Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49074 times)
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« on: August 02, 2021, 12:20:54 AM »
« edited: August 03, 2021, 12:46:55 AM by At-large Senator Joseph Cao »

To fortify our nation's cybersecurity defences and improve our overall knowledge of current cyber threats

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,
1. This legislation may be referred to as the Better Liability and Aggregated Cybersecurity Knowledge Helps Against Threats (BLACKHAT) Act.

1. Critical infrastructure refers to systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to Atlasia that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on national security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.
2. Covered entities refer to federal government agencies, federal contractors, owners or operators of critical infrastructure, and private entities that provide cybersecurity incident response services. Non-covered entities are private entities not included in these categories.
3. Ransomware refers to any type of malicious software that prevents the legitimate owner or operator of an information system or network from accessing computer files, systems, or networks, and demands the payment of a ransom for the return of such access.
4. A cybersecurity breach or cybersecurity intrusion is an attack on an entity's digital security and capabilities with the intent to jeopardize said security or cause damage to said capabilities, which shall be defined to cover, at minimum, the following characteristics:
   a. a nation-state is involved;
   b. a persistent threat cyber actor is involved;
   c. a transnational organized crime group is involved;
   d. the national security, economy, foreign relations, civil liberties, public health and safety, or public confidence of the Atlasian nation and people are harmed or likely to be harmed;
   e. ransomware is involved.
5. A cybersecurity notification is a notification of a cybersecurity breach in accordance with Section 5 of this Act.

1. Within 180 days of this legislation taking effect:
   a. Covered entities shall be directed by the agency or individual holding relevant authority to ensure proper certification of their cybersecurity practices according to national and international standards to be specified by the agency or individual in question.
   b. Federal government agencies shall publicly engage with other private-sector agencies with the goal of establishing common cybersecurity best practices and certifications to be adopted within the private sector at large.
   c. Government agencies, federal contractors, and critical infrastructure bodies shall additionally be required to evaluate the following for cyber-related vulnerabilities:
      i. existing cybersecurity procedures, including but not limited to employee practice, data protection, and software usage;
      ii. security of communications with first-tier suppliers, including but not limited to security procedures and transparency of the immediate supplier's operations.
2. $500 million shall be allocated to regional, state, and local governments to facilitate the implementation process for these goals.

1. The Atlasian Congress recommends that the following courses of action be prioritized by the President and Secretary of State:
   a. continuation and expansion of international cooperation and enforcement in cybercrime investigations;
   b. working with international law enforcement units to bring foreign-based cyber criminals to justice;
   c. seeking maximum harmonization regarding the regulation of information flow between international bodies, including but not limited to:
      i. data sharing strategies;
      ii. national data protection laws;
      iii. privacy safeguards.

1. A task force shall be created within the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) to receive, analyse, and assess threats from cybersecurity incidents, with the authority to refer threats to the appropriate bodies wherever the situations below are satisfied.
2. Pursuant to this goal, CISA shall:
   a. coordinate with federal, regional and state agencies to an extent considered appropriate for fostering rapid communication and responses to cybersecurity incidents;
   b. develop procedures to analyse all incoming notifications with the aim of determining the following:
      i. the source of the breach;
      ii. the impact of the breach;
      iii. recommended actions to mitigate the impact of the breach;
      iv. information to provide on methods of securing the affected system against future breaches.
   c. compile a cybersecurity intelligence report characterizing the cybersecurity threat facing federal agencies and covered entities not less frequently than once every 30 days.
3. In the event of a cybersecurity breach, covered entities shall be required to submit the following information to CISA within 72 hours:
   a. the intrusion and its effects;
   b. the vulnerabilities exploited by the intrusion;
   c. information that might reasonably help to identify the intruder, e.g. IP addresses, domain name information, or samples of malware;
   d. actions taken to mitigate the effects of the intrusion;
   e. contact information.
4. CISA shall establish reporting capabilities to facilitate the secure, timely, and confidential submission of cybersecurity notifications:
   a. from all entities, whether covered or non-covered;
   b. which may contain classified information.
5. The security of these capabilities shall be evaluated annually.
6. Information contained in notifications shall be:
   a. exempt from FOIA requests or disclosure under regional, state, or local provisions;
   b. prohibited from being admitted as evidence in any civil or criminal action, or subject to subpoenas outside of those issued for congressional oversight purposes;
   c. subject to standard privacy and protection procedures, provided that they are known to contain personal and identifying information not directly related to cybersecurity threats.

1. No cause of action shall lie or be maintained in any court by any person or entity, other than the Federal Government of Atlasia pursuant to §6.2 or any applicable law, against any covered entity due to the submission of a cybersecurity notification through the capabilities established in Section 5, and any such action shall be promptly dismissed.
2. The terms of Section 5 shall be enforced as follows:
   a. Federal contractors found in violation of this section shall face penalties to be determined by the General Services Administration, which may include withdrawal of federal contracts.
   b. Private entities found in violation of this section shall be subject to fines equalling 0.5%/day of the entity's gross revenue from the previous fiscal year.
   c. Violations of this Act by federal agencies shall be referred to the Inspector General for the offending agency.

1. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon being signed into law.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2021, 11:07:53 PM »


To reaffirm Taiwan's security and give China the what-for

Be it resolved by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,


1. This resolution may be referred to as the Reaffirmation Of Commitments and Response Objecting to China's Recent Oppugnant Conduct (ROCROCROC) Resolution.


Whereas, the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia finds the following:

1. that the People's Republic of China (or "China") has long exhibited antagonism toward the Republic of China (or "Taiwan");

2. that China has recently escalated this aggressive behavior with the clear aim of intimidating Taiwan and its inhabitants;

3. that China's recent aggression has taken the form of military exercises addressed toward Taiwan, repeated cyberattacks on its major cities, naval blockades, and verbal declarations of further military intent, among others;

4. that Taiwan and its people are seriously endangered due to the escalation of military threats by the Chinese government, and that China's actions continue to destabilize the region as a result;


Therefore, be it resolved:

1. that the Republic of Atlasia:
   a. Continues to work against all attempts to subvert democratic values and self-determination,
   b. Reaffirms its full commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the people of Taiwan,
   c. Formally condemns China's actions as detailed in Section II,
   d. Recommends that China cease its belligerence toward Taiwan immediately, and
   e. Stresses its commitment to peace first and foremost and its current readiness to employ diplomatic channels toward a resolution of this conflict;

2. that the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia recommends swift prioritization of diplomatic measures toward this goal by the President, the Secretary of State, and the National Security Council.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2021, 01:22:29 AM »


To unite Atlasia and Canada
Section I: Title
1. The title of this bill shall be called the "Canadian-Atlasian Merger Act" It may be cited as "CAMA" or "CAM"

Section II: Canada
1. The Republic of Atlasia shall absorb the provinces and territories confederated as "Canada" as equal states in the Republic of Atlasia
2. The provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the territory of Yukon shall be admitted into the union as states of the Commonwealth of Fremont.
2a. The Pacific subregion shall receive the province of British Columbia and the territory of Yukon.
2b. The Mountain West subregion shall receive the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
3. The provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the territory of Nunavut shall be admitted into the union as states of Lincoln
3a. The Northeast subregion shall receive the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
3b. The Great Lakes subregion shall receive the province of New Brunswick and the territory of Nunavut. 
4. The provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Northwest territories shall be admitted into the union as states of the South.
4a. The Deep South subregion shall receive the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
4b. The Upper South subregion shall receive the province of Manitoba and the Northwest territories.

Section II: Enactment
1. This act shall take effect after the ratification of this act.

Frivolous, not bringing this to the floor, etc.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2022, 01:29:09 AM »

An Amendment to the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia
To regionalize authority over abortion laws
Be it enacted with a supermajority of the Senate of Atlasia and the Regions

Article I

14. Regional governments shall hold full authority to determine and regulate abortion policy including the status of abortion being a right or not.
Amendment Explanation:
This amendment seeks to give full control over abortion policy to the regions of Atlasia by adding a new section to the Bill of Rights in the federal Constitution..
I humbly request a Senator to sponsor this.

Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2022, 11:25:51 PM »

To protect Atlasian food safety and security in the light of contemporary threats

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,


1. This Act may be cited as the Taking Earlier Acts AND Officializing Reports About National, Global, and Epidemiological Security (TEA AND ORANGES) Act.


1. Section 5, subsection c, paragraph 1 of the Food and Agricultural Merger Act of 2019 (or “FAM Act”) shall be modified as follows:
(1) COMPOSITION.—The Commission (non-playable) shall be composed of 12 members as follows:

(A) ThreeSix persons, onetwo of whom shall be a persons currently engaged in farming or ranching, shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader of the Senate, after consultation with the Chairs of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and of the Committee on the Judiciary.

(B) ThreeSix persons, onetwo of whom shall be a persons currently engaged in farming or ranching, shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate upon the recommendation of the Minority Leader of the Senate, after consultation with the ranking minority member of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and of the Committee on the Judiciary.

(C) Three persons, one of whom shall be a person currently engaged in farming or ranching, shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, after consultation with the Chairs of the Committee on Agriculture and of the Committee on the Judiciary.

(D) Three persons, one of whom shall be a person currently engaged in farming or ranching, shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, after consultation with the ranking minority member of the Committee on Agriculture and of the Committee on the Judiciary.

2. Pursuant to §5(d)(2) of the FAM Act, vacancies in the Commission shall be filled in accordance with the amended section effective immediately following the passage and signing of this Act.

SECTION 3: THE MINOR F.A.L.L. (Formal Amendment of Lateral Limitations)

1. Section 6(b) of the FAM Act shall be modified as follows:
(13) Such related matters as the Commission determines to be important.

(13) The effects of concentration and related developments on food wastage, spoiling, and other associated phenomena.

(14) The impact of foreign purchases of Atlasian operators satisfying any of the definitions in §3 on suppliers, farmers, producers, and consumers.

(15) The effects of these purchases in the context of wider disparities in international trade practices.

(16) The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food, production, and agricultural sectors and the corresponding impact of these immediate and medium-term changes upon consumers.

(17) The feasibility of safe handling, packaging, and transportation of food products by producers and suppliers.

(18 ) Food safety and nutrition.

(19) Such related matters as the Commission determines to be important.


1. The following shall be added to Section 6 of the FAM Act:
(d) Report on COVID-19. —

   (1) Not later than 6 months after the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit to the President and Congress a preliminary report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food and agricultural sectors, containing—

      (A) the findings related to §6(b)(16)-(17); and

      (B) recommendations for addressing problems identified therein.

   (2) Any member of the Commission may submit additional findings and recommendations as part of the report.

(e) Report on National and Global Food Security. —

   (1) Not later than 12 months after the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit to the President, Congress, and the Secretary of State a report on the repercussions of foreign purchases of Atlasian food companies, containing—

      (A) the findings related to §6(b)(14)-(15); and

      (B) recommendations for addressing problems identified therein.

   (2) Any member of the Commission may submit additional findings and recommendations as part of the final report.

2. The following shall be added to Section 7 of the FAM Act:
(c) Recommendations. — Policy recommendations made by the Committee, in accordance with §6(d)-(e) or otherwise, shall immediately be made available to the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.


1. This act shall take effect within 60 days following its passage and signing.

Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2022, 01:22:14 AM »


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Begging you, and all future Senators by extension, in all sincerity, to at least provide a title and consistent formatting so as to make the lives of PPTs with headaches a tiny bit easier.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2022, 12:09:43 AM »


Senate Bill
to limit pollution on federal property and exempt organic manure from overregulation


This Act shall be called the Superfund Amendments Act


A. 42 U.S.C. 9620(a) is hereby amended to require that each department, agency, and instrumentality of Atlasia shall be subject to, and comply with, at facilities that are or have been owned or operated by any such department, agency, or instrumentality, Regional or State substantive and procedural requirements regarding response relating to hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants, including State hazardous waste requirements, in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

B. Atlasia hereby expressly waives any immunity otherwise applicable to Atlasia with respect to any Regional or State substantive or procedural requirement referred to in this act, including immunity from injunctive relief, civil penalties, criminal sanctions.


A. 42 U.S.C. 9601 is amended by adding the following new section at the end


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Ishan is no longer a member of the Senate.

As pointed out by WD in the original thread (since deleted as there's no point keeping it up), this is withdrawn from the queue.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2022, 11:29:18 PM »

I would co-sponsor in the Presidential slot as well for the lolz but better for y'all to have this, I think.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2022, 10:22:37 PM »

At long last, and almost exactly a month past my original deadline, the FY2023 budget. Since this is going in the budgetary slot I'd like the VP to administer this thread so we can get the discussion started without waiting for the Senate to choose a PPT. And we are going to need a Senator to sponsor this obviously.

I have a couple of annotations to go with this that I'll save for the actual thread.


Section 1: Revenues

Income Taxes:  $ 2,117,044,276,550.00  ($ 2,117.04 billion)
 by tax bracket (all revenue from each taxpayer is counted next to the bracket where their total income falls, including that from the parts of their income subject to lower rates)
 0-13K          10%    $ 12,700,800,000.00 ($ 12.70 billion)
 13K-50k      15%    $ 297,239,775,000.00 ($ 297.24 billion)
 50K-130K   25%    $ 812,899,937,500.00 ($ 812.90 billion)
 130K-210K  31%  $452,282,000,000.00 ($ 452.28 Billon)    
 210K-413K  38%  $317,099,000,000.00 ($ 317.10 Billon)
 413K-441K  45%   $ 68,463,281,250.00 ($ 68.46 billion)
 441K+       45%   $ 156,359,482,800.00 ($ 156.36 billion)

Corporate Taxes: 25% – $ 440,476,190,000.00 ($ 440.48 billion)

Global Minimum Tax: $ 34.68 billion

Payroll Taxes – $ 1,325,575,422,184.86 ($ 1,325.58 billion)
 OASDI: 12.4% (6.2% on employees, 6.2% on employers) – $ 912,456,391,044.15 ($ 912.46 billion)
 RRPH: 5.0% (2.5% on employees, 2.5% on employers) – $ 367,925,964,130.71 ($ 367.93 billion)
 FUTA: 6.0% on first $7,000 – $ 45,193,067,010.00 ($ 45.19 billion)

Estate Tax (45% of amount above $ 3.5 million, 50% above $ 10 million, 55% above $ 50 million) – $ 34,500,000,000.00 ($ 34.50 billion)
$16.00 billion.... Amendment by the Responsible Estate Tax Act
Total: $50.50 billion

New 2020 Wealth Tax
$288.00 billion $1,578.898 billion

Healthcare Taxes:
 40% Cadillac Tax – $ 0.00 billion
 3.8% on Net Investment Income – $ 12.80 billion $ 27.50 billion

Excise Taxes/customs duties:
Carbon Tax (2018) – $ 16.35 billion*
Gasoline Tax (2018) – $ 50.00 billion
Tobacco and Alcohol Taxes (2018) – $ 24.20 billion
Excise taxes on health insurance providers, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices (2018) – $ 9.90 billion
Revenue Enhancement Act – $ 63.19 billion
LIFO Repeal Offset – $ 13.00 billion
Buffett Rule Act of 2019: $46.70 billion

Other Revenue: $ 30.21 billion

Additional tax credits: $ -39.40 billion

New stuff:
Capital Gains Inflation Deduction: $ -15.00 billion
Indexing CTC to Inflation Act: $ -1.90 billion
Financial Transaction Tax – Huh

TOTAL Revenue: $ 5,771,923,888,734.86 ($ 5771.92 billion)

Section 2: Spending

Military Spending ($489.098 Billion)              
$123.58 Billion... Military personnel              
$184.51 Billion... Operation and maintenance              
$106.01 Billion... Procurement              
$61.52 Billion ... Research, development, test and evaluation              
$8.47 Billion..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other              
$12.148 Billion.... Atomic Energy Defense Activities              
$8.11 Billion..... Defense Related activities            
$0.00 Billion..... Fiscal Responsibility in our Military Act
$-15.25 Billion… F-35 Procurement Halt
Military Retirement ($144.23 Billion)                            
$75.48 Billion.... Income security for veterans              
$14.15 Billion.... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation                            
$54.22 Billion.... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military (added in under Healthcare below)                
$0.38 Billion..... Housing and other veterans benefits and services              
International affairs ($32.0331.93 Billion)              
$18.88 Billion ... International development and humanitarian assistance              
$8.55 Billion..... International military aid              
$11.99 Billion.... Conduct of foreign affairs              
$1.30 Billion..... Foreign information and exchange activities  
$-8.79 Billion.... International Financial Programs
$0.1 Billion... Paflagonia Support Act (one-time)
General science, space, and technology ($185.18339.18 Billion)              
$11.26 Billion.... National Science Foundation programs              
$4.55 Billion..... Department of Energy general science programs              
$169.37 Billion.... Space flight, research, and supporting activities
$154.00 Billion.... Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act
-$154.00 Billion.... Delay on the implementation of the Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act
Non-Defense Energy Spending ($47.393 Billion)              
$3.15 Billion..... Energy supply              
$1.11 Billion..... Energy conservation and preparedness              
$0.64 Billion..... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation  
$10.00 Billion.... Energy Rebate and Subsidy Act    
$32.50 Billion.... Gas Tax Act    
$-0.007 Billion…. Eliminated Ethanol Blending Rules
Natural resources and environment ($34.58 Billion)              
$4.89 Billion..... Water resources              
$11.54 Billion.... Conservation and land management          
$4.42 Billion..... Recreational & Park resources              
$7.18 Billion..... Pollution control and abatement                                
$6.55 Billion..... Other natural resources  
Agriculture ($19.68219.532 Billion)              
$16.01 Billion.... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance              
$4.30 Billion..... Agricultural research and services
$0.03 Billion..... No More Going Hungry in Atlasia Act
$-0.8 Billion…. Eliminated marketing programs
$-0.008 Billion…. Eliminated Catfish Inspection Office
$0.15 Billion... Farmer Stabilization Act of 2021 (one-time)
Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($0.790.59 Billion)              
$-22.33 Billion... Federal Housing Loan Programs              
$2.69 Billion..... Postal service              
$2.50 Billion..... Deposit insurance              
$10.20 Billion.... Universal service fund              
$7.70 Billion..... Other advancement of commerce
$-0.17 Billion…. Eliminated Capital Construction Grants    
$0.20 Billion… Supporting Atlasian Entrepreneurs Act (one-time)
Transportation ($333.4135184.9135 Billion)                
$67.40 Billion.... Ground Transportation            
$16.20 Billion.... Air Transportation              
$8.4015 Billion..... Water transportation              
$0.38 Billion..... Other transportation
$241 Billion... High Speed Rail Act (one-time)
$0.032 Billion... Emergency funding appropriated from the New Great Society Act to help states and regions improve the commercial driving license process and bolster the number of truckers to alleviate the supply chain crisis.
$92.5 Billion…. New Great Society Act (highway, rail, and airport spending)
Community and regional development ($463.3651332.34 Billion)              
$3.78 Billion….… Community development              
$2.19 Billion….… Area and regional development              
$4.02 Billion….… Disaster relief and insurance              
$2.23 Billion….… Homeless Shelter Emergency Housing              
$4.32 Billion……. Small Business Association
$0.77 Billion……. Flint Reinvestment Act
$0.08 Billion……. Refugee act          
$-11.025 Billion.. We Should Help Workers Act
$2.00 Billion……. Buy-Atlasian Contracting Rules
$10.00 Billion….. Appalachia Reinvestment Act
$15.00 Billion….. Reservation Reinvestment Act (phases out after FY2023)
$390.00 Billion.. Urban Investment and Redevelopment Act (one-time)
$16.00 Billion….. 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps Act (one-time)
$30 Billion………. Let's Get Wired Act amended by New Great Society Act
$0.05 Billion……. Combating Asian Hate Crimes Act (one-time)
$1.375 Billion….. Southwestern Water Conservation Act (one-time)
$0.05 Billion….. HHH Helping Hand to the Homeless Act (one-time)       
$7.5 Billion….. National Hostel Program Act
$1260.00 Billion…. New Great Society CUBI

Education ($73.7525159.25 Billion)              
$39.03 Billion.... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education              
$31.475 Billion.... Higher education              
$3.26 Billion..... Research and general education            
$0.00 Billion..... Orlando Act
$-0.0125 Billion…. Cap on certain student loans
$55.00 Billion….. School Improvement and Jobs Act (one-time)
$20.00 Billion….. Creating Opportunities for More Ed Tech Act
$10.50 Billion….. School Facilities Improvement Act (one-time)
Training, labor and unemployment ($19.536 Billion)              
$7.58 Billion..... Training and employment              
$1.77 Billion..... Labor law, statistics, and other administration'
$9.2 Billion...... Public Service Act          
$-0.014 Billion…. Eliminated Employee Drug Tests
$1.00 Billion.... Agency of Cooperative Enterprises (see Act to encourage the growth of worker owned enterprises)
Atlasian Healthcare ($1268.141261.14 Billion)              
$423.77 Billion... Senior Healthcare
$44.31 Billion.... Veteran Healthcare
$12.90 Billion.... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits  
$425.42 Billion... Medical Services
$338.85 Billion... Sliding Scale Subsidies
$15.89 Billion.... Healthcare Subsidy Office (HSO) and AtlasCare Office (ACO) Administration
$7 Billion... Vaccine Production Act (one-time)

Non-ANH Health Spending ($67.69867.27 Billion)              
$24.25 Billion.... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism    
$0.40 Billion.... Women's Health Protection Act (goes underneath this, see     
$28.48 Billion.... Health research and training              
$4.24 Billion..... Consumer and occupational health and safety            
$10.00 Billion…. Opioid Epidemic Commission
$0.3 Billion.... Comprehensive Opioid Response Act (phases out after FY2023)
$0.025 Billion... National Silver Act (one-time)
$0.003 Billion... Reduction of Childcare Costs Act (one-time)
Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($138.16 Billion)              
$8.23 Billion..... Civilian retirement and disability insurance              
$129.93 Billion... Federal employee retirement and disability              
Social Security ($903.23 Billion)
$868.63 Billion... Social Security Outlays
$34.60 Billion.... Social Security Administration
Aid to Low-Income Families ($366.50 Billion)
$40.53 Billion.... Unemployment              
$39.98 Billion.... Housing assistance              
$99.44 Billion.... Food and Nutrition Assistance (Food Stamps + WIC)        
$169.01 Billion... Other aid to low-income families              
$17.54 Billion.... Social Services            
Administration of justice ($51.911752.29175 Billion)              
$27.157 Billion.... Federal law enforcement
$13.938 Billion.... Federal litigation and judicial activities              
$6.2687 Billion..... Federal prison system
$0.38 Billion….. Treating Incarcerated Prisoners Humanely Act (one-time)       
$0.00005 Billion….. TACMIF allocation for the above
$4.24 Billion..... Criminal justice assistance  
$0.74 Billion..... Federal Penitentiary Reform Act Provisions      
$-0.432 Billion…. General Criminal Justice Savings
General government administration ($4.509 Billion)              
$3.66 Billion..... Legislative functions              
$0.45 Billion..... Executive office programs              
$12.03 Billion.... IRS & other fiscal operations              
$1.567 Billion..... Other general government              
$-13.20 Billion…. Government Efficiency Act
$0.002 Billion…. Mandatory Tampons in Restrooms
Interest on debt ($295.40 Billion)              
$295.40 Billion... Net Interest

Section 3: Balance

BASE REVENUE: $ 5771.92 Billion
Inflation Accounting: *1.012
TOTAL REVENUE: $ 5841.18 Billion

Fixed Expenditures: $ 36.05 Billion
Variable Expenditures:  $ 5549.62325 Billion
Interest on Debt: $ 295.40 Billion
BASE EXPENDITURES: $ 5881.07 Billion
Inflation Accounting: *1.012
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 5951.64 Billion
BALANCE: -$110.46 Billion

Section 4: Miscellaneous regulations

1. This budget shall become enacted immediately upon passage.
2. This budget shall ordinarily remain in effect until FY2024.
3. All previous bills that modify the existing tax rates are hereby amended, so that their tax rates match those from this budget.

Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2022, 09:15:34 PM »

Presidential slot:


To provide for a one-time, temporary extension of budget levels to allow the budget to be fully debated without a shutdown

Be it resolved in the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,
Section 1: Title
1. This legislation shall be cited as the Continuing Resolution – September 2022.

Section 2: Continuing Resolution
1. Funding for the Atlasian federal government will be maintained at current levels through November 30th, 2022 or until the FY2023 budget is enacted.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2022, 08:29:30 PM »

Sponsor please!

To provide direct humanitarian aid to the people of Iran

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled;

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Support Iranian Civilians Act.

Section 2. Funding for direct aid to the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran


(i) under an illegitimate and illegal government, thousands of Iranian civilians have been killed or wounded
(ii) tens of thousands of Iranian dissenters and protestors have been imprisoned,

1. $2.5 billion shall be reserved for providing direct aid to Iranian people in need, including but not limited to food, shelter, and healthcare.

2. The Office of Foreign Assistance shall authorize a strategic plan to provide basic necessities to the Iranian people through work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including charities and faith-based institutions. The Office shall be required to report to the Department of State records of how every dollar for the aforementioned aid fund is used.

Section 3. Bar on aid via cash payments

1. No funds, from public or private resources, shall be used for the purpose of providing cash sums to beneficiaries of the aid program established under this act.

Section 4. Enactment

The establishment of the aid fund and network authorized under this act shall be applied upon passage of this act.

If WD is reading this I highly encourage that this be brought to the floor quickly so we can fold this into the budget within schedule.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2022, 11:21:41 PM »

It shall be unlawful for any person in Atlasia to knowingly:

2. create a prohibited human-animal chimera,

insert SirWoodbury scream here
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2023, 11:04:02 PM »

To promote responsible parenthood and assist new Atlasian families

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,
1. This legislation may be cited as the Better Baby Box Act.

1. $360 million shall be appropriated to provide baby boxes to eligible parents of newborn children.
   a. Each box shall contain a pamphlet listing parenting resources and services that provide parenting classes, a play mat, a changing mat, a digital thermometer, a fleece jacket, three babygrows, a hooded bath towel, a reusable nappy and liners, a baby book, a feeding bib, a sponge, cot sheets, a mattress and a blanket.
   b. Each box shall measure 70 x 43 x 27 cm in size.
2. Parents shall be eligible for this program if the family's total disposable income is less than $150,000.

1. This legislation shall take effect 30 days after being signed into law.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2023, 09:51:23 PM »

Authorship Statement: ChatGPT came up with the title of this bill. However, none of the content of this bill was written with the assistance of ChatGPT or other A.I.

Nooooo, not the acronyms! Another timeless tradition lost to the robots!
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2023, 12:28:12 AM »

Sponsoring this. It'll be going into the budgetary slot so the Vice President is invited to administer the thread.


Section 1: Revenues

Income Taxes:  $ 2,134,417,552,750.00  ($ 2,134.42 billion)
 by tax bracket (all revenue from each taxpayer is counted next to the bracket where their total income falls, including that from the parts of their income subject to lower rates)
 0-13K          10%    $ 12,700,800,000.00 ($ 12.70 billion)
 13K-50k      15%    $ 297,239,775,000.00 ($ 297.24 billion)
 50K-130K   25%    $ 812,899,937,500.00 ($ 812.90 billion)
 130K-210K  31%  $452,282,000,000.00 ($ 452.28 Billion)   
 210K-413K  38%  $317,099,000,000.00 ($ 317.10 Billion)
 413K-441K  45%   $ 68,463,281,250.00 ($ 68.46 billion)
 441K+       50%  $ 173,732,759,000.00 ($ 173.73 billion)

Corporate Taxes: 25 23% – $ 405,238,094,800.00 ($ 405.24 billion)

Global Minimum Tax: $ 34.68 billion

Payroll Taxes – $ 1,327,458,466,643.61 ($ 1,327.46 billion)
 OASDI: 12.4% (6.2% on employees, 6.2% on employers) – $ 912,456,391,044.15 ($ 912.46 billion)
 RRPH: 5.0% (2.5% on employees, 2.5% on employers) – $ 367,925,964,130.71 ($ 367.93 billion)
 FUTA: 6 6.25% on first $7,000 – $ 47,076,111,468.75 ($ 47.08 billion)

Estate Tax (45% of amount above $ 3.5 million, 50% above $ 10 million, 55% above $ 50 million) – $ 34,500,000,000.00 ($ 34.50 billion)
$16.00 billion.... Amendment by the Responsible Estate Tax Act
Total: $50.50 billion

Land Value Tax: 298.90 billion

New 2020 Wealth Tax: $1,578.898 billion

Healthcare Taxes:
 40% Cadillac Tax – $ 0.00 billion
 3.8 5.5% on Net Investment Income – $ 39.80 billion

Excise Taxes/customs duties:
Carbon Tax (2018) – $ 81.75 billion
Gasoline Tax (2018) – $ 50.00 billion
Tobacco and Alcohol Taxes (2018) – $ 24.20 billion
Excise taxes on health insurance providers, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices (2018) – $ 9.90 billion
Revenue Enhancement Act – $ 63.19 billion
LIFO Repeal Offset – $ 13.00 billion
Buffett Rule Act of 2019 – $46.70 billion
We Should Help Workers Act tariff revenue – $11.025 billion
Tax the Woke Act – $6.17 billion
Lead Acid Battery Tax – $0.658 billion
OMV License Tax – $0.01 billion

Limiting Landlord Monopoly Tax: Huh

Other Revenue: $ 30.21 billion

Additional tax credits: $ -39.40 billion

Capital Gains Inflation Deduction: $ -15.00 billion
Indexing CTC to Inflation Act: $ -1.90 billion
Financial Transaction Tax – $220.00 billion
Pandemic Wealth Tax: $233.61 billion

TOTAL Revenue: $ 6,319,332,164,930.00 6,292,148,809,477.72 ($ 6,319.33 6,292.15 billion)

Section 2: Spending

Military Spending ($341.00 Billion)             
$100.00 Billion... Military personnel             
$150.00 Billion... Operation and maintenance             
$75.00 Billion... Procurement             
$25.00 Billion ... Research, development, test and evaluation             
$15.00 Billion..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other             
$6.00 Billion.... Atomic Energy Defense Activities             
$0.00 Billion..... Fiscal Responsibility in our Military Act
$-30.00 Billion… F-35 Procurement Halt
Military Retirement ($230.00 Billion)                           
$100.00 Billion.... Income security for veterans             
$20.00 Billion.... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation                           
$100.00 Billion.... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military (added in from Healthcare below)             
$10.00 Billion..... Housing and other veterans benefits and services               
International affairs ($33.37 30.87 Billion)             
$18.00 Billion.... International development and humanitarian assistance             
$8.55 Billion..... International military aid             
$11.96 Billion.... Conduct of foreign affairs             
$1.15 Billion..... Foreign information and exchange activities 
$-8.79 Billion.... International Financial Programs
$2.50 Billion.... Support Iranian Civilians Act (one-time)
General science, space, and technology ($339.00 380.45 Billion)
$11.08 Billion.... National Science Foundation programs           
$4.55 Billion..... Department of Energy general science programs             
$169.37 Billion.... Space flight, research, and supporting activities
$154.00 Billion.... Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act
$10.00 Billion….. REM strategic reserve
$1.50 Billion….. REM domestic production – initial funding
$0.20 Billion….. REM domestic production – annual
$10.00 Billion….. REM sourcing trust fund
$1.00 Billion….. REM domestic inventory and research grants
$1.00 Billion…. Weatherboy Act (through FY2026)
$5.00 Billion…. Europa Clipper Act (one-time)
$0.75 Billion….. Science Infrastructure Funding Act (through FY2025)
$2.00 Billion….. Iliamna Volcano Drilling Act (one-time)
$10.00 Billion…. Clean Up the Oceans Act

Non-Defense Energy Spending ($47.00 47.50 Billion)             
$3.15 Billion..... Energy supply             
$1.00 Billion..... Energy conservation and preparedness     
$0.35 Billion..... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation
$10.00 Billion.... Energy Rebate and Subsidy Act   
$32.50 Billion.... Gas Tax Act   
$0.5 Billion….. Affordable Energy Act Sustainability Fund (one-time)
Natural resources and environment ($34.00 42.60 Billion)             
$4.89 Billion..... Water resources             
$11.00 Billion.... Conservation and land management         
$4.40 Billion..... Recreational & Park resources     
$7.16 Billion..... Pollution control and abatement   
$6.55 Billion..... Other natural resources
$0.60 Billion….. Protecting the Outdoors Act (one-time)
$0.125 Billion…. Hazardous Waste Cleanup Act (through FY2025)
$7.5 Billion….. Extra National Parks Service allocation (through FY2025)
$0.375 Billion….. Wildfire Disaster Relief Aid 2023

Agriculture ($18.00 18.40 Billion)       
$15.95 Billion.... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance       
$4.00 Billion..... Agricultural research and services
$0.03 Billion..... No More Going Hungry in Atlasia Act
-$1.98 Billion.... Food Price Inflation Act
$0.40 Billion….. Food Security Act (one-time)
Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($0.00 Billion)             
$-22.33 Billion... Federal Housing Loan Programs             
$2.40 Billion..... Postal service             
$2.40 Billion..... Deposit insurance             
$12.00 Billion.... Domestic Semiconductor Chip Promotion Act
$5.70 Billion..... Other advancement of commerce
$-0.17 Billion…. Eliminated Capital Construction Grants 
Transportation ($185.0027 Billion)               
$67.4865 Billion.... Ground Transportation           
$16.20 Billion.... Air Transportation             
$8.4015 Billion..... Water transportation             
$0.38 Billion..... Other transportation
$0.032 Billion... Emergency funding appropriated from the New Great Society Act to help states and regions improve the commercial driving license process and bolster the number of truckers to alleviate the supply chain crisis.
$92.50 Billion…. New Great Society Act (highway, rail, and airport spending)
$0.27 Billion….. Rail Fails Act (one-time)
Community and regional development ($1,028.00 1,053.525 Billion)             
$3.605 Billion….… Community development           
$2.00 Billion….… Area and regional development             
$4.02 Billion….… Disaster relief and insurance             
$2.23 Billion….… Homeless Shelter Emergency Housing             
$4.32 Billion……. Small Business Association
$0.77 Billion……. Flint Reinvestment Act
$0.08 Billion……. Refugee act         
$2.00 Billion……. Buy-Atlasian Contracting Rules
$10.00 Billion….. Appalachia Reinvestment Act
$15.00 Billion….. Reservation Reinvestment Act (phases out after FY2023)
$30.00 Billion………. Let's Get Wired Act amended by New Great Society Act
$0.05 Billion……. Combating Asian Hate Crimes Act (one-time)
$1.375 Billion….. Southwestern Water Conservation Act (one-time)
$0.05 Billion….. HHH Helping Hand to the Homeless Act (one-time)

$7.50 Billion….. National Hostel Program Act (phases out after FY2024)
$945.00 Billion…. New Great Society CUBI
$20.00 Billion….. Core Infrastructure Preparedness Act (through FY2025)
$20.00 Billion….. Emergency Shelters Act (through FY2025)
$2.00 Billion….. Kansas Settlement Act (one-time)

Education ($159.2275 93.7275 Billion)
$39.03 Billion.... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education
$31.45 Billion.... Higher education             
$3.26 Billion..... Research and general education           
$0.00 Billion..... Orlando Act
$-0.0125 Billion…. Cap on certain student loans
$55.00 Billion….. School Improvement and Jobs Act (one-time)
$20.00 Billion….. Creating Opportunities for More Ed Tech Act
$10.50 Billion….. School Facilities Improvement Act (one-time)
Training, labor and unemployment ($19.00 Billion)             
$7.58 Billion..... Training and employment             
$1.22 Billion..... Labor law, statistics, and other administration'
$9.20 Billion...... Public Service Act         
$1.00 Billion.... Agency of Cooperative Enterprises (see Act to encourage the growth of worker owned enterprises)

Atlasian Healthcare ($1,216.50 1,218.60 Billion)             
$423.77 Billion... Senior Healthcare
$12.90 Billion.... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits 
$425.42 Billion... Medical Services
$338.81 Billion... Sliding Scale Subsidies
$15.60 Billion.... Healthcare Subsidy Office (HSO) and AtlasCare Office (ACO) Administration
$2.1 Billion…… Eating Disorder Support Act

Non-ANH Health Spending ($67.00 171.21 Billion)             
$24.25 Billion.... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism
$28.45 Billion.... Health research and training       
$4.00 Billion..... Consumer and occupational health and safety   
$10.00 Billion…. Opioid Epidemic Commission
$0.3 Billion.... Comprehensive Opioid Response Act (phases out after FY2023)
$20.00 Billion….. Childcare Opportunity Act (one-time)
$0.36 Billion….. Better Baby Box Act (one-time)
$2.00 Billion….. Supporting Families Act
$0.15 Billion….. Rural hospital expansion, AtlasCare Improvement Act (one-time)
$82.00 Billion….. Rural Care Bonus Program, AtlasCare Improvement Act

Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($138.16 Billion)             
$8.23 Billion..... Civilian retirement and disability insurance             
$129.93 Billion... Federal employee retirement and disability             

Social Security ($903.00 Billion)
$868.63 Billion... Social Security Outlays
$34.37 Billion.... Social Security Administration

Aid to Low-Income Families ($366.00 Billion)
$40.30 Billion.... Unemployment             
$39.75 Billion.... Housing assistance             
$99.44 Billion.... Food and Nutrition Assistance (Food Stamps + WIC)       
$169.01 Billion... Other aid to low-income families             
$17.50 Billion.... Social Services       
Administration of justice ($34.99675 34.61675 Billion)             
$10.00 Billion.... Federal law enforcement
$13.80 Billion.... Federal litigation and judicial activities             
$6.2687 Billion..... Federal prison system
$0.38 Billion….. Treating Incarcerated Prisoners Humanely Act (one-time)     
$0.00005 Billion….. TACMIF allocation for the above
$4.24 Billion..... Criminal justice assistance 
$0.74 Billion..... Federal Penitentiary Reform Act Provisions     
$-0.432 Billion…. General Criminal Justice Savings
General government administration ($2.80 Billion)             
$3.00 Billion..... Legislative functions             
$0.45 Billion..... Executive office programs             
$11.00 Billion.... IRS & other fiscal operations       
$1.55 Billion..... Other general government           
$-13.20 Billion…. Government Efficiency Act
$0.002 Billion…. Mandatory Tampons in Restrooms
-$0.002 Billion.... Toilet Paper Equity Act
Interest on debt ($295.40 Billion)             
$295.40 Billion... Net Interest

Section 3: Balance

BASE REVENUE: $ 6292.15 Billion
Inflation Accounting: *1.012
TOTAL REVENUE: $ 6367.65 Billion

Fixed Expenditures: $ 36.05 Billion
Variable Expenditures:  $ 5240.67925 Billion
Interest on Debt: $ 295.40 Billion
BASE EXPENDITURES: $ 5572.12925 Billion
Inflation Accounting: *1.012
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 5639.00 Billion

BALANCE: $1044.28 Billion

Section 4: Miscellaneous regulations

1. This budget shall become enacted immediately upon passage.
2. This budget shall ordinarily remain in effect until FY2025.
3. All previous bills that modify the existing tax rates are hereby amended, so that their tax rates match those from this budget.

Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,368

« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2023, 07:18:58 AM »

I would further advise the Senate to avoid using ChatGPT for bill writing assistance, as it is just a bot that has no ability to actually think through ideas and just spits out text that is not often easily incomprehensible. If you feel you lack the ability to write a bill from scratch, I would recommend finding a RL proposed bill at and trimming it down for Atlasia purposes, rather than trying to make sense of bot output.

Or, additionally, you could even just find any bill introduced in Atlasia itself from before 2018 or thereabouts.

Learn from your antecedents, people!
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