UK General Discussion: Rishecession

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I'm sure many people who are only light followers of politics assume/assumed that Lucas is the leader of the Green Party. It is or was a similar case with Farage and UKIP (and its various other names).

Any chance that Sian Berry could be the Green candidate in Brighton Pavilion? I know she's London based but is a former leader of the party and has name recognition.

Did Caroline Lucas have any particular connection to Brighton prior to standing? 

Quote from: Coldstream on June 08, 2023, 03:28:44 AM

I can’t imagine Carla Denyer is happy that rather than them throw everything at Bristol Central they are now being forced to defend Brighton Pavillion too.

They threw the kitchen sink at Bristol West the past 3 elections so I’m not sure how lacking the campaign will be (and if it would make much of a difference), and Brighton Pavilion is fairly distant from Bristol like their other targets (Sheffield Central, Waveney Valley etc) so it won’t pick off too many activists anyways.

Quote from: Chickpeas on June 08, 2023, 06:38:42 AM

Did Caroline Lucas have any particular connection to Brighton prior to standing? 

No, she was MEP for the South East which includes Brighton but her connections were previously with places like Oxford, London and the West Midlands. She won a contested nomination over the popular and local previous candidate for the party, so it was very much the case of ‘party leader wants a seat’ and tbf she’s proved a very popular person with the electorate.

Quote from: Blair on June 08, 2023, 02:25:56 AM

She deserves a lot more credit than she gets politically; she is a very effective politician and I think the Greens would have done better if she had stayed leader in 2015 but then it would have been hard to do three jobs well.

The size of her majority, especially in 2017, is a sign of her own strong brand- you would imagine a strong Green candidate who runs with every leaflet having an endorsement from CL would do well and would carry a large part of that vote over; but equally it’s hard to tell especially with Labour having a relatively strong performance in Brighton lately.

There is this interesting opportunity for the Greens to realign  now that their sole MP is retiring. As mentioned,  Brighton may not be so easy of a hold, between the personal vote vanishing, the Greens presently poor local reputation,  and Labour’s large national vote share. The local elections though suggest that the Greens have plenty more potential outside their traditional city center targets. Obviously there are all the caveats, but Nature NIMBYISM might give the Greens more targets in a Labour year - especially if they form another pact with the Lib-Dems - rather than running as a party to the left of Labour. And starting from a blank slate makes that change theoretically simpler.


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