2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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Atlas Icon
Posts: 12,667
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« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2022, 02:18:15 AM »

June 3 - with Hutto: "I'm absolutely honoured to have Brad Hutto's endorsement. He has fought for the people of South Carolina and the 40th district - the working-class voters the Republicans ignore - all his life and he's fought, as Minority Leader in the Senate, for the very same values I've championed up in North Carolina. When I'm president, we can and we will move towards the vision that Brad and I both have for this great nation - one where nobody gets left behind and everybody gets a fair shot!"

June 4 and 5 - discusses Karl Allen's endorsement, Brad Hutto's endorsement, and lets slip the very recent endorsement of State Senator Dick Harpootlian, who is also the former Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party: "South Carolina's Democrats have come all in behind me because we want to advance our values. They, like me, want affordable healthcare, action on climate change, higher taxes on the rich, a decrease in gun violence. And clearly, they've found the man who'll get the job done!"

June 6 - Mentions Landrieu's endorsement, lavishes praise upon him: "Mitch did great as mayor, and he'll do just as great as governor. He is a model for good governance and I will follow his example."

June 7 - Remaining two questions for Cooper in debate (on climate change and foreign policy) to be answered later today.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2022, 08:40:30 PM »

To Cooper: How would you approach negotiations with states with Iran or North Korea?

Cooper: "Well, I think the key with Iran is being very careful. We have not had diplomatic relations with Iran since the Revolution in 1979, since Iranian revolutionaries deposed the Shah and took Americans hostage. At some point, we might want to look into changing that and perhaps resuming diplomatic relations with Iran and sending an Ambassador to Iran. On this matter, I would ask foreign policy experts and experts on Iran what they consider to be the best and wisest course of action, but I think at some point, this will be something we might consider. I believe that we must continue working to ease tensions with Iran. We've had a hostile relationship with Iran for quite some time, but Iran has nuclear weapons and is within striking distance of Israel, a close ally of ours. We need to work with Iran, persuade Iran to not view us so antagonistically and agree to some level of nuclear disarmament. This is precisely what President Obama proposed - he had a good nuclear deal with Iran worked out, a deal that could have gone a long way in helping fix this problem, before Republicans and Trump scuttled it for partisan reasons. Of course, we must remain weary of Iran, but we must work towards fixing our relationship and make sure we continue to defend our ally Israel. To that end we need to work on negotiations and diplomacy.

As for North Korea, well, we need to address some important truths. It has no real democracy and the people there are starving. They are being fed state propoganda and there is no freedom of speech whatsoever - those who dare to speak out against the government, who dare to dissent, are tortured, executed, intimidated, silenced permanently. There is a cult of personality over there - people are required to keep pictures of North Korea's dictators displayed prominently in their homes. What I would do is talk to North Korea, not have as intimate a relationship as Trump did with Kim Jong Un, but I will talk to him. Because first and foremost we need to see more human rights in that country. Their needs to be freedom of speech, of expression, of travel. Currently there is none whatsoever, and we need to work towards changing that. So far we and the UN have not done enough to address this, we've not had the frank and open discussion we need to have. When I'm president we will have that discussion, and we will politely but firmly demand that North Korea work to move towards becoming more democratic and less of a dictatorship. This is crucial. We will be polite but we will be firm. If North Korea refuses to expand human rights and allow us to ensure that their citizens are not still being abused, we will need to cut off trade and diplomatic relations with Russia. There needs to be more work done in this theatre and when I am president I promise I will make sure that the people in North Korea are less brutally oppressed. Because we stand for freedom and for expanding freedom, for human rights and against the human rights abuses North Korea has perpetrated upon its people. Anyone who is interested in advancing the causes of human rights, free speech, free movement, free expression, free elections, democracy, will support me in my fight for these values in North Korea.
The truth is that Democratic and Republican presidents alike have not been firm enough with North Korea on the matter of human rights. It's well past time we are firm on this matter, and we will when I'm president. We cannot continue working with dictatorships if we are to truly stand for human rights and democracy and advance those causes. We will give North Korea the choice to either keep its relationship with us by expanding human rights, or risk losing this relationship and have its people continue to miss out on human rights. I sincerely pledge to be diplomatic, but do whatever is necessary to get North Korea to embrace human rights, because it's well past time that it did so. And I challenge all the Democrats debating me tonight to join me in doing so."
Atlas Icon
Posts: 12,667
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« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2022, 01:29:26 AM »

To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.

Cooper: "Climate change is one of if not the most important issues to me. Greenhouse gases are making the Ozone Layer melt away. This has led to the Sun's ultraviolet rays passing through more, and higher and more extreme temperatures. In turn, this has caused the ice and inceburgs in the oceans to melt. Not only does this lead to a loss of habitat for polar bears and other living things that reside there, it leads to a rise in sea levels. From there, I'm sorry to say but by 2050 we could see New Orleans and other cities on the coast, such as San Francisco, Jacksonville, Charleston, Boston and New York all underwater. All this can still be stopped and it is my number one priority. The coal and oil executives don't want to transition from the dangerous greenhouse gases and nonrenewable energy that will lead to inevitable destruction, devestation and loss of life, to safe and renewable energy, because it will cost them profits. The Republicans in Congress are paid by them to parrot their ideas, be their minions, and question the science. And it scares me. However, I have a comprehensive plan that will help us transition to green energy.

1. First, we will be subsidizing solar energy. This will be crucial in making us move away from depending upon coal and oil for our energy needs. The government will personally invest in solar and other forms of renewable energy, and other Americans who agree to switch to solar will get tax breaks.
2. Companies will also be incentivized to manufcature vehicles that do not guzzle gas through tax breaks - and those that continue to do so will face higher taxes. More companies will move to producing electric, solar cars. Consumers who buy these more environmentally friendly vehicles will also be given small tax breaks.
3. To stop smoke and smog going into the air and making our air difficult to breath and our urban centers harder to live in, companies that release smoke and smog will face high fines. In fact, all companies throughout the nation will have what I call a 'carbon receipt' that tracks the renewable and nonrenewable energy. Companies that prove carbon-neutral or carbon-positive will accordingly receive small tax breaks, while companies that continue to be carbon-negative and companies that continue to emit much smoke into the air will face much higher taxes. Of course, I understand that smaller businesses will be unable to comply with such regulations at first, so this will only apply to larger companies and smaller businesses that are still in the process of starting up will be exempt and, at least temporarily, given some leniency.
4. Companies that cut down trees will be required to grow an equal or higher number of trees back - noncompliant businesses will face very high fines and taxes as a consquence.
5. I also hope to help both reduce unemployment and help the oceans by having the government hire young men and women to, for a low price, try and clean up plastic from our beaches and our oceans. The plastic makes it way into the stomachs of unknowing animals, with terrible conseqeunces. These people can also help by growing trees and helping reverse deforestation.

My goal for us as country is for us to reduce our carbon emmissions rapidly and begin making the transition from nonrenewable to renewable energy before it is too late. This simple 5-point plan of mine will help to do just that, as will the other pieces of legislation that have been proposed and that will continue to be proposed. It is my hope to be able to put pen to paper to a comprehensive, watershed law that accomplishes these aims - the Obamacare for the environment -  and if I am unable to do so during the first term of my presidency, I pledge here and now to not seek a second. Because I would consider one of my biggest or possibly the biggest accomplishment for me if I am able to play a role in helping to save our environment, and to save cities like New Orleans from going underwater."

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2022, 01:41:33 AM »

June 11 - Nashua town hall; answers questions about the court: "Look, the Republicans have really played hardball. What Republicans did to Merrick Garland was unacceptable and Mitch McConnell's double-standard when it came to Amy Coney Barrett a couple years later was absolutely outrageous. That said, to quote Michelle Obama, 'When they go low, we go high.' We must maintain standards and not compromise the integrity of the court. This might cost me votes, but I'm for a fair standard. Expanding the size of SCOTUS would not be a wise move. That said, I have every intention when I'm president of appointing proven progressives to the Supreme Court if and when I get the opportunity."
June 12 - Portsmouth Town Hall. Also goes to nearby Rye to announce the endorsement of native son State Senator Tom Sherman. "Tom's been a great representative for the people of Rye and coastal New Hampshire and the 24th district. I'm very happy to have his endorsement as we fight the coal and oil lobbies to make sure coastal New Hampshire doesn't get underwater because of climate change."
June 13 - Portsmouth Fundraiser; rips into Hochul ("Frankly, she doesn't have the judgement to choose a good second-in-command, and I'm worried who she'd choose as her running mate presidentially and what she might do or not do on the campaign trail") and Harris ("Her approvals are completely and totally underwater, and at this point, though I hate to say it, she is a dead weight on the Biden Agenda - she's gotten little done and alienates moderates and other otherwise persuadable groups at all turns"). Also discusses how he'd be a bit more moderate than Baldwin: "Honestly, Tammy Baldwin's been a fairly good senator for the people of Wisconsin. The real question is just whether you want someone who's very progressive, or someone a bit more pragmatic and mainstream. I myself agree with Tammy on many things. I only fear her progressive rhetoric may stop her from doing everything someone more pragmatic and mainstream, with their eye on the prize, might be able to achieve as president."
June 14 - Rally in Manchester; Congressman Chris Pappas announces his endorsement; Cooper says, "Chris has gotten stuff done and very well served the people of New Hampshire's 1st district and the people of Manchester. He's tough and he's stood up for his principles and his values. I have great admiration for Chris, and I'm honoured he'd endorse me in this race. I have every intention to win!"
Atlas Icon
Posts: 12,667
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« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2022, 01:19:05 PM »
« Edited: May 03, 2022, 09:48:11 PM by CentristRepublican »

(JUNE 15 - JULY 4)

This turn, Gov. Cooper will focus exclusively on Iowa, the Hawkeye state. He will tout many surprise endorsements as he familiarizes himself with the people of Iowa.

JUNE 15 - Cooper sets ground in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. He is immediately welcomed by the mayor of that municipality, Mayor Brad M. Cavanagh. Mayor Cavanagh greets Cooper and Cooper holds a rally with Cavanagh, where Cavanagh announces he is endorsing Cooper.
JUNE 16 - Travelling through Buchanan and Delaware Counties on the way to Waterloo, Black Hawk County, with a few impromptu mini-rallies along the way. At one such rally in Delaware County, Cooper also reveals the endorsement of longtime Attorney General Tom Miller.
JUNE 17 - Holds a large town hall in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa.
JUNE 18 - Town hall in Benton County, Iowa.
JUNE 19 - Rally in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa. Accepts the endorsement of State Senator Todd Taylor.
JUNE 20 - Rally in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa. Accepts the endorsement of Mayor Bruce Teague.
JUNE 21 - Town hall in Muscatine County, Iowa.
JUNE 22 - Rally in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa.
JUNE 23 - Town halls and meeting with Iowans in Clinton and Jackson Counties.
JUNE 24 - Town halls and meeting with Iowans in Jones and Cedar Counties.
JUNE 25 - Returns to Iowa City to announce and accept the endorsement of Senate Minority Leader Zach Wahls, a native of the city.
JUNE 26 - Town halls and meeting with Iowans in Muscatine, Louisa, and Washington Counties.
JUNE 27 - Town halls and meeting with Iowans in Keokuk, Iowa and Benton Counties.
JUNE 28 - Campaigning in Tama and Poweshiek Counties.
JUNE 29 - Begins day campaigning in Marshall County, drops down for rally in Jasper County, then returns to Marshall County at night.
JUNE 30 - Rally in Ames, Story County, Iowa.
JULY 1 and JULY 2 - Rallies and other campaigning in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Endorsement of Mayor Frank Cownie revealed and accepted.
JULY 3 - Town hall + rally in West Des Moines, Dallas County, Iowa.
JULY 4 - Spends the 4th of July with his family in North Carolina, having visited 24 of Iowa's 99 counties.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 7,941
United States

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« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2022, 09:16:39 PM »
« Edited: May 01, 2022, 09:26:05 PM by Free Speech Enjoyer GregTheGreat657 »

Trump schedule for June 2023:
June 1: Hold rally in Dallas County, Iowa and meet with Governor Kim Reynolds for an endorsement
June 2: Hold rally in Des Moines,  Iowa
June 3: Hold rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa
June 4: Hold rally in Muscantine, Iowa
June 5: Hold rally in Davenport, Iowa
June 6: Hold rally in Dubuque, Iowa, and meet with Senators Grassley and Ernst for an endorsement
June 7: Ask Senator Josh Hawley for an endorsement
June 8: Hold rally in Greenville, South Carolina
June 9: Hold rally in Seneca, South Carolina
June 10: Hold rally in Spartanburg, South Carolina
June 11: Hold rally in York, South Carolina
June 12: Hold rally in Lexington, South Carolina
June 13: Hold rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
June 14: Hold rally in Charleston, South Carolina and meet with Senator Tim Scott for an endorsement
June 15: Ask Governor Henry McMaster for an endorsement
June 16: Hold rally in Coos County, New Hampshire
June 17: Hold rally in Caroll County, New Hampshire
June 18: Hold rally in Belknap County, New Hampshire
June 19: Hold rally in Stratford County, New Hampshire
June 20: Hold rally in Rockingham County, New Hampshire
June 21: Hold rally in Manchester, New Hampshire
June 22: Hold rally in Nashua, New Hampshire
June 23: Hold rally in Concord, New Hampshire
June 24: Fly to Nevada
June 25: Hold rally in Las Vegas, Nevada
June 26: Hold rally in North Las Vegas, Nevada
June 27: Hold rally in Henderson, Nevada
June 28: Hold rally in Reno, Nevada
June 29: Hold rally in Carson City, Nevada
June 30: Virtually meet with Senators Cruz, Scott, Rubio, Kennedy, Marshall, Tuberville, and Hyde-Smith to discuss endorsmements. The meetings were 1-on-1.
Pink Panther
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« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2022, 10:45:37 PM »

To Harris: Your approval ratings with Independent voters currently leave you as the most unpopular Vice President since Dick Cheney. How do you plan to rectify that if you wish to win a general election?
I have been a major voice in the Biden administration since day one. I was a major influence on vastly popular bills such as BIF and BBB. I have also been placed in extremely important positions to help solve our inflation and immigration crises. And yes, I'm calling them crises. The Biden Administration is not afraid in the slightest to admit that. However, these can take time. We have to be patient. If we are, we would have risen to the challenge and solved them without any inconveniences. But more on topic, as these hardships and more are still prevalent in today's society, everyone in our current administration has seen their approval ratings hit hard. I believe with a solution to these crises, which is on track to occur very soon, I might add, as well as independents seeing how dangerous and reckless most of our companions with trunks are, I believe they would break for us in a general election.
To Harris, Hochul, Warren and Baldwin: Each of you has a chance to become the first female President. Explain why you would be the best person to earn that lofty status.
You know, when growing up in the mean streets of Oakland, women were almost seen as second-rate citizens in that time period. The Cult of Domestication was still the widely subscribed idea for how to treat women. We were seen as our sole purpose was to beat and raise children and serve their husbands with no exceptions, with possibly teaching our youth or nurse our ailling if lucky. And minority women were essentially left to dry by everyone. They had to raise their children in dire conditions with no help from the Government. But as the years went by, women started to become lawyers, doctors, scientists, architectures, business leaders, politicians, etc. I have fought for my constituents for my entire adult life. I have tried to make their lives better. With my policies and experience, as well as being our nation's first female Vice President, it would frankly be an honor to serve as our wonderful country's first female President.
To All: If you could unilaterally amend the constitution once, what amendment would you add?
It's a travesty the ERA has not been passed into an amendment yet. Congress passed it, but sadly, state governments and lowlife activists successfully stalled it actually becoming a part of the constitution. But we are here to change that, and finally get women equal protection under the law at once.
To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.
The marshlands and coastal areas are vital at shielding New Orleans from Hurricanes and the such. However, these areas have been eroding due to rising temperatures caused by climate change. Specifically for New Orleans, I would suggest more funding and resources for restoration attempts of these crucial marshes and wetlands. We want to avoid the damage caused by Katrina at all costs. You don't hear about my opponents talk about this plan.
  As for Climate Change in general, we have to continue our efforts to curb rising greenhouse effects. It's good that some of the public had tried to play their part in this, but there's a major elephant in room I have to address: Our companies have to play their role as well, and it's a damn shame that our government and most activists have not been putting enough of the blame on most of our major corporations. And I admit I haven't done enough on my part calling out these elitists, but the buck stops here! Also, we have to negotiate with countries such as China and India, who are major greenhouse gas emitters, to start to phase out fossil fuels and the such.
   I agree with Governor Cooper, with frankly, all of his proposed policies regarding climate change. However, we need to do more. Along with the actions already mentioned, we have to pour more resources in educating the youth on the dangers of climate change. That's why we have to strongly recommend a mandatory climate change course in Middle and High School, with adequate teachers, of course. We also have to subsidize wind and nuclear energy. These energy sources are vital in transitioning out of fossil fuels, whether you like it or not. And lastly, we have to cooperate more with our international brethrens. We cannot do this by ourselves, and this will also build relationships with the outside world.
To All: Would you commit the United States military to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?

  I would firstly try to negotiate with the PRC to back off with their efforts. If that unfortunately falters, we and most of the world will sanction Beijing into oblivion, similar to what we did to Russia during their war with Ukraine. I would prefer that we don't send American Soldiers into deadly conflicts, but we cannot abandon our most treasured allies. If the PRC did decide to invade, I can guarantee right now that Taiwan will have the most up-to-date weapons and resources, as well as ours and the free world's support.

I would like to say thanks to Mr. Zakaria, my opponents, and whoever decided to spend their time watching this debate. Goodnight.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 12,667
United States

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« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2022, 12:05:45 AM »

To Harris: Your approval ratings with Independent voters currently leave you as the most unpopular Vice President since Dick Cheney. How do you plan to rectify that if you wish to win a general election?
I have been a major voice in the Biden administration since day one. I was a major influence on vastly popular bills such as BIF and BBB. I have also been placed in extremely important positions to help solve our inflation and immigration crises. And yes, I'm calling them crises. The Biden Administration is not afraid in the slightest to admit that. However, these can take time. We have to be patient. If we are, we would have risen to the challenge and solved them without any inconveniences. But more on topic, as these hardships and more are still prevalent in today's society, everyone in our current administration has seen their approval ratings hit hard. I believe with a solution to these crises, which is on track to occur very soon, I might add, as well as independents seeing how dangerous and reckless most of our companions with trunks are, I believe they would break for us in a general election.
To Harris, Hochul, Warren and Baldwin: Each of you has a chance to become the first female President. Explain why you would be the best person to earn that lofty status.
You know, when growing up in the mean streets of Oakland, women were almost seen as second-rate citizens in that time period. The Cult of Domestication was still the widely subscribed idea for how to treat women. We were seen as our sole purpose was to beat and raise children and serve their husbands with no exceptions, with possibly teaching our youth or nurse our ailling if lucky. And minority women were essentially left to dry by everyone. They had to raise their children in dire conditions with no help from the Government. But as the years went by, women started to become lawyers, doctors, scientists, architectures, business leaders, politicians, etc. I have fought for my constituents for my entire adult life. I have tried to make their lives better. With my policies and experience, as well as being our nation's first female Vice President, it would frankly be an honor to serve as our wonderful country's first female President.
To All: If you could unilaterally amend the constitution once, what amendment would you add?
It's a travesty the ERA has not been passed into an amendment yet. Congress passed it, but sadly, state governments and lowlife activists successfully stalled it actually becoming a part of the constitution. But we are here to change that, and finally get women equal protection under the law at once.
To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.
The marshlands and coastal areas are vital at shielding New Orleans from Hurricanes and the such. However, these areas have been eroding due to rising temperatures caused by climate change. Specifically for New Orleans, I would suggest more funding and resources for restoration attempts of these crucial marshes and wetlands. We want to avoid the damage caused by Katrina at all costs. You don't hear about my opponents talk about this plan.
  As for Climate Change in general, we have to continue our efforts to curb rising greenhouse effects. It's good that some of the public had tried to play their part in this, but there's a major elephant in room I have to address: Our companies have to play their role as well, and it's a damn shame that our government and most activists have not been putting enough of the blame on most of our major corporations. And I admit I haven't done enough on my part calling out these elitists, but the buck stops here! Also, we have to negotiate with countries such as China and India, who are major greenhouse gas emitters, to start to phase out fossil fuels and the such.
   I agree with Governor Cooper, with frankly, all of his proposed policies regarding climate change. However, we need to do more. Along with the actions already mentioned, we have to pour more resources in educating the youth on the dangers of climate change. That's why we have to strongly recommend a mandatory climate change course in Middle and High School, with adequate teachers, of course. We also have to subsidize wind and nuclear energy. These energy sources are vital in transitioning out of fossil fuels, whether you like it or not. And lastly, we have to cooperate more with our international brethrens. We cannot do this by ourselves, and this will also build relationships with the outside world.
To All: Would you commit the United States military to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?

  I would firstly try to negotiate with the PRC to back off with their efforts. If that unfortunately falters, we and most of the world will sanction Beijing into oblivion, similar to what we did to Russia during their war with Ukraine. I would prefer that we don't send American Soldiers into deadly conflicts, but we cannot abandon our most treasured allies. If the PRC did decide to invade, I can guarantee right now that Taiwan will have the most up-to-date weapons and resources, as well as ours and the free world's support.

I would like to say thanks to Mr. Zakaria, my opponents, and whoever decided to spend their time watching this debate. Goodnight.


ON APPROVAL RATINGS: "VP Harris, your approval ratings have constantly lagged behind President Biden's. Constantly and consistently! You've alienated moderates and swing voters, and I can't honestly see that changing. Besides, you have handled the immigration situation with anything but compassion and tact, and I say this of you specifically. Ma'am, in 2021, you said to the illegal immigrants from Mexico, from Central America, 'Do not come.' That's it. Do not get me wrong when I say that I by no means condone illegal immigration, but these people often face abuse, and violence, and vicious cycles of poverties in their home countries. They turn to the United States because the see us, rightly so, as a beacon of freedom and land of opportunity, because they have nowhere else to turn. Once again, I oppose illegal immigration, but it's not as simple as 'Do not come' when these families put everything on the line because they want a better future in which to live. Your answer - 'Do not come' - was extremely crude, callous and tone-deaf, VP Harris."

ON FEMALE PRESIDENTS: "Vice President Harris, what you said was honestly quite rousing. However, it offered no substance. There are 3 other women - Senators Baldwin and Warren and Governor Hochul - who also vye to be the first female president. You, however, offer no real reasons or evidence of your support. To quote you directly, this is what you say of your experience: 'I have fought for my constituents for my entire adult life. I have tried to make their lives better. With my policies and experience, as well as being our nation's first female Vice President, it would frankly be an honor to serve as our wonderful country's first female President.' I'm sure the other female candidates in the race can also claim they have fought for their constituents their entire life, and tried to improve their lives, especially if they do not also have to offer specific examples. You simply say you've done this, give a rousing speech, and mention you are the first female vice-president. Well, VP Harris, Joe Biden pledged to choose a female running mate, and Tammy Baldwin was also considered. You were ultimately selected. Any woman Biden chose as his running mate would have been our first vice-president. Frankly, the fact that you have not stated concerete policy proposals and actions you have taken, but only that you are the vice-president, speaks volumes. This is because you have achieved quite little substantially for the people of California. As vice-president - yes, as the first female vice-president - you've alienated moderates and told illegal immigrants 'Do not come'. You've consistently had a very low approval rating. Before that, as District Attorney, your primary policy actions were getting marijuana convictions and sending people who committed no bigger a crime than consume some marijuana, to jail for a long time. This was a policy which, it's worth noting, disproportionately hurt African-Americans. You have achieved so little that your primary achievement, it appears, is getting picked by President Biden to be his running mate."

ON THE AMENDMENTS: "Frankly, VP Harris, I'm shocked. I'd think that with issues such as climate change, gerrymandering, the electoral college, gun rights, COVID19, and the Supreme Court, your amendment might pertain to one of those issues. However, you are not creative enough to come up with a meaningful new policy to be enshrined in our Constitution should you be hypothetically allowed to do so. So you've dug up a decades-old amendment that is at this point little more than symbolic. Don't get me wrong - the ERA is absolutely a positive and it's unfortunate it did not become an amendment. However, today with other laws such as the Violence Against Women Act and other such acts, the aims the ERA strived for have, I'm happy to say, been all but achieved. Certainly the ERA, mostly symbolic at this point, could not be more important to you than, say, an amendment abolishing the Electoral College, or ending gerrymandering, or reforming the Supreme Court, or expanding Healthcare, or fighting gun violence? I honestly think the reason you chose the ERA is because you did not know any new iniative that should become part of the Constitution."

ON CLIMATE CHANGE: "I'm happy to say, Vice-President Harris, that it seems you and I are in agreement on this issue. I'm happy you'd institute the same 5 changes I would, and I agree with some of your other proposals to tackle climate change as well. I will say that this is not an issues us Democrats should bicker amongst ourselves on - we already need to fight the coal lobby and we  need to be vigilant in our crusade to reverse the effects of climate change before it is too late. I would love if you, I, Senators Baldwin and Warren, and Governor Hochul could come together and we could all concur on certain policies that would help us to transition to renewable energy, including both your suggestions and my 5 ideas, as well as any other innovative solutions any of them might think of. We need to be unified, and we need to collaborate on this issue. Ideally, this would be a bipartisan effort, but the Republican Party is tied to the coal and oil lobbies, so we must put in double the effort to save this planet from the disastrous effects of climate change that might otherwise ensue."

ON TAIWAN: "I'm similarly happy that we agree on Taiwan and China. I think we should learn from history - very recent history, in fact - and look at President Biden's excellent handing of the Russia-Ukraine War for guidance. I am glad that you and I are both committed to ensuring Taiwan retains its independence, and that we both agree that we should send in troops only if it proves absolutely necessary."
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2022, 12:10:34 AM »

Tammy Baldwin debate responses

"I want to to thank Fareed for moderating us tonight, and for my follow candidates-Vice President Harris, Governor Cooper, Governor Hochul and Senator Warren for attending.

When I was born, my mother was a mere nineteen years of age and going through a divorce. She suffered from an opiod addiction and mental health issues. I had to live with my grandparents for most of my life as a result. My grandfather was born of Jewish German and Russian immigrants, who left their lives in Europe to pursue the promise that America made.

In recent years, the success stories of yesteryear are, in many ways, no longer possible. Systemic corruption at every level has made it almost impossible for many people to craft success. There is simply too much weighed against them.

My campaign is about that Other America. The worker, the small farmer, the student, the poor. I am here to bring their voices to the national debate, and to restore theirability to pursue their happiness."

To Harris, Hochul, Warren and Baldwin: Each of you has a chance to become the first female President. Explain why you would be the best person to earn that lofty status.

"I believe that Kamala, Kathy or Elizabeth would all make fine Presidents. Indeed, being the first female President of the United States would be a hell of a statement, but I'm not campaigning solely based on that.

I want to represent the voices of the other America. The voices that have been drowned out by people who put themselves ahead of others. Among those voices are many millions of women. They merely ask for the right to control their own destinies, whether it comes to pregnancy or putting food on the table.

Millions of women have been disadvantaged in this country, largely as a result of systemic issues. I will be their voice in this election."

To Warren and Baldwin: If you cannot get Medicare for All passed, would you support a compromise plan like a public option?

"If no other option were available, I would. However, simply adding a public option would not get rid of the huge systemic issues that exists within the healthcare system. Namely, the fact that it doesn't address the inbuilt costs of our for-profit healthcare system.

We spend $3.6 trillion on healthcare every year. A quarter of that isn't going to research, treatment or cures, but simply to cover administrative waste. There is so much waste generated by our for-profit system that a quarter of our healthcare budget has to be delegated to cover it. That's insane. It also doesn't eliminate the problem of insurance companies, who routinely price-gouge as a matter of course.

Would I support a public option if needs be? Yes, I would, because it would be an improvement over our current system, but in my opinion, it is still just a halfway measure that doesn't tackle the biggest mosney-loser in the sector: administrative waste.

I support Medicare for All because it will ultimately save us money in the long run by eliminiating much of this waste. I don't support eliminating private healthcare, but it should be supplementary only."

To Baldwin: You would be the first LGBT President. Do you believe America is ready for an LGBT President?

"We're over twenty years into the 21st Century. Of course the country is ready for an LGBT President. I ask that people look at my policies, not my sexual orientation, and make up their own mind based on that. I'm the only candidate up here that's pledging to repeal the labour-killing Taft-Hartley Act. I'm the only candidate up here who has a comprehensive anti-corruption plan.

At the end of the day, it's policy that matters above all else."

To Warren and Baldwin: What do you say to those in the Democratic Party who believe your Presidential candidacies are putting your Party's Senate majority at risk?

"Wisconsin is a swing state. It's a state that any Democrat needs to win to carry the Presidency. It's also a state that requires a special election be held 90 days after the resignation of an elected official.

If I were to be the nominee of the Democratic Party, I would resign my seat 90 days before election day, ensuring that we have a strong candidate to run for the seat."

To All: If you could unilaterally amend the constitution once, what amendment would you add?

"This is a difficult question. I regard the United States Consitution as one of the greatest documents in history.

That said, I believe Governor Cooper is 100% correct on this point. The electoral college was fine for the time in which it was created, but we are living in a world of advanced technology. We are the only country in the world that uses this system for electing our nation's chief executive, and it is horrendously unrepresentative; you can theoretically become President of this country with just 22% of the popular vote.

We've had five occasions-1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016 where the winner of the electoral college lost the popular vote. President Biden won the popular vote by a massive margin in 2020, but the outcome hinged on 40,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

This is unacceptable. I would abolish the electoral college and turn our system of election into a national popular vote in order for it to truly be a fair and democratic system.

To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.

"Climate change is a massive fight for us. It's a fight for our future not just as a coutnry, but as a speicies, and I'm proud to say I have been one of the Senators at the forefront of climate change mitigation efforts.

As President, I will invest $250 billion over five years in flood mitigation and defence for our coastal communities, and will establish an insurance fund for those at risk of losing their homes to floods, hurricanes and other weather events that result from climate change, as private companies are already refusing to insure homes that are at risk.

I will also invest $5 trillion 8 years into our renewable energy infrastructure. Solar panels, wind farms, geothermal power plants, green and blue hydrogen plants and more. We are blessed with many of the resources needed to turn our nation into a renewable energy superpower, and we cannot leave those resources unused. Not only will this pay directly for the establishment of plants, but will also provide significant tax breaks for companies that are cutting emissions.

I will also put significant effort into working with our allies to cut emissions worldwide. We have a duty to leave a livable planet for our children, and I will spare no effort in fighting climate change at every level I can."

To All: Would you commit the United States military to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?

"We must acknowledge that the situation in Taiwan is remarkably different to that of Ukraine. As an island, Taiwan has its own unique strengths and weakenesses. It is vastly more defensible from a military standpoint, but will be far harder to send supplies and weapons to.

In the event of an invasion, we must follow the course that we did in Ukraine, and provide all possible aid short of war with China. We cannot become directly involved if we are not attacked because that would set off a chain of events that could have devastating results for the entire world. I would support a comprehensive aid package to Taiwan to beef up its anti-ship and anti-aircraft capabilities; in a hypothetical military assault, these would be the most vital arms we could provide to Taiwan."

Closing statement:

"I have spent several years working as a member of the House and as a US Senator. I bring not just years of experience in domestic affairs and a steady hand on the world stage, but also the desire and ambition to execute the sweeping reforms that our nation needs.

I'm not going to get caught up in personality fights, because that's not what my campaign is about. My campaign is about those forgotten Americans. The ones who've had their voices drowned out. The ones our politics should revolve around. We work for them, they don't work for us.

Thank you again Fareed and my fellow Democrats!"
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« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2022, 12:18:35 AM »
« Edited: May 02, 2022, 12:24:45 AM by CentristRepublican »


"I'm happy you'd institute the same 5 changes I would, and I agree with some of your other proposals to tackle climate change as well. I will say that this is not an issues us Democrats should bicker amongst ourselves on - we already need to fight the coal lobby and we  need to be vigilant in our crusade to reverse the effects of climate change before it is too late. I would love if you, I, Senators Baldwin and Warren, and Governor Hochul could come together and we could all concur on certain policies that would help us to transition to renewable energy, including both your suggestions and my 5 ideas, as well as any other innovative solutions any of them might think of. We need to be unified, and we need to collaborate on this issue. Ideally, this would be a bipartisan effort, but the Republican Party is tied to the coal and oil lobbies, so we must put in double the effort to save this planet from the disastrous effects of climate change that might otherwise ensue."

Other news: Cooper clarifies he too opposes the Taft-Hartley Act: "It's not a major issue compared to other issues like climate change in the scheme of thing, but in fact I agree completely with Senator Baldwin. The Taft-Hartley Act should have been repealed a long time ago and I'm surprised it's not already been repealed. But yes, I would absolutely have this destructive law repealed as commander-in-chief. That said, in all honesty, it'd be much lower on my agenda list and my list of priorities when compared to issues such as say, climate change. Frankly, returning to climate change, I'm sure Senator Baldwin genuinely would like to fix our environment too; however, she has proposed similar reforms as Presidents Obama and Biden, but with a dangerously high price tag. Do not get me wrong - I am willing to go to any lengths and any cost to save the environment, but this money could be used more efficiently. If Senator Baldwin was to see my proposal, I have 5 simple reforms that would cost less and do more. Many of these have not yet been properly considerd by Presidents Obama and Biden, quite honestly. I think we need a new and more innovative approach. We need new ideas. This is also why I'd love to meet with the other four candidates to discuss other such ideas that all 5 of us can get behind. This is a top if not the top priority of my campaign."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2022, 10:43:22 AM »


"I'm happy you'd institute the same 5 changes I would, and I agree with some of your other proposals to tackle climate change as well. I will say that this is not an issues us Democrats should bicker amongst ourselves on - we already need to fight the coal lobby and we  need to be vigilant in our crusade to reverse the effects of climate change before it is too late. I would love if you, I, Senators Baldwin and Warren, and Governor Hochul could come together and we could all concur on certain policies that would help us to transition to renewable energy, including both your suggestions and my 5 ideas, as well as any other innovative solutions any of them might think of. We need to be unified, and we need to collaborate on this issue. Ideally, this would be a bipartisan effort, but the Republican Party is tied to the coal and oil lobbies, so we must put in double the effort to save this planet from the disastrous effects of climate change that might otherwise ensue."

Other news: Cooper clarifies he too opposes the Taft-Hartley Act: "It's not a major issue compared to other issues like climate change in the scheme of thing, but in fact I agree completely with Senator Baldwin. The Taft-Hartley Act should have been repealed a long time ago and I'm surprised it's not already been repealed. But yes, I would absolutely have this destructive law repealed as commander-in-chief. That said, in all honesty, it'd be much lower on my agenda list and my list of priorities when compared to issues such as say, climate change. Frankly, returning to climate change, I'm sure Senator Baldwin genuinely would like to fix our environment too; however, she has proposed similar reforms as Presidents Obama and Biden, but with a dangerously high price tag. Do not get me wrong - I am willing to go to any lengths and any cost to save the environment, but this money could be used more efficiently. If Senator Baldwin was to see my proposal, I have 5 simple reforms that would cost less and do more. Many of these have not yet been properly considerd by Presidents Obama and Biden, quite honestly. I think we need a new and more innovative approach. We need new ideas. This is also why I'd love to meet with the other four candidates to discuss other such ideas that all 5 of us can get behind. This is a top if not the top priority of my campaign."

UPDATE: Senator Baldwin has signed on! Still waiting on responses from VP Harris, Senator Warren and Governor Hochul.
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« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2022, 12:20:33 PM »

To Harris, Hochul, Warren and Baldwin: Each of you has a chance to become the first female President. Explain why you would be the best person to earn that lofty status.

“I’m ready for the job of President on day one. I have governed one of the largest states in this country, worked in Congress, and on the local level. The job as President is demanding and requires someone who is tough. I grew up in a trailer to a union family, I worked hard to fight for In my time in office, I’ve been known as an iron fist in a velvet glove, meaning I’m not afraid to be tough without sacrificing my experience as a woman. I want little girls around this country, especially those in working-class families, to see someone like them taking on the job as President.”

To Cooper and Hochul: Would you support Medicare for All?

“I think we need to be realistic about what will pass from Congress. I would not veto a bill that achieved universal healthcare, as that is a human right that we are well overdue for achieving in our country. I support a public option and prescription drug reform, which would expand coverage to 100% of Americans while reducing costs for just about everyone. I am not in favor of banning people's private insurance and think if you like your insurance you should be able to keep it. We need to keep our eye on the ball, our goal is to get everyone coverage, not some purity test talking point.

But something needs to be clarified here, Governor Cooper, you’ve said you want to get Medicare for All or something close to it by the end of your first term. In many versions of the plan that would mean entirely banning private insurance. Do you support banning private insurance if it means getting Medicare for All? I think there are much better ways to get to universal coverage without taking away people’s options.”

To Hochul: Your First Lieutenant Governor was forced to resign after being caught in a corruption scandal. How can voters trust your judgement as President?

“The truth of the matter is the former Lieutenant Governor admitted he hid the probe and the subpoena from me during his background check, and this came as a surprise for me as well as the people of New York. I responded by completely restructuring the vetting process for Lieutenant Governor, streamlining the process, and ensuring something like this would never happen again. I didn’t do this for my own sake, but so the people of New York could trust their government. Those changes include working with district attorneys and federal prosecutors to see whether or not there is any potential wrongdoing. This is on top of taking the State Police’s background check and the one conducted in-house. We need a President who can own when a mistake has been made, and more importantly, ensure it never happens again with concrete policy changes. As your President, I will be committed to transparency and reform, I will work to be sure corruption is rooted out at every level, and that no one is above the law.”

To All: If you could unilaterally amend the constitution once, what amendment would you add?

“It’s about damn time we pass the ERA. The fight for the Equal Rights Amendment has gone back decades, and we keep inching closer only for the fight to die down on the state level or in Congress. In fact, as President, I will pressure Congress to formally extend the deadline for ratification so we can get to the point where the United States Constitution prohibits discrimination based on sex.

Governor Cooper has insinuated that the aims of the ERA have been ‘all but achieved.’ I think that is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. The Supreme Court still argues whether or not women get to control their reproductive health, the pay gap persists, and paid family leave is still no more than a policy goal that we talk about on stages like this one. The last thing American women need to be told is that the ERA is ‘symbolic’ when the only mention of women in the Constitution is giving us the right to vote. American women need the ERA to enshrine equal protection under the law, provide a federal standard, and allow for constitutional protections for our rights and liberties.”
To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.
“There is so much we need to do to protect cities like New Orleans from the impact of climate change. The first part of my plan involves seeing through on our promise to invest in green infrastructure, which means investing in coastal protection, water management, and adapting existing infrastructure to protect from extreme weather. This is a worthwhile investment and ensures communities like New Orleans are protected. Beyond that, we must invest in green energy. As Governor of New York, I have worked to shift all school buses to electric, to keep us on track to make all new buildings carbon neutral by 2027, and to keep our climate promises to cut emissions in half by 2030, and by 80% in 2050. The truth is, what happens in New York impacts New Orleans, we need federal action to match state and local action. As your President, my budget will greatly expand on funding infrastructure and green jobs, this will help us minimize risks while also building upon our economy. There’s no reason New Orleans needs to worry about whether or not your government will protect your home and livelihood.

I think my colleagues and I agree, we need to invest heavily in green energy, ensuring it is not only environmental but also economical for the American people. In terms of accountability, I will instruct the EPA to put together and publish an annual report showing what has been accomplished in terms of our carbon and energy goals. There has to be some sunshine on this process to be sure we don’t just talk about the problem, but that we actually shift to carbon neutrality and prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.”

To All: Would you commit the United States military to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?
“Simply put, I oppose putting boots on the ground. The last thing our country or world needs is another world war, and supporting military deployment against China would absolutely lead to this very outcome. I agree with my colleagues on stage, we must not allow Taiwan to be overtaken, and we should use Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a blueprint for how to navigate such a delicate situation.

I also believe we need to keep all economic and diplomatic options on the table, and that means using sanctions where necessary to prevent such an action from taking place. The United States needs to stand strong up against international bullies who look to throw around their power.”

Closing statement:

“I never saw myself in elected office. I saw myself as a fighter for the people in my community, fighting for my fellow students against the rising costs of textbooks, fighting for small businesses against big-box stores threatening their livelihood. Even when I got elected, I kept this fighting spirit, fighting against tax breaks for oil companies and the wealthy, against efforts to repeal the ACA, and for paid family leave, free college tuition, and a $15 minimum wage. America needs a fighter, someone who won’t back down to the challenges ahead. As your President, I will fight for workers everywhere and make sure every single American has a shot at the American Dream.”
Jr. Member
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« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2022, 12:24:47 PM »

Governor Kathy Hochul Accepts Roy Cooper's Invite, Issues Statement

"Climate change is the existential issue of our lifetime, and of our children's lifetime. We Democrats can't allow political bickering to obscure this fact. Beyond this, one of us will be the nominee and have to work with the others on tangible policy plans to combat it, so there is no reason we don't start now. I'm hopeful we can put the results of this meeting into the party's platform at convention."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2022, 02:48:13 PM »

Governor Kathy Hochul Accepts Roy Cooper's Invite, Issues Statement

"Climate change is the existential issue of our lifetime, and of our children's lifetime. We Democrats can't allow political bickering to obscure this fact. Beyond this, one of us will be the nominee and have to work with the others on tangible policy plans to combat it, so there is no reason we don't start now. I'm hopeful we can put the results of this meeting into the party's platform at convention."

Cooper: "I'm very happy Governor Hochul has also agreed to appear for a discussion. Now, only Senator Warren and Vice President Harris have yet to answer. I hope they agree, because climate change is one of our most important issues. Nonetheless, even if they choose not to attend, I think myself, Governor Hochul and Senator Baldwin can soon start planning a discussion between the 3 of us, at least. But we will see - hopefully, Senator Warren and Vice President Harris can put politics aside in favour of a unified front to tackle the issue of climate change."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2022, 03:05:15 PM »


To Harris, Hochul, Warren and Baldwin: Each of you has a chance to become the first female President. Explain why you would be the best person to earn that lofty status.

“I’m ready for the job of President on day one. I have governed one of the largest states in this country, worked in Congress, and on the local level. The job as President is demanding and requires someone who is tough. I grew up in a trailer to a union family, I worked hard to fight for In my time in office, I’ve been known as an iron fist in a velvet glove, meaning I’m not afraid to be tough without sacrificing my experience as a woman. I want little girls around this country, especially those in working-class families, to see someone like them taking on the job as President.”

To Cooper and Hochul: Would you support Medicare for All?

“I think we need to be realistic about what will pass from Congress. I would not veto a bill that achieved universal healthcare, as that is a human right that we are well overdue for achieving in our country. I support a public option and prescription drug reform, which would expand coverage to 100% of Americans while reducing costs for just about everyone. I am not in favor of banning people's private insurance and think if you like your insurance you should be able to keep it. We need to keep our eye on the ball, our goal is to get everyone coverage, not some purity test talking point.

But something needs to be clarified here, Governor Cooper, you’ve said you want to get Medicare for All or something close to it by the end of your first term. In many versions of the plan that would mean entirely banning private insurance. Do you support banning private insurance if it means getting Medicare for All? I think there are much better ways to get to universal coverage without taking away people’s options.”

To Hochul: Your First Lieutenant Governor was forced to resign after being caught in a corruption scandal. How can voters trust your judgement as President?

“The truth of the matter is the former Lieutenant Governor admitted he hid the probe and the subpoena from me during his background check, and this came as a surprise for me as well as the people of New York. I responded by completely restructuring the vetting process for Lieutenant Governor, streamlining the process, and ensuring something like this would never happen again. I didn’t do this for my own sake, but so the people of New York could trust their government. Those changes include working with district attorneys and federal prosecutors to see whether or not there is any potential wrongdoing. This is on top of taking the State Police’s background check and the one conducted in-house. We need a President who can own when a mistake has been made, and more importantly, ensure it never happens again with concrete policy changes. As your President, I will be committed to transparency and reform, I will work to be sure corruption is rooted out at every level, and that no one is above the law.”

To All: If you could unilaterally amend the constitution once, what amendment would you add?

“It’s about damn time we pass the ERA. The fight for the Equal Rights Amendment has gone back decades, and we keep inching closer only for the fight to die down on the state level or in Congress. In fact, as President, I will pressure Congress to formally extend the deadline for ratification so we can get to the point where the United States Constitution prohibits discrimination based on sex.

Governor Cooper has insinuated that the aims of the ERA have been ‘all but achieved.’ I think that is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. The Supreme Court still argues whether or not women get to control their reproductive health, the pay gap persists, and paid family leave is still no more than a policy goal that we talk about on stages like this one. The last thing American women need to be told is that the ERA is ‘symbolic’ when the only mention of women in the Constitution is giving us the right to vote. American women need the ERA to enshrine equal protection under the law, provide a federal standard, and allow for constitutional protections for our rights and liberties.”
To All: New Orleans is considered one of the most at-risk cities for climate change in the world. Tell me what your climate plan does to protect New Orleans.
“There is so much we need to do to protect cities like New Orleans from the impact of climate change. The first part of my plan involves seeing through on our promise to invest in green infrastructure, which means investing in coastal protection, water management, and adapting existing infrastructure to protect from extreme weather. This is a worthwhile investment and ensures communities like New Orleans are protected. Beyond that, we must invest in green energy. As Governor of New York, I have worked to shift all school buses to electric, to keep us on track to make all new buildings carbon neutral by 2027, and to keep our climate promises to cut emissions in half by 2030, and by 80% in 2050. The truth is, what happens in New York impacts New Orleans, we need federal action to match state and local action. As your President, my budget will greatly expand on funding infrastructure and green jobs, this will help us minimize risks while also building upon our economy. There’s no reason New Orleans needs to worry about whether or not your government will protect your home and livelihood.

I think my colleagues and I agree, we need to invest heavily in green energy, ensuring it is not only environmental but also economical for the American people. In terms of accountability, I will instruct the EPA to put together and publish an annual report showing what has been accomplished in terms of our carbon and energy goals. There has to be some sunshine on this process to be sure we don’t just talk about the problem, but that we actually shift to carbon neutrality and prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.”

To All: Would you commit the United States military to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?
“Simply put, I oppose putting boots on the ground. The last thing our country or world needs is another world war, and supporting military deployment against China would absolutely lead to this very outcome. I agree with my colleagues on stage, we must not allow Taiwan to be overtaken, and we should use Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a blueprint for how to navigate such a delicate situation.

I also believe we need to keep all economic and diplomatic options on the table, and that means using sanctions where necessary to prevent such an action from taking place. The United States needs to stand strong up against international bullies who look to throw around their power.”

Closing statement:

“I never saw myself in elected office. I saw myself as a fighter for the people in my community, fighting for my fellow students against the rising costs of textbooks, fighting for small businesses against big-box stores threatening their livelihood. Even when I got elected, I kept this fighting spirit, fighting against tax breaks for oil companies and the wealthy, against efforts to repeal the ACA, and for paid family leave, free college tuition, and a $15 minimum wage. America needs a fighter, someone who won’t back down to the challenges ahead. As your President, I will fight for workers everywhere and make sure every single American has a shot at the American Dream.”

On Healthcare: "Good question, Governor Hochul. The fact is that yes, I would like for a private option to continue existing. It would - and I don't like this term to be used lightly or thrown around freely as the Republicans do - be borderline communism if the government were to completely monopolize healthcare. My stance is that ideally, decent-quality healthcare should be available to each and every one of us. But that said, I also know that certain private-owned and more exclusive hospitals that are for profit would have a higher quality. That's all right - as long as everybody has access to some type of healthcare, it's fine. It's fine if those who would prefer to and can afford to pay for private-owened healthcare choose to do so. If I were ever to be able to get Medicare for All, let me say here and now I would not be making it entirely-government run, and private-owned and for-profit options would still exist for those who chose that. My objective is not to make healthcare entirely run by the government, but for everyone to have access to healthcare and for the government to provide those who cannot afford healthcare with healthcare at little or no cost, for healthcare is a human right indeed. I would, however, vehemently oppose any action that sought to shut down private healthcare providers. I hope that the other three candidates - particularly the self-identified progressives, Senators Warren and Baldwin, can agree that they would refuse to shut down private-owned hospitals - for doing so would be bringing us dangerously close to communism."

On the ERA: "Look, Governor Hochul - the ERA is certainly a good thing. But I think you're vastly overestimating what a largely symbolic amendment would do. Most certainly, as Senator Baldwin also said, other issues are more pressing and demand a constitutional amendment - an end to gerrymandering or the Electoral College, reforming the Supreme Court, championing the environment, healthcare, anything. I realize that the ERA is important but I vehemently disagree that it is important enough, and accomplishes enough, for it to be a higher priority as a constitutional amendment than one that would, say, end gerrymandering, or end the electoral college. Such issues would have a greater impact on most Americans' lives. I'm also quite unsure that the ERA would enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. Certainly, it is unclear that it would, and highly debatable. The Supreme Court or some other court might decide that it does not, in fact, protect abortion. A safer way to protect abortion would be to keep Roe vs Wade. How would we do so? We would make sure the Supreme Court is not packed with conservative judges inclined to favour Roe's repeal. This would be achieved by implementing reforms to Supreme Court appointments. This could happen through - surprise - a constitutional amendment. Such a constitutional amendment, one that reformed the Supreme Court to ensure it's never packed with Republican appointees, would be much more everlasting and a much more effective way of ensuring abortion is still protected at the national scale. I genuinely believe that the reason VP Harris and you chose the ERA is because you do not know of any other groundbreaking amendment that would truly achieve a lot. Well, some ideas include amendments reforming SCOTUS, ending gerrymandering, and abolishing the electoral college. Hopefully, next time you'll name something that would actually have a meaningful impact instead of taking up a decades-old amendment that would achive significantly less."

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« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2022, 04:31:56 PM »

Response to Governor Cooper on the ERA:

"I have heard time and time again in my career that so-called women's issues are symbolic, that we should prioritize other concerns. I have proposed codifying Roe v. Wade as law by Congress, but that does not mean Republicans won't challenge it. Right now the only legal protection we have is the existing one established in Roe v. Wade, the ERA would give a constitutional argument based on equality rather than privacy in terms of all reproductive health, including contraceptives. If the far-right interest groups didn't believe that was compelling, why have they fought so hard against it even today? Furthermore, I find it absolutely offensive that you would insinuate that either I or Vice President Harris can't think of or are somehow uninformed of all of these big ideas for constitutional amendments. This was a question about priorities, and I believe that equality is and always should be a priority. I would hope no one on a Democratic Primary debate stage would insinuate a woman doesn't know her stuff just because she is proposing an amendment that enshrines equal protection under the law would be a top priority."
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2022, 04:33:54 PM »

Tammy Baldwin Schedule

May 31-June 4: Speak with Senators Romney, Murowski and Collins on Stop Corruption Now Act. Work towards bringing all Democrats onboard. Attend to other Senate duties as well

June 5: Town hall in Carleston, South Carolina

Audience member: Do you believe that American should pay for Ukraine's rebuilding after the end of its war with Russia?

Baldwin: Ukraine has endured something we never have here-a foreign invasion. There is no two ways about this; their territory was violated by a hostile nation on the flimsiest of pretexts. I support Ukraine's admission too NATO without hesitation, but also believe that America must play a role in rebuilding Ukraine. We must ensure that our partners in defending global democracy against autocracies like Russia and China are properly equipped to face an invasion.

June 7: First Democratic debate

June 9-12: Campaign in New Hampshire. In particular, focus campaign message on anti-corruption. Baldwin has proposed an extensive bill to fight government corruption that is now being blocked by Republicans. Are Republicans pro-government corruption? Actions speak louder than words, and their threat to filibuster the most comprehensive bill on the issue in decades speaks volumes.

June 13: Fundraiser in Nashua, New Hampshire. In keeping with Baldwin's theme, the event is relatively small, and attendees are encouraged to only donate a few dollars at a time, enabling them to continue donating further without harming their bottom line or going near the $2700 limit.

June 14: Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Does my plan to fight climate change come with a high price tag? Sure, but that's because this is a unique opportunity to tackle other problems that we face. A thriving renewable energy sector will create thousanda, if not hundreds of thousands of new jobs through construction, advanced manufacturing and more. It will secure true energy independence for our country, free of fossil fuels. It will revolutionise our transportation system.

We can kill a lot of birds with one stone here, and some of the plans I've heard from my fellow candidates are lacking in ambition.

Pink Panther
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« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2022, 06:32:23 PM »

Kamala Harris Accepts Governor Cooper's Climate Change Invite/Issues Statement

You know, at the end of the day we all believe in the major perils of climate change and want to take action immediately. I also believe that we have to work together to be able to achieve our goals of saving our planet. So that's why I will be attending a summit with my Primary opponents to discuss climate policy and actions regarding Climate Change. If we fail, we will have allowed the Republicans to continue stalling on Climate Change before it's too late.
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« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2022, 07:46:03 PM »

Scott reaches out to Cooper, expresses interest in attending meeting about climate
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« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2022, 10:19:37 PM »

Kamala Harris Accepts Governor Cooper's Climate Change Invite/Issues Statement

You know, at the end of the day we all believe in the major perils of climate change and want to take action immediately. I also believe that we have to work together to be able to achieve our goals of saving our planet. So that's why I will be attending a summit with my Primary opponents to discuss climate policy and actions regarding Climate Change. If we fail, we will have allowed the Republicans to continue stalling on Climate Change before it's too late.
Scott reaches out to Cooper, expresses interest in attending meeting about climate

COOPER: "I'm very happy that this is a bipartisan effort now that Governor Scott is also interesting in joining. I am also happy that VP Harris has accepted. Now I think we can give Senator Warren a day or two to make up her mind, but otherwise, I believe we can proceed and get talking on ideas. My campaign and I will contact the campaigns of Baldwin, Hochul, Scott and Harris, and the four candidates themselves, because believe me when I say I'm very excited and very optimistic about what we can accomplish through a meeting like this."
Atlas Star
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« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2022, 04:27:17 PM »
« Edited: May 03, 2022, 05:15:40 PM by NewYorkExpress »

With June halfway over, the Presidential race is getting more intense.

On the Republican side, Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail. His brash campaign style was largely nowhere to be seen however. He did, however, pick up several high-profile endorsements. Meanwhile, Phil Scott, also picked up several high-profile endorsements, but his continued bipartisan efforts have been causing him significant problems with the base.

Republican Party-National

Donald Trump 30%
Ron DeSantis 26%
Phil Scott 12%

Republican Party-Iowa

Donald Trump 35%
Ron DeSantis 24%
Phil Scott 9%

Republican Party-New Hampshire

Donald Trump 24%
Ron DeSantis 19%
Phil Scott 19%

Republican Party-Nevada

Donald Trump 28%
Ron DeSantis 18%
Phil Scott 9%

Republican Party-South Carolina

Donald Trump 27%
Ron DeSantis 21%
Phil Scott 11%

Republican Party-Louisiana

Donald Trump 29%
Ron DeSantis 22%
Phil Scott 10%

On the Democratic side, the debate dominated the headlines. Roy Cooper's performance stole the spotlight, as he successfully combated with both Kathy Hochul and Kamala Harris, while Tammy Baldwin also put together a strong performance. Hochul also did herself no harm. Harris meanwhile, was widely judged by impartial observers to have come off the worst in her exchanges with Cooper, and in some of her responses, and it has cost her in the polls.Still, endorsements continue flocking to her, with many new endorsements lining up behind her.


Kamala Harris 21%
Kathy Hochul 21%
Tammy Baldwin 19%
Elizabeth Warren 16%
Roy Cooper 16%


Tammy Baldwin 25%
Kathy Hochul 22%
Kamala Harris 20%
Elizabeth Warren 17%
Roy Cooper 14%

Democrats-New Hampshire

Kamala Harris 27%
Kathy Hochul 24%
Tammy Baldwin 21%
Elizabeth Warren 14%
Roy Cooper 9%

Democratic Party-Nevada

Kamala Harris 25%
Tammy Baldwin 17%
Kathy Hochul 16%
Elizabeth Warren 11%
Roy Cooper 12 %

Democratic Party-South Carolina

Roy Cooper 23%
Kamala Harris 19%
Kathy Hochul 17%
Tammy Baldwin 14%
Elizabeth Warren 9%

Democratic Party-Louisiana

Roy Cooper 20%
Kamala Harris 19%
Kathy Hochul 19%
Tammy Baldwin 11%
Elizabeth Warren 10%

General Election

Generic R 46%
Generic D 46%

New Endorsements

Phil Scott Former Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Former Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Former Governor Charlie Baker (R-MA), former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL), former Governor John Kasich (R-OH), Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs (R-TN).

Donald Trump: Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS), Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)

Tammy Baldwin: AFL-CIO, LBTGQ Victory Fund, Governor Tony Evers (D-WI), Representative Marc Pocan (D-WI)

Roy Cooper: State Senator Dick Hartpoolian (D-SC), Charleston Mayor John Tecklenberg (D-SC), Former Representative Chris Pappas (D-NH), State Senator Tom Sherman (D-NH), Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague (D-IA), State Senator Zach Walhs (D-IA), Dubuque Mayor Brad Cavanaugh (D-IA), State Senator Todd Taylor (D-IA), Representative Dina Titus (D-NV), Representative Susie Lee (D-NV)
7 IA state representatives; 2 IA state senators; 4 NH state senators):

Todd Prichard (D-IA)
Chris Hall (D-IA)
Steve Hansen (D-IA)
Charlie McConkey (D-IA)
Ross Wilburn (D-IA)
Jennifer Konfrst (D-IA)
Sharon S. Steckman (D-IA)
Amanda Ragan (D-IA)
Jackie Smith (D-IA)
Cindy Rosenwald (D-NH)
Jay Kahn (D-NH)
Suzanne Prentiss (D-NH)
Rebecca Kwoka (D-NH)

Kathy Hochul: IBEU, ATU, RWWDSU, Former Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), Representative Angie Craig (D-MN), Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL), Former Representative Max Rose (D-NY), Attorney General Letitia James (D-NY), Attorney General Dana Nessel (D-MI), Lieutenant Governor Lisa Cano Burkhead (D-NV)

Further downballot, the 2023 Gubernatorial races have taken shape. Andy Beshear has pulled into a small lead against Auditor Mike Harmon in Kentucky. In Mississippi, Tate Reeves continues to hold a wide lead against Public service commissioner Brandon Presley. And in Louisiana, Mitch Landrieu has sunk to third place in a race that has drawn national attention, and may need divine intervention to make the runoff after the jungle primary, as he trails both Attorney General Jeff Landry and Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser due to the nationalization of the race.


Andy Beshear (D) 47%
Mike Harmon (R) 45%


Tate Reeves (R) 59%
Brandon Presley (D) 38%


Jeff Landry (R) 36%
Billy Nungesser (R) 29%
Mitch Landrieu (D) 23%
Jay Dardenne (R) 7%


Senate Confirmation Hearings for Barack Obama will begin on August 1.

Cori Bush proposes constitutional amendment that would strip whites of citizenship as reparations for slavery.

Xavier Becerra to step down as Secretary of Health and Human Services, will run for the Senate in 2024

President Biden to nominate Eric Garcetti as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Kirsten Gillibrand to block Garcetti nomination in the Senate "by any means necessary".

This turn lasts in-game until July 4, 2023. There will be a Republican Party Presidential debate on July 1, 2023, taking place at Bob Jones University, in Greenville, South Carolina.

This turn will end on Sunday, May 10, at 11:59 PM.
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« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2022, 10:32:18 PM »

JUNE 15 - Cooper sets ground in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. He is immediately welcomed by the mayor of that municipality, Mayor Brad M. Cavanagh. Mayor Cavanagh greets Cooper and Cooper holds a rally with Cavanagh, where Cavanagh announces he is endorsing Cooper.

Cooper: "Dubuque is a great city, it's really a great city. And Mayor Cavanagh has done an absolutely great job as mayor. And I'm so happy to have his endorsement." Discusses taxes: "Here me loud and clear - we will make sure the rich finally pay their fair share! There's going to be a big increase in taxes for the rich. The Bush and the Trump tax cuts were outrageous. Between all the loopholes and all the exemptions and all the decreases the Republicans have caused, rich people - like Trump himself - are paying a lower percentage of their income to the government than the hardworking, the working-class voters here in Dubuque, and across eastern Iowa."

Cooper dines at 1st & Main and spends one night at Redstone Inn & Suites, and leaves early to travel west early the following morning. "You know, I haven't been to Iowa before, but this has been a great start! And before I go - I want to say this from the bottom of my heart: I will not forget the hospitality this wonderful city showed me! I only regret I couldn't stay here longer."

JUNE 16 - Travelling through Buchanan and Delaware Counties on the way to Waterloo, Black Hawk County, with a few impromptu mini-rallies along the way. At one such rally in Delaware County, Cooper also reveals the endorsement of longtime Attorney General Tom Miller.
JUNE 17 - Holds a large town hall in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

On June 16 morning, Cooper goes west, crossing the Delaware County Line. He stops at Manchester, the county seat. He makes a quip about visiting both Manchester, New Hampshire and Manchester, Iowa, in the course of just a few days to an onlooking crowd, then gives an 'impromptu stump speech' and min-rally at the steps of the Delaware County Courthouse. Cooper discusses his climate change plan. Then - surprise! - appears Attorney General Tom Miller, who announces out of the blue that he is endorsing Cooper. Cooper warmly receives the endorsement - "This endorsement means a whole lot to me. From one Attorney General to another, Tom, I know how important the work you do is and you've been excellent. The people of Iowa are lucky to have someone as brilliant, astute and intelligent as their attorney general. I am just as lucky to be graced with your endorsement. I will say this - I won't disappoint you, Tom. Nor will I disappoint the people of Manchester, Iowa." To whoops and cheers (some from secret Cooper volunteers he has mixed in the crowd), Cooper makes a dramatic exit.

In Independence, Buchanan County,  Cooper, still with Miller, then discusses SCOTUS appointments: "The law is extremely important to me. And when it comes to the law the highest authority there is is the Supreme Court. Now, we all know how unfair Republicans like Mitch McConnell have been. Months before election day, Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, our present Attorney General, to the Supreme Court. McConnell didn't even give him a hearing - citing the closeness to the election! Yet, when weeks before the race Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett, McConnell jammed through her confirmation. The double-standard, the hypocrisy, is ridiculous! It's outrageous! And what's outrageous about Barrett's appointment is that it basically stopped the people and their votes from deciding who decides who sits on the Supreme Court. And I'll tell you I won't stand for it. If Mitch McConnell ever tries to stall one of my Supreme Court nominees, I'll make sure there's hell to pay."

Cooper arrives at Waterloo, Black Hawk County that evening. The following evening he has his town hall. He outlines his comprehensive climate change plan, as well as his discussions with Hochul, Baldwin, Harris and Scott: "And you know, between myself and four other presidential candidates, we've met together and we've brainstormed and we have a bunch of creative and innovative solutions that we've all promised to implement. And we will be excited to unveil our solutions a little later." He also discusses the election: "Mail-in ballots were all legitimate. There was no voter fraud. Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden. Period. He did not win Wisconsin, Georgia, or Arizona. Instead of accepting his loss, Trump has stoked suspicion and lies about the election. This culminated in the January 6 attack. And you know, to this day the January 6 attack angers me when I think about it, so I'd rather keep discussion of that subject to a minimum. But I will say this - it's outrageous that some of Trump's supporters thought they could subvert the will of the people, stop their voices from being heard and their votes from being counted, attack our democracy and our democractic process, and install Trump as dictator. They were soundly defeated. But there were grave consequences. We had a Capitol Police officer, Brian Sicknick, who died trying to fight these rioters. And instead of condemning these riots, the Republican Party has doubled down on them. It's disgusting how it's a litmus test now among Republicans to promote what's called the Big Lie. And Republican politicians and state legislators have tried to implement laws that would tighten voting restrictions. It's voter suppression by another name - and this voter suppression targets nonwhite voters and disproportionately stops them from voting. As president, I will make sure we renew the Voting Rights Act and put a stop to this insanity. We are in the 21st century and no American citizen should have their voting rights suppressed. We know all too well what happens when legislators pass legislation that suppresses the right to vote for African-Americans and other minorities. My philosophy is the right to vote is just that - a right, not a priviledge. And it is not a right the Republicans can take away, ever, as they have tried to do."

JUNE 18 - Town hall in Benton County, Iowa.

Immediately after the town hall and after giving a rousing closing statement, Cooper heads southeast to Benton County, spending the night in the township of Cedar.

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« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2022, 05:01:10 PM »

JUNE 18 - Town hall in Benton County, Iowa.
JUNE 19 - Rally in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa. Accepts the endorsement of State Senator Todd Taylor.
JUNE 20 - Rally in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa. Accepts the endorsement of Mayor Bruce Teague.

Cooper hosts a town hall in Vinton, where he fields questions regarding the economy, foreign policy, the environment, and social issues such as abortion. "Roe getting overturned was an absolute travesty. We need to get a liberal majority in the Supreme Court so we can reverse the damage caused. In so many red states, abortion is now banned or almost completely banned. We need to ensure that there is a national standard allowing abortion nationally. We need to bring back an equivalent of Roe v Wade."

Cooper thanks the audience, and then departs east to Linn County, home to Cedar Rapids. He spends the evening in Cedar Rapids itself, and the following afternoon, hosts a large rally attended by many. He reveals and accepts the endorsement of native son Todd Taylor, a Democratic state senator. "Todd's done a great job for Cedar Rapids." He dsicusses healthcare: "Mark my words, we will expand on Obamacare, and build upon it. We need sweeping national healthcare legislation, and under a Cooper presidency, we'll get it!"
After the rally, Cooper goes to bed early.

He awakens early on June 20 to set out for Johnson County, to the south. He discusses making college more affordable: "We will get free or very inexpensive community colleges set up. This will ensure that other, private universities and colleges also reduce fees in order to avoid losing students and to remain competitive. Furthermore, I will personally do what Joe Biden did, and I will forgive a further $10,000 in loans." Loud cheers. "And I'm very happy today to reveal a special endorsement: that of Mayor Bruce Teague!!" Out pops Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague. "Bruce has dedicated his life to public service and has helped people across Iowa City. I'm very glad to have his endorsement in this fight." Cooper dines and spends the evening in Iowa City, intending to traverse southeast to Muscatine County the following morning.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2022, 05:15:29 PM »

OOC: Sorry for the delay, but I had a little trouble thinking about who would moderate a Republican debate, and what questions would be asked.

Good evening, I'm Rick Santorum, and welcome to tonight's Republican Primary debate from Bob Jones University.

Let's go over the rules. Candidates will have the opportunity to respond to questions from me. Some questions may be directed at one candidate, others may be directed at multiple candidates.

To Scott: As a moderate candidate who is openly performing outreach to Democrats, what is your plan to win over conservatives?

To All: Would you accept the results of the election if you lost?

To All: Would you support a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions?
To All Would you support banning female birth control and condoms?

To Trump: As a former casino owner, do you support the legalization of online gambling on a national level?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #49 on: May 10, 2022, 04:39:52 PM »

JUNE 21 - Town hall in Muscatine County, Iowa.
JUNE 22 - Rally in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa.
JUNE 23 - Town halls and meeting with Iowans in Clinton and Jackson Counties.

Cooper arrives in Muscatine early on the 21st in time for a town hall in which he touts the recent bipartisan climate change meeting between him and 4 other candidates. "You know, all candidates contributed ideas. We've gotten down a total of 17 ideas we will all support as president, and all of us our excited to unveil our ideas." He hints at an announcement that might come soon.

That evening itself, Cooper traverses to Davenport. The following day, he holds a big rally with Atty. General Miller. He slams Trump and emphasizes electability. "One of the biggest differences between Vice-President Harris and I is that she is a lot less electable than I am. She is polarizing and has constantly alienated moderates. While her approvals are constantly lower than President Biden's, down in North Carolina, I don't mean to brag but mine have consistently been higher. I know how to win and I'll get it done...With me on the ballot, we'd win North Carolina, as well as every state President Biden won three years back. With Harris as the nominee, though, not only do we lose North Carolina, we likely lose Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin too. And that alone would be enough to deliver the win to Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump."

The following day, still with Tom Miller, Cooper goes north, campaigning across Clinton County (including the townships of De Witt, Bloomfield, Welton, Waterford, and Washington). After lunching in northern Clinton County, he traverses further north, campaigning across Jackson County with Miller before, after a dinner in western Jackson County, leaving for neighbouring Jones County (while Miller flies back to Des Moines).
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