2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread) (user search)

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Author Topic: 2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)  (Read 12456 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« on: April 20, 2022, 02:10:05 PM »

Announcement and Early Campaign

211111-Z-A3538-0019 by New York National Guard, on Flickr

Announcement in Buffalo with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Representatives Ritchie Torres and Sean Patrick Maloney and former State Representative Alessandra Biaggi

“I never thought elected office was for me. I was born in a trailer park near a steel mill, my family was poor and only made it out when my dad put himself through college and got a job in IT. By that time I was away at college. A good education saved my family, and it taught me about organizing. In college, I helped organize a boycott over the bookstore raising prices, and worked with my classmates to lobby our university to divest from South Africa during apartheid. This taste of organizing and politics made me think I could do some good working for someone, maybe I could be a chief of staff. While working in New York politics I noticed something happening in my hometown. Walmart and other big superstores were coming in and killing the small businesses that had thrived there, pushing wages down while shuttering the doors to countless mom and pops that couldn’t compete.

So I did what I could, I got together with my mom and her business partner and put together a committee whose goal was to remind people to shop local, show up to town meetings to voice our concerns about these big-box developments, and make sure our voices were heard. After that, I realized the benefit of having a seat at the table. This idea that organizing can make government functional, more efficient, and accountable has stuck with me as I ran for and won a seat in the House, Lieutenant Governor, and now your Governor.

It’s that same goal, that government work for the people who fund it, that has me here today. I’m here to announce I’m running for President. America needs a leader who is committed to getting results, not just bandying about talking points. I am running for President to keep the promise to the American people to deliver infrastructure, paid leave, and finally deliver a public option for healthcare. I hope you’ll join me!”

Unions: K grew up in a union household, unions protect American workers, we need a union-friendly President
Economy and jobs: got NY back to work, supported $15 min wage in NY, needs to be raised nationally
Infrastructure: failed our promise to invest in infrastructure, need green investments in places like upstate NY, universal broadband, update roads and bridges
Healthcare: public option to expand healthcare access, universal coverage, don’t take away private insurance, let Americans have a choice
Social issues: pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ rights, pass Equality Act, codify Roe, only appoint Supreme Court justices that agree, pass the ERA
Taxes: billionaire tax, wealthy should pay their fair share to pay for public works, repeal Trump-era tax cuts, replace them with a cut for middle class and poor
Education: free college tuition for middle-class families, making sure students are able to get the education required to be competitive in the workforce
Families: paid family leave is a first priority
Government reform: ban stock trading for congress, no one should get rich on insider knowledge, make releasing tax returns a requirement for running for President, make gov work for people, extra accountability for executive offices


May 1-6th: New Hampshire
Rally in Nashua
Rally in Manchester
Townhall tour of Boston suburbs in the Southeastern portion of the state
Rally in Concord

7-12th: Iowa

Fly to Des Moines
Rally in Des Moines
Town halls in Des Moines suburbs and West Des Moines
Hold events with college students in Ames and Iowa City, talking about making college tuition-free for poor and middle-class students

13-17th: Nevada

Fly to Las Vegas
Workday with Culinary Union members
Rally in Las Vegas
Round table with union members, taking questions
Visit proposed solar panel site, press conference on investing money into green infrastructure
Townhall tour in Las Vegas suburbs
Meet with casino workers to talk about strengthening unions

18-20th: Louisiana

Fly to New Orleans
Rally in New Orleans, endorsing Mitch Landrieu
Visit small businesses in New Orleans, talk with owners about the economy, touting her local politics resume

21-25th: South Carolina

Fly to Columbia
Speak to students at University of South Carolina

“I think people conflate progressivism with some pie in the sky list of dreams without any substance. My time as Governor has proven that’s not true. Progressivism at its best is pragmatic. We ask, ‘how do we get to universal healthcare?’ and work the problem from there. It’s the reason I see no excuse for us not to chip in to be sure students can go to college regardless of their parent's income. My family would probably still be poor if not for the education my father received. It let me go to school, let my mother start a business, and for my family to live comfortably. That’s a dream that should be realized by every single American student.”

Upstate tour from Rock Hill to Anderson, Hochul meets with small business owners and locals about the impact of fulfilling promises on infrastructure and healthcare
Visit BMW factory in Spartanburg
Tour Lowcountry, stops in Charleston and Myrtle Beach, speaking on the impact of climate change on tourism

26-29th: New Hampshire

Fly to Manchester
Rally in Manchester with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Round table with New Hampshire Democratic women with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, seen as outreach to Senator Jeanne Shaheen in an attempt to court a future endorsement
Rally in Concord, line from the speech becomes rallying cry and slogan for the campaign

“There’s no reason practicality should be missing from politics. Progressivism can be practical, populism can be practical. The grassroots is where any political movement sprouts from. We don’t get universal healthcare by dreaming. We don’t get $15 minimum wage by dreaming. We organize, we work, we win. Governing is hard work, but we can deliver on our promises, solve our nation’s problems, and move past the ugliness that has defined us for over eight years.”

“Pragmatic. Populist. Progressive.” Ad runs online and in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina following the speech. It highlights her support of the ACA while in Congress, a $15 minimum wage while Lieutenant Governor, beating off a primary challenge from the center, and her work to make college free for low and middle income students in New York.
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2022, 01:53:26 PM »

Kathy Hochul Responds to Kamala Harris's Remarks at a Townhall in New Hampshire

"You know, I think it's a shame when someone would rather attack another candidate's experience than run on their own ideas. If any candidate would like to go head to head based on resumes or experience, I'll gladly take them on. As Governor I got New York back to work, invested in education and infrastructure, and cut taxes for the middle class. And while I was in Congress protecting the ACA from Republican attacks, Kamala Harris was fighting against federal supervision for prison conditions the Supreme Court called 'cruel and unusual.' That's not the kind of leadership our country needs."

Additional endorsements by the end of May:

Governor Janet Mills
Governor Phil Murphy
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2022, 04:26:05 PM »

Kathy Hochul Schedule May 30-June 14th


May 30-31st: Nevada

Fly to Las Vegas
Townhall with Culinary Workers Union members in Las Vegas, courting their endorsement

“My family owes our success to organized labor. But for too long we’ve let corporations and their interests chip away at the strength of unions. we’ve let republicans name anti-labor policies as “right to work,” and we’ve let corporatist Democrats take on the mantle of “reasonable,” while working against labor interests. I think it’s ridiculous that you have to be far left to be pro-labor or that to be a pragmatic leader you have to bow to corporate interests. As President I won’t cross that picket line nor will I take away your health insurance. I am running for the workers who are fighting for wage increases, safe conditions, and a robust health insurance policy.”

Meet with Senator Jacky Rosen in Henderson, viewed as courting her vote
Travel to Reno
Speak at University of Nevada, Reno, talk about plans to make college tuition free for low and middle income students

June 1-3rd: Iowa

Fly to Sioux City

Rally in Sioux City
“Democrats often write off places like right here in Sioux City, or my hometown Hamburg. But in 2011, during a GOP wave cycle, I won. The secret is not backing down from your beliefs, not selling out. I’m not an extreme person, I like practical, realistic solutions, but what I don’t like is when Democrats accept GOP talking points. Guess what, voters don’t either. It’s why I stayed committed to protecting the right to choose in a heavily Republican House seat, it’s why I voted to protect the ACA and opposed new trade deals that would hurt both communities like mine back home and ones like yours right here.”

Town halls in Le Mars, Ida Grove, and West Bend
Town halls in Fort Dodge and Webster City
Rally in Ames
Town halls in Marshalltown and Waterloo
Rally in Mason City

June 4th: Minnesota

Travel to Minneapolis
Meet with Senator Amy Klobuchar, courting her endorsement
Rally in Minneapolis on union support

June 5-6th: New Hampshire

Fly to Manchester
Rally in Manchester
Round table with Governor Janet Mills in Manchester, speaking on being the first woman governor of their respective states and the issues facing New England
Rally in Concord
Meet with Representative Ann Kuster, courting her endorsement

June 7-9th: Louisiana

Participate in debate in New Orleans
Rally in New Orleans
Tour climate infrastructure in New Orleans
Visit small businesses in New Orleans

June 10-12th: South Carolina

Fly to Charleston
Rally in Charleston
Tour Lowcountry, townhalls on climate investment in the region
Rally in Myrtle Beach

June 13-14th: New Hampshire

Fly to Nashua
Rally in Nashua with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on paid leave policy
Rally in Keene
Speak at Dartmouth College
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2022, 12:20:33 PM »

To Harris, Hochul, Warren and Baldwin: Each of you has a chance to become the first female President. Explain why you would be the best person to earn that lofty status.

“I’m ready for the job of President on day one. I have governed one of the largest states in this country, worked in Congress, and on the local level. The job as President is demanding and requires someone who is tough. I grew up in a trailer to a union family, I worked hard to fight for In my time in office, I’ve been known as an iron fist in a velvet glove, meaning I’m not afraid to be tough without sacrificing my experience as a woman. I want little girls around this country, especially those in working-class families, to see someone like them taking on the job as President.”

To Cooper and Hochul: Would you support Medicare for All?

“I think we need to be realistic about what will pass from Congress. I would not veto a bill that achieved universal healthcare, as that is a human right that we are well overdue for achieving in our country. I support a public option and prescription drug reform, which would expand coverage to 100% of Americans while reducing costs for just about everyone. I am not in favor of banning people's private insurance and think if you like your insurance you should be able to keep it. We need to keep our eye on the ball, our goal is to get everyone coverage, not some purity test talking point.

But something needs to be clarified here, Governor Cooper, you’ve said you want to get Medicare for All or something close to it by the end of your first term. In many versions of the plan that would mean entirely banning private insurance. Do you support banning private insurance if it means getting Medicare for All? I think there are much better ways to get to universal coverage without taking away people’s options.”

To Hochul: Your First Lieutenant Governor was forced to resign after being caught in a corruption scandal. How can voters trust your judgement as President?

“The truth of the matter is the former Lieutenant Governor admitted he hid the probe and the subpoena from me during his background check, and this came as a surprise for me as well as the people of New York. I responded by completely restructuring the vetting process for Lieutenant Governor, streamlining the process, and ensuring something like this would never happen again. I didn’t do this for my own sake, but so the people of New York could trust their government. Those changes include working with district attorneys and federal prosecutors to see whether or not there is any potential wrongdoing. This is on top of taking the State Police’s background check and the one conducted in-house. We need a President who can own when a mistake has been made, and more importantly, ensure it never happens again with concrete policy changes. As your President, I will be committed to transparency and reform, I will work to be sure corruption is rooted out at every level, and that no one is above the law.”

To All: If you could unilaterally amend the constitution once, what amendment would you add?

“It’s about damn time we pass the ERA. The fight for the Equal Rights Amendment has gone back decades, and we keep inching closer only for the fight to die down on the state level or in Congress. In fact, as President, I will pressure Congress to formally extend the deadline for ratification so we can get to the point where the United States Constitution prohibits discrimination based on sex.

Governor Cooper has insinuated that the aims of the ERA have been ‘all but achieved.’ I think that is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. The Supreme Court still argues whether or not women get to control their reproductive health, the pay gap persists, and paid family leave is still no more than a policy goal that we talk about on stages like this one. The last thing American women need to be told is that the ERA is ‘symbolic’ when the only mention of women in the Constitution is giving us the right to vote. American women need the ERA to enshrine equal protection under the law, provide a federal standard, and allow for constitutional protections for our rights and liberties.”
To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.
“There is so much we need to do to protect cities like New Orleans from the impact of climate change. The first part of my plan involves seeing through on our promise to invest in green infrastructure, which means investing in coastal protection, water management, and adapting existing infrastructure to protect from extreme weather. This is a worthwhile investment and ensures communities like New Orleans are protected. Beyond that, we must invest in green energy. As Governor of New York, I have worked to shift all school buses to electric, to keep us on track to make all new buildings carbon neutral by 2027, and to keep our climate promises to cut emissions in half by 2030, and by 80% in 2050. The truth is, what happens in New York impacts New Orleans, we need federal action to match state and local action. As your President, my budget will greatly expand on funding infrastructure and green jobs, this will help us minimize risks while also building upon our economy. There’s no reason New Orleans needs to worry about whether or not your government will protect your home and livelihood.

I think my colleagues and I agree, we need to invest heavily in green energy, ensuring it is not only environmental but also economical for the American people. In terms of accountability, I will instruct the EPA to put together and publish an annual report showing what has been accomplished in terms of our carbon and energy goals. There has to be some sunshine on this process to be sure we don’t just talk about the problem, but that we actually shift to carbon neutrality and prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.”

To All: Would you commit the United States military to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?
“Simply put, I oppose putting boots on the ground. The last thing our country or world needs is another world war, and supporting military deployment against China would absolutely lead to this very outcome. I agree with my colleagues on stage, we must not allow Taiwan to be overtaken, and we should use Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a blueprint for how to navigate such a delicate situation.

I also believe we need to keep all economic and diplomatic options on the table, and that means using sanctions where necessary to prevent such an action from taking place. The United States needs to stand strong up against international bullies who look to throw around their power.”

Closing statement:

“I never saw myself in elected office. I saw myself as a fighter for the people in my community, fighting for my fellow students against the rising costs of textbooks, fighting for small businesses against big-box stores threatening their livelihood. Even when I got elected, I kept this fighting spirit, fighting against tax breaks for oil companies and the wealthy, against efforts to repeal the ACA, and for paid family leave, free college tuition, and a $15 minimum wage. America needs a fighter, someone who won’t back down to the challenges ahead. As your President, I will fight for workers everywhere and make sure every single American has a shot at the American Dream.”
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2022, 12:24:47 PM »

Governor Kathy Hochul Accepts Roy Cooper's Invite, Issues Statement

"Climate change is the existential issue of our lifetime, and of our children's lifetime. We Democrats can't allow political bickering to obscure this fact. Beyond this, one of us will be the nominee and have to work with the others on tangible policy plans to combat it, so there is no reason we don't start now. I'm hopeful we can put the results of this meeting into the party's platform at convention."
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2022, 04:31:56 PM »

Response to Governor Cooper on the ERA:

"I have heard time and time again in my career that so-called women's issues are symbolic, that we should prioritize other concerns. I have proposed codifying Roe v. Wade as law by Congress, but that does not mean Republicans won't challenge it. Right now the only legal protection we have is the existing one established in Roe v. Wade, the ERA would give a constitutional argument based on equality rather than privacy in terms of all reproductive health, including contraceptives. If the far-right interest groups didn't believe that was compelling, why have they fought so hard against it even today? Furthermore, I find it absolutely offensive that you would insinuate that either I or Vice President Harris can't think of or are somehow uninformed of all of these big ideas for constitutional amendments. This was a question about priorities, and I believe that equality is and always should be a priority. I would hope no one on a Democratic Primary debate stage would insinuate a woman doesn't know her stuff just because she is proposing an amendment that enshrines equal protection under the law would be a top priority."
Jr. Member
Posts: 660

Political Matrix
E: -4.58, S: -6.52

« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2022, 04:02:12 PM »

June 15-18: IA

Fly to Dubuque
Rally in Dubuque
“Tom Miller is the longest-serving Attorney General in the country. We need more people like him. We need people who are committed to getting government to work, not just talking a big game. He’s worked hard to hold big pharma accountable for the opioid crisis, making sure money goes into the pockets of the people suffering from this epidemic. He’s fought against big tech using antitrust laws, and he’s expanding consumer protections. I’m not only proud of his endorsement, but I’m looking forward to implementing these strategies on the national stage, making sure the US government is working for you, not just huge corporations.”
Town halls en route to Davenport
Rally in Davenport
Rally in Iowa City
Rally in Cedar Rapids
Round table with local business leaders in Cedar Rapids
Townhalls in Waterloo and Ames, talking about background checks for gun purchases
Rally in Des Moines

June 19-21: LA

Fly to New Orleans
Rally in New Orleans, introduced by Mayor LaToya Cantell
“I am proud to be here introducing and announcing my endorsement of the next President of the United States, Kathy Hochul! Kathy has served at the local level, the federal level, and the state level, in both the legislative and executive branches, she knows how to get stuff done. She’s got a plan for getting our country back on track, investing in communities like ours here, and making sure every American has a fair wage and affordable healthcare, she’s my choice for President, and I hope she’ll be yours too!”
Town hall with business leaders in New Orleans
GOTV in New Orleans
Town halls en route to Shreveport
Rally in Shreveport, accepting endorsement of Mayor Adrian Perkins

June 22-23: NH

Fly to Manchester

Rally in Manchester on voting rights
“It’s not enough to win this election, our democracy is at stake. We have a Supreme Court that’s hostile to reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, and voting rights. We need to do everything in our power to win and win big. We need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and fulfill our promise that voting is a sacred right in our country. Democrats have become too complacent, and we need to fight for the country we believe in.”
Rally in Concord
Townhalls in Keene, Claremont, and Lebanon

June 24-25th: NY

March in NYC Pride
Attend fundraiser in NYC

June 26-30: NV

Fly to Las Vegas, roll out endorsements from Nevada Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro and Attorney General Aaron Ford
Workday with casino staff in Las Vegas
Press conference in solar field in Nevada

“How have we not invested in the Southwest? We can fit hundreds of thousands of solar panels across this region, creating jobs alongside safe, consistent, green energy. The government needs to do its job and invest everywhere, as President I plan on working to ensure we create invest in green infrastructure and green jobs everywhere, like right here in Nevada.”
Townhall tour of small towns in Nevada
Rally in Carson City

“This is the exact kind of place Democrats have given up. Well, I’ve won in a congressional district that looks a lot like this one, it had more Republicans by far, and I fought and I won. We need a nominee who won’t count places like Carson City or Upstate New York out just because Democrats have lost there before. We need to invest in communities and bring our message right to the people. The message of a $15 minimum wage, universal healthcare, paid family leave, and investing in infrastructure. We can’t write off half the country or we lose, but if we show up with good ideas, I believe we can win.”

Rally in Reno

July 1-3: SC

Fly to Charleston
Rally in Charleston
Meet with former Representative Joe Cunningham, talk about winning in tough races, and working to earn his endorsement
Townhalls in Summerville and Orangeburg

Gets asked audience question about Roy Cooper's comments

"Look, I get it, we're in a primary, but I'm more interested in keeping my eye on the ball to deliver our promises to working families and fight against Republican attacks, rather than perpetuate them. We know the truth, we know that a background check was performed and the lieutenant governor lied, like everyone else in New York, I didn't want to believe it. When it became evident that it was in fact true, I called for his resignation, worked with the legislature to take him off the ballot, and streamlined the process of investigating potential statewide nominees. But every minute we spend on this we are taking away from the fact that we have to fight for families, we have to be sure every kid goes to college, that the right to choose is enshrined, that we don't go backward on LGBTQ issues, and that big business doesn't roll over the little guy. That's why I'm running for President, not to mudsling non-issues to get a soundbite."

Rally in Columbia

July 4th: NY
home with family in Buffalo
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