Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49042 times)
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« on: November 29, 2022, 02:57:46 AM »
« edited: November 29, 2022, 03:10:11 AM by Senator Spiral »

Can We Actually Get to Vote? Act

Be it resolved,

1. Legislation undergoing a final vote in the National Senate shall receive a full, unperturbed period of 72 hours for members to declare and otherwise amend their vote.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2022, 03:09:41 AM »


1. Any financial service provider who invests and manages a 401(K) plan hereby possess a fiduciary duty to make investment decisions as a reasonably prudent investor would for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the investments. Accordingly no such officer, agent, or employee shall make investment decisions for a 401(K) plan that prioritize the proprietary funds of the financial service provider or unreasonably increases administrative costs for the fund or investment fees for the financial service provider when such decision is made for a purpose other than benefiting the beneficiaries of the investments.

2. Any 401(K) plan with assets totaling less than $5 Million shall be prohibited from incurring an expense ratio exceeding 1.05% of assets.

3. Any 401(K) plan with assets totaling more than $5 Million but less than $20 Million shall be prohibited from incurring an expense ratio exceeding 0.8% of assets.

4. Any 401(K) plan with assets exceeding $20 Million shall be prohibited from incurring an expense ratio exceeding 0.5% of assets.

5. No financial service provider shall offer a revenue sharing agreement to intermediaries for choosing a fund that exceeds 0.25% of fund management costs.

6. Any 401(K) plan shall annually disclose to all investors in such fund any fee, expense, or administrative cost incurred annually in the management of such fund. This includes but is not limited to any revenue sharing cost.

7. Any employee with an existing 401(K) plan provided by an employer who takes a job with a new employer shall be permitted to transfer the value of the existing equity in the 401(K) plan into a 401(K) plan offered by the new employer with no tax consequence. Employers shall nor charge for such transfer. If the new employer does not offer a 401(K) plan, then the employee may convert the value of the existing equity in the 401(K) plan into a fixed-payment annuity upon retirement with no tax consequence.

8. Any beneficiary shall be entitled to initiate a beneficiary derivative class action lawsuit against any officer, agent, or employee violating this act to seek damages and legal costs.

9. This act shall take effect ninety (90) days from the date of passage.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2022, 12:38:30 AM »

Atlasian Referendum Amendment

The following Section is to be incorporated under Article IX of the Fifth Constitution:

Section 2. National Referendums

1. Certain legislation may be subject to the full authority of the eligible voting populace through federally sanctioned referendums.

2. Federal referendums are to be sanctioned under any of the following methods:

a.) Citizens may submit legislation under the Senate Legislation Introduction Thread with the expressed intent that it be reviewed as a potential referendum. Upon its ascension to the Senate for consideration, voting members must provide at least two-thirds approval for the motion to proceed.

b.) Upon the veto of a bill by the President of the Republic of Atlasia, the Senate has the right to request that the legislation be forwarded to the Atlasian populace in lieu of a veto override. Voting members must provide at least two-thirds approval for the motion to proceed. Once the motion to consider a referendum moves to a vote, a veto override on the particular legislation is no longer possible.

c.) The President of the Republic of Atlasia, in lieu of a declaration in favor or in opposition, may instead defer any passed legislation to the Atlasian people's judgment at personal discretion.

3. Upon the approval of a national vote, the Secretary of Federal Elections is to sponsor and certify said event. A minimum of one week for a campaign period is required to be allotted prior to the referendum. The duration of referendums are not to exceed 72 hours and may be held in concurrence with other, regularly scheduled federal elections.

4. Referendums are to be considered as passed should they receive a majority of votes in favor. Implementation is to occur immediately following certification unless otherwise noted in the text.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2023, 04:40:16 PM »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to allow national referendums on issues facing Atlasia and for the will of the people to decide certain policy.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Atlasian Referendum Amendment

The following Section is to be incorporated under Article IX of the Fifth Constitution:

Section 2. National Referendums

1. Certain legislation may be subject to the full authority of the eligible voting populace through federally sanctioned referendums.

2. Federal referendums are to be sanctioned under any of the following methods:

a.) Citizens may submit legislation under the Senate Legislation Introduction Thread with the expressed intent that it be reviewed as a potential referendum. Upon its ascension to the Senate for consideration, voting members must provide at least two-thirds approval for the motion to proceed.

b.) Upon the veto of a bill by the President of the Republic of Atlasia, the Senate has the right to request that the legislation be forwarded to the Atlasian populace in lieu of a veto override. Voting members must provide at least two-thirds approval for the motion to proceed. Once the motion to consider a referendum moves to a vote, a veto override on the particular legislation is no longer possible.

c.) The President of the Republic of Atlasia, in lieu of a declaration in favor or in opposition, may instead defer any passed legislation to the Atlasian people's judgment at personal discretion.

3. Upon the approval of a national vote, the Secretary of Federal Elections is to sponsor and certify said event. A minimum of one week for a campaign period is required to be allotted prior to the referendum. The duration of referendums are not to exceed 72 hours and may be held in concurrence with other, regularly scheduled federal elections.

4. Referendums are to be considered as passed should they receive a majority of votes in favor. Implementation is to occur immediately following certification unless otherwise noted in the text.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This Constitutional Amendment creates the right for nationally held referendums, sponsored by the Department of Federal Elections, to take place. Citizens are able to submit legislation as potential referenda, and the Senate will vote on whether to move forward with holding one. A referendum can also be approved by the Senate for a President-vetoed bill, or the President can approve a bill for a referendum instead of signing or vetoing the legislation.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2023, 04:41:41 PM »



1. 18 USC 2702 is amended by adding at the end the following:

(e) Prohibition on Obtaining in Exchange for Anything of Value Certain Records and Information by Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies.

(1) Definitions.

(A) the term covered customer or subscriber record' means a covered record that is (i) disclosed to a third party by a provider of an electronic communication service to the public or a provider of a remote computing service of which the covered person with respect to the covered record is a subscriber or customer; or an intermediary service provider that delivers, stores, or processes communications of such covered person; (ii) collected by a third party from an online account of a covered person; or (iii) collected by a third party from or about an electronic device of a covered person;

(B) the term `covered person' means a person who is located inside Atlasia; or a person who is located outside Atlasia or whose location cannot be determined; and who is an Atlasian citizen;

(C) the term `covered record' means a record or other information that pertains to a covered person; and is a record or other information described in the matter preceding paragraph (1) of subsection (c); the contents of a communication; or location information;

(D) the term `electronic device' has the meaning given the term `computer' in section 1030(e);

(E) the term `illegitimately obtained information' means a covered record that was obtained from a provider of an electronic communication service to the public or a provider of a remote computing service in a manner that violates the service agreement between the provider and customers or subscribers of the provider; or is inconsistent with the privacy policy of the provider; by deceiving the covered person whose covered record was obtained; or through the unauthorized accessing of an electronic device or online account; or was obtained from a provider of an electronic communication service to the public, a provider of a remote computing service, or an intermediary service provider; and collected, processed, or shared in violation of a contract relating to the covered record;

(F) the term `intelligence community' has the meaning given that term in section 3 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003);

(G) the term `location information' means information derived or otherwise calculated from the transmission or reception of a radio signal that reveals the approximate or actual geographic location of a customer, subscriber, or device;

(H) the term `obtain in exchange for anything of value' means to obtain by purchasing, to receive in connection with services being provided for consideration, or to otherwise obtain in exchange for consideration, including an access fee, service fee, maintenance fee, or licensing fee;

(I) the term `online account' means an online account with an electronic communication service to the public or remote computing service;

(J) the term `pertain', with respect to a person, means information that is linked to the identity of a person; or information that has been anonymized to remove links to the identity of a person; and that, if combined with other information, could be used to identify a person; and

(K) the term `third party' means a person who is not a governmental entity; and in connection with the collection, disclosure, obtaining, processing, or sharing of the covered record at issue, was not acting as a provider of an electronic communication service to the public; or a provider of a remote computing service.

(2) Limitation.

(A) A law enforcement agency of a governmental entity and an element of the intelligence community may not obtain from a third party in exchange for anything of value a covered customer or subscriber record or any illegitimately obtained information.

(B) The limitation under subparagraph (A) shall apply without regard to whether the third party possessing the covered customer or subscriber record or illegitimately obtained information is the third party that initially obtained or collected, or is the third party that initially received the disclosure of, the covered customer or subscriber record or illegitimately obtained information.

(3) An agency of a governmental entity that is not a law enforcement agency or an element of the intelligence community may not provide to a law enforcement agency of a governmental entity or an element of the intelligence community a covered customer or subscriber record or illegitimately obtained information that was obtained from a third party in exchange for anything of value. Nothing in this provision or in federal law shall prevent a federal agency from conducting and sharing background check data on a covered person to the Office of Personnel Management to eliminate the need to contract with third parties to compile and collect such data.

(4) A covered customer or subscriber record or illegitimately obtained information obtained by or provided to a law enforcement agency of a governmental entity or an element of the intelligence community in violation of paragraph (2) or (3), and any evidence derived therefrom, may not be received in evidence in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in or before any court, grand jury, department, officer, agency, regulatory body, legislative committee, or other authority of Atlasia, a Region, a State, or a political subdivision thereof.

(5) Data Privacy.

(A) The Attorney General shall adopt specific procedures that are reasonably designed to minimize the acquisition and retention, and prohibit the dissemination, of information pertaining to a covered person that is acquired in violation of paragraph (2) or (3).

(B) If a law enforcement agency of a governmental entity or element of the intelligence community acquires information pertaining to a covered person in violation of paragraph (2) or (3), the law enforcement agency of a governmental entity or element of the intelligence community shall minimize the acquisition and retention, and prohibit the dissemination, of the information in accordance with the procedures adopted under subparagraph (A).


1. 18 USC 2703 is amended by adding at the end the following:

(i) Covered Customer or Subscriber Records and Illegitimately Obtained Information.

(1) Definitions. In this subsection, the terms `covered customer or subscriber record', `illegitimately obtained information', and `third party' have the meanings given such terms in section 2702(e).

(2) Unless a governmental entity obtains an order in accordance with paragraph (3), the governmental entity may not require a third party to disclose a covered customer or subscriber record or any illegitimately obtained information if a court order would be required for the governmental entity to require a provider of remote computing service or a provider of electronic communication service to the public to disclose such a covered customer or subscriber record or illegitimately obtained information that is a record of a customer or subscriber of the provider.

(3) A court may only issue an order requiring a third party to disclose a covered customer or subscriber record or any illegitimately obtained information on the same basis and subject to the same limitations as would apply to a court order to require disclosure by a provider of remote computing service or a provider of electronic communication service to the public of a record of a customer or subscriber of the provider. For purposes of this provision, a court shall apply the most stringent standard under Federal statute or the Constitution of Atlasia that would be applicable to a request for a court order to require a comparable disclosure by a provider of remote computing service or a provider of electronic communication service to the public of a record of a customer or subscriber of the provider.


1. 18 USC 2711 is amended by adding at the end the following:

(5) the term `intermediary service provider' means an entity or facilities owner or operator that directly or indirectly delivers, stores, or processes communications for or on behalf of a provider of electronic communication service to the public or a provider of remote computing service.

2. 18 USC 2702(a) is amended by adding at the end the following:

(4) an intermediary service provider shall not knowingly divulge to any person or entity the contents of a communication while in electronic storage by that provider; or to any governmental entity a record or other information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of, a recipient of a communication from a subscriber to or customer of, or the sender of a communication to a subscriber to or customer of, the provider of electronic communication service to the public or the provider of remote computing service for, or on behalf of, which the intermediary service provider directly or indirectly delivers, transmits, stores, or processes communications.


1. 18 USC 2511(2)(f) is amended to read as follows:

(f)(i)(A) Nothing contained in this chapter, chapter 121 or 206 of this title, or section 705 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) shall be deemed to affect an acquisition or activity described in clause (B) that is carried out utilizing a means other than electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801).

(B) An acquisition or activity described in this clause is an acquisition by the Atlasian Government of foreign intelligence information from international or foreign communications that is acquired pursuant to express statutory authority; or only includes information of persons who are not Atlasian citizens and are located outside Atlasia; or a foreign intelligence activity involving a foreign electronic communications system that is conducted pursuant to express statutory authority; or only involves the acquisition by the Atlasiab Government of information of persons who are not Atlasian citizens and are located outside Atlasia. The procedures in this chapter, chapter 121, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance, as defined in section 101 of such Act, and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted.

2. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) shall be the exclusive means by which electronic communications transactions records, call detail records, or other information from communications of Atlasian citizens or persons inside Atlasia are acquired for foreign intelligence purposes inside Atlasia or from a person or entity located in Atlasia that provides telecommunications, electronic communication, or remote computing services.

3. In this subsection, the term ``location information'' has the meaning given that term in 18 USC 2702(e) as added by section 2 of this Act.

4. Title I and sections 303, 304, 703, 704, and 705 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq., 1823, 1824, 1881b, 1881c, 1881d) shall be the exclusive means by which location information, web browsing history, and internet search history of Atlasian citizens or persons inside Atlasia are acquired for foreign intelligence purposes inside Atlasia or from a person or entity located in Atlasia.

5. Title I and sections 303, 304, 703, 704, and 705 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq., 1823, 1824, 1881b, 1881c, 1881d) shall be the exclusive means by which any information, records, data, or tangible things are acquired for foreign intelligence purposes from a person or entity located in Atlasia if the compelled production of such information, records, data, or tangible things would require a warrant for law enforcement purposes.


1.18 USC 2511(2)(a) is amended by inserting the following:

(B) a certification in writing by a person specified in section 2518(7) or the Attorney General; that the requirements for an emergency authorization to intercept a wire, oral, or electronic communication under section 2518(7) have been met; and that the specified assistance is required;

(iii) For assistance provided pursuant to a certification under subparagraph (ii)(B), the limitation on causes of action under the last sentence of the matter following subparagraph (ii)(B) shall only apply to the extent that the assistance ceased at the earliest of the time the application for a court order was denied, the time the communication sought was obtained, or 48 hours after the interception began.


1. This act shall take effect forty (40) days from the date of passage.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2023, 03:18:02 PM »

Easier Access to Vote Act

Be it resolved,

1. Effective immediately upon ratification, a minimum of 15 posts is required to register as a voter of Atlasia.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2023, 11:23:41 PM »
« Edited: February 22, 2023, 09:14:14 AM by Senator Spiral »


1. The Federal Electoral Act of 2019 shall be amended as follows:


Section 4. Voter Eligibility

1. A registered voter shall only be eligible to vote in a federal election if they have been registered continuously for at least one hundred and sixty-eight hours immediately prior to the commencement of the election.

2. A registered voter shall only be eligible to vote in a federal election if they have made at least eight posts from their account in the fifty six days (eight weeks) immediately prior to the commencement of the election.


2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Authorship Statement: This bill was not written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2023, 11:24:12 PM »
« Edited: February 22, 2023, 09:14:26 AM by Senator Spiral »


1. The Federal Electoral Act of 2019 shall be amended as follows:


Section 6. Voting


6. No voter may edit their ballot once twenty minutes have passed since its casting, nor may they delete their own ballot - either of these actions render the voter and ballot invalid for the election, and neither that ballot nor any . No other ballot cast by that a voter in the same election shall be counted other than the voter's first ballot.


2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Authorship Statement: This bill was not written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2023, 11:24:39 PM »
« Edited: February 22, 2023, 09:14:43 AM by Senator Spiral »


1. Article VIII, Section 4 of the Senate Rules and Procedures shall be amended as follows:

4.) Expulsion proceedings shall be initiated if:

a.) a Senator has not posted anything on the Atlas Fantasy Government board for 168 consecutive hours and has not posted a valid Leave of Absence (then the time covered by that LOA shall not count toward those 168 hours, but periods of inactivity before and after the LOA shall count as a continuous period, provided there are no interceding posts).

A Senator misses twenty or more final votes or all final votes in three consecutive weeks, unless the Senator has posted a valid Leave of Absence in either the Atlasia Elections or Atlasia Government threads.


Authorship Statement: This bill was not written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2023, 11:25:47 PM »
« Edited: February 22, 2023, 09:14:57 AM by Senator Spiral »


1. The Criminal Justice Act shall be amended as follows:


(f) Electoral Intimidation. This offence shall be defined as the placing of undue pressure on a citizen of the Republic to cast a ballot in a particular way, to not cast a ballot at all, or to invalidate a ballot already cast via direct threats of revenge, blackmail, retaliation, or retribution. For purposes of this act retaliation includes but is not limited to banning or expelling a citizen from a Discord channel, political party, office, job, or appointment, or repeated harassment. In those cases in which undue pressure has been applied in the form of credible threats to disclose personal information, the offence shall be known as Grievous Electoral Intimidation.


2. This act shall take effect ten (10) days from the date of passage.

Authorship Statement: This bill was not written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2023, 01:01:29 AM »
« Edited: February 22, 2023, 09:16:32 AM by Senator Spiral »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to permit the practice of dueling and subsequent effects between mutually consenting Atlasians.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Let There Be Duels Amendment

The following Section is to be incorporated under Article VI of the Fifth Constitution:

Section 2. Dueling

1. Should there be a mutual agreement, any two Atlasians may engage in a duel.

2. Duels shall take place in a single match of any online game agreed upon by the participants, so long as the game can be fully recorded for independent verification.

3. A replay of the game must be saved and shared with others to confirm the duel happened and who won and who lost.

4. Whoever loses the duel shall be removed as a registered voter and prohibited from re-registering for a period of one week to two months, whichever the duelers mutually decide. Duelists may also agree to different terms provided that the agreement is made in public before the time of the duel. No citizen may be prohibited from re-registering for a period of longer than two months as the result of a duel.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This Constitutional Amendment enshrines the right for two Atlasians to mutually agree to a duel between each other. Such duels are to take place under a single match, of which the result shall be independently verified. The losing participant in a duel shall automatically be deregistered for a mutually agreed period of at least one week but no more than two months. Upon the conclusion of said period, the losing duelist may re-register at personal whim.

Authorship Statement: This bill was not written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2023, 08:15:05 PM »

Sponsoring on behalf of MB:

To take the burden off drivers.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,

Section I. Title

i. This bill may be known as the No Taxing Drivers Act.

Section II. Definitions
i. "Vehicle mile tax" shall be defined as any tax or fee which charges motorists based on the amount of miles they have traveled.

Section III. Substance
i. No vehicle mile tax may be implemented at the federal level in Atlasia.
ii. No driver in Atlasia may be required to install a GPS or location tracker on their vehicle.

Authorship Statement: This bill was not written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2023, 03:51:40 PM »

Submitting on behalf of razze:

ABCMA Unamendment Act
1. SB 113-21, also known as "ABCMA Amendment Act," is hereby repealed in its entirety and the treaty is restored to its previous state.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2023, 04:57:44 PM »

Wildfire disaster relief aid of 2023

1. $30,000,000 shall be budgeted for disaster relief to aid in recovery from the wildfire in Colorado.

2. $75,000,000 shall be budgeted for disaster relief and foreign aid to help Canada fight and recover from the wildfires in their country.

This legislation shall come into effect immediately.

I move to designate this legislation to the National Emergencies slot.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2023, 10:36:40 PM »

Introducing with priority:

Capital Referendum Act

- Recognizing the large number of voters in the Capital naming referendum who voted for "None of the Above", voted for a choice that failed to become a finalist, or wrote comments on their ballot decrying the Capital relocation process
- Recognizing the presence of a public campaign against the moving of the Capital:
- Desiring to have the final outcome regarding our capital accepted by the people

The Atlasian Senate hereby authorizes the following referendum to be placed on the December 2023 Federal Ballot:

"Shall the implementation of SB 117-41, to move the Atlasian Capital, continue?"

With the following options:

- NAY, which would constitute a repeal of SB 117-41 in full
- AYE but re-select the name, under which the naming process would be repeated, under the same process as before except 10 finalists will be selected.

[The name currently selected by the previous referendum would remain the legal name until the new naming process is complete. No finalist from such referendum would have automatic inclusion in the new process, all names would need to be (re-)suggested and (re-)selected.]

- AYE and keep the previously selected name in place.

I move to designate this under a presidential slot.
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