Duval County, Texas


Classic results, written down in a notebook out of a book of Southern Primary results, from 1920 to 1949.

For Governor

1932: 1669-114-23 for Sterling. Sterling won 1249-108 in the runoff. But Ma Ferguson won the primary. Then Ferguson lost Duval 912-891.

1934: 2261-509-306-33-28 for McDonald. Then 3253-107 for Hunter over Allred. Hunter had 28 votes in the first primary.

1936: 2579-34-29-13-12 for Allred, Hunter finished second

1938: 2921 for McGraw, 340 for O'Daniel, 198 for Thompson, 19 for other. O'Daniel won

1940: 95% for O'Daniel. 3728-100-80

1942: 2836-72-5 for Coke Stevenson

And for the Senate

1941: 1506-65-35-11 for Johnson over O'Daniel

1942: 2777-148-26 for Allred over O'Daniel

George Parr knew what he was doing.


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