changes I propose will not come easy or without their own set of problems, we need to move forward, with this one refrain, Let us Begin! Thank you and God bless the United States of America.

(Standing  ovation and sustained applause)
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« Reply #165 on: September 22, 2022, 04:12:00 AM »

DeSantis's education proposal was remarkably decent.

Will he pass Rubio's child tax credit or Romney's child allowance? That seems like a good way to eliminate wasteful spending while still keeping the poor people among the base happy.
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« Reply #166 on: September 22, 2022, 04:44:03 AM »

@Unwarranted Self-Victimizer, I could imagine he will, the Rubio and Romney items are likely being costed by Peterson and McCormick, they take care of some of the wasteful aspects of spending, the freeze on spending, gives DeSantis the flexibility he needs. Also he would likely want win kudos from the poorer members of his base. I think the Taiwan 🇹🇼 piece, will essentially ensure Democrats are marginalized on several fronts.
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« Reply #167 on: September 22, 2022, 07:50:50 AM »
« Edited: September 22, 2022, 01:41:43 PM by 2016 »

Thursday February 27 2025
This Morning on ABC'S GOOD MORNING AMERICA Arizona Senators Mark Kelly & Kyrsten Sinema confirmed to Robin Roberts & George Stephanopoulos, standing side-by-side in the Capitol Rotunda that they would travel with President DeSantis to their Home State of Arizona later today.
Kyrsten Sinema: We were given an advanced Invitation by the White House on Monday so we knew what was coming. We did not say anything because we did not want to preempt the Presidents' Speech to Congress yesterday night which I personally think was a very good one.
Mark Kelly: When we had the first formal talks on Border Security & Immigration Reform on February 12 I was pleading with the WH to visit the border as soon as practically possible. It's always better when you see for yourself with your own eyes what's happening.
George Stephanopoulos: We've heard a lot of rhetoric last Night from the President when it comes to border security but very few specifics. Isn't that just kicking the can down the road?
Kyrsten Sinema: I don't think so George. The President has put 3 very qualified people in charge of border security with VP Haley, Homeland Secretary Gimenez and AG Lagoa. Think about this: VP Haley is a Daughter of Indian Immigrants. She understands the subject of Immigration. I couldn't think of a more qualified person to be in charge of such a Team.
Mark Kelly: I agree with Kyrsten! Also, George as President you can't just put everything in one basket. You have a lot of other important things to cover and in my opinion past Presidents have overloaded themselves and often lost sight of the bigger picture. Former President Biden tried to change that by putting former VP Harris in charge of the border. Unfortunately for all of us she wasn't up to the job and I think VP Haley will be.
George Stephanopoulos: Thank You both Senators!

Meanwhile the Governors Office of Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs released a Statement that she won't be able to attend the Presidents Visit.

President DeSantis as well as Senators Sinema & Kelly will be greeted by other Arizona Officeholders though.

Around Midday on Thursday Vice President Haley's Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham confirmed to CNN that the Vice President Haley is planning to tour the Border next week with the State & Date to be determined alongside Homeland Secretary Gimenez & Attorney General Lagoa.

Arizona Senators Sinema & Kelly, awaiting the arrival of President DeSantis at Joint Base Andrews briefly talked with Reporters and fired back at Schumer with Sinema claiming quote "The Senate Minority Leader has not visisted the Southern Border in 10 years. If my memory is correct the last time he did it was when former President Obama was still President. I am sure you have some fact checkers to check it.". Senator Kelly was seen noding his head in Approval.

Afternoon of Thursday February 27 2025
While President DeSantis was on his way to Arizona via Illinois House Speaker Steve Scalise announced that the House will begin fomal Talks with the Presidents' Economic Team including Treasury Secretary David McCormick, Chairman of the Council on National Economic Advisors Stephen Moore and the Director of the Office of Management & Budget Pete Peterson.
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« Reply #168 on: September 22, 2022, 09:12:01 AM »

I feel like DeSantis is stepping into a huge minefield by trying to deal with immigration. The Republican base (i.e the voters that elected him) want to get rid immigration altogether, while the donors who donated to him want more, cheap immigrants. He can't please both groups simulteanously.

If I were him, I'd have picked a different issue (maybe something like police reform, which actually can be done bipartisan, if DeSantis is interested in sending a proposal. Someone like Tim Scott could draft it, and someone like Anthony D'Esposito or Andrew Garbarino could introduce it in the House, and possibly someone like Kyrsten Sinema or Daniel Cameron could introduce it in the Senate.)..
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #169 on: September 22, 2022, 10:05:00 AM »

I feel like DeSantis is stepping into a huge minefield by trying to deal with immigration. The Republican base (i.e the voters that elected him) want to get rid immigration altogether, while the donors who donated to him want more, cheap immigrants. He can't please both groups simulteanously.

If I were him, I'd have picked a different issue (maybe something like police reform, which actually can be done bipartisan, if DeSantis is interested in sending a proposal. Someone like Tim Scott could draft it, and someone like Anthony D'Esposito or Andrew Garbarino could introduce it in the House, and possibly someone like Kyrsten Sinema or Daniel Cameron could introduce it in the Senate.)..
DeSantis won 48 % of the Hispanic Vote during the 2024 Presidential Election. Minefield or not he had to deal with that Issue given the support he got.
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« Reply #170 on: September 22, 2022, 10:24:37 AM »

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 27 2025: SENATE MINORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER SLAMS KELLY & SINEMA AS TURN COATS OVER THERE WILLINGNESS TO BREAK BREAD WITH DESANTIS ON BORDER: Schumer: Held an impromptu press conference  at the Capitol, around midday,  and stated the following "This whole Border 'Crisis' drama has been manufactured by the White House in order to deflect and distract from more important issues....frankly President DeSantis wasn't elected, just to 'fix' the border, which as many of us know is already:
Mike Emanuel, (Fox News correspondent, Capitol Hill): So Senator what you're telling everyone that the Border situation isn't serious?
Schumer: I never said the border security situation wasn't serious, I just...
Chad Pergram: In fact you did Senator, you said and I will quote you, "The whole border crisis drama has been manufactured by the White House to distract and deflect from more important issues..". So Senator are you now claiming the Border Security situation has been manufactured?.
Schumer: Mike you're taking everything out of context.
Emanuel: So if the border crisis as you claim, was manufactured, why are Senator's Kelly and Sinema insist it is and has been a crisis for a very long time?
Schumer: Unfortunately both of those Senator's are betraying their other constituents to focus on matters which are not as serious as they claim they are?
Pergram: Senator, if things are not so serious as you claim, how come the President is travelling to Arizona to see what is going on?
Schumer: Maybe you should ask the president that question yourself Chad.
Pergram: I'm asking you Senator. By the way Senator, have you visited the border lately?
Schumer: No need to do so, things are okay there.
Unidentified Reporter: Thing's are okay there? According to who? Lawrence O'Donnell or maybe former Vice President Harris?
Schumer: Let's move on to other questions.
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« Reply #171 on: September 22, 2022, 11:14:23 AM »

I feel like DeSantis is stepping into a huge minefield by trying to deal with immigration. The Republican base (i.e the voters that elected him) want to get rid immigration altogether, while the donors who donated to him want more, cheap immigrants. He can't please both groups simulteanously.

If I were him, I'd have picked a different issue (maybe something like police reform, which actually can be done bipartisan, if DeSantis is interested in sending a proposal. Someone like Tim Scott could draft it, and someone like Anthony D'Esposito or Andrew Garbarino could introduce it in the House, and possibly someone like Kyrsten Sinema or Daniel Cameron could introduce it in the Senate.)..
Police reform? That's fodder for the Democratic base only, its not a vote getter if you are a Republican , Immigration reform and Border Security is a win/win for DeSantis and if he does it well, then sky's the limit. Police reform will likely be part of Lagoa's,  brief and when dealing with police reform, you're dealing with jurisdictional issues, municipal and states. Also the border security issue was one of the cornerstones of DeSantis's domestic agenda, whereas police reform would have been something that Harris would've tackled had she won, btw didn't see Biden do much about police reform on his watch, so why should DeSantis , it's not sexy enough!
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« Reply #172 on: September 22, 2022, 12:35:56 PM »
« Edited: September 23, 2022, 10:15:25 AM by PRESIDENT STANTON »

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 27 2025: DNC Chairman, Tim Ryan, while on CNN'S signature show, The Situation Room, hosted by Wolf Blitzer, criticized the choice of Westley Moore, the Governor of Maryland, "In hindsight, his (Moore's) response to the President's message to congress was stilted and didn't attempt to appeal to those voters we need win! He was preaching to the converted, our base!". When asked by Blitzer what he meant by Moore's failing to appeal to voter's? Ryan, indicated that, "He (Moore) has appeal, but he didn't deliver the message, I think we need to be communicating to those voters we lost last year...President DeSantis , unfortunately has a message and it resonates, the Governor (Moore) has a powerful life story to share, but for whatever reason, he was catering to the wing of our party that cost us the White House and control of Congress". The Democratic chairman was asked about Senator Schumer , didn't do himself any favors by attacking  two members of his caucus Kelly, Sinema. Its a case of a philosophy of "See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil" when it comes to the border. For the most part, a very vocal element in our party, refuse to accept some facts, particularly on the subject of our southern border and keep doubling down on denial and dismissing the warning signs"
White House source: Indicates that there was a very good reason why Defense Secretary, Kenneth Braithwaite was named "Designated Survivor", because he along with the Vice Chairman of the JCS, and Secretary of the Navy, were needed at the Pentagon for the purpose of planning for Taiwan contingency plans". The source refused to be drawn, when asked to expand on that reason.

President DeSantis visiting Border, he was accompanied by Senator's  Kelly and Sinema of Arizona, who travelled with the President, who was in campaign mode, as he reiterated the points he outlined in his message to congress the previous night. The president also put in a campaign appearance for former and potential future Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.
The president was also accompanied on his visits to Peoria in Illinois earlier and then Arizona.

Garcia, is a first generation American of Hispanic extraction, who came to prominence in May, 2020 after winning a special election to replace disgraced Katie Hill , who was forced to resign. Garcia is not expected to seek reelection and the reason maybe because he is eyeing the Governorship instead.

Michael Joseph "Mike" Garcia
Garcia was reelected in November 2020 and in every subsequent election, the most recent, last year. Garcia is a former Navy Pilot who served in Iraq. Before entering politics, he worked Raytheon Intelligence and Space. He lives in Santa Clara, with his wife (Rebecca, of 10 years) and their two children. He is a graduate of USNA Annapolis (BS) and Georgetown (MA)
If Garcia decides to seek the Republican nomination, the reason could because of his ethnicity and that California is likely to be in play next year. So far no Democrats have declared an interest to replace term-limited Governor Gavin Newsom.

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 2025: FOX NEWS ALERT, , Hi Folks, this is Bill Hemmer here, no sooner did the news break, that Mike Garcia,  was considering establishing an exploratory committee to see the Governorship of California, than there's now an announcement via twitter,  that Xavier Becerra,  former Secretary of Health and Human Services under President Joe Biden,  onetime Congressman and Attorney General of California, that he will be establishing an exploratory committee to seek the Governorship. Becerra is the first Democrat to declare an interest in the Governorship. There will be more details on Becerra's announcement, and who will be next to enter the contest, in Special Report, later on.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #173 on: September 22, 2022, 03:22:34 PM »
« Edited: September 22, 2022, 04:50:45 PM by 2016 »


Kay Ivey (R-Alabama)
Mike Dunleavy (R-Alaska)
Katie Hobbs (D-Arizona)
Sarah Huckabee-Sanders (R-Arkansas)
Gavin Newsom (D-California)
Jared Polis (D-Colorado)
Ned Lamont (D-Connecticut)
Ken Simpler (R-Delaware)
Jeanette Nuńez (R-Florida)
Brian Kemp (R-Georgia)
Josh Green (D-Hawaii)
Brad Little (R-Idaho)
J. B. Pritzker (D-Illinois)
Tom McDermott (D-Indiana)
Kim Reynolds (R-Iowa)
Derek Schmidt (R-Kansas)
Andy Beshear (D-Kentucky)
Jeff Landry (R-Louisiana)
Janet Mills (D-Maine)
Westley Moore (D-Maryland)
Maura Healey (D-Massachusetts)
Tudor Dixon (R-Michigan)
Tim Walz (D-Minnesota)
Tate Reeves (R-Mississippi)
Jason Kander (D-Missouri)
Greg Gianforte (R-Montana)
Jim Pillen (R-Nebraska)
Joe Lombardo (R-Nevada)
Chris Sununu (R-New Hampshire)
Phil Murphy (D-New Jersey)
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-New Mexico)
Kathy Hochul (D-New York)
Mark Robinson (R-North Carolina)
Doug Burgum (R-North Dakota)
Mike DeWine (R-Ohio)
Kevin Stitt (R-Oklahoma)
Christine Drazan (R-Oregon)
Doug Mastriano (R-Pennsylvania)
Dan McKee (D-Rhode Island)
Henry McMaster (R-South Carolina)
Larry Rhoden (R-South Dakota)
Bill Lee (R-Tennessee)
Greg Abbott (R-Texas)
Spencer Cox (R-Utah)
Phil Scott (R-Vermont)
Winsome Sears (R-Virginia)
Jay Inslee (D-Washington State)
Chris Miller (R-West Virginia)
Tim Michels (R-Wisconsin)
Mark Gordon (R-Wyoming)


Spokesperson for the RGA today announced that it will holds its Annual General Winter Meeting during the 2nd Week of March (7-9) in Los Angeles, California in another indication that the Golden State might be in play next year. It could also prove to be a boost for Rep. Young Kim, who announced an Exploratory Committee for a Governor Run a week ago. Sources say the leading Candidate to be elected RGA Chair appears to be newly elected North Carolina Governor Mark Robinson. Robinson though seems to have competition from two Women, Oregon Governor Christine Drazan and Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. Private Polling for the RGA shows Kim in a competitive Race against all Statewide Officeholders in CA with Governor Newsoms Job Approval Rating cratering down to 33 %, similarly what former Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had when he left Office in 2010.

Meanwhile their Democratic Counterparts, the DGA announced their Winter Meeting would be held in Detroit, Michigan from March 14-16 2025. A Spokesperson for the DGA said defeating Michigan Governor Tudor Dixon is a Top Priority in 2026. Early private Polling shows Dixon in a competitive Race against Secretary of State Joyceln Benson & Rep. Haley Stevens. The Polling however did show that former Governor Gretchen Whitmer would trail Dixon by high single to low double digits which might explain why Whitmer already announced that she would not seek a Rematch with Dixon.

Sources in New Mexico are claiming that with former President Trump not an immediate factor anymore and the Border Issue taking such a big role former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez might be looking at a Comeback. Other Candidates looking at the Race are Rep. Yvette Herrell and former New Mexico Lieutenant Governor John Sanchez. Current Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is termed out and cannot run for Re-Election.
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« Reply #174 on: September 22, 2022, 03:34:20 PM »
« Edited: September 22, 2022, 04:50:48 PM by Miz.Danielle TOZER »

 it. Inslee 2028. The Democrats have nothing to do and even less to lose.

EDIT: Though now that I think of it, we might wind up with a gubernatorial race between an establishment R and a complete nutcase, a la CA-SEN 2024 ITTL.
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