2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #75 on: June 14, 2022, 07:34:05 PM »

JULY 26 - Campaigning alone in northern Hardin County, then in Grundy County, then in southern Hardin County.
JULY 27 - Campaigning in Ames, Story County, Iowa (especially HD46) with State Rep. and Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party Ross Willburn.

July 26 is reasonably low-key, with Cooper hitting all the general campaign messages as he barnstormers solo through Hardin and Grundy Counties. While in Grundy County, Cooper does, however, make a bold promise: “The death penalty can be summed up in three words: ineffective, inhuman and irreversible. Thus, if I am elected president, I pledge here and now to ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY!!” This statement is included on campaign mailers.

July 27, in HD 27 in Ames, Story County, with State  Rep. and former chair of the Iowa Democrats, Ross Willburn. “I have full faith in Governor Cooper!” says Willburn. Cooper emphasises his plans to tackle student loans/debts and to enact student loan forgiveness.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #76 on: June 15, 2022, 01:01:02 AM »

JULY 28 - Heading west to spend the day campaigning in Boone County before returning to Ames to catch a flight to New Hampshire

Cooper campaigns in Boone County, Iowa. He discusses, once again, his plan to raise taxes on the top 1%. Cooper pledges: "When I'm president, we're going to finally make the 1% pay up!" He says in Boone (the county seat and largest city), "If you want a seat at the table, a voice in Washington and in the White House, there's one option. The Republicans, Trump and DeSantis, do not care about serving everyday Iowans. Their concerns lie with the 1% that fund their campaigns. And Harris and Hochul and Baldwin - they have not campaigned for your votes or met with any of you, either. They have 'campaigned' in Iowa's 99 counties within 3 days, apparently. They have considered themselves above meeting with Iowans who will be voting in next year's caucuses. They will meet only with people in big cities, and donors. They will not meet with hardworking, middle class Iowans in places like Boone. They don't want to. They will take your vote for granted, but they have not and never will be interested in your concerns! They want your vote, but they refuse to campaign for it or meet with Iowa, in person, themselves. For me, I don't consider it above me to go out into Iowa and meet in person with voters from all corners of the state. I consider it a privilege. I consider it a great privilege to meet with Iowans and ask their concerns. Their concerns will be my top priority in the White House. So my question for you is this, simply this: Do you want to vote for somebody who is not interested in meeting with you or hearing your concerns, somebody who'll forget you once they win the White House with your vote? Or somebody who has spent weeks and weeks personally meeting with voters, with people like you, hearing your concerns, someone who will places you and your concerns at very high value if they get elected president? Whether or not you vote for me, whether I win or lose, the concerns and the stories I've heard from rural Iowa will forever resonate with me. It saddens me that none of the other candidates took the time to personally meet with voters like I have, to give each of Iowa's 99 counties a proper visit, rather than a cursory one.  Because even if I lose this campaign, I will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that my campaign was for the people, of the people and by the people - of Iowa, and of America. Today, what I want to say is this: It has been a great pleasure to visit Boone and Boone County, to meet its hospitable people. Thank you, Boone!" Loud cheers. Cooper subsequently returns to Ames, from where he flies out to New Hampshire.

JULY 30 - Heads south via the Everett Turnpike to Nashua, to campaign with State Sen. Cindy Rosenwald (of the 13th district), who has given her endorsement.

After the debate in Goffstown in July 29, Cooper heads south via the Everett Turnpike. Arriving in Nashua, he spends the evening in a comfortable hotel, and the following day, he meets with State Senator Cindy Rosenwald (D-SD13). "It's good to be in New Hampshire!" Cooper says. He brings out the old line - "The weather may be cold, but my reception by Nashua has been warm!" He discusses his campaign agenda with the usual themes, and touts Rosenwald's endorsement: "Cindy Rosenwald has been a great representative for Nashua in the state legislature. I am honoured to have her endorsement in this race."

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #77 on: June 15, 2022, 09:45:13 PM »

Donald J. Trump on Gab

Ron DeSnake has betrayed our great movement for his own gain. He has sold out everyone who believes that we should put America First. He need to demolish this treachery at the ballot box!
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #78 on: June 15, 2022, 09:56:28 PM »

July 1: Rally in El Paso, TX
July 2: Rally in McAllen, TX
July 3: Rally in Brownsville, TX
July 4: Give a nationally televised speech on patriotism and America's Lost Greatness
July 5: Rally in San Antonio, TX
July 6: Rally in Austin, TX
July 7: Rallies in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX
July 8: Hold rallies in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX
July 9: Hold a rally in Arlington, TX
July 10: Hold a rally in Houston, TX
July 11-12: Take some time off to rest and spend time with his family
July 13: Hold a rally in Baton Rouge, LA
July 14: Hold a rally in Southaven, MS
July 15: Hold a rally in Little Rock, AR
July 16: Hold a rally in Kansas City, MO
July 17: Hold a rally in Des Moines, IA
July 18: Hold a rally in Duluth, MN
July 19: Hold a rally in Waukesha, WI
July 20: Hold a rally in Aurora, IL
July 21: Hold a rally in Sterling Heights, MI
July 22: Take a day off
July 23: Hold a rally in Lorain, OH
July 24: Hold a rally in Indianapolis, IN
July 25: Hold a rally in Pittsburgh, PA
July 26: Hold a rally in Buffalo, NY
July 27: Hold a rally in Rockland County, NY
July 28: Hold a rally in Ocean County, NJ
July 29: Hold a rally in Dover, DE
July 30: Hold a rally in Annapolis, MD
July 31: Hold a rally in Loudoun County, VA
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
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« Reply #79 on: June 15, 2022, 11:43:06 PM »

Eric Adams for President

July 5: Announcement (Brooklyn, New York, NY)

Ladies and gentlemen, you may ask why I'm stepping into this race for President of the United States when other candidates are out there. Let me tell you: This nation is in desperate need of leadership. I'm talking about sane, practical leadership that speaks to the whole of the country and not just the extreme minority interests on both sides. Not only that, but you need to have the chops to make change happen. New York has been at the forefront of common-sense reforms to make our lives better under my administration as mayor. We have put more police on the streets while investing in broken neighborhoods to prevent crime before it ever spawns. Together, New York City has also breathed new life in our economic lifeblood as we've made a pathway to recover from COVID-19.

The media often speaks on my behalf and twists words, but now you can hear for yourself about who Eric Adams is. He's the kid who grew up poor, hustling by day and forced to move by night. He suffered police brutality but let it be a learning lesson to reform the New York Police Department from within as an officer. My record has always been standing side-by-side with the working class of America, and I am the working class candidate in this race. You may see that scrappy side of me come out over the coming months, but this will be a race about vision and about accomplishments. I'll humbly work to be the Democratic nominee, and I can't wait for you all to know Eric Adams as well as New York already does.

July 6-13: Nevada

Mayor Adams has spent the first days of his campaign canvassing the state of Nevada. The Adams campaign sees Nevada as crucial for their long-term success as a state with large, varied minority populations along with a strong labor union presence. To this effect, Adams spent time in Las Vegas, Henderson, Reno, Paradise, and Carson City over the first week. Time was spent on building campaign sites across cities, meeting with local elected officials such as Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, and touring local union headquarters including the influential Culinary Workers Union.

I could really get used to this classic Nevada heat! Thank you all for inviting me to this meeting of the Culinary Workers Union. This union holds a special place in my heart as I know you really make a difference in the lives of countless workers on the Vegas strip and across the state. These are humble folk, often black and brown, who try to make a decent living and support their families. I'd like to thank you for doing everything you can to fight on their behalf. New York has countless citizens just like this, and I've built up the relationships to be their voice in government. All of the Democrats will say they're a union candidate, but point me to one candidate who's had anywhere close to the level of exposure and experience with unions that I have. Eric Adams is the real deal. I'm going to keep attending meetings like these, connect with the rank-and-file, and knock on the same doors as you do.

July 14-19: New Hampshire

Of the early primary states, the Adams campaign is focusing on New Hampshire as one where victory would propel the candidate to frontrunner status. Mayor Adams has focused on promoting the regional 'favorite son' status through small, intimate stump speeches where the candidate's retail politicking skills shine through. Areas of discussion in these conversations often have included crime, energy prices, transportation, and healthcare.

VOTER: Mayor Adams, how do you plan to improve the economy and our standards of living?

ADAMS: Thank you for raising this important subject, ma'am. The first thing we as a federal government need to do is spend on us, but spend wisely and directly to our infrastructure. This includes expanding access to healthcare and reducing costs on bureaucracy when we can. This means giving a stimulus for job programs in our cities and states that would meaningfully employ our young and impoverished. We should also cut taxes for working families for the first time in years, and that can include modifying payroll taxes to better work for you. We as Americans have been hurting too much and our leaders could have done more. I will as President.

July 20-28: South Carolina

South Carolina is an opportunity for the Adams campaign to differentiate from the other campaigns. Mayor Adams will be campaigning statewide as the sole black candidate who can speak from heart on issues affecting the lives of black South Carolinians. A large part of campaigning will be devoted to creating the infrastructure linking local Democratic clubs, along with church networks that are involved in Democratic politics. Adams will also spend time courting politicians such as Congressman Jim Clyburn.

Folks, I know what it's like to be black. I've been turned down from jobs, been beaten down by cops, and everything else you can name. This racism can wear down on our psyche, but churches like this one have always been part of our history. This is a common way to bond from shared struggles and to overcome. While New York is quite a bit away from here in South Carolina, I pledge to you that I'll be looking out for you every day in the White House. No matter how we ended up where we are today, our strength comes in numbers. We won't be afraid to demand safe streets, higher wages, and justice in our communities.

July 29: Debate (Goffstown, NH)

July 30-31: Louisiana

The campaign is setting up a footprint in Louisiana through early canvassing and outreach to community leaders in majority-black districts. Campaigning for this period is within the New Orleans area, including press conferences with police associations and volunteering at a food bank.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
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« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2022, 01:31:52 AM »

Eric Adams Debate Responses

Would you support reforming the Presidential Primary calendar to require the first states in the primary process to be more reflective of the party?

Absolutely I would. While I do respect tradition, the fact of the matter is that states like Nevada and South Carolina are more representative than Iowa and New Hampshire for who we are as a Democratic Party. If we make sure that our candidates are best attuned to the concerns of our voters, we will produce better nominees as a result. I would support moving Nevada and South Carolina to the top of the primary schedule, and I would also consider moving states like Illinois, Texas, and my home state of New York earlier.

Would you consider mandated affirmative action in federal employment?

I don’t believe this would be the best approach for fixing the disparity issue. What I see as the best solution for this is a twofold matter: 1) finding and recruiting the best of the best and 2) promoting a more inclusive environment for applicants. Point 2 is important in particular as you need to make sure that all types of talent, no matter their background, will feel welcome working with the federal government. This issue means a great deal to me personally as an African-American who was fortunate enough to move up the ranks within the NYPD. Once I was in a position of power, I concentrated recruiting efforts to attract more officers from underrepresented areas with their own unique life experiences. This greater pool of knowledge and skills helped to reduce crime in New York to a modern low back then, and I have taken the same approach as mayor now.

Do you support an open borders policy for immigration?

This open borders talk belongs in the same place as socialism and defunding the police: in the trash heap. We of course can maintain secure borders and uphold our rule of law while having a compassionate immigration policy that welcomes those who wish to contribute to our country. Through all of my experience I’ve represented many different immigrant groups of working people, from Chinese to Puerto Ricans to Nigerians. The vast majority of them are honest, law-abiding citizens, although the undocumented are also represented. These cases should be handled on an individual basis that looks over their intentions and contributions while staying here.

The GOP may like to paint all us Democrats as open border freaks, although let it be known that this is not who we are. Talk to my constituents and they appreciate sensible immigration policies like the ones I’ve talked about tonight. As your nominee, I will fight tooth and nail to make sure the majority voice will be heard in this debate.

How will you address the ongoing opioid crisis?

What we have witnessed from the opioid crisis is the sheer greed of Big Pharma. They make the big bucks over the disregard of human lives, over families being destroyed after losing their loved ones. In New York City, I successfully pushed for over $250 million in new spending for fighting the opioid crisis. We have been using these funds for treatment programs, for continued education, and—maybe most importantly—preventing future cases of opioid abuse from happening in the first place. I have also provided assistance when possible for the state Attorney General and district attorney’s efforts in prosecuting bad actors who perpetuate this problem.

As President, I will place the health and well-being of Americans as a top priority. If we fall ill to substance abuse or from other matters, all our other problems will build on top of each other. I’ve pushed for healthier lunches and better exercise routines starting at a young school age to encourage good lifestyle habits, and these efforts will continue as President in conjunction with our anti-opioid programs.

Cooper: "This is a serious crisis. A report estimated that about one hundred and thirty people a day die from opioid-related drug overdoses. In the past two decades, 850,000 people have died from drug overdoses. In Tomah, Wisconsin, in 2014, Jason Simcakoski , a 35-year-old Marine Corps, died from opiate overdose. It was because of over-prescription. Senator Tammy Baldwin did nothing about this, even after that. There was an investigation into the Tomah VA by the Department of Veterans Affairs. But Senator Baldwin did nothing, throwing others under the bus and hiring fixer-lawyers as the situation grew ever worse. Jason Simcakoski's widow herself lay the blame with Baldwin for refusing to address this crisis. We need a leader in the White House who will take accountability for this crisis, take this issue seriously. I will be that leader. There will be investigations and inspections and better accountability and accounting regarding prescriptions. No more will people like Jason Simcakoski and their families suffer because of government oversight, government carelessness, and government incompetence. Our elected officials absolutely need to do something about this crisis, and unlike Senator Baldwin, I promise I won't pass the buck."

Governor Cooper: Respectfully, please don't act like a typical politician. The question was about what you would do to fix the opioid crisis, not just badmouthing your rival. Voters deserve better and this debate is about our ideas and records.

Closing Statement:

First of all, thank you for having me as part of this primary debate. Democrats are at a crossroads for which direction we will take after this election. We must ask ourselves: Why are we ceding ground to Republicans with our black and brown voters day by day? When you ask voters, it’s because they see us as soft on crime, out of touch with their values, and unable or unwilling to make a difference in their lives. We must prove that Republicans aren’t right about us, or we will continue to go on the path of electoral suicide.

I became a candidate for President of the United States because I have a record to stand on for the issues that matter today. As Mayor of New York, I represent 9 million diverse Americans with their own stories and needs. I have invested in more police on our streets to fight this crime wave, and I have pushed reforms that stimulate our economic lifeblood as we move on from COVID-19. This is common-sense, progressive leadership in practice. This is what regular, working-class Americans are looking for from their leaders. I promise that you will see more of this leadership under an Adams administration. I hope to earn your trust and your vote. Thank you.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #81 on: June 22, 2022, 09:39:13 AM »

August 1-September 31, 2023
Yes, I'm covering two months per turn until the primaries start from now on

Baldwin, Harris Withdraw; Adams Enters

Citing a desire to focus on the Stop Corruption Now Act and helping Democratic numbers in the Senate, Tammy Baldwin has withdrawn from the Democratic primary. Baldwin was seen as the race's leading progressive candidate, and was also being seen as the candidate of the party's labor wing prior to her withdrawal.

Vice President Kamala Harris has also withdrawn, citing an increasingly uncertain foreign situation to return to serving as Vice President full-time, though rumour's emerging from the Vice President's former campaign suggest she may be eyeing a return to the Senate next year, with the announcement that Dianne Feinstein will be retiring.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has also made an entrance to the race, though it is at this stage unknown what effect his entry will have

Many progressive voters have voiced disappointment with the remaining candidates. A recent poll showed that nearly half of self-described progressive Democrats have moved into the undecided column, given Elizabeth Warren's absence from the campaign trail

Primary polls


Governor Hochul: 24%

Governor Cooper: 22.1%

Senator Warren: 11.2%

Mayor Adams: 9.8%

Undecided: 32.9%


Governor Hochul: 25.3%

Governor Cooper: 23.2%

Senator Warren: 14.1%

Mayor Adams: 11.1%

Undecided: 26.3%

New Hamsphire:

Governor Hochul: 24.8%

Governor Cooper: 24.1%

Senator Warren: 17.2%

Mayor Adams: 14.9%

Undecided: 19%



Former President Trump: 32.3%

Governor DeSantis: 27.9%

Governor Scott: 14.9%

Undecided: 24.9%

New Hampshire:

Governor Scott: 32.4%

Former President Trump: 31.7%

Governor DeSantis: 18.9%

Undecided: 17%

Zelensky to seek second term

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has filed paperwork to seek a second term as President of Ukraine, following a recent agreement to allow Ukraine into NATO in exchange for surrendering Donbass. Despite being decried for surrendering the Donbass region by his opponents, Zelensky is expected to face only token opposition.

Trump, DeSantis take potshots

Former President Donald Trump has made headlines with attacks on Governor Ron DeSantis lately,referring to the Florida Governor as 'DeSnake' on his social media platform, Truth Social. A war of words has erupted between supporters of the two candidates for the Republican nomination, though Vermont Governor Phil Scott has nor received any noticeable boost due to his centrist politics.


-This turn will last for 96 hours. I can offer a 24 hour extension if needed.

-I've adjusted the poll number a fair bit to reflect what I think a real 2024 primary between these candidates would look like. That said, positions in the polls are unchanged and the race is still fairly tight.

-Starting from this turn, interviews are now available. These are first in, first served, so get in quickly. Send a request to me with who you would like to book the interview with and it will be posted at the end of the turn.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 12,667
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« Reply #82 on: June 25, 2022, 05:59:33 PM »


NC (August 1-6)
August 1-6: In North Carolina

August 7: Flies from Raleigh to Las Vegas

NV (August 8-18)
August 8: Campaigning in Las Vegas alone
August 9: Campaigning in Las Vegas, with Rep. Dina Titus, who unveils her endorsement
August 10: Campaigning in Las Vegas, with Rep. Susie Lee, who unveils her endorsement
August 11: Fundraiser in Las Vegas with Lee and Titus
August 12: Campaigning & hosting town halls in Nye, Lincoln, Esmerelda, and Mineral Counties (one town hall and/or rally in Nye, Lincoln and Mineral, each, and driving through Esmerelda with one brief stop)
August 13: Campaigning in Lyon County
August 14: Campaigning in Douglas County
August 15: Campaigning in Carson City
August 16-17: Campaigning in Washoe County
August 18: Fundraiser in Reno

August 19: Flies from Reno to Council Bluffs

IA (August 20 - September 17)
August 20: In Pottawattamie County
August 21: Fundraiser in Council Bluffs
August 22: In Mills and Fremont Counties
August 23: In Page and Montgomery Counties
August 24: In Cass and Adair Counties
August 25: In Guthrie and Dallas Counties
August 26: Fundraiser in West Des Moines
August 27: In Boone and Hamilton Counties
August 28: In Webster and Calhoun Counties
August 29: In Sac and Ida Counties
August 30: In Crawford and Carroll Counties
August 31: In Audubon and Shelby Counties
September 1: In Cass and Adams Counties
September 2: In Taylor and Ringgold Counties
September 3: In Union and Clarke Counties
September 4: In Madison County
September 5: In Warren County
September 6: In Marion and Mahaska Counties
September 7: In Monroe and Lucas Counties
September 8: In Wayne and Decauter Counties
September 9: In Wayne and Appanoose Counties
September 10: In Davis and Wapello Counties
September 11: Takes the day off from campaigning
September 12: In Jefferson and Van Buren Counties
September 13: In Lee County
September 14: In Des Moines and Henry Counties
September 15: In Washington and Johnson Counties
September 16: Rally in Iowa City
September 17: Fundraiser in Iowa City

September 18: Flies from Iowa City to Portsmouth

NH (September 19-30)
September 19: Town hall in Portsmouth
September 20: Campaigning in Portsmouth with State Sen. Rebecca Kwoka, who reveals her endorsement
September 21: Fundraiser in Portsmouth
September 22: Campaigning in the rest of Rockingham County
September 23: Rally in Manchester
September 24: Fundraiser in Manchester
September 25: Rally in Nashua
September 26: Fundraiser in Nashua
September 27: Minirally in Keene with State Sen. Jay Kahne, who reveals his endorsement
September 28: Minirally in Lebanon with State Sen. Suzanne Prentiss, who reveals her endorsement
September 29: Town halls in Enfield, Canaan and Dorchester
September 30: Town halls in Lyme and Orford
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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« Reply #83 on: June 26, 2022, 03:15:02 AM »
« Edited: June 26, 2022, 03:45:00 AM by Spiral »

Eric Adams 2024: August 1-September 30

August 1-14: California

Eric Adams and his team made ground in the Golden State for the first time. During this tour, they visited cities such as Los Angeles, Sacramento, Oakland, and San Francisco along with much of the other coastal areas. With Kamala Harris's recent departure, Adams is jumping in to collect as much of the Vice President's former support as possible. That includes scheduling meetings with prominent donors, courting leaders such as Governor Gavin Newsom and San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and attending conferences for prominent labor unions. Topics discussed during speeches include cost of living, crime, and abortion rights.

Thank you for having me here in San Francisco. Like many of you, I was saddened to hear of Vice President Harris's departure from the race. She's done her best in the job and I wish her well for whatever path she takes. I was actually an early supporter of hers when she ran in the 2020 primaries, so Kamala and I go a long while back. I promise to all of you in this crowd that I'll continue the good fight of racial justice, of economic fairness, and stronger communities that Kamala has always believed in. I could be greedy and ask for her endorsement, but we'll cross that bridge at a later point. *laughs*

August 15-23: South Carolina

Adams returned to South Carolina, where he took advantage of now being the sole African-American candidate standing in the race. He has taken to pushing new faith-based forums, where he intimately interacted with voters on matters of personal meaning to them. Campaign infrastructure has been strengthened to better match former Harris supporters with prospective Adams volunteers. Adams has also pushed for more of the suburban vote in this latest state tour, using topics such as cost of living, crime, and education to attract these voter groups.

You know, faith has been a large part of my life especially in these recent years. It anchors you. Faith lets you know what you're really here for and why you continue. I could not be here in this moment, talking as a mayor and presidential candidate, without God and without my loving family all by my side. For those of you in the audience who might have lost your family, who might be going through a hard time right now, let me be the one to say you're never alone in your struggles. Our country needs a period of reconciling, and this starts with our churches, our public forums, and even one-on-one conversations. I will be a president who brings us together, not someone who makes a living off of dividing us all.

August 24-August 31: Texas

Adams and his campaign got a head start campaigning in the Lone Star State. As one of the largest and fastest growing states, it represents a delegate boon that early investment will pay off from. Adams toured the cities of Austin, Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and Loredo among others. Particular time was spent in the Rio Grand Valley area, one where Democrats have recently bled support from traditionally loyal Hispanic voters. Adams courted the support of leaders such as Congressman Henry Cuellar.

Being hosted by Congressman Cuellar has been an honor here. Voters here in the Rio Grande are not unlike many other Americans. They want their communities to be safe. They want to make a respectable living for their families and work with dignity. They want their leaders locally and in Washington to be accountable for them. Democrats have been complacent and they've let the extreme elements drive away voters from our party with notions like open borders and defunding the police. You all here can rest easy that a President Adams will work for you to keep our streets safe, increase our wages, and make sure our children receive the best education they can. I look forward to more conversations like these over the campaign.

September 1-8: New Hampshire

Adams returned to the trail on New Hampshire, where he focused on town halls with voters. Questions were asked ranging from electoral reform to Adams's thoughts on other Democratic candidates. Adams spent considerable time in between courting local mayors and labor unions friendly to the candidate's centrist platform.

VOTERS: Mayor Adams, I've been going back and forth recently about supporting either you or Governor Cooper. What can you say about the differences between you two and why you're a better candidate?

ADAMS: Well, thank you first for asking this. Are you ready for the truth on Governor Cooper? *laughs* Being serious, I'm a fan of what the governor has been doing in North Carolina. He's been a good moderating force against the extremist Republican legislature, and we should commend him for that. However, as a presidential candidate, he's been very disappointing.

Why do I say this? Because Governor Cooper has regrettably been playing footsie with the far-left to try and win more votes. He's gone around in recent weeks attacking people like Governor Hochul because, quote, he won't "try to deport illegal immigrants" like she has. That sounds an awful lot like he would endorse open borders with a blanket statement like that. It also differs from his debate statement where he said he's against open borders. Which is it, Governor? If you suddenly had an epiphany on immigration policy, that's one thing. If you're trying to play both sides: C'mon, man! All this is doing is feeding into what Trump and the other Republicans say about us.

Why am I a better candidate? I mean what I say, and you're not going to hear two different versions from me depending on who I'm talking to. Even my worst critics agree that I'm uniquely Eric Adams. Voters want clarity and sincerity. In this election, and especially this election, we can't afford a nominee who will constantly beg for votes and compromise their positions along the way.

September 8-11: New York

Mayor Adams has spent time back in New York City attending to mayoral duties. During this time, he also courted local donors wavering between him and Governor Hochul along with discussing future campaign strategies with senior leadership at the HQ. On September 11th, Adams attended memorial events throughout the day and took a pause from campaigning altogether.

September 17-27: Nevada

In this tour of Nevada, Eric Adams spent his attention towards activities such as Hispanic advocacy groups, meeting with local business leaders in Las Vegas, and more town halls with voters. Adams pushed the message that he is the most electable candidate and that the stakes are too high to risk with other candidates. The campaign has sought to make their organization in Nevada one of the strongest nationwide, with a complex network of volunteer-to-voter contact, analytics of majority black and Hispanic neighborhoods, and a concentrated advertising campaign on local TV and radio stations.

Voters want a candidate who is tested. They want someone who has been through our biggest challenges and who can rise above them. Let me tell you, folks, being the mayor of the biggest city in the U.S. isn't an easy job. However, it's been the honor of my life taking New York to a path stronger from COVID-19, finding innovative ways to solve our crime crisis, and to invest in our families and children. I've fought for our teachers, for our healthcare workers, and for all regular Americans who do the best day-by-day. I'm passionate about this because I've gone through my own challenges in life, growing up poor but overcoming struggles with enough hard work and support from loved ones. We're in this together in the end, and my campaign is about representing all of you and bringing real representation to Washington. Let's do it together.

September 28-30: Iowa

Mayor Adams stopped by Iowa to make a footprint and test the waters of his support in the Hawkeye State. While his numbers are currently low, his campaign is betting that a gradual investment in the state will pay off with a better-than-expected performance. To this effect, the Adams campaign has invested in a number of caucus directors across the states, although mainly concentrated in urban areas such as Des Moines and Davenport. Adams is hoping to take advantage of Kamala Harris's departure along with Kathy Hochul's absence from the campaign trail and pick up on support from their voters over time.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #84 on: June 28, 2022, 12:16:05 AM »

August 1: Hold a rally in Stafford, VA
August 2: Hold a rally in Virginia Beach, VA
August 3: Hold a rally in Wilmington, NC
August 4: Hold a rally in Fayetteville, NC
August 5: Hold a rally in Charlotte, NC
August 6: Hold a rally in Myrtle Beach, SC
August 7: Hold a rally in Milton, GA
August 8: Hold a rally in Brunswick, GA
August 9: Hold a rally in Mobile, AL
August 10 Hold a rally in Tuscaloosa, AL
August 11: Hold a rally in Chattanooga, TN
August 12: Take a day off
August 13: Make an appearance on the Tucker Carlson show
August 14: Hold a rally in Knoxville, TN
August 15: Hold a rally in Lexington, KY
August 16: Hold a rally in Louisiville, KY
August 17: Hold a rally in Evansville, IN
August 18: Hold a rally in Noblesville, IN
August 19: Hold a rally in Gary, IN
August 20: Hold a rally in Fort Wayne, IN
August 21: Hold a rally in Toledo, OH
August 22: Hold a rally in Dayton, OH
August 23: Hold a rally in Cincinnati, OH
August 24: Hold a rally in Westerville, OH
August 25: Hold a rally in Lorain, OH
August 26: Hold a rally in Youngstown, OH
August 27: Hold a rally in Erie, PA
August 28: Hold a rally in Buffalo, NY
August 29: Hold a rally in Rochester, NY
August 30: Hold a rally in Syracuse, NY
August 31: Hold a rally in Utica, NY
Pink Panther
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« Reply #85 on: June 29, 2022, 03:58:59 PM »

Welp, It been awhile...

August 1st: Announce my candidacy for President in Stamford, CT. "You know, I must admit that I'm a late announcer, but I don't really give damn! I'm running for President because we need some goddamn sense in this country. Brandon has been an old geezer who can't serve himself at dinner, let alone lead the country! He has let us be stepped over time and time again by Russia and China, and he continues to not do jacksh**t in regards to the economy and other matters. Sadly, it seems that my old friend is the best shot at stopping the idiotic and mentally stagnant Democrats. However, Trump is a FAT piece of sh**t who would rather stuff down cheeseburgers and milkshakes all over his face all day rather than being a competent leader. He is too fat to be a good leader and too fat to even live until 2026 at the very latest. That fatty will eat himself to death almost immediately, and we can't have that as our President, America. Proceeds to rip off suit. Look at these abs, America. Despite my Age, I'm more fit than most Americans. This is the body you want representing America. I will make sure to fix the housing problem, fix our lack of respect worldwide, and fix our obesity problem, America!"
August 2-4: Barnstorm all over Iowa and rack up local endorsements.
August 6: Hold fundraiser in Manchester, NH.
August 7: Rally in Nashua, NH
August 8: Rally in Concord, NH
August 9: Rally in Rockingham county, NH
August 10: Rally in Dover, NH
August 11: Air ads Trump for any potential dementia, while promoting me as a competent leader
August 12: Appear on Tucker Carlson and challenge Trump or Roy Cooper to a match at SummerSlam.
August 13: Hold fundraiser in Nashville, TN
August 14: Interrupt Trump's rally in Knoxville, throw fast food at him and his attendees.
August 15: Rally in Memphis, TN
August 16: Rally in Chattanooga, TN
August 17: Rally in Huntsville, AL
August 18: Air ads promoting my outsider appeal
August 19: Hold fundraiser in Ames, IA
August 20: Storm Roy Cooper's rally in Pottawatomie County, IA with my supporters. We will advertise SummerSlam and my campaign. We will also throw Cooper off the stage because I'm Vincent Kennedy McMahon!!!
August 21: Show up at SummerSlam
August 22: Do nothing
August 23-27: Barnstorm Nevada and pick up local endorsements
August 28-31: Barnstorm Arizona and pick up local endorsements
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« Reply #86 on: June 29, 2022, 07:11:08 PM »
« Edited: June 30, 2022, 01:33:39 AM by CentristRepublican »

August 12: Appear on Tucker Carlson and challenge Trump or Roy Cooper to a match at SummerSlam.
August 20: Storm Roy Cooper's rally in Pottawatomie County, IA with my supporters. We will advertise SummerSlam and my campaign. We will also throw Cooper off the stage because I'm Vincent Kennedy McMahon!!!

Roy Cooper's visit to Council Bluffs was marred by right-wing political violence after Republican presidential aspirant Vince McMahon interrupted his rally and tried to take it down. However, Governor Cooper was undeterred by McMahon and his supporters: "I will not back down, Mr McMahon. If you think you can silence me and prevent me from meeting Iowans by raiding my rallies like this, you're wrong." Cheers erupted from Cooper's few supporters.

 Two day after, he campaigned for votes in Mills and Fremont Counties: "Vince McMahon can't hurt me. He can't stop me. Nobody can stop me or this mission, because this is a crusade to let the people of Iowa have their voices heard, to give them the representation and the support they deserve but don't get. Vince McMahon is a coward who is unwilling to meet me on a debate stage or argue against my policy proposals. He knows they're right! He can't think of better alternatives - because the GOP's plan, which is to slash Social Security and Medicare to the bone, and give tax breaks to the 1%, isn't a plan that works for Iowa, or for America. That's why he'll storm my rallies and challenge me to SuperSlams. But I'm willing to challenge Mr McMahon to something that requires much more than just brawn: I'm challenging him to a face-to-face, one-on-one, mano-a-mano debate where we can see who has the better ideas and platform to help Iowa! And if he doesn't accept, then it just goes to show there's a coward behind all those muscles and that body." Cooper also added - "We need someone with more than just a body in shape - we need somebody with a  brain behind that brawn, somebody with constructive ideas to help Americans."
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« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2022, 07:36:16 PM »


ATTENDEE: "Governor Cooper, my son turned eighteen this year and was supposed to begin college a week back. He's gotten great grades and he's really excited to go to a good college. However, although we really want to help him go to the college of his dreams, we're very worried about the cost. Both my wife and I work multiple jobs, but we still can't scrape together enough money to send him to college. We're very wary of taking on student loans, and we really want to send our son to college, but we simply can't afford it. Do you have a plan regarding this issue?"

COOPER: "Well, sir, I'm glad you asked this question. First off, I truly sympathise with your predicament. Millions of American families have this dilemma, and are forced to choose between not sending their children to college, or having to take on tons of debt in student loans and working multiple jobs. Education should be a right, not a privilege. A Cooper Administration will enact a comprehensive agenda to tackle this issue, because this issue is of very high priority to me. Specifically, we would firstly take a leaf from President Biden's book and do what he did last year on a larger scale. He forgave a limited amount of student debts. Well, we'd go further. I pledge here and now that if elected, I will eliminate and forgive all currently standing student debt. We have seniors who, because of the way the loans work and the high interest, are still having to set aside money from their Social Security paycheque to pay towards their student loans. It's crazy, and it has got to stop. However, to ensure that this problem does not repeat itself, we would also establish thousands of free community colleges, nationwide. Your son would have the opportunity to attend one of these colleges - we'd have some in New Hampshire, perhaps one right here in Portsmouth. This would provide an alternative that does not involve choosing between no higher education and a truckload in student debt. It would also force colleges' hand and force them to lower their prices to remain competitive and not lose out on students. This way, your son would be guaranteed a path to some college, at either little or no cost to you, and without any need for student loans. Not only would your son benefit from this, but so would millions of college-age young people, and their parents, who face a similar struggle."

ATTENDEE: "I heard that in South Carolina, Eric Adams has accused you of flip-flopping on immigration and possibly supporting open borders. What exactly is your position on immigration and do you or do you not support open borders?"

COOPER: "Thank you for the question, ma'am. (Laughs) Well, I heard what Mayor Adams said too, and quite frankly I'm surprised. Either Mayor Adams is deliberately distorting the truth and misrepresenting what I said, or he doesn't understand what open borders means. My position has been consistent all along. I support a legal pathway to immigration for those illegal immigrations who've been living in the shadows out here for decades, who've led honest lives and not committed any crimes. I support their children, Dreamers, getting a fair shake. I think we should welcome immigrants and refugees and make the immigration process easier and more straightforward, so the incentive for illegal immigration is lower. I oppose a border wall. I oppose putting kids in cages and separating families at the southern border. I also oppose the other extreme, open borders, and very clearly said as much at the debate. Now in contrast, you've got Mayor Adams, who either doesn't understand how open borders work and what I've said on the subject, or who is deliberately lying about this. Mayor Adams: there is a difference between supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants who've lived here for decades in the shadows and who've not committed any crimes, and supporting open borders. I support the former, and just as strongly oppose the latter. And you've got Governor Kathy Hochul. Governor Hochul has previously supported deporting illegal immigrants, a move, which as I said, I strongly oppose, and which prompted Mayor Adams to accuse me of supporting open borders. Hochul also threatened to arrest and deport illegal immigrants who applied for drivers' licenses. Now, as she's realised it's politically expedient, she's had a 180 degree turn on immigration, had a complete about-face. She is the one who's flip-flopped on this issue, who's not been consistent, Mayor Adams - not me. This is quite evident, and why you'd try to turn the tables on me is something I'd be interested in knowing. My question is this: If she's in the White House, which Kathy Hochul will we have? The one who supports deporting illegal immigrants, or the one who supports proper immigration reform? We cannot trust Kathy Hochul on this issue, frankly. She has been as inconsistent on this subject as I've been consistent. I hope this answers your question fully, and once again: I am one hundred percent opposed to open borders, and I made this crystal clear at the most recent Democratic debate."  
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2022, 11:30:51 PM »

Eric Adams Response to Cooper-McMahon Incident

What happened in Iowa was nothing short of shocking and revolting. My condolences go to Governor Cooper and his supporters for the senseless assault that Vince McMahon cooked up. Thank goodness that the Secret Service stepped in before the situation got much worse. I pray that the Governor has a speedy and painless recovery and that law enforcement will take care of McMahon.

To Vince McMahon: You're nothing more than a low-life punk who has nothing better to do with your forced retirement than this nonsense. You try this at any of my rallies, and this former cop will put you in a headlock before you lay a finger. Better yet, I'll help lock you up myself.
Pink Panther
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« Reply #89 on: June 30, 2022, 11:15:03 PM »
« Edited: July 01, 2022, 12:29:59 AM by Pink Panther »

August 12: Appear on Tucker Carlson and challenge Trump or Roy Cooper to a match at SummerSlam.
August 20: Storm Roy Cooper's rally in Pottawatomie County, IA with my supporters. We will advertise SummerSlam and my campaign. We will also throw Cooper off the stage because I'm Vincent Kennedy McMahon!!!
"Who does Roy Cooper think he is when he confronts the Genetic Jackhammer?! I just wanted to do him a favor and give his rallies some excitement, which are sorefully lacked in his rallies. He's more low-energy than Jeb Bush or Phil Scott, for crying out loud! However, he claims that I did this to distract from the GOP policy, and claims that our policies are unpopular. That's not true, but that's besides the point. I can easily destroy you in a debate, however I don't have the time for you, atleast not now. I can easily disprove you and most Democrats' mentally-stagnant and kindergarten-level policies, but my main focus is on defeating Chicken-Wing Donald and Cheeseburger Ron. Those two FATASSES are a disgrace to the GOP, and will die from heart attacks or brain damage soon enough. If you win the nomination, I will easily kick your ass in the general, but we have to wait for that, sadly. And next time, it's SummerSlam, not SuperSlam. You sound like most RAW guest hosts from 2009.
  And as for that pathetic lowlife of a mayor calling me out,  I promise you that the American people will not buy into your lies. You have been a terrible mayor, and my father, who made his business in your city, would be saddened if he saw the city today. If I was mayor, New York would have already reached 10 million people with my competent and ingenious ideas, as people would flock to the city to witness my greatness. Believe it!
Pink Panther
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« Reply #90 on: June 30, 2022, 11:22:39 PM »

September 1:Hold a fundraiser in Stamford, CT
September 2:Storm an Eric Adams rally in NH. Me and my supporters will break security and bring a beer truck, as me and Steve Austin will spray beer all over Adams and the rally attendees.
September 3-10:Be in jail
September 11:Hold mega rally near the 9/11 memorial
September 12-15:Hold rallies in NYC
September 16-18:Hold rallies in New York State
September 19:Air ads attacking Trump for his failures as President
September 20-22:Hold rallies in Las Vegas, Reno, and Henderson, NV
September 23-27:Promote myself all over social media
September 28-30:Hold rallies in Des Moines, Davenport, and Waterloo, IA.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #91 on: July 01, 2022, 12:49:43 AM »
« Edited: July 01, 2022, 01:06:02 AM by Spiral »

Eric Adams Press Conference

REPORTER: Mr. Mayor, there's been a bit of a back-and-forth between you and Governor Cooper about immigration. He's accused you of possibly lying over his position. What do you make of his latest response?

ADAMS: Well, I commend Governor Cooper for making his current position clear and standing with me against open borders. That's good. Here's where I'll raise an issue, though: The Governor just said he welcomes refugees as part of his immigration policy. Tell that to the Syrian refugees you were in favor of keeping out, Roy. He sided with the Republicans back in 2015 and 2016 and supported a wholesale pause on Syrians being accepted, even after all that many went through.

I know the Governor will respond with something about national security and verifying who's coming in. I completely agree, which goes back to my statements about keeping borders secure, but he went beyond that and made a political move against a whole group of people who were suffering and needed help. Progressives, don't be fooled by a man like Roy Cooper who's trying to win your vote by hiding his real record. This issue is personal to me. I've supported the Syrians, the Ukrainians, the Haitians, and all other refugees to settle to this great country and become part of us. This is what America has always been.

REPORTER: Mayor Adams, how are you feeling after Vince McMahon broke into your rally with his beer?

ADAMS: I warned the sucker. He still came. Now he's behind bars like I promised. Who wants to bet he's stupid enough to try again?

REPORTER: He criticized your record as mayor and claimed he would better govern New York City.

ADAMS: A man can sure dream in a jail cell.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #92 on: July 03, 2022, 10:35:29 AM »
« Edited: July 03, 2022, 07:15:58 PM by GoTfan »

October 1-November 30, 2023

Harris NOT Withdrawn; McMahon Criticised

It would appear that reports of the death of the Harris campaign have been greatly exaggerated.

The Vice president originally seemingly suspended her campaign, citing a desire to focus on an increasingly tenuous freign situation, but has refuted claims that her campaign has been suspended. A spokesperson stated "Kamala Harris is Vice President of the United States first and foremost, and the duties of that office outweigh needs of any campaign."

In the meantime, former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment Vice McMahon joined the Republican race, and despite being a late announcer, has certainly made a splash. With various stunts that echo his WWE days, McMahon has been labelled a non-serious candidate by leaders across the spectrum, from Chuck Schumer to Glen Youngkin. Nonetheless, he has inspired support from many of Former President Trump's supporters, who have come to view the man as 'compromised'
Primary polls


Vice President Harris: 30%

Governor Hochul: 22.3%

Governor Cooper: 22.3%

Mayor Adams: 11.9%

Senator Warren: 10.4%

Undecided: 3.1%


Vice President Harris: 29.8%

Governor Hochul: 23.4%

Governor Cooper: 23.3%

Senator Warren: 13.2%

Mayor Adams: 10.3%

New Hamsphire:

Vice President Harris: 30.2%

Governor Hochul: 23.4%

Governor Cooper: 23.3%

Senator Warren: 11%

Mayor Adams: 11%


Former President Trump: 35.6%

Governor DeSantis:30.1%

Governor Scott: 15.2%

Mr McMahon: 10.8%

Undecided: 8.3%


Former President Trump: 34.8%

Governor DeSantis: 27.3%

Governor Scott: 14.2%

Mr McMahon: 10.1%

Undecided: 13.6%

New Hampshire:

Governor Scott: 32%

Former President Trump: 31.9%

Governor DeSantis: 18.5%

Mr McMahon: 9.2 %

Undecided: 17%

Boris Johnson calls election

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson, faced with the possibilty of a mass backbench revolt, has called an early general election, the third since the 2015 election. Johnson's Conservatives are underwater in the polls against Keir Starmer's Labour Party by fair margins, with most saying the election is leaning towards a Labor majority, or at the very least, a Labour-Liberal Democrat coaltion.

Polling day has been scheduled for November 9th

Corruption Bill receives Presidential backing

President Joe Biden has announced that he is in favour of Senator Tammy Baldwin's Stop Corruption Now Act, and would "sign it in a heartbeat". He in particulat has signalled out the creation of a Federal Integrity Commission as being particularly needed to rein in government corruption. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell however has described the bill as an authoritarian measure that would result in political persecutin of conservative candidates


-This turn will last for a full week to enable you to strategise a bit more.

-Both parties will be having a debate this turn. Questions to be up in 12 hours. This is mostly for me to get my bearings.

-Current interviews will be published in 8 hours.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #93 on: July 04, 2022, 09:22:00 AM »

George Stephanopoulos interviews Mayor Eric Adams on Good Morning America

Stephanopoulos: With us now is New York City Mayor and recently announced candidate for the 2024 Democratic nomination, Eric Adams. Mayor Adams, thank you for joining us this morning.

Let's jump right in. Some Democratic sources are reporting some unease with your candidacy, regarding the fact that you have only been Mayor of New York for just over a year and a half at this point. What do you say to those doubting your experience to serve as President?

Adams: What I would say is that my mayoral experience is not just for any random city. I've been serving as the chief executive of New York City, a proud city with nearly 9 million Americans of all backgrounds under its wing. This is the finance and entertainment capital of our country, and whatever happens in New York ultimately affects all of America. I handle our city's budgets, manage relations with all of our departments and industry leaders, and I've been on the streets with our citizens to stop crime before it happens and strengthen community ties. I've served in the State Senate and I know my way around negotiating with legislators. Even before my life in public office, I've served my community as a police captain who kept our department accountable.

You know who else they used this experience argument on? I recall a young, bright African-American senator named Barack Obama who became one of our best presidents. Our experience in number of years at this point in time is actually very similar, but the thing with politics just like real life is it's really quality over quantity. Do you have good judgment? Do you have a vision for this country? Don't forget, George, that we're in unprecedented times with this pandemic and economy. Our leadership is being tested more than ever, and I've stepped up to make our lives better and more secure. I'll be following in the footsteps of President Obama and we'll ignore the haters in the professional class who are too used to being pampered by career politicians.

Stephanopoulos: With the withdrawal of Senator Baldwin and the absence of Senator Warren from the campaign trail, a recent poll found that many progressives within the Democratic Party have largely moved into the undecided column, and are not enthused by their choices in this primary. How do you plan to turn out progressive support in the primaries and general election?

Adams: Here's an area where you guys did me dirty! You know I'm the only candidate who supported Bernie Sanders all the way back in 2016? *laughs* Look at my record, and you'll see I've had the longest and most consistent progressive record of all the Democrats. I've been at the forefront of this gun violence crisis. We must put an end to the uncontrolled flow of these handguns and assault weapons, and I've put forward plans in New York that would ramp up collaboration with law enforcement and community leaders. I've built up the longest-standing ties with labor unions because I know, as a poor kid from the Bronx, that unions built the economic foundation of Americans in many ways. We must be vigilant in defending the teachers, the construction workers, the retail workers, and all other workers who need fighters on their side.

Let me tell you perhaps the one area that shines my progressivism best: criminal justice reform. You may say, "Well, I thought Eric Adams just wants to lock everyone up!" I've been a personal victim of police brutality, and I know from firsthand experience we must keep our authorities accountable. I worked my way up the New York Police Department to become a captain and reform the system from within. I wasn't afraid to call it like it is and tell officers we could do better. I formed police reform councils and made trainings for officers to reduce racial profiling, especially after that clown Rudy Giuliani got in office. There was so much public pressure for someone like myself to stay quiet and do the job, but I wasn't going to do that. I'm still as passionate today to promote racial justice and bring us all on a level playing field.

Progressives are a large voice in this party, and they deserve to have their voices heard. More importantly, they deserve a nominee who won't just pay lip service, but who can actually point to their record and show how they've made our lives better. I will be that nominee. I'll speak plainly about my vision and records, and we will unite this party to defeat the radical GOP.

Stephanopoulos: Mayor Adams, you ran as a tough-on-crime candidate in the 2021 Mayoral election and implemented many of those policies as Mayor, yet crime in New York City has remained higher than the national average and in some cases, has increased. At the same time, many progressives have criticised many of those policies for being discriminatory and being among the contributing factors to the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. Would you look to implement these same policies on a national scale?

Adams:You bet I will. Before we can make progress on many of our systemic issues facing this country, we've got to address some fundamentals first. Ask regular, hard-working Americans and many will tell you they're scared. They can have worries over their children being the targets from a school shooting, their grandmother victimized by a hate crime on the street, or themselves being subject to a robbery or carjacking. Why is this happening, and why are we letting it happen? Crime has gone up across the nation and we've got to be nip it in the bud starting today. No longer are we going to tolerate those who wish to destroy our communities from the inside without any consequences.

To your point about New York City, I'll remind you that Rome wasn't built in a day. This isn't to excuse myself, as I'm still mayor and I bear responsibility for my city, but these changes take time especially during unprecedented times and we must not let up our reforms for a second. Our team has been coordinating with leaders on the ground to find these criminals and make sure their victims finally see justice. To my critics, I've seen these arguments way too often from those who live in comfort and a place of privilege. Millions of blue-collar Americans, especially in our minority communities, are begging their leaders to make safer streets for themselves and their families. I'll also point to one of my earlier answers in this interview, about my work as a police captain, to show that I'll have a balanced approach to this issue. People will have their dignity intact when law enforcement is involved, but as soon as they cross to commit crimes, they'll know we're not messing around. Everyone deserves to feel secure in where they live, and this will be my top priority as President.

Stephanopoulos: Mayor Adams, thank you for your time this morning and best of luck with the campaign.

Joe Rogan interviews Donald Trump on The Joe Rogan Experience

Rogan: Well we have a very special guest today, Donald Trump, running for a second term. Mr Trump, welcome to the program for today.

Trump: Thank you Joe for having me today.

Rogan: Alright, so addressing the elephant in the room, Vince McMahon has entered the race and he has . .. well, to put it mildly, treated the whole thing as some wrestling promo. You and I are both big WWE fans, but he's thrown fast food at you and your supporters, and attempted to recently storm the stage at one of Governor Cooper's rallies. How do you even respond to someone like that?

Trump: Vapid Vince has been a total disgrace, and he frankly doesn't know what he's doing in this campaign, and will lose the election by a lot, if he even makes it to the primaries before the great people of America are tired of his act. This may not be normal for me, but the best thing to do is to ignore him as much as we can, but still stand up for ourselves when necessary.

Rogan: Now, you did make some headlines two years ago by refusing to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine at first, but then you condemned it a few days later. A lot of people are also saying that you want to leave NATO if re-elected. Is that true at all, and do you support Ukraine's accession to NATO?

Trump: If I get re-elected, I will evaluate our position in NATO with a team of America First advisors. The final decision would come as a result of our discussions. I don't support Ukraine joining NATO, and it's just an attempt by Sleepy Joe and the Military Industrial Complex at getting our troops killed for no reason other than lining their own pockets.

Rogan: You've also recently been taking potshots at Ron DeSantis on Truth Social. This is a guy with a lot of pundits who used to back you now speaking glowingly of him. Would you endorse DeSantis if he were to win the nomination?

Trump: Ron DeSnake has stabbed our America First movement in the back. He has sold out our movement to the globalist elites. If he won the nomination, I would tell my voters to vote their conscience. If they want to vote for him, they can, but if they don't want to, I'm not going to try to convince them to vote for a man they do not want to vote for.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #94 on: July 04, 2022, 05:03:21 PM »

Vice President Harris affirms continuation of 2024 campaign in public townhall

In a public town hall on the administration's response to lead pipe poisonings in Raleigh, NC. Vice President Kamala Harris reaffirmed her 2024 campaign and it's legitimacy.

And when we think about where we are going forward from this it would be incredibly irresponsible for us to turn the tide back to what the GOP wants, a bitter divided America and so that is why I am proud to be one of the candidates running to fight back! We can not go back to the days of denying science! We can not go back to the days of leaving middle class American's behind, we cannot go back! And I refuse to let us go back!

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash Harris once again said that she was a serious candidate for the Democratic Nomination in 2024.

Bash: So, we were all under the perception that you suspended your campaign for President to focus on your duties as Vice Pres-
Harris: Well, Dana look. I am proud to be the Vice President of the United States of America, and that duty outweighs any responsibility to a political campaign, but I am still very much a candidate for President, did I take a step back for a while to work with the President and administration officials on a situation that required my upmost attention? Yes but I am back now and ready to continue to make my case to the American people.
Bash: So, you're still a candidate to succeed Joe Biden in 2025?
Harris: Yes! Absolutely (laughs)

Harris is expected to reshuffle her campaign staff and release all upcoming rescheduled campaign events in the coming days.
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« Reply #95 on: July 04, 2022, 07:37:18 PM »
« Edited: July 04, 2022, 07:43:24 PM by CentristRepublican »

Gov. Roy Cooper's Campaign Schedule
OCTOBER 1, 2023 - NOVEMBER 14, 2023

NEW HAMPSHIRE (October 1 to October 17)

Roy Cooper concluded September hosting town halls in Grafton County. As September draws to a close and October dawns, Cooper picks up exactly where he left off - literally - bobbing up and down western New Hampshire and hosting dozens of town halls, in towns from Haverhill, Croydon, and Langdon to Roxbury, Westmoreland, Dummer and Stratford. He also picks up endorsements from New Hampshire local politicians: after completing his town hall tour of western New Hampshire (which involved town halls in 25 towns in Coos, Grafton, Cheshire and Sullivan Counties), Cooper heads out east. First, he is in Merrimack County, home to the state capitol of Concord. In Concord, he hosts a large rally with State Senator Becky Whitley, who represents the Concord-centric 15th Senate district in the State Senate. He then heads down south to the most urban and populous county in the state, Hillsborough. He spends multiple days in the largest city in the state - Manchester. He holds multiple rallies where he accepts the endorsements of two more State Senators, Donna Soucy (18th district) and Lou D'Allesandro. He remains in Manchester for a small fundraiser that evening (which both Soucy and D'Allesandro attend), before heading out for his final stop - Dover, in eastern Strafford County, where he accepts the endorsement of State Senator David Watters. Incredibly, as Cooper notes, this means that ALL Democratic State Senators from New Hampshire have now endorsed Cooper's campaign and have campaigned with him. Cooper quips, "Though having the support of so many of New Hampshire's grassroots liberal fighters certainly feels good, I think winning the primary out here will feel even better!" The next day, Cooper heads south, taking a flight from Portsmouth to Washington, thus concluding his time (for now) in the Granite State.

Excerpt from speech at rally in Dover

You know, it's remarkable, that every single Democrat in the State Senate here in New Hampshire, has given me their endorsement...Though having the support of so many of New Hampshire's grassroots liberal fighters certainly feels good, I think winning the primary out here will feel even better!...New Hampshire's Democratic politicians want somebody in the White House who will fight for a woman's choice, who will transition to Green Energy, who'll give tax breaks to the middle-class instead of the top 1%, who will make college an affordable, realistic reality, rather an an inaccessible and unrealistic, out-of-reach dream for so many, who will stand up for workers, who will champion gun control rather than brag about an NRA endorsement, who will fight for legalising weed at a federal level so New Hampshirites can use it recreationally, rather than lock 'em up for doing so. Let me tell you, we are at a crossroads. Roe was overturned and since then, we've seen half the states pass laws banning the practice. It's crazy. This is not a race we can afford to lose, to give to the Republicans. Simply too much is at stake to nominate a Vice-President with a 28% approval. Simply too much is at stake to take the risk and nominate somebody with a dubious record on guns and immigration. Simply too much is at stake, with Roe no longer in force, to nominate a candidate who's been endorsed by the only anti-choice Democrat in the House of Representatives. We need a committed liberal fighter who can win this thing, and then serve all New Hampshirites, fight for all 'em and give 'em all a fair shake. We CAN and we WILL legalise weed! We CAN and we WILL end the death penalty! We CAN and we WILL fight for healthcare for all! To do all those things, we need somebody who can and win, who can fight for those things, who can defeat the Republicans.

WASHINGTON DC (October 18)

Interview with Joy Reid on ReidOut.

NORTH CAROLINA (October 19 to October 26)

After a long time away from home, Cooper returns to Raleigh to tend to gubernatorial duties and spend time with family. After 6 days in Raleigh, Cooper swings south to a fundraiser in Charlotte.

Excerpts from comments in Charlotte

You all know me. You all live right here in North Carolina. Before your very eyes, you can see all of what I've done. I have been the single thing stopping Republicans from letting COVID19 spread to uncontrollable levels, in their banning abortion in North Carolina, in their attempts to suppress voting rights, in all of it. If I can win in a state that consistently votes more than 5 points more Republican than the country, I can win nationally, too. It's certainly better than nominating an unpopular VP with an approval rating less than 30%, isn't it? The stakes of the race are sky-high. Republicans win the White House, they can pass national legislation on abortion. They can appoint even more right-wingers the court. That's obviously not what we want, but it's what we get if we nominate somebody like Harris, somebody like Hochul. Hochul couldn't even choose a non-corrupt lieutenant governor in one try - who's to say she doesn't make a similar mistake in picking a running mate? Eric Adams is an attractive candidate when first observed, but frankly, he's covered in controversies and gaffes. He has a failed record. He's increased police presence - so, rightly so, BLM activists are more than a little weary of him - and nonetheless NYC has sky-high crime rates. My point is this: either we move this country towards sanity, or we allow the GOP to win the White House, and enact even more of their destructive agenda. I stepped into this race partly because Roe got overturned. The GOP is clearly accomplishing their dystopian agenda. We need to stop 'em from getting any further. We do! And that's why, we need an electable but liberal fighter. You all know me, you know my track record. Have some faith in me. I'll win the primary here in the Tar Heel State, no doubt about that. But just one state down, down in South Carolina, you have Eric Adams gaining on me. Frankly, he wins in South Carolina, I don't see a realistic path to winning the primary. I'd say the Palmetto State is as much of a must-win for me as it was for Joe Biden. Every little dollar helps if we're going to prove to South Carolina Democrats that I'm the right choice, my friends. Give as much money as you think fit. Any amount is appreciated and will go a long way in spreading the message and getting me more support.

SOUTH CAROLINA (October 27 to November 14)

[OOC Note: All of the endorsees of Cooper this round are African-Americans.]

Cooper leaves Charlotte and heads directly south, into Lancaster County, South Carolina. He holds a small rally in Lancaster, nearly the Lancaster County Original Courthouse. Cooper heads east thereafter, to Chesterfield County. In Chesterfield, the county seat, he meets with Chesterfield County native State Senator Gerald Malloy. Malloy gives his endorsement.He and Malloy parade across Malloy's State Senate District (the 29th district), heading through Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington and Lee Counties. In Lee County, Cooper also accepts the endorsement of Ennis Bryant, Sr, the mayor of the county's largest city, Bishopville. Cooper returns to Darlington County to campaign with another Democratic State Senator - Kent Williams of neighbouring District 30. With Williams, he traverses Florence, Dillon, Marion and Horry Counties, too. Cooper departs from District 30 alone and heads down the South Carolina coast, into Georgetown County. He heads across the county and into Charleston County, home to South Carolina's largest city - Charleston. Cooper has already accepted the endorsement of Mayor John Tecklenburg, and campaigns with him, but he also accepts the endorsement of four other Charleston County Democrats - County Councillors Teddy Pryor, Henry Darby, Kylon J. Middleton, and Anne Johnson. He discusses how climate change will stike the South Carolina coast and "utterly ravage Charleston if left unaddressed." He discusses the bipartisan climate change meetings (also subtly mentioning that he had taken the initiative to propose it) and their outcome, and promises that, "despite what the court's ruled, the EPA will continue to fight pollutants and polluters who think they can get away with filling the air in our cities with smoke." He hosts a small fundraiser as well. He then travels across Colleton County, before appearing in Bamberg County, home to Nikki Haley's hometown of Bamberg. He is here endorsed by five local politicians: Bamberg's mayor, Nancy Foster, and three Bamberg County Councillors (Sharon Hammond, Larry Haynes, Jonathan Goodman and Spencer Donaldson). He swings to neighbouring Allendale County, the blackest and most liberal county in the state, where he accepts the endorsement of County Councillors Theresa Taylor and William Robinson, and holds a mini-rally and town hall. From there, he visits Columbia, the state capitol, with a large rally. He also then attends a fundraiser with many working- and middle-class attendees. "Look, I get it," he says. "Two of the candidates in the primary are African-American. I understand that some African-American Democrats in South Carolina are quite tempted to support Harris or Adams. But consider this: both of them are urban Democrats, one from New York City, the other from the west coast, from San Francisco. I, on the other hand, am the Carolinian candidate, the rural candidate, the candidate who's pulled out all the stops here in South Carolina and gotten endorsements from local and state politicians. I am the candidate who will fight for South Carolina and its people. I won't forget you. I won't entice you with big promises I won't keep, because I share your struggle, and will, if elected, lead the fight for the working class and the poor, and that includes millions of people in South Carolina, who have been left out in the past and will continue to be left out in a Harris or an Adams presidency. That's precisely why so many local Democrats from South Carolina have given me their endorsement. Notice that the same can't be said of Harris or Adams. So look, though I understand the temptation to support Kamala Harris or support Eric Adams - I am in fact the candidate for the Carolinas, and the candidate who will fight for Carolinians." He leaves Columbia after that, for nearby Fairfield County. Here, two county councillors, Shirley Greene and Timothy Roseborough, endorse him at two mini-rallies. His last stop in the state is in Greenville - where, at a large rally where Cooper discusses his anti-poverty programs and promises to a.) raise taxes vastly on the rich, b.) reduce taxes on the poor, c.) expand on government programs to help the poor and d.) increase funding for Medicaid ("Just like I fought for Medicaid up in North Carolina"), he also accepts his final endorsement for now - that of Mayor Lillian Brock-Fleming.

State Senator Kent Williams' Endorsement Announcement (Cooper also airs an ad in the Columbia area which shows a list and images of every South Carolina Democrat who's endorsed Cooper, with Williams' endorsement announcement a loud voiceover in the background)

I'm endorsing Governor Cooper because, unlike Hochul and Adams, he's not a New York Democrat. He's a fellow Carolinian, he's one of us, and he'll fight for South Carolinians and North Carolinians when he's in the White House. I have a great deal of faith in Governor Cooper. The people of Senate District 30 have been very kind to me in reelecting me over the years. They appreciate somebody who fights for them and not just the donor class. They support government that'll stand for them and fight for them and land them a hand too. That's precisely the government Governor Cooper supports, and has fought for over the years. The other candidates, you know, New York Democrats, San Francisco Democrats, they talk smooth, they talk big fish, they promise big things, make promises they'll never keep. Governor Cooper is different. He's a fellow Carolinian, he's one of us, and I have complete trust in him to stand up and fight for the working class. Anybody who supports me should support Governor Cooper, too, because he and I stand for the same things.

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« Reply #96 on: July 06, 2022, 10:54:34 AM »
« Edited: July 07, 2022, 12:02:46 AM by GoTfan »

November 17th Democratic debate.

Venue: Gammage Memorial Auditorium, Arizona State University


Moderator: Lester Holt

"Good Evening and welcome to tonight's Democratic debate. With us tonight are New York City Mayor Eric Adams, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Before we move onto questions, I will ask each candidate to make an opening statement."

General questions

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

"This campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidate, not unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

Specific questions

"Mayor Adams, you've recently been questioned over the crime rate in New York City, which as has been highlighted, has gone up since you were sworn in as Mayor. Do you think that it might be worth revisiting some of your law enforcement policies?

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

"Vice President Harris, miscommunication from all sides resulted in an erroneous report of your campaign being suspended. Are you indeed fully committed to this campaign?"

"Governor Hochul, you've recently come under fire for your selection of Brian Benjamin as your Lieutenant-Governor in 2022, and as you know, he was later indicted on federal bribery charges. How do you respond to questions regarding your judgement regarding appointments?"

"Senatr Warren, you've notably been absent from the campaing trail lately. Are you 100% committed to this campaign or are you focused on your work in the Senate?"  

November 21st Republican debate

Venue: Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio

Host: Fox News

Moderator: Brett Baier

Hello and welcome to the Republican presidential primary debate this evening. On sthe stage tonight are Governor Phil Scott, Governor Ron DeSantis, Former President Donald Trump, and former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment Vince McMahon.

I now invite each candidate to make an opening statement."

General questions

"Fuel prices have started coming down in recent months but the fear of a spike is still there. Many are saying that now is the time to move on to renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power. Would you, as President, act to support measures that would increase our renewable energy output?"

"Senator Tammy Baldwin, a former candidate for the Democratic nomination, recently proposed the Stop Corruption Now Act, which would, among other things, create a Federal Integrity commission with the power to investigate federal officials and hold public hearings, ban federal official from holding stock portfolios, and institute an 8-year ban on officials becoming lobbyists from the time they leave office. Would you sign this bill if it reached your desk?"

"Republican primaries have been known for being colourful events since 2008, and this one has proven to be no different. Will yoou tonight pledge to support the eventual nominee, regardless of who it is?"

Specific questions

"Governor Soctt, you have been notable for your pro-choice positions when it comes to abortion. How would you get pro-life members of the party to turn out for you in a general election?"

"Governor DeSantis, you are still facing criticism over your handling of COVID-19 in Florida, including the firing of several officials who criticised your cnduct of the pandemic response. How do you respond?"

"Former President Trump, you have never frmally conceded the result of the 2020 election. Do you still believe that the election was rigged against you?"

"Mr McMahon, your campaign has come under a lot of fire recently. Several Republicans have referred to you as a non-serious candidate, and Joe Rogan said that you're treating this like a wrestling promo. Are you a serious candidate for President of the United States?"
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« Reply #97 on: July 06, 2022, 10:10:23 PM »

Cooper's Schedule, November 15-30

Cooper arrives in Las Vegas on November 15 and campaigns in the area on the 15th and 16th, touting the endorsements of and campaigning with Congresswomen Susie Lee and Dina Titus. At a rally with Titus, Titus praises him, saying: "Roy Cooper is genuine, capable, electable, and consistent. He has my full endorsement for the presidency, and I have perfect faith that he'll do what's right for Las Vegas and for America. We cannot make the mistake of choosing the wrong nominee, and that's why we have to choose Roy Cooper for the Democratic Party presidential nomination." Lee gives a full-throated endorsement, too: "I endorsed Roy Cooper because Cooper's the best pick. He can win, and he's a genuine progressive with the right ideas. He will fight to implement those ideas in the White House." On the night of the 16th, he flies to the Democratic debate in Arizona. He returns to Las Vegas on the 18th. Here, he campaigns further with Lee and Titus, but the endorsement of North Las Vegas State Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno is also revealed: "I endorse Governor Cooper because if he's elected, he will do much in the way of helping the working class of North Las Vegas. We need allies in our fight for justice, and having one in the White House would be nice. Roy Cooper is just the man to be that ally in the White House, and we'd be missing out on a great opportunity by not choosing him." Cooper spends the next several days campaigning in Clark County - town halls, rallies and fundraisers. On the 25th, Cooper flies up to Reno to accept the endorsement of and campaign with State Assemblywoman Sarah Peters (who represents downtown Reno). Peters says: "Cooper's a solid and consistent liberal. I'm proud to endorse him for president." All women stress that Cooper is a consistent liberal on abortion. Lee remarks, "We need more liberal justices on the Supreme Court to get Roe back. We cannot compromise Roe." Peters says, "The issue of abortion is one of the big reasons I'm endorsing Roy Cooper. He will choose solid pro-choice judges for the Supreme Court, who will support a woman's right to choose." Titus says, "We cannot compromise this race. Cooper can win - a vice president with abysmal approvals, frankly, cannot. If the GOP reclaims the White House, we get an even more conservative court, and who knows what other disastrous rulings we might then get on abortion and other issues?!" Monroe-Moreno also says, "The importance of a less conservative court cannot be over-emphasised. We need a Democrat to win the White House this November, so electability is important." Cooper spends a few days in Reno, then flies out to Raleigh on the 28th and spends the remainder of the month their, tending to gubernatorial duties and spending time with family.
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« Reply #98 on: July 06, 2022, 11:19:44 PM »

"THis campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidate, nt unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

COOPER: "Oh, absolutely, Lester. Our commonalities far outnumber and outweigh our differences, and the number one priority right now has got to be to stop the Republicans and their destructive agenda. If I don't win the nomination, regardless of which of the candidates win it, I pledge here and now that I will one hundred percent get behind them and support them. In fact, I'll actively campaign for them in North Carolina."

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

COOPER: "Of course. The filibuster was never made to function like this. The filibuster as it's being used - or rather, abused - today is absolutely not how it should be in a democracy. The minority in the Senate should not be able to obstruct the majority in this way. Now I acknowledge when in the minority, we Democrats have also sometimes engaged in this, but the point remains that the majority in the Senate should be allowed to get votes on legislation. Filibustering means we end up with a do-nothing Senate where any meaningful legislation never gets a final vote. That's absolutely not how it should be in a democracy. We need a Senate that acts in a way that benefits the American people, not a Senate that never gets around to doing anything productive because Mitch McConnell doesn't want it to. Let me tell you, without the filibuster Biden and the Senate would've gotten even more stuff done for the American people. I would absolutely support this and I really hope we are able to get the votes in the Senate to abolish the filibuster, once and for all, because it's both undemocratic and unproductive."

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

COOPER: "In 2016, Democratic infighting played a major role in electing Trump president. This year, if it happens, we either get Trump or DeSantis, both of whom are absolutely terrible. So I certainly hope all my supporters will, and urge them to, vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. As I said, the top priority is stopping the Republicans. All of us candidates are in agreement on most issues, and all of us will do much more good for the American people than Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. We cannot afford to get a Republican in the White House. I obviously hope I win the primary and I've been attacking the others because they're not as consistent or as likely to win as I am, but should I lose, I, as I said, will give a full-throated endorsement of and campaign for the winner of the primary, and I'd also urge all my supporters to then move past the primary and focus on the general, and focus on keeping the White House. We need liberal judges who'll support a woman's right to choose. We need legislation and White House action to support climate change - the many ideas we came up with when we came together, for instance. We need to tax the rich their fair share. We need to do all these things, and much more, and all of my supporters should ultimately prioritise that and those values. Those come first."

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« Reply #99 on: July 10, 2022, 11:57:54 PM »

Eric Adams Debate Responses

Opening Statement: Good evening, America. I'm Eric Adams. You may know me as the guy who played a part in putting Vince McMahon behind bars. *laughter and applause*

Let me tell you a bit more about myself, though. I was born into poverty and hustled from a young age to support my family. I suffered from police brutality, which inspired me to join the New York Police Department and be a voice for reform from within. Enemies were made for speaking out, but I was never going to back down from fighting for justice. I later entered politics with a focus on representing the common man and woman who don't get a say in this process.

As Mayor of New York, our nation's largest city, I've led the way in shaping a new Democratic Party. We have shown through example that we can crack down on crime while reforming our justice system. We have shown that we can be bold in public investment while promoting healthy economic growth. I have fought for the working class Americans who try to make the most of each day but are still getting left behind. We must do better. I will be that working class President because I know personally what their struggles are. Over the course of tonight, I hope to share more of my vision with you and earn your support. Thank you.

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

On day one, I will call for scrapping the filibuster. Why do you think elected officials have their jobs in the first place? Voters want us to get some damn work done and make their lives better! Look at 2020: Americans sent a message loud and clear that they put their trust in Democrats with a trifecta. We earned a mandate but we never got to realize this full potential because obstructionists are abusing this filibuster to block anything meaningful from happening. It’s clear our current system is broken. As President, I will be unafraid to call things as they are and move to a new system where we don’t need 60 votes for passing even basic bills. If we want Congress to move past the filibuster, they will need pressure from up top. Thankfully, I’ve had a bit of experience as an officer asking politely first.

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

This is not an either-or situation. It’s naïve to think that we can only concentrate on one region over another with foreign policy. We must absolutely focus long-term on confronting China for their human rights abuses, intellectual property theft, and military provocations. They have to know that they are part of this global community and they are to be held accountable like all the rest of us. At the same time, bad actors like Russia will be handled under an Adams administration as they arise and we will continue to build on our alliances with European partners.  I believe that President Biden has done the best he can to balance these competing priorities given our unprecedented challenges.

There might be many out there who would assume a mayor like myself does not have much foreign policy exposure, but being from New York, I represent thousands of different ethnic communities from across the globe. I’ve taken a number of foreign trips—everywhere from China to Turkey—to promote stronger economic ties and respect across borders. The government of China knows that I’m an honest broker from our earlier dealings. I love their people, history, and culture. If they work with us, we will work with them.

"This campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidate, not unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

100%. We are Democrats, and we are a big tent party representing all of America. There will always be certain differences on policies between the candidates, but this party will unite around whoever the nominee is. Just look at who we’re going up against. We’ve had clowns like Trump and DeSantis for years, but now we have candidates running around and committing physical assault like it’s no big deal. We cannot tolerate this. I know that this country will not stand for it, and we as Democrats will stand strong together and offer the sane choice.

"Mayor Adams, you've recently been questioned over the crime rate in New York City, which as has been highlighted, has gone up since you were sworn in as Mayor. Do you think that it might be worth revisiting some of your law enforcement policies?

Lester, I will not apologize for putting more officers on streets and subways when we see old ladies brazenly attacked in broad daylight. The crime epidemic is sadly affecting the whole nation, not just New York. I was elected by my constituents to rein in this crime wave. We have increased our public safety budget by the largest amount since 9/11, invested in more officers for high-risk areas, and have worked on combatting the flow of weapons that charge our gun violence crisis.

We cannot expect immediate results from these reforms. These take time. It involves building trust with community leaders on the ground who know exactly what’s going on in their neighborhoods, and it involves cracking down on the gang leaders as well as lone wolves, which is what we have been working on since I came into office. This is what Americans are asking for from their leaders. How do I know? We’ve seen these uber-progressive DAs go soft on crime, only to be recalled by voters in places as blue as San Francisco. Let me be clear: Every single person, no matter where they come from in life, deserves to feel safe. This is what I will work for day and night as President.
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