2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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John King wannabe
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« Reply #200 on: August 14, 2022, 10:21:39 AM »

Vice President Harris declares victory in New Hampshire

Doug Emhoff:
Ladies and Gentleman, my wife and the next President of the United States, Kamala Harris!
(Work That by Mary J. Blige plays as VP Harris walks out)
Kamala Harris:
“New Hampshire…thank you!!! Thank you so much!”
“It’s been a long two years, but I am honored to be the first black woman in American History to utter these words…we have just won New Hampshire’s Democratic Presidential Primary!!!”
“Without taking away any credit from my friends in Iowa, *laughs*, I just want everyone to stop for a minute and to think about the magnitude of this moment. This was not a country that was built on the idea that people who looked like me could make it here, and that’s a sad truth. But nevertheless, thousands of you went to the polls today, you voted for a progressive champion, and a black woman to lead this party into the General Election! And even though many more states need to make their voices heard, we are ready to get back out there and to win Nevada, to win the state that sent Joe Biden to the White House, South Carolina!”
“And to win many more times after that! Because if there’s one thing that Governor Cooper, or Secretary Kerry should know, it’s that this girl doesn’t give up!”
“Speaking of the Governor, I just want to thank him for a race well run, and obviously we should applaud his supporters for coming out and voting in this primary today. Whether you voted for myself or for Roy Cooper, whether you come from the rolling fields of Coos county, or the hustle and bustle of Manchester, you have the right to join your neighbors, head to the polls and pick the next servant of the people to serve as President of the United States, that is Democracy! That is America!"

"And it’s gonna take all of us, America, to keep a Democrat in the White House, whoever she may be!”
“I also wanted to thank, from the bottom of my heart, our amazing campaign team and volunteers that made these wins possible! Without you I don’t know where our campaign would be today and with your help we are going to win this primary, we’re going to take the fight to Donald Trump, and we are going all the way to the White House!

And not only that, but you know how we like to make history! We’re gonna shatter that glass ceiling once and for all and prove to every little girl across America, you can be anything you want to be, including the most powerful person in the world!”

“So! This has been an incredible night, but it’s not over! We have to keep on moving! We have every right to celebrate, but tomorrow morning we need to get out there and continue our fight! Winning the Presidency was never meant to be easy, so I need your energy these next few months, and I need you to keep that energy all the way to November where we will shut Donald Trump out of the White House for the second time in a row!”
“And when we get to the White House, we have a lot of work cut out for us, it’s time for a President in the Oval Office who is gonna build on the work of the Biden-Harris administration to continue to build up our infrastructure, someone who is going to build on the work of the Biden-Harris administration’s strong stance on Climate Change and Gun Control! Someone who isn’t worried by the old white men in DC that are running scared of the idea of a larger, more diverse Supreme Court that truly looks like America!”
“If you’re satisfied with some of the work that the Biden-Harris administration has done, then you’ll want to join us! If you wish that this administration would do more, then you’ll also want to join us! Because if it isn’t Biden, then it might as well be Harris! *Laughs*”
“New Hampshire! I love you and I will be back soon! Thank you all so much and I will see you all in Nevada, where we will win again!”
(Vice President Harris is joined on stage by her family and waves to her supporters as “Work That” plays)
Pink Panther
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« Reply #201 on: August 14, 2022, 11:25:19 AM »

Vince McMahon's Celebratory Speech Regarding the Results from the New Hampshire Primary

"Ladies and Gentlemen in attendance, this has been a long night, I thank you for waiting for me, but we come to this speech in a triumpic moment. Based on both the real and fraudulent results the MSM is reporting on, I can confidently report that are very tremendous movement is growing rapidly, despite the Deep State and NWO's attempts to crush it. They had many, many fake polls to try and suppress any momentum we had, and to have their chosen one Donald Trump as the nominee with no bumps on the road. We need to keep on fighting, and I believe we will be able to overcome Trump and the Elite's efforts to take over our amazing party if we put enough time and energy, which you guys have already proven. But based on the REAL results, it's clear that we have won the New Hampshire Primary!

Sadly, the results tampered with Chinese and Canadian ballots show Trump as the winner, but on both the real and fraudulent results, we had a nearly 20 point swing in our favor. Trump thought he could just sleepwalk to the nomination. He didn't attend the recent debate. He hasn't campaigned whatsoever. And do you know why? He's too busy playing golf with his elitist and wealthy friends to care about the average American. He has never cared. That's why it's so important for the American people to take back our country by first the GOP nomination but also the White House in general. We can't let these Radical Democrats continue to hold onto the Presidency, and it's become crystal clear that Trump will not put any effort whatsoever to stop that with his absence from the Campaign Trail. And like in Iowa, I believe the Dem Primary was rigged here tonight as well. Roy Cooper, I honest to God believe that you were cheated once again from this race, and I believe you have to stand up to this injustice one way or another!

But thanks again to my loyal supporters and those who have participated in our movement in way or another. Let's continue our work tomorrow, and have a goodnight!

Confetti proceeds to fly out of the venue, with fireworks going off in the background.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #202 on: August 14, 2022, 12:24:05 PM »


"Well, everyone, the results are in, and we lost the primary tonight. I'd like to first take a moment to congratulate VP Harris and her supporters for this win. But I'd also like to address my own supporters, those who are disheartened by the results. I won't lie: I'm disheartened and disappointed too, by this loss. But this is far from over. We will win South Carolina and we will score major wins on Super Tuesday - mark my words! We will show the Harris - and Kerry - campaigns our mettle! We'll show them what we're made of and that we're determined to win! So from here, we're going off to South Carolina and Texas and Colorado and even Kamala Harris' own California. And we will WIN. We will win this crusade for justice and for change."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #203 on: August 14, 2022, 12:36:34 PM »

The Cooper Campaign conducts an autopsy after the New Hampshire results and determines the obvious - that Kamala Harris' debate response is what made all the difference. They decide they will have to go with new lines of attack against Harris (the Oppo Research Department conducts extensive opposition research against Kamala Harris, for now, given that he will not appear on the ballot till Super Tuesday, disregarding John Kerry) and altogether avoid mentioning the issue of marijuana over the coming weeks, to avoid furthering the appearance that it is a one-issue campaign. They also consciously make the decision to avoid campaigning in Nevada, where polls have consistently shown they are at a massive deficit with Kamala Harris. They will instead double-down on South Carolina, the one state where they have a polling advantage, if one that is narrow. This decision is made public so Cooper supporters are braced in advance not to expect a good result on Nevada. Cooper makes clear that, like Joe Biden four years earlier, he is banking everything on winning South Carolina (and hopefully comfortably).
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #204 on: August 14, 2022, 06:19:46 PM »
« Edited: August 15, 2022, 07:11:02 PM by GoTfan »

Final New Hampshire results:

Democratic New Hampshire primary (23 delegates)- 100% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 54.9% (13 pledged delegates)

Gov. Cooper 45.1% (10 pledged delegates)

New Hampshire Republican primary (22 delegates)- 100% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 57.3% (13 pledged delegates)

Mr McMahon: 42.7% (9 pledged delegates)

Overall delegates:

Democratic Primary (2,266 required) :

Vice Pres. Harris: 35 pledged delegates

Gov. Cooper: 29 pledged delegates

Republican Primary (1,217 required) :

Fmr. Pres. Trump: 39 pledged delegates

Mr McMahon: 21 pledged delegates

Notes: Sorry for the hurried conclusion. Got some things happening at home.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #205 on: August 15, 2022, 04:45:12 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule (Pt. 2)
Kamala Harris for the People

January 31st - February 1st (morning) | Washington D.C
Vice President Harris will arrive in Washington very early in the morning off of Air Force Two after leaving Manchester on the heels of her win in New Hampshire, she will then answer press questions and make jovial remarks about her wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, she will then be motorcaded to One Naval Observatory where she will spend the rest of her evening until early in the morning.
Early in the morning the Vice President will be transported to the White House to look over the Presidential Daily Brief in the Oval Office with President Biden and their national security advisors, afterwards she will work in her office catching up on any work that may have stacked up in her absence on the campaign trail, and she partake in an extra long meeting with her staff to catch up on recent events.
Early in the afternoon the Vice President, Second Gentleman, President, and First Lady will be transported to the Capitol to pay their respects in the Rotunda of the Capitol to President Carter and will attend a small Congressional service in the Rotunda as well.
After the service the President and Vice President will visit the office of Majority Leader Schumer to discuss the upcoming fiscal budget, as well as to have a nice lunch of sandwiches provided by Leader Schumer, afterwards the Vice President will return to the White House and prepare for her upcoming remarks at the Wounded Warrior Project in Washington, DC in President Biden’s stead.
The Vice President would then be driven to the venue and would give the following remarks;
“When I look around this room I see a group of people who have chosen a life of service and a life of selflessness. And to have the opportunity to come here on behalf of President Biden, it’s truly an honor. I stand here today, proud to be your Vice President. And as your Vice President I can assure you that the President and I have spent the last 3 years working tirelessly on your behalf, and as this administration prepares to wrap up in the next year, I am hopeful that whoever succeeds us next January will build on the work we have done to make life easier for, and to honor you incredible people.”
After the event the Vice President returned to Number One Observatory Circle to prepare for the funeral of President Jimmy Carter the next day, and to have dinner with her family. Out of respect for the Carter family, the Vice President called her staff and ordered all operations to be on pause until the day after the funeral and her return to D.C.
The Vice President would leave for Georgia early in the morning before President Biden in order to greet him on the tarmac. The Vice President would also be accompanied by the Second Gentleman, Former Vice President’s Mike Pence, Dick Cheney, and Dan Quayle, as well as Former Second Ladies, Karen, Lynn, and Marilyn
February 1st | Georgia
The Vice President and the former Vice Presidents landed at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport where they greeted members of the Carter family and awaited the arrival of Air Force One, with President Biden and his wife, as well as Former Presidents and several dignitaries aboard.
After the entourage landed, the group sat for coffee and tea with the Carter family before being driven to the Carter Center for the Service, where she made small talk and took several photos with other attendees, including Governor Cooper and Secretary Kerry before finding her seat in one of the first few rows.
After the service the Vice President gave brief remarks to the press about the legacy of President Jimmy Carter;
“What else can I say about President Carter that President Biden didn’t so eloquently say today in his eulogy? A man of great character, known for his wonderful statesmanship, and truly a man of God, President Carter’s legacy shines bright everyday and I truly pray that future generations will understand and appreciate how indebted we are to him.”
Afterwards she made several social media posts to commemorate the 39th President, as well as her attendance on that sad day. The Vice President then caught up with President Biden and discussed recent family events before joining the Carter Family for lunch after their private burial.
After lunch, the President and Vice President met with voting rights activist Stacey Abrams and thanked her for her work in expanding access to voting rights in Georgia as well as complimenting a well run race for Governor in Georgia and urging her to consider a third run in 2026 where there will be no incumbent. Then the group left in their two separate planes, with the Vice President’s leaving in Air Force Two and arriving in Washington in the evening. She once again had dinner with her family at the Vice Presidential residence and made preparations to leave for Nevada early the next day.
February 2nd - 3rd | Nevada
The Vice President arrived in Nevada early in the morning and immediately went to her Vegas campaign field office to celebrate with her staff on her recent New Hampshire win, there she chatted with her young volunteers and thanked them for their work before leaving attending a town hall where Harris touted her record as Attorney General of California, particularly in regards to fighting big banks
After the townhall the Vice President made a quick stop at a small business in a less developed part of town where she bought a bright purple jacket and promised to wear it when she won the Nevada Primary. Afterwards the Vice President was asked about the Cooper campaign’s withdrawal from Nevada to focus all of their efforts on South Carolina.
“Well, I am focused on winning every delegate and every state that I possibly can because all voters matter to me, and despite what anyone thinks I am going to campaign for every vote in this incredible state, because I believe that the people of Nevada are important enough to be listened to. This is a state that we need to win in November, a state that is ranked 49th in Education, 47th in opportunity, 39th in Health Care, these are issues that I’m working to fix as Vice President, but that the next Administration will also have to tackle, so it’s important that Nevadans know that candidates are taking these issues seriously. Now, let’s be clear about South Carolina, I fully intend to compete there. It’s a state where a large majority of voters agree with my platform. Issues such as criminal justice reform, protecting the environment, ‘cause as you know with great South Carolinian cities like Charleston and Myrtle Beach being right on the coast they have witnessed the horrors of climate change personally, poverty is through-the-roof in some of the larger cities, there, and so I’d like to help those that are struggling. I intend to compete in both of these states and to talk about the issues, and whatever Governor Cooper does is his prerogative, but I think that every vote matters, and that shouldn’t be debatable.”
Later, Vice President Harris met with members of the Culinary Workers Union and pledged to raise the minimum wage in her first term as President, she also would talk with other union leaders and would invite them to the Vice President’s Official Residence in Washington at a later date.
On the 3rd, the Vice President started her day by attending a rally in neighboring Reno where she touted her plan to codify Roe v. Wade into law when elected President
“And let’s speak some truth, a woman today has less rights than a woman in America 50 years ago, think about that and we have to be willing to take this seriously, now is not the time for us to put our guard down, and so like I said in the debate here not to long ago, under a Harris administration I will make it a priority to codify the right to abortion into law because we need to make it clear that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are non-negotiable!”
Afterwards the Vice President attended a town hall with voters where she answered questions and promised to do everything in her power to expand access to healthcare when elected President, afterwards the Vice President boarded Air Force Two en route to Charleston where she will spend the 4th and 5th before returning to Nevada.
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« Reply #206 on: August 15, 2022, 07:49:33 PM »
« Edited: August 18, 2022, 06:07:01 PM by CentristRepublican »


JAN. 31

Cooper departs from Portsmouth for Charleston, South Carolina. He has consciously decided not to campaign in Nevada, focusing his attention solely on the Palmetto State for now. In Charleston, he addresses a crowd with the city's mayor, John Tecklenburg, about the "dangers of climate change." He outlines his bold plan to "save our nation's, to save this world's, coasts from the inevitable destruction and damage that will ravage it if we do not stop climate change." He once again brings up those 17 points he, Harris, Baldwin, Hochul and Scott worked together to produce. After the rally, he heads over to neighbouring Georgetown County, to be precise, to its eponymous county seat, where he joins his supporters in "cleaning up the Georgetown coast" by picking up trash along the shoreline and disposing it in trash cans. It is a long and gruelling day, but by the end of the day, they have collected much of the trash along the Georgetown coast. "We, right here, today, have accomplished a great thing. We came together, and we cleaned up the coast. And that to me symbolises something greater - if we can come together, we can save our environment. It doesn't matter that the coal lobby, that the oil lobby, will fight back. It doesn't matter that we'll be up against billions in bribes in the disguise of political donations. None of that matters. If us, ordinary people, are willing to fight for our planet, to fight against climate change, then we will win this fight. Just like we won the fight to clean up Georgetown's coast today."

FEB. 1

Funeral of Jimmy Carter in Georgia.

FEB 2.

On February 2, Cooper finishes heading up the South Carolina coast with a rally in Myrtle Beach where he discusses abortion. "For close to fifty years, a woman's right to make choices about her own body was protected, was guaranteed, by the Supreme Court in the form of Roe v Wade. What happened? Mitch McConnell schemed. First, with several months to go till election day 2016, he refused to let the Senate even consider Barack Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland. His given reason was that it was too close to election day and that the voters should make the choice. After that, he jammed through Trump's pick for the seat, Neil Gorsuch, as well as Brett Kavanaugh, somebody with serious accusations of sexual assault levelled against him. And then, with very little time to go till election day 2020, great liberal fighter Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. All claims of letting the voters choose forgotten, Mitch McConnell forced through the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett in record time. What did these three justices do? Well, when questioned about Roe, all had acknowledged its longstanding and historic precedent, and Gorsuch in particular promised to respect that. But two years ago, all three of them voted to overturn Roe v Wade. Since then, half the states in this country, South Carolina included, have banned abortions - with no exceptions for rape, or incest, or if the mother's life is in danger. We've seen teenage girls, we've seen pre-teen girls, pregnant as the result of rape, unable to legally have abortions in their states. They've been forced to travel to other states, if they can afford it, and if they can't, to either attempt self-harm or give birth against their will. It is a gruesome and sickening thing, and I won't stand for it. Republicans, and Trump's SCOTUS nominees, have taken us half a century backwards on this issue. We must show them that we respect the right to an abortion. When I'm in the White House, I will select only those committed to a woman's right to choose, so that the Supreme Court can re-affirm a woman's right to an abortion. And to ensure that Mitch McConnell's dirty tricks are of no use, I would also support a constitutional amendment codifying Roe v Wade as federal law."

After that, Cooper heads off towards Marion County.
In Marion, home of State Senator Kent Williams, who has endorsed him, Williams and Cooper discuss at a town hall the problem of poverty and wealth disparity in America. "We have people, in the Appalachian Mountains, along the Mississippi River, on reservations in the Dakotas, in the deserts of New Mexico, living in abject poverty, struggling to feed themselves and their families, struggling to pay the rent or to avoid living on the streets. At the same time, we have multibillionaires like Peter Theil who avoid paying their fair share in taxes. They donate - and basically bribe - Republican politicians, and those politicians give them tax break upon tax break, tax loophole upon tax loophole. The defense contractors and the defense lobbyists also spend money bribing Republicans. The result is that these apparently budget-conscious Republicans support massive giveaways to the rich - tax cuts and loopholes for the 1% - and they support wasting government money on one-sided defense contracts to build unnecessary weapons. So when are these Republicans budget-conscious? They are budget conscious when it comes to fighting the homelessness and giving the homeless shelters, they are budget conscious when it comes to helping children in poverty, they are budget conscious when it comes to providing health insurance to sick people who are too poor to afford it themselves. This is not how government is supposed to work. With Republicans, we get a government that functions only for the 1%, that only caters to and serves their needs, that exploits the bottom 99%, the working people, that leaves them out in the cold. AND I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT! FOR TOO LONG, THE WORKING CLASS HAS BEEN SHORTCHANGED! And it's time for that to end. That is one of the biggest reasons I'm running for president - because it's time we do something for more than just the donor class, it's time we help the bottom 99% and have the top 1% pay their fair share."
Cooper campaigns across other parts of Marion County, as well as across neighbouring Dillon County, with Sen. Williams over the course of the day.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #207 on: August 17, 2022, 03:07:30 AM »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: January 31-February 3

January 31: Alabama

Following the night in New Hampshire, John Kerry made way to Alabama where he would lay groundwork for his campaign's GOTV operation on Super Tuesday. During the day, Kerry paid visits to Congressman Terri Sewell and former Senator Doug Jones. Kerry also attended a civil rights roundtable sponsored by local leaders in Mobile, as well as conducted multiple interviews with local media stations.

I called Vice President Harris last night to congratulate her on the big win in New Hampshire. It was well deserved for Kamala at a time when there were many in the media already writing her off. Make no mistake, though, that this primary is looking to be a long slog between the three of us. I'm going to be out here on these streets, campaigning for every vote, and spreading our campaign's message on the most important issues of our time. Americans need to know that they will have leaders who not only pledge to represent them, but have a record of accountability to back this up. Over the coming weeks, I hope to show the good people of Alabama and nationwide why our record stands tall above the field and why we're going to beat back authoritarianism together this November.

February 1: Georgia

Secretary Kerry flew into Georgia for the funeral reception of former President Jimmy Carter. Kerry declined extensive public comments when prompted by reporters after the event, but reiterated in a solemn manner his past comments about the dedication to peace and human well-being that Carter embodied. By the evening, Kerry would arrive back in Washington to catch up on duties as Climate Envoy.

February 2-3: Minnesota

The next stop for Secretary Kerry would be in Minnesota, where the candidate rekindled with old staff and welcomed new members to the ranks. Kerry engaged in a mix of rallies, town halls, and local interviews to expose himself to voters. Cities that were canvassed for this trip include Minneapolis, Rochester, Duluth, Minnetonka, and Mankato. Among other notable events, Kerry had a roundtable discussion with Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith; Kerry also visited the site of a Trader Joe's in Minneapolis voting on unionization to speak with employees and the broader public.

All of you who are organizing this effort, leading the way, and making your voices heard: don't ever give up. You may feel the pressure from corporate or even receive threats about your job, but know that you are not alone in this fight. Far from it. What we've seen here in Minnesota and in many other states is a huge spike in union membership, and many more stores and restaurants are fighting for this now too as we speak. Workers are gaining the leverage with this economy they've desperately needed for decades, but more must be done in Washington to bolster labor. I have been firm in calling for the repeal of Taft-Hartley and the passage of the PRO Act. This will be among my top priorities as President. Workers like you all here should have the freedom to choose how your workplace represents you. These acts would open the floodgates to rebuilding the working and middle classes after years of neglect and abuse from those in power. Building on that economic security for regular Americans would be among my proudest achievements. We can make this happen, and it starts with the work we do here today!
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« Reply #208 on: August 18, 2022, 12:18:04 PM »
« Edited: August 18, 2022, 06:08:07 PM by CentristRepublican »

On February 3, Cooper heads towards the Columbia area, campaigning all the way, and upon reaching there, he holds a large rally where he discusses LGBT rights, healthcare, and gun violence (no mention of criminal justice reform or marijuana for now).

Then he heads over to Spartanburg, where, after a long break where he refrained from doing so, he rips into Kamala Harris. Not over marijuana convictions or the criminal justice system, but over her flip-flopping on…immigration: “Kamala Harris said, and I quote, ‘ICE has a role, ICE should exist. This is, to be clear, the agency that separates kids from their parents at the border, that rips apart families and puts young children in cages. Anyway, she said that in March, 2018. But then she launched her presidential campaign and realized her pro-ICE position wasn’t popular, wasn’t convenient. So then in July 2018, just two months later, she took a 180 and said it needed, quote, “a complete overhaul of the agency, mission, culture, operations.” I’m still not sure what her actual position on ICE is, and I don’t think many voters are, either, so it’d help if Kamala could explain what her position actually is. You can’t have it both ways, VP Harris, and we can’t have more equivocation on this issue that is so crucial, that is almost an issue of life and death to thousands of people south of the border.” He also discusses his own liberal, and consistent, views on immigration, which include steadfast opposition to both The Wall and the kids-in-cages policy (he calls the latter “a national disgrace, a major problem that needs correction ASAP”).
Pink Panther
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« Reply #209 on: August 18, 2022, 12:48:41 PM »

January 31st: Fundraiser with Casino executives and local officials in Paradise, NV, try to get their endorsements

February 1st: Attend Jimmy Carter's funeral

February 2nd: Rally in Las Vegas, NV. Start airing ads attacking Trump for his recent move to NV for political purposes, the FBI raid, his amendment of the average American, and his refusal to campaign.

February 3rd: Rally in Reno, NV. Continue airing those ads.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #210 on: August 21, 2022, 08:27:31 AM »

February 4- February 10

Harris and Trump continue winning ways; Larry Hogan pondering run.

With the conclusion of the New Hampshire primary, the race has settled down slightly. While Vice president Harris and Former President Trump lead the race so far, many suspect that this was likely due to an almost perfect confluence of events. Harris's strong debate performance was able to give her a solid, if not decisive win in New Hampshire and with Cooper pulling out of Nevada to focus on South Carolina, Harris is seemingly assured of victory in the Silver State.

On the Republican side, momentum is clearly with Vince McMahon. Trump had a horror week, not attending the debate and being largely absent from the campaign trail. The former CEO of WWE had a truly excellent night in New Hampshire, achieving a truly massive swing in his favour, and cutting Trump's margin of victory considerably. McMahon will still likely struggle to produce a repeat performance in Nevada, given his comments on nuclear power, but South Carolina will tell all, particularly with McMahon surging in that state.

Of note is new of former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, who has recently convened an exploratory committee. Sources close to Hogan report that the former governor is alarmed at the choices Republicans have this year, and plans to run largely as an internal opposition candidate to the populism that pushes Trump and McMahon. it is unknown how his entry would affect the race.

Carter funeral solemn affair; eulogy delivered by President Biden.

The funeral of Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States was considered a solemn, respectful affair, as was to be expected. Even Republican candidate Vince McMahon was surprisingly restrained, seemingly reserving his more bombastic self for the campaign trail. In an act that has been roundly condemned, Trump failed to attend the funeral.

President Biden, a Senator under Carter during the late 1970s, delivered the eulogy for the former President. In a ten-minute address, Biden recounted Carter's fight for civil rights as Governor of Georgia, his acheivement with the Camp David Accords, and finally, Carter's long humanitarian work. Biden praised Carter as "One of the world's greatest humanitarians, who taught us all the value of peace in this world, kindness to each other, and basic human decency."

Humble to the end, Carter requested he be buried in hometown of Plains, Georgia. The only hints at the larger life he lived were the attendance of various powerful politicians, and the US Navy Honour Guard comprising of Commander Benjamin Grant and six other personnel of the USS Jimmy Carter.

Carter's funeral was concluded with a three-volley salute.

Dogfight over SCNA

Tammy Baldwin's Stop Corruption Now Act has entered into a dogfight in the Senate. Despite Mitch McConnell being reportedly inclined to refuse a vote on the bill, Republicans such as Josh Hawley and Joni Ernst are supposeldy willing to support the bill when it goes to the floor. At this stage, Senatr John Thune is reportedly urging McConnell to put the bill to the floor and stop it allowing Democrats to campaign on the issue going forward, with the Senate Majority Leader close to capitulating.

Sources say that the SCNA vote is likely to occur on February 6 if it does occur at all; the same day as the Nevada primary.


-As always, the time for this turn will cmmence upon the posting of the polls and last for five days

-The Nevada primary occurs on February 6. Coverage will begin three days after the polls go up.

-Remember, the SCNA may be going to a Senate vote this turn, and it may depend on your actions.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #211 on: August 23, 2022, 07:43:42 PM »



Vice President Harris: 41.8%

Governor Cooper: 37.5%

Secretary Kerry: 19.2%

Undecided: 1.4%

Nevada (final poll):

Vice President Harris: 45.9%

Governor Cooper: 41.2%

Undecided: 12.9%

South Carolina

Governor Cooper: 44.1%

Vice President Harris: 42.5%

Undecided: 13.4%


Former President Trump: 57.4%

Mr McMahon: 22.9%

Undecided: 19.6%

Nevada (final poll) :

Former President Trump: 64.1%

Mr. McMahon: 14.3%

Undecided: 22.4%

South Carolina:

Former President Trump: 56.2%

Mr McMahon: 24.9%

Undecided: 18.9%

Current Delegates:

Democratic Primary (2,266 required)

Vice Pres. Harris: 35 pledged delegates

Gov. Cooper: 29 pledged delegates

Republican Primary (1,217 required)

Fmr. Pres. Trump: 39 pledged delegates

Mr. McMahon: 21 pledged delegates

Upcoming Primaries:

Nevada Primary, February 6 (this turn)

South Carolina Republican Primary, February 24

South Carolina Democratic Primary, March 2


-Super Tuesday is March 5. Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia will all be voting, which means a good chunk of delegates are up for grabs. I would advise your begin preparing, because polling for that will begin next turn.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #212 on: August 23, 2022, 11:17:24 PM »

Vice President Harris reaffirms support for the SCNA

During a campaign stop in Las Vegas, Vice President Harris had this news to share about the recent news on the "Stop Corruption Now ACT"

"The matter is this, if the vote is brought to the floor I fully expect a lot of our members in the Democratic caucus to vote for it and hopefully some Republican's but if it's being here in Nevada giving a speech on primary night, or being in Washington breaking a tie on this momentous legislation that will hold everyone regardless of their background accountable, I will be doing my job as Vice President first, and not as a presidential candidate.

Afterwards the Vice President Harris called Senator Tammy Baldwin on 3 way with President Biden to once again pledge their support for the bill.
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« Reply #213 on: August 24, 2022, 12:42:33 PM »

Cooper reaffirms ‘complete, unequivocal and total support’ for the Stop Corruption Now Act at event in SC: “I absolutely and fully support Senator Baldwin’s terrific piece of legislation, the Stop Corruption Now Act. Corruption - including insider trading, which this law would make impossible - is a major problem and something that was and remains an integral part of Washington politics. We can change that by making this bill law. We can increase government accountability and integrity. It is a major step forward in tackling corruption, and I expect only politicians engaging in or condoning of corruption, to oppose it.”
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #214 on: August 26, 2022, 12:24:48 AM »
« Edited: August 26, 2022, 12:32:07 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry on Stop Corruption Now

Secretary Kerry made the following comments at a press conference in Washington, D.C. outside Capitol Hill prior to embarking on his next campaign stop:

Well, I'm very happy to see my Democratic friends in the race join in to voice their support on the Stop Corruption Now Act. They joined the bandwagon rather late, though. I have been beating this drum since my campaign began because I know we're at a pivotal moment with a bill like this. Both President Biden and I have voiced our support early on to help Senator Baldwin with the momentum she needs here, and the grassroots pressure that has been building up is wonderful to witness.

We have to be practical and understand that this bill will not pass the Senate right now without the support of some Republicans. To those on the other side of the aisle, many of whom I've served with in the Senate, I ask you: Will you truly put party over country on a reform as common-sense as this one? Will you heed to the wishes of Mitch McConnell or listen to your own constituents who have been blowing up your phone lines and showing up at your town halls? This already has bipartisan support and the signs are that it's continuing to grow. To Mitch McConnell, I ask the same of you. This isn't a bill that targets conservatives, and you know that.

Let this vote happen. Vote your conscience. Make history and progress in a bipartisan way to make a better government for all of us. If not, you can bet that the American people will vote their conscience this November.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #215 on: August 26, 2022, 01:39:08 AM »
« Edited: August 26, 2022, 07:58:48 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: February 4-6

February 4-5: California

Secretary Kerry made a return to the Golden State following a brief return to regular duties in Washington. Kerry's focus on this trip is to continue cracking into the establishment entities that sway scores of voters. This has included labor unions, environmental advocacy groups, Hispanic-American associations, and many of the top elected officials spread statewide. A dual focus has been to tap into the deep progressive network of activists long restless in the primary. Kerry has scheduled conferences with a number of prominent grassroots groups local to California, with follow-ups from key campaign staff, to solidify support in these margins. Cities toured during this visit include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Riverside, Glendale, and Chula Vista.

Times change, don't they? Just a few days ago, all you heard about was marijuana. The next day, it's like the word was blacklisted. I think we can all agree that Governor Cooper has had a rough week, so I think I'll go a bit easy on him for now. *laughs*

Vice President Harris is riding high at the moment, and credit to her campaign for turning the tables in New Hampshire. However, I do think there's a road we need to cross when it comes to her record as Attorney General of the biggest state here in California. More specifically, what did she not do when she had an opportunity? I point to the story of Herbalife, which was a multi-level marketing scam company that preyed upon mostly Spanish-speaking Americans. Everyone from the FTC to the FBI to other state Attorneys General were opening investigations on their business practices. You had five local Latino groups write to Kamala Harris's office asking for the same level of investigation. The San Diego division wrote a memo and asked Attorney General Harris to proceed, but an investigation was never started and she never explained why.

These investigations weren't for nothing, I'll add. The FTC alone got a $200 million settlement out of Herbalife after they went through the process. Latino communities were taken advantage of and thousands of low-income Americans had their life savings vanish. Why did Kamala Harris not follow the same path as the the federal government and other states? This issue was on her radar for years. Is it because she happened to receive donations from major supporters of Herbalife around the same time? The Vice President will need to explain her full record and why she let down those struggling among us when so many chances were in front of her.

February 6: American Samoa

Kerry made his next stop in American Samoa, marking a milestone as the first presidential candidate to visit for this campaign cycle. Kerry spent considerable time in the capital Pago Pago along with nearby villages, fostering close ties with local leaders through the candidate's international chops. The campaign would leave the island with a clear GOTV operation in place for Super Tuesday that would put Kerry on top, ideally with the vast majority of delegates.

As Secretary of State and now as Climate Envoy, I've traveled all around the world big and small. I know that communities like here in American Samoa are often overlooked or dismissed, but I'm here in person to tell you your voices are just as important. Not only do you decide how you live your lives here, but you are just as American as us on the continental side. You can send a message to the establishment loud and clear that you want clear air, clean water, safe communities, and better government! We can do this together, and I'm so fortunate for all of you here today making history in this political process!
Pink Panther
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« Reply #216 on: August 26, 2022, 12:48:03 PM »

"You know, I'm not opposed to a bill similar to the Stop Corruption Now Act. I believe we have to limit the power that special interests have in our current government and make our government more transparent with the American People. However, I have strong doubts that this bill will actually pass, considering Democrats are some of the most corrupt politicians in the entire world. Nore than South American dictatorships. More than the Arab World. More than Putin and Xi. Hell, they might be more corrupt than North Korea! And it's sad faux populists like Tammy Baldwin want to peddle propaganda that they are in Congress to fight for the ordinary man. That's a load of bullsh**t,bod course, as the GOP is and has always been the party of the Working Class.  And as for Donald Trump, he sure as hell wouldn't support this because he's probably the most corrupt politician alive! His Administration proved that he was a fraud, sellout, corporate puppet, big media puppet, etc. And do you know why Trump continues to no-show campaign events? That's because he damn well knows that he is all of those things and much more, and decides to be soft and not confront them head on. However, I'm confident the GOP Primary voters and the American People as a whole will see these people for their lies and take back their country.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #217 on: August 26, 2022, 11:54:27 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule (Pt. 1)
Kamala Harris for the People

February 4th | South Carolina
The Vice President will arrive in Charleston, SC by Air Force Two and greet local elected officials on the tarmac and make a joke about Governor Cooper’s already large campaign presence in South Carolina, afterwards the Vice President will give brief remarks to the press already situated on the tarmac before being driven to a rally at Summerville High School.
“Thank you! It’s so good to once again be back in Charleston after 2 great wins in Iowa and New Hampshire! And with your help South Carolina you are going to take us all the way to the White House! Because unlike some candidates in this race I believe every state is important in this race! And I intend to compete in all 50 states and the territories!
Now I know that this primary has seemed divisive, and bitter and downright nasty but I promise you that as President I will be a uniter for all Americans! Whether you voted for me or not because that is the job of a President! To unite and bring people together! And I sincerely hope I can gain your support!”

After the event the Vice President attended a town hall with supporters and undecided voters, there she stressed her plan to expand child care to low income families, especially those who struggle to pay for childcare, and it would become a large plank of her platform and would be mentioned in her stump speech from now on.
Afterwards the Vice President had a zoom meeting with President Biden on the SCNA and was informed she would likely to be in Washington on Primary Day (much to her disappointment) Afterwards the Vice President visited her local campaign HQ and thank volunteers before boarding Air Force Two and departing to Nevada.
February 5th | Nevada
The Vice President arrived in Nevada before the sun rose and would retire to her hotel to catch a few extra hours of sleep before moving forward with her last full day of campaigning in the state of Nevada.
The Vice President would go to local small business stores and shops shaking hands with voters and urging them to vote for her in tomorrow’s primary, while also being kept up to date by her advisors on the affairs of Washington and finally being confirmed that she will have to potentially split a tie. Afterwards the Vice President attended a rally at the University of Nevada, Reno.
“Nevada, tomorrow you have a clear choice to make, you can vote for a divisive, bitter and vindictive America like you have seen some candidates in this race prop up, or you can votr for a stronger, more united, more open and more inclusive America, now is not the time for us to get complacent! We have a fight on our hands let’s be clear about that! But I wouldn’t have become District Attorney if I wasn’t prepared to fight! I wouldn’t have become Attorney General; if I wasn’t prepared to fight! I wouldn’t have become a Senator! If I wasn’t prepared to fight!
I wouldn’t have become Vice President if I wasn’t prepared to fight and I wouldn’t have had the audacity to run as a black woman for President of the United States and be the frontrunner if I wasn’t prepared to fight! Thank you all so much!”

After the rally, wearing the purple jacket she promised a small business owner she would wear if she won the primary, the Vice President would record a message for her supporters if she was unable to make it back in time to address them in person. Afterwards the Vice President would spend the rest of the evening in Nevada meeting supporters and undecideds late into the night before retiring for bed and preparing to leave for Washington in the morning.
February 6th | Washington D.C
The Vice President arrived in Washington D.C early in the morning and was driven immediately to the White House for the PDB and for a meeting with President Biden and Democratic Leaders on the SCNA. Afterwards the Vice President caught up on work in her office before moving to the Capitol to stay on high alert if she is needed to break a tie.
The Vice President also laid out a contingency plan for her staff in Nevada over a group video chat where she laid out 2 plans for the night.
If the Vice President can make it before the race is called, she will hopefully already be in Nevada and the vote would have already taken place, making her presence in person to address her supporters.

If the Vice President is unable to make it back in time, The Second Gentleman and the Vice President’s sister, Democratic strategist, Maya Harris will address supporters in Nevada and thank them for their hard work and wish for them to understand the important role the Vice President has in the passing of the SCNA.
With those plans put in place the Vice President would spend primary day being the Vice President, hundreds of miles away from the primary.
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« Reply #218 on: August 27, 2022, 01:00:16 AM »


On February 4, Cooper can be found all over Greenville and Greenville County. City councilwoman Lilian Brock-Fleming vouches for Cooper, but Cooper speaks about his own antipoverty programs. "We need to lift every child in America out of poverty. Every child in America deserves a good education, deserves a roof over its head. It's vicious, but this system creates a cycle of poverty that repeats itself, a cycle very difficult for poor kids, particularly minorities, to escape from. And I think we as a nation are not only abandoning these kids, but in them, abandoning them a lot of potential for this country. We need less funding for bad defense contracts and for the DoD, less funding for invasions of the Middle East and for bomber planes, less tax cuts for billionaires. We need more funding for public schools, we need to increase child support, we need to increase funding for HUD. We need to look at the roots of poverty and tackle them from there." He meets with impoverished and working class families and Greenville, talking to single moms working multiple jobs to support their families. Cooper has a town hall in the evening where he discusses his plans to combat poverty.

On February 5, Cooper returns to Spartanburg. He reiterates why he must win South Carolina: "We've suffered narrow but disappointing losses in both Iowa and New Hampshire. We've given up on Nevada. All of those states have fallen to Kamala Harris. But I still hold faith in South Carolina. South Carolina, Democrats from all across the state - from the Lowcountry to the Charleston coast, from Abbeville County to Cherokee County, will be deciding who they want as the Democratic nominee for president. Do you want a fellow Carolinian, somebody with experience at winning tough races, at transforming their state? Or another career politician who wins easy races and gets nothing done, who gets along and goes along, who does not deliver to the people? Do we want to run the risk of delivering the White House to the GOP, by giving them a Democratic candidate with twenty something approvals - or do we want to choose a governor from a swing state, who can help win that swing state, who can hold the White House and advance liberal ideals? Ultimately, this is a question of liberal vision. Have we given up on the vision of a government that serves all its citizens, a government that fights poverty, a government that fights inequality and injustice, a government for the people, of the people and by the people? Or is that a vision we are still actively fighting for? And you know what? I think South Carolinians still have that vision. A vision where their children have a better future than they had - where they don't need to worry about putting food on the table, worry about economic stability? Where they don't need to work multiple jobs to support their families? Where they do not need to worry about being treated differently because of their race, or their sexual orientation? Where they do not need to worry about falling sick because they don't have health insurance? Republicans want you to think these are problems our government can't, or shouldn't, solve. They think the government should step back, should allow the rich to get richer and the middle class to fade away. They support privatising Medicare, they support repealing Obamacare, and they oppose the concept of unionisation. Well, I beg to differ. I think we need a government that fights for all of its people - not just the 1%, but the other 99%, whether they're straight or gay, male or female, black or white, old or young, liberal or conservative. We as a country need to decide whether we want a government that unites us, or a government that divides us; a government that fights for the working and middle classes, or one which leaves them to the mercy of multibillionaires. And this is something I'm confident South Carolina will, that America will, make the right decision on. It's why I began this campaign. Because, just the way I've served every North Carolinian, advocated for every North Carolinian's rights, from day one - I think we need a leader who does just that for every single American. So that nobody is left behind, and so that we truly finally have a government for the people - for all the people, not just the rich." After this rambling speech, which is met with warm applause, Cooper campaigns in other parts of Spartanburg, before leaving for Columbia.

Columbia, February 6. Cooper discusses Kamala Harris' flip flopping and equivocation on various issues. "Kamala Harris, March 2018: "ICE has a role, ICE should exist.” Kamala Harris, July 2018, said that ICE needs "a complete overhaul of the agency, mission, culture, operations.” ICE is the organisation that, down at the border, separates families. I oppose many of their practices and have consistently believed that ICE should be significantly reformed, if not abolished. Kamal Harris, on the other hand? Her opinion on ICE is whatever's politically convenient. If you tell her abolishing ICE is favoured by a majority of Democrats, she'll say she supports overhauling it. If you tell her that idea's not favoured by a majority of Democrats, she'll say she's pro-ICE and doesn't oppose overhauling it. Kamala Harris has said she's in favour of sanctuary cities. Well, Kamala, your record tells a very different story. To quote CNN: “As district attorney of San Francisco, Kamala Harris supported a city policy that required law enforcement to turn over undocumented juvenile immigrants to federal immigration authorities if they were arrested and suspected of committing a felony, regardless of whether they were actually convicted of a crime.” To quote your city's Chronicle: "District Attorney Kamala Harris does not emerge unscathed. Her prosecutors should have known that convicted drug dealers were being allowed to bypass deportation. If they did raise objections, they were ineffective. If they did not, then they were either unclear on the law or not looking out for the best interest of the city.” In 2008, Kamla Harris called decriminalising prostitution, "completely ridiculous", and she said that “it would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes to come on into San Francisco.” Well, I don't really disagree with 2008 Kamala. But 2019 Kamala appears to have a very different view on that same subject! She now says prostitution, and sexual work, should be decriminalised. In 2016, Kamala supported sending troops to Iraq, Libya, and Syria. In 2019, though, she'd taken yet another 180. Consistency, principles, and values, are key qualities of any would-be president, and when you've got somebody who's only consistent viewpoint is whatever's politically expedient - there's something very wrong with that. Kamala Harris says I flip-flop, but the truth is, her own entire political platform is a collection of flip-flops and equivocations."

Cooper also says in Charleston at a rally with the mayor on the 7th: "Kamala Harris is insincere and will say whatever, adopt whatever political position, she needs to get elected. In office, she'll stand idly by. There have been scandals and gross mismanagement under her watch. As far as progressive action goes? It's always the same: nothing happens. Kamala does nothing. She'll win an office, and then disappoint everybody that voted for her. She claims she's for change, but in her entire career, the only thing I've seen change is her position on the issues. I promise change, and I deliver change too. Not on my political views, but to our system. I've promised criminal justice reform, and marijuana reform. I've delivered on both counts. I've promised bold steps forward to tackle climate change. I've delivered - under my administration, North Carolina's vocally opposed offshore drilling, and has taken various measures to go green and renewable. So the question is: Which change do you want?"
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #219 on: August 27, 2022, 03:38:15 AM »

Stop Corruption Now Act

Ayes: 50 (49 Democrat, 1 Republican)

Nays: 50 (all Republican)


Lester Holt: It seems that the Vice President will be required to break the tie . . .

Brett Baier: Lisa Murkowski, the sole Republican to vote in favour . . .

Anderson Cooper: We are on the verge of the most far-reaching oversight bill in history . . .
Pink Panther
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« Reply #220 on: August 27, 2022, 08:36:22 AM »

February 4th: Rally in Columbia, SC. Afterwards, we will hold a fundraiser dinner around the same proximity. In this rally, we will continue to hit Trump hard for his campaign trail absence, the FBI investigation, selling out to the elites during his Presidency, his flagrant ass-kissing of Mitch McConnell during his Administration, not stopping the lockdowns in 2020, etc. We will set up GOTV operations in SC and start air ads in SC and NV about the things already mentioned above, as well as Trump's political and flagrant move to NV specifically in the Silver State, and talk about he only cares about his political fortunes. We will finally hire Social Media marketers.

February 5th: Rally in Greenville, SC. Afterwards, we will hold a townhall in Greenville as well, taking questions from participants. We'll talk about the things mentioned above, but more specifically zone in on how Trump doesn't actually care about running for President and he would lose due to his complete laziness, costing the GOP the White House for another four years to the Socialist Liberals in the process of he gets the nomination. We'll continue airing the same ads in SC and NV, improve our voting canvassing and GOTV operations, and even start to troll Trump on Social Media, and make memes that aren't cringe.

February 6th: Rally in Spartansburg, SC. Afterwards, we'll hold another rally there. It will essentially be the same subject as the first two rallies, and we'll see continue to expand the GOTV operations, airing those ads, and trolling Trump on Social Media.

February 7th: Rally in Charleston, SC. It will only be one event, and it will be the same as the previous three. We will continue to do the GOTV stuff, ads, and the Social Media trolling.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #221 on: August 27, 2022, 08:54:53 AM »

Vice President Harris breaks tie on SCNA

"Alright *chuckle* on this vote the Yea's are 50, the Nay's are 50, the Senate being equally divided the Vice President votes in the affirmative and the bill as amended is passed" *slams gavel*

After breaking the tie the Vice President would chat with a few Senators before quickly leaving the Capitol to depart for Nevada.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #222 on: August 27, 2022, 04:51:44 PM »

Vice President Harris breaks tie on SCNA

"Alright *chuckle* on this vote the Yea's are 50, the Nay's are 50, the Senate being equally divided the Vice President votes in the affirmative and the bill as amended is passed" *slams gavel*

After breaking the tie the Vice President would chat with a few Senators before quickly leaving the Capitol to depart for Nevada.

COOPER DISCUSSES THE PASSAGE OF THE STOP CORRUPTION NOW ACT IN MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA ON THE 8TH: "I commend Kamala Harris on her decision here. I would have done the same thing were I in her shoes, and voted to make this revolutionary bill law. For this bill takes historic steps away from government corruption and toward government integrity. However, it is both disappointing and revealing that less than 2% of Republican senators supported this bill, while all 49 Democrats supported it. This is a common sense bill which should have seen broad bipartisan support - however, 50 out of 51 Republican senators were too cowardly and spineless to support this bill. Yes, just one Republican out of 51 supported this bill. Don't you listen when Republicans like Donald Trump or Josh Hawley tell you they're against the swamp, against the establishment, against corruption. Because when it came up for a vote - when the chips were down and government integrity was up for a vote - Josh Hawley and 49 of the other 50 Republicans voted against this bill. They voted against fighting corruption, they voted against government integrity. Don't you listen when any of the 50 Republican senators who rejected government integrity tell you they're against corruption, when they tell you that they're for reform. They are lying to you. They are a disgrace to their constituents and the people that voted for them, and they should be ashamed of themselves. All 50 of them. We as a nation should be proud that we passed this great bill and have taken a major step forward in fighting corruption, while at the same time ashamed that one of the two major parties, the party that controls Congress, nearly unanimously voted against government integrity, nearly unanimously voted against this common-sense piece of reform. Remember this when you go to the polls this November: one party voted for government integrity; the other party voted against it."

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« Reply #223 on: August 27, 2022, 05:14:52 PM »

On February 9, Cooper heads out to Florence, where he attacks GOP policies generally.
"You know, one of the original Republicans who supposedly championed a smaller government, who championed less spending, who claimed to be a deficit hawk, was Ronald Reagan. Many people associate Reagan with careful, conservative spending, and we associate him with reducing our deficit. But the truth is this: Ronald Reagan, for all of his 'deficit hawk' lies, tripled our national debt during his eight years in office. And on what? Not to serve the American people. Not to feed the hungry, to house the homeless, to increase government insurance. But rather, to pass tax cuts for the richest Americans - which increased the wealth gap - and to support wasteful government spending, a bloated military. He created the military industrial complex, let me just tell you that. And this very same thing has happened with each Republican president since. They all claim to be deficit hawks, for a smaller government, but then they all go ahead and increase our national debt, increase the deficit. George W. Bush spent billions in taxpayer dollars to fund the bloated military, on bad defense contracts, to invade Iraq, to send American troops to go and die in the Middle East in the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction that weren't there. That money could have been spent to reduce the debt. That money could have been spent on healthcare for more Americans. But it was spent on funding the military industrial-complex, on needless wars. The Office of Government Accountability offered grave criticisms and analyses of all the taxpayer money the Bush Administration was squandering, but they promptly ignored and silenced by the 'small government' 'deficit hawk' Republicans in Congress. And we have Donald Trump, who increased the national debt by nearly $8,000,000,000,000 in just four years in office. He, again, spent it on tax giveaways to the billionaires of the donor-class, those who donate to GOP politicians in exchange for tax breaks and tax loopholes.

A bigger national debt, a bigger national deficit. A bloated military-industrial complex with so much waste of taxpayer dollars. That's the 'economic conservatism' of the Republicans.

And I'm sick and tired of their charade, of their lies, of their double-standards. Joe Biden spent trillions, but not on tax cuts. He spent it to help hundreds of millions of Americans who were hurting, to increase the number of vaccines and testing sites because Donald Trump couldn't be bothered to do so. He took the courageous decision to pull the troops out of Afghanistan, that George W. Bush placed there 20 years earlier and that Republicans had fought tooth and nail to keep there since then. I intend to follow President Biden's model when I'm in office. To spend money, but only money to help the American people. Money to feed the hungry and help the homeless, not on the military-industrial complex or on unnecessary wars abroad. And we can still reduce the deficit, believe it or not. We can do so by finally, finally, finally taxing the rich their fair share, and by cutting government waste on bad military contracts and needless weapons of warfare. I don't think it's right that the top 10% own as much as the bottom 90%, or that the top 1% owns over a third of the nation's wealth. But we can change that, together. We can change that by closing the many tax loopholes Republicans have put on the books, and by reversing the 2001 and 2017 tax breaks for the ultra-rich, once and for all."

The speech is uploaded to the YouTube channel, and select quotes of it are aired in media markets in TX, CA, CO, TN and MA.

Also, Cooper's earlier speech attacking Kamala Harris for her flip-flopping is also converted into an attack ad to be aired in TX, CA, CO, UT, and MN.
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« Reply #224 on: August 27, 2022, 05:15:18 PM »

On February 10, Cooper holds a rally and fundraiser in Charlotte, before heading up to Raleigh.
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