Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49012 times)
Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« on: July 30, 2022, 04:12:49 PM »


You Will Eat Bugs Act of 2022

I. Title

The title of this legislation shall be called the “You Will Eat Bugs Act of 2022” and cited as “EBA”

II: Purpose

To establish subsidies for the industry of Crickets and Grasshoppers for human consumption.

III: Establishment of Programs

This legislation will create the “Tasty Bugs Subsidy Initiative” which will provide federal funding for farms to harvest crickets and grasshoppers.

IV: Definitions

a. A “cricket” shall be defined as an insect edible for human consumption in the Grylliodea family of insects.
b. A “grasshopper” shall be defined as a ground-dwelling, herbivorous insects suitable for human consumption.

V: Subsidies
a. A total, determined by amendment, shall be allocated evenly to regional governments, statewide governments, and local jurisdictions to farmers willing to harvest insects.

VI: Implementation
a. This shall go into effect one year following the bill’s passage.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2022, 11:11:27 PM »

protecting ATLASIAN ANTARCTIC PATRIOTS from those who wish to infringe on them


1. The title of this Act shall be, the "Marie Byrd Land is Ours Amendment."

1. Marie Byrd Land is Atlasian territory. The right of Penguin citizenship shall not be infringed.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2022, 11:12:05 PM »

protecting ATLASIAN ANTARCTIC PATRIOTS from those who wish to infringe on them


1. The title of this Act shall be, the "Marie Byrd Land is Ours Amendment."

1. Marie Byrd Land is Atlasian territory.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2022, 11:42:41 PM »


Confusing Regions Amendment

This Amendment will be cited as the “Confusing Regions Amendment”

1. A Region shall be defined as a 1/365th of 6 3/4 feet.

2. Every region shall exist within 1/365th of 6 3/4 feet area.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2022, 07:35:42 PM »



1. As used in this act:

A. Public zoo means a park, institution, or other place in which living animals are kept, housed, cared for, and exhibited to the public. This shall not include any property used in connection with agriculture or scientic research.

B. Wildcat Rescue means an organization that keeps, houses, cares for, or exhibits to the public listed endangered species of the animal family felidae.

 2. No public zoo or wildcat rescue shall keep or house any animal in a cage or pen unless such cage or pen provides adequate space for the animal to stand upright, lie down fully, stretch, or walk at least 10 paces in any direction from the center of the cage or pen.

3. No public zoo or wildcat rescue shall pay or compensate any employee, contractor, agent, or volunteer with expired meat or meat that was unfit for sale for human consumption when acquired by the zoo.

4. If any volunteer at a public zoo or wildcat rescue volunteers more than 20 hours in a 2 week period, such volunteer shall be classified as an employee for all relevant employment laws.

5. No public zoo or wildcat rescue shall euthanize any listed endangered species in its care, custody, or control, except to prevent prolonged suffering from an injury or illness if the animal is unlikely to recover. This shall not affect the right to self-defense or defense of others.

6. No person shall transport any animal of the animal family felidae for a commercial purpose in interregion commerce if the animal is aged less than 6 months and is a listed endangered species. For purposes of this provision, selling photographs of a customer with such an animal or renting the animal for a designated play time shall constitute a commercial purpose. For purposes of this provision, the general exhibition of such an animal in a public zoo shall not be considered a commercial purpose if such public zoo has the capacity to keep, house, care, or exhibit to the public such animal for the entire span of such animal's natural life.

7. The Attorney General of Atlasia is hereby authorized the to investigate the August 18, 1997 disappearance of Don Lewis, including whether Carole Baskin is responsible.

8. A violation of any provision of this act shall be a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for no more than two and a half years, a fine of no more than $75,000 and disgorgement of any profits.
Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2022, 07:57:00 PM »



1. No person who rents or leases real property pursuant to a federal program shall require the renter or lessee or any agent or invitee thereof to use a cellphone or other internet application in order to enter or access the real property, nor limit entry or access to such real property to any person based on a social credit rating, score, or other determination of societal value calculated by a computer algorithm.

A. A violation of this paragraph shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than 1 year, and a fine of $10,000.00 per individual person whose rights were violated. Any technology used to commit a crime under this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture. Any data collected in violation of this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture.

B. A person whose rights were unlawfully violated pursuant to this paragraph may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.

2. No federal department, agency, or contractor shall violate the privacy of another by using or permitting a toilet owned by him to perform or conduct a scan or analysis of any part of the body or bodily fluid or waste product of another person, nor shall any such toilet be used to collect data on any other person, nor shall any data obtained from such toilet be sold or transferred to another.

A. This shall not apply if the person using the toilet affirmatively consents to the scan, analysis, collection, sale, or transfer. Requiring consent as a condition of using such toilet shall not be considered affirmative consent.

B. A violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than 4 years, and a fine of $40,000 per individual person whose data was sold. Any toilet used to commit a crime under this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture. Any data collected in violation of this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture.

C. A person whose privacy was unlawfully violated pursuant to this paragraph may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.

3. This act shall take effect 50 days from the enactment.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2022, 08:12:40 PM »


Credit Act of 2022
1. As used in this act:

A. Consumer credit report means any written, oral, or other communication of any information by a consumer reporting agency bearing on a consumer’s credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living which is used or expected to be used or collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in establishing the consumer’s eligibility for credit or insurance to be used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, employment purposes, or any other purpose authorized by law.

B. Consumer reporting agency means any person which, for monetary fees, dues, or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information or other information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer credit reports to third parties.

C. Person shall include but not be limited to banks, credit unions, financial institutions, State or local governments, and business entities when such person is providing financing for any transaction that is to occur or substantially occur in Atlasia, or that is secured by property located in Atlasia, or that is financing an activity, enterprise, or venture that is to occur or substantially occur in Atlasia.

2. No consumer reporting agency operating in Atlasia shall make and transmit to any person, any consumer credit report containing any of the following items of information:

A. Civil suits and civil judgments that, from date of entry, predate the report itself by more than five years.

B. Paid tax liens which, from date of payment, predate the report by more than 5 years.

C. Accounts placed for collection or charged to profit and loss which predate the report by more than 5 years.

D. Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which predates the report by more than five 5 years.

The five 5 year period referred to herein shall begin, with respect to any delinquent account that is placed for collection (internally or by referral to a third party, whichever is earlier), charged to profit.

3. The provisions of this act are not applicable in the case of any consumer credit report to be used in connection with:
A. a credit transaction involving, or which may reasonably be expected to involve, a principal amount of $200,000 or more;
B. the underwriting of life insurance involving, or which may reasonably be expected to involve, a face amount of $200,000 or more; or
C. the employment of any individual at an annual salary which equals, or which may reasonably be expected to equal $100,000 or more.

4. Any provision herein found to be unconstitutional by a court of proper jurisdiction shall be severable from the remainder of this act.

5. This act shall take effect January 1, 2023.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2022, 08:37:06 PM »

1. Adrenochrome means any chemical compound directly produced by a human or non-human animal from the oxidation of adrenaline or any blood or other product containing such compound.

2. Cryogenic human preservation means the long-term preservation of a human body or human tissue through freezing or heat removal for the intended purpose of resurrecting such body or creating a human clone from such body or tissue at a later date when hypothetical technology is discovered to allow for such resurrection or cloning.

3. Embryonic stem cells means any stem cells produced by a human embryo.

4. External incubation means gestating a living human embryo in an artificial womb until such embryo can be safely implanted in a host or safely delivered as a live baby.

5. Human clone means a human embryo that is substantially genetically identical to a previously born human being.

6. Human embryo means an organism of the species Homo sapiens during the earliest stages of development, from 1 cell up to delivery or fetal death.

7. In vitro fertilization means the artificial creation of a human embryo or fertilized human egg outside of a female human body with the consent of the egg and sperm donors for the intended implantation into a human host body.

8. Prohibited artificial intelligence means any real or theoretical program or software code that:

A. reaches or exceeds the level of human intellectual abilities and is able to apply its abilities to any type of task;

B. achieves self-awareness as found in humans;

C. is capable of animating or controlling a human body; or

D. is or purports to be the uploaded soul, life, consciousness, personality, or memories of a specific human.

9. Prohibited eugenics means reproductive procedures including but not limited to sterilization, castration, vasectomy, fallopian tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and abortion which are carried out for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the future population of specific groups or genetic patterns, groupings, or sequences.

10. Prohibited gain-of-function research means medical or scientific research involving the deliberate editing of the genetic code of a virus, disease, or pathogen for the purpose of increasing the virulty, transmissibility, harmfulness, deadliness, resistance, or persistence of the virus, disease, or pathogen.

11. Prohibited human-animal chimera means:

A. a human embryo into which a nonhuman cell or cells (or the component parts thereof) have been introduced to render the embryo's membership in the species Homo sapiens uncertain;

B. a human-animal embryo produced by fertilizing a human egg with nonhuman sperm;

C. a human-animal embryo produced by fertilizing a nonhuman egg with human sperm;

D. an embryo produced by introducing a nonhuman nucleus into a human egg;

E. an embryo produced by introducing a human nucleus into a nonhuman egg;

F  an embryo containing at least haploid sets of chromosomes from both a human and a nonhuman life form;

G. a nonhuman life form engineered such that human gametes develop within the body of a nonhuman life form;

H. a nonhuman life form engineered such that it contains a human brain or a brain derived wholly or predominantly from human neural tissues;

I. a nonhuman life form engineered such that it exhibits human facial features or other bodily morphologies to resemble human features;

J. an embryo produced by mixing human and nonhuman cells, such that human gametes develop within the body of the resultant organism, it contains a human brain or a brain derived wholly or predominantly from human neural tissues, or it exhibits human facial features or other bodily morphologies to resemble human features;

K. a human to whose DNA nonhuman DNA is artificially spliced or grafted; or

L. a human embryo implanted or gestated in a non-human animal.

12. Test tube gestation means the artificial creation of a human embryo or fertilized human egg outside of a female human body.

13. Unknowing test subject means a person upon whom a medical or scientific experiment, test, or case study is being performed without that persons knowledge or consent.


It shall be unlawful for any person in Atlasia to knowingly:

1. create a human clone or produce, advertise, transport, transfer, or receive any product derived from such cloning;

2. create a prohibited human-animal chimera, transfer a human embryo into a nonhuman womb, transfer a nonhuman embryo into a human womb, or transport or receive for any purpose a prohibited human-animal chimera, however this clause does not prohibit research involving the use of transgenic animal models containing human genes or transplantation of human organs, tissues, or cells into recipient animals, if such activities are not prohibited by this act or any other law;

3. create or a human embryo as a result of test tube gestation, except for the purpose of in vitro fertilization with the consent of both parents and an identified host for implantation of the human embryo, however nothing in this clause shall be interpreted as prohibiting the use of external incubation to save an extant human embryo that lacks a human host;

4. produce, advertise, transport, transfer, or receive any human embryo or human fetal tissue or any product derived therefrom however nothing in this clause shall be interpreted as prohibiting the use of external incubation to save an extant human embryo, in vitro fertilization, the burial of a fetus, or scientific research on donated embryonic stem cells resulting from an unintended miscarriage, fetal death, or ectopic pregnancy;

5. conduct, perform, finance, or advertise prohibited eugenics;

6. Advertise cryogenic human preservation services;

7. produce, advertise, transport, transfer, or receive any product derived from human bones, flesh, appendages, skin, organs, blood, or adrenochrome, however nothing in this clause shall be interpreted as prohibiting scientific research on any lawfully obtained human bones, flesh, appendages, skin, organs, stem cells, or blood or the transplantation of any lawfully obtained human organ, stem cells, or blood;

8. prepare, serve, eat, or consume any human bone, flesh, appendage, skin, organ, blood, or adrenochrome obtained in interstate commerce. For purposes of this act food intentionally injected with human DNA shall constitute human flesh;

9. create, finance, transfer, or receive prohibited artificial intelligence;

10. conduct, perform, or finance any medical or scientific research on an unknown test subject;

11. conduct, perform, or finance any prohibited gain-of-function research; or

12. administer euthanasia to a human embryo, human clone, or prohibited human-animal chimera, except in cases where the animal is suffering from a painful injury or condition for which there is no realistic alternative treatment or realistic chance of recovery.


1. It shall be a felony to commit any crime enumerated in Title II of this act.

2. A violation of Title II(1) - (4) and (12) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than 15 years and not more than life and a fine of the greater of $500,000 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

3. A violation of Title II(6) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than 5 years and not more than 20 years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

4. A violation of Title II (5) of this act shall be punishable my imprisonment for not less than 10 years and not more than 25 years and a fine of the greater of $500,000 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

4. A violation of Title II(7) - (8 ) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than ten (10) years and not more than twenty (20) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

5. A violation of Title II(9) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

6. A violation of Title II(10) of this act that does not result in permanent harm to the unknown test subject shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than five (5) years and a fine of the greater of $10,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

7. A violation of Title II(10) of this act that results in permanent harm to the unknown test subject shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than five (5) years and not more than twenty (20) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

8. A violation of Title II(11) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than five (5) years and not more than ten (10) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

9. Any person convicted of crime enumerated in this act shall be ordered to attend an appropriate treatment program or obtain psychiatric or psychological counseling.

10. Any person, including but not limited to any business, institution, or entity that participates in or funds any crime enumerated in this act shall be ineligible to receive federal public funds for no less than five (5) years.

11. No federal public funds shall be expended in the furtherance of any crime enumerated in this act.


1. Any existing law prohibiting discriminatory conduct against certain classes or groups of persons shall not be interpreted as applying to persons in the following categories:

A. Humans who possess non-medically required artificial enhancements;

B. Prohibited human-animal chimeras and purported human-animal chimeras;

C. Non-human animals and purported non-human animals;

D. Prohibited artificial intelligence;

E. Extraterrestrial lifeforms and purported extraterrestrial lifeforms, including but not limited to reptilians or greys;

F. Interdemensional lifeforms and purported interdemensional lifeforms; and

G. Non-human or purportedly non-human otherkin including but not limited to fairies, pixies, sprites, mermaids, elves, fauns, centaurs, vampires, werewolves, goblins, zombies, demons, dragons, electric hedgehog pokemon, and sentient weather.


1. This act shall take effect February 1, 2023.

Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2022, 08:12:59 PM »


1. Up to $4 Billion shall be appropriated through fiscal year 2026 for the purchase of three (3) new ice breaker vessels for the Atlasian Navy to assist in activities in Antarctica.

2. $1 Billion from the National Science Foundation is hereby reserved for the purpose of conducting scientific research in Antarctica and the surrounding waters thereof.

3. The government of Atlasian hereby reaffirms that it recognizes no foreign claims to territory in Antarctica and reserves the right to claim any such territory pursuant to Atlasian law.

4. This act shall take effect immediately.
Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2023, 05:20:49 PM »


1. The Atlasian government shall possess the duty and authority to protect and provide emergency assistance to Atlasian citizens legally operating upon Antarctica or the surrounding waters thereof.

2. This act shall take effect 30 days from passage.
Utah Neolib
YaBB God
Posts: 4,096
United States

« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2023, 05:22:34 PM »


1. The Atlasian government is hereby authorized to expend up to an extra $250 Million through 2025 for cleaning up hazardous waste sites identified on the National Priorities List administered by the Superfund.

2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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