2025-29 -A Blank Canvas

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FYI If I were to describe the Michigan Democratic gubernatorial primary, I wouldn't be shocked if the local and national conservative media began referring to it as "the Karen Primary". Expect some Democrats to bemoan the lack of a "working man" in that primary, especially given that Gary Peters is running for reelection on the Senate side in that state and played strongly on whatever Dan Conner bonafides he may have stressed in the OG Black Canvas TL at Pine Knob.

Also will be curious to know how more recent political cause celebres of note - including the "Tennessee Three" and Dylan Mulvaney (who virtually no one outside of TikTok and Zoomer circles - myself included - knew about until (s)he was on Drew Barrymore's talk show last month) - will play into this timeline going forward.

Lastly, I wouldn't be shocked if Democrats started bringing up whatever environmental issues arose from Houston (especially given Houston being a hotbed for personal injury trial lawyers) to dent Republicans on matters relating to the environment and air/water quality. Also wouldn't be shocked if the drama surrounding Geoff Duncan marked the first major intraparty brouhaha in the DeSantis administration.


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