Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49065 times)
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #400 on: November 24, 2022, 10:12:28 AM »



1. In this Act:

A. Concentrated rare earth element means a rare earth element that has been extracted or separated from raw materials and concentrated.

B. Covered entity means a private entity, a consortium of private entities, or a consortium of public and private entities with a demonstrated ability to substantially finance, construct, expand, or technologically upgrade a covered facility.

C. Covered facility means a facility located in a State that carries out the metallurgy of rare earth elements for the production of finished rare earth products.

D. Covered incentive means an incentive offered by a Federal, Regional, State, local, or Tribal governmental entity to a covered entity for the purposes of constructing within the jurisdiction of the governmental entity a covered facility; or expanding or technologically upgrading an existing facility within that jurisdiction to be a covered facility; and a workforce-related incentive, including a grant agreement relating to workforce training or vocational education, any concession with respect to real property, funding for research and development with respect to rare earth elements and finished rare earth products, and any other incentive determined appropriate by the Secretary of State.

E. Finished rare earth product means a product composed of metal powders, such as rare earth oxides and rare earth salts, including chlorides and nitrates;  metals containing rare earth elements; alloys; or magnets; and any other value-added product that is composed fully or partially of rare earth elements.

F. Foreign entity means a government of a foreign country and a foreign political party; a natural person who is not a lawful permanent resident of Atlasia; a citizen or national of Atlasia; or any other protected individual (as defined in section 274B(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3))); and a partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country. The term foreign entity includes: any person owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign entity; any person, wherever located, who acts as an agent, representative, or employee of a foreign entity; any person who acts in any other capacity at the order, request, or under the influence, direction, or control, of a foreign entity; or a person the activities of which are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in majority part by a foreign entity; any person who directly or indirectly through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise, owns 25 percent (25%) or more of the equity interests of a foreign entity; any person with significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct a foreign entity; any person, wherever located, who is a citizen or resident of a country controlled by a foreign entity; and any corporation, partnership, association, or other organization organized under the laws of a country controlled by a foreign entity.

G. Foreign entity of concern means any foreign entity that is designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the Secretary of State under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189); included on the list of specially designated nationals and blocked persons maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of the Interior; owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction, direction, or otherwise under the undue influence of a government of a covered nation (as defined in section 2533c(d) of title 10, U.S.C.); alleged by the Attorney General to have been involved in activities for which a conviction was obtained under 18 U.S.C. 37 (commonly known as the ``Espionage Act''); 18 U.S.C. 951 or 1030; (iii) 18 U.S.C. 90 (commonly known as the ``Economic Espionage Act of 1996''); the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.); sections 224, 225, 226, 227, or 236 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2274- 2278; 2284); or the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.); or  determined by the Secretary if State, to be engaged in unauthorized conduct that is detrimental to the national security or foreign policy of Atlasia under this Act. 

H. Metallurgy means the process of producing finished rare earth products from concentrated rare earth elements.

I. Processed or refined means any process by which raw rare earth metals are changed, mixed, or otherwise manipulated to render the metal usable for manufacturing everyday items, including computer chips or circuit boards.

J. Rare earth element means a natural element associated with the metallic element scandium, with atomic number 21; the metallic element yttrium, with atomic number 39; or any of the series of 15 metallic elements between lanthanum, with atomic number 57, and lutetium, with atomic number 71, on the periodic table.

K. Rare earth metals means beryllium, cerium, cobalt, dysprosium, erbium, europium, gadolinium, graphite, holmium, lanthanum, lithium, lutetium, manganese, neodymium, praseodymium, promethium, samarium, scandium, tantalum, terbium, thulium, tungsten, ytterbium, and yttrium.


1. It is the policy of Atlasia to provide for the establishment of a strategic rare earth metals and rare earth metal products reserve.

2. Not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of State shall determine the strategic requirements of Atlasia regarding stockpiles of rare earth metals and processed and refined rare earth metal products; and the requirements for such metals and products to support Atlasia for one (1) year in the event of a supply disruption. In determining this need, they shall take into consideration the needs of the Armed Forces, the defense industrial and technology sectors, and any places, organizations, physical infrastructure, or digital infrastructure designated as critical to the national security of Atlasia.

2. Not later than two (2) years after the determination is made, the government shall take such actions as are necessary to procure all types of rare earth metals and processed and refined rare earth metal products in appropriate quantities to support the strategic requirements described in the determination.

3. $10 billion is hereby appropriated for such purposes. Any unneeded funds shall be deposited bavk into the treasury after two (2) years.


1. The Secretary of State shall require that any contractor that provides to the Department of State a system with a rare earth metal permanent magnet disclose, along with delivery of the system, the provenance of the magnet.

2. A disclosure under this title shall include an identification of the country or countries in which the rare earth metals used in the magnet were mined; the rare earth metals were refined into oxides; the rare earth metals were made into metals and alloys; and the magnet was sintered or bonded and magnetized.

3. If a contractor cannot make the disclosure required by this title with respect to a magnet, the Secretary shall require the contractor to establish and implement a supply chain tracking system in order to make the disclosure not later than 180 days after providing the magnet to the Department of State.


1. The Secretary of State shall require that, for any contract entered into or renewed on or after December 31, 2025, for the procurement of a system the export of which is restricted or controlled under the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), no rare earth metals processed or refined in the People's Republic of China may be included in the system.

2. The Secretary may waive the restriction under this title upon a determination that rare earth metals of sufficient quantity and quality are not available at reasonable prices from sources outside of the People's Republic of China; and such a waiver is in the interests of national security.


1. Not later than ninety (90) days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, shall initiate an investigation under title III of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2411 et seq.) to determine whether acts, policies, and practices of the Government of the People's Republic of China related to technology transfer, intellectual property, or innovation with respect to rare earth metal mining, separation, metallization, alloying, or magnet manufacturing, or related processes, are acts, policies, and practices described in subsection (a) or (b) of section 301 of that Act (19 U.S.C. 2411).


1. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a program to provide Federal financial assistance to covered entities to incentivize investment in covered facilities, subject to the availability of appropriations for that purpose.

2. In order for a covered entity to qualify for financial assistance under this title, the covered entity shall demonstrate to the Secretary that the covered entity has a documented interest in constructing a covered facility; or expanding or technologically upgrading a facility owned by the covered entity to be a covered facility; and with respect to the project for which the covered entity is seeking financial assistance, the covered entity has been offered a covered incentive; made commitments to worker and community investment, including through training and education benefits paid by the covered entity; and programs to expand employment opportunity for economically disadvantaged individuals; secured commitments from regional educational and training entities and institutions of higher education to provide workforce training, including programming for training and job placement of economically disadvantaged individuals; and an executable plan to sustain a covered facility without additional Federal financial assistance under this subsection for facility support.

3. The Secretary may not approve an application submitted by a covered entity unless the Secretary confirms that the covered entity has satisfied the eligibility criteria; determines that the project for which the covered entity is seeking financial assistance is in the interest of Atlasia; and has notified the President before making any commitment to provide an award of financial assistance to any covered entity in an amount that exceeds $10,000,000; or if the Secretary determines, in consultation with the Secretary of State, that the covered entity is a foreign entity of concern, or is substantially controlled thereby.

4. In reviewing an application submitted under this title the Secretary may consider whether the covered entity has previously received financial assistance under this subsection; the governmental entity offering the applicable covered incentive has benefitted from financial assistance previously provided under this subsection; the covered entity has demonstrated that the covered entity is responsive to the national security needs or requirements; if practicable, a consortium that is considered a covered entity includes a small business concern, notwithstanding 13 CFR 121.103; and the covered entity intends to produce finished products for use by the government of Atlasia, the defense industry, or critical energy infrastructure.

5. To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary shall prioritize awarding financial assistance under this title to a covered entity that utilizes raw material feedstock sourced from one (1) or more offtake agreements with entities that are not foreign entities of concern; utilizes raw material feedstock sourced from two (2) or more entities; offtake agreements; or geographic locations; utilizes concentrated rare earth elements sourced from two (2) or more entities; offtake agreements; or geographic locations; and intends to produce finished products for use by the government of Atlasia, the defense industry, or critical energy infrastructure.

6. The Secretary may request records and information from a covered entity that submitted an application under this title to review the status of a covered entity. The covered entity shall provide the records and information requested by the Secretary.

7. The Secretary shall determine the appropriate amount and funding type for each financial assistance award provided to a covered entity under this title. The total Federal investment in any individual project receiving a financial assistance award under this subsection shall not exceed $500,000,000, unless the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, recommends to the President, and the President agrees, that a larger investment is necessary to significantly increase the proportion of reliable domestic supply of finished rare earth products relevant for national security and economic competitiveness that can be met through domestic production; and to meet the needs of national security.

8. A covered entity that receives a financial assistance award under this title may only use the financial assistance award amounts to finance:

A. the construction of a covered facility (including equipment) or the expansion or technological upgrade of a facility (including equipment) of the covered entity to be a covered facility, as documented in the application, as determined necessary by the Secretary for purposes relating to the national security and economic competitiveness of Atlasia;

B. to support workforce development for a covered facility;

C. to support site development and technological upgrade for a covered facility; and

D. to pay reasonable costs relating to the operating expenses for a covered facility, including specialized workforce, essential materials, and complex equipment maintenance.

9. For all financial assistance awards of more than $10,000,000 provided to covered entities, the Secretary shall, at the time of making the award, determine the target dates by which a covered entity shall commence and complete the applicable project. If the covered entity receiving a financial assistance award of more than $10,000,000 does not complete the applicable project by the applicable target date, the Secretary shall progressively recover up to the full amount of the award. In the case of projects that do not meet the applicable target date, the Secretary may waive the requirement to recover the financial award provided for the project after making a formal determination that circumstances beyond the ability of the covered entity to foresee or control are responsible for the delay.

10. Before entering into an agreement with a foreign entity to conduct joint research or technology licensing, or to share intellectual property, a covered entity that has received a financial assistance award shall notify the Secretary of the intent to enter into such an agreement; and may only enter into such an agreement if the Secretary determines the foreign entity is not a foreign entity of concern. The Secretary shall recover the full amount of a financial assistance award provided to a covered entity if, during the applicable term of the award, the covered entity knowingly engages in any joint research, technology licensing, or intellectual property sharing effort with a foreign entity of concern that relates to a technology or product that raises national security concerns, as determined by the Secretary, on the condition that the determination of the Secretary shall have been communicated to the covered entity before the covered entity engaged in the joint research, technology licensing, or intellectual property sharing.

11. A covered entity to which the Secretary awards Federal financial assistance under this subsection shall enter into an agreement that specifies that, during the 5-year period immediately following the award of the Federal financial assistance, the covered entity will not make shareholder distributions in excess of profits.

12. Funding awarded under this act shall be divided as equally as is practicable between each of the three (3) Regions.

13. Any recipient of funds under this Title shall adopt and implement a Cybersecurity Plan approved by the President that is capable of adequately protecting the facility funded by this act as well as any other property owned, controlled, or managed by the recipient.

14. Any recipient of funds under this act shall be considered contractors for purposes of the Stopping Sino-Espionage Act.

15. Funding for this title is hereby authorized to be appropriated in the following amounts: $1.5 Billion for fiscal year 2023; and $200 Million for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2027.

Part 1
Mr. Reactionary
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,123
United States

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« Reply #401 on: November 24, 2022, 10:13:15 AM »


1. It shall be the policy of Atlasia to encourage countries that are allies of Atlasia to eliminate their dependence on non-allied countries for rare earth metals to the maximum extent practicable.

2. To assist in this title, the Secretary of State shall provide funding through a common funding mechanism to support the development and adoption of secure rare earth supply chains. The Rare Earth Sourcing Trust Fund (RESTF) is hereby created for such purpose.

3. Amounts in the RESTF shall be available to the Secretary of State, on and after the date on which the Secretary enters into an arrangement or agreement with the governments of countries that are partners of Atlasia, as determined by the Secretary of State, to participate in the common funding mechanism. Before entering into an arrangement or agreement, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Interior, shall ensure that any government that will participate in the arrangement or agreement maintains export control licensing policies with respect to exports of finished rare earth products substantively equivalent to Atlasia with respect to restrictions on such exports to the People's Republic of China.

4. The Secretary of State may establish a common funding mechanism, in coordination with the governments of countries that are partners of Atlasia, that uses amounts from the RESTF to support the development and adoption of secure rare earth supply chains, including for research and development collaborations among countries participating in the mechanism; and supplementing bids by foreign entities that are not foreign entities of concern to secure offtake agreements with entities that mine rare earth elements.

5. In establishing and sustaining a common funding mechanism, the Secretary of State shall seek to leverage amounts from the RESTF to secure contributions to the mechanism from the governments of countries participating in the mechanism, including with respect to cost sharing and other cooperative measures leading to the development and adoption of secure rare earth supply chains. The Secretary shall promote efforts among countries participating in the mechanism to establish transparency requirements for any subsidies or other financial benefits (including revenue foregone) provided to rare earth firms located in or outside such countries; to establish processes similar to the process of the Committee on Foreign Investment in Atlasia under section 721 of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4565) for intervening to preempt foreign entities of concern from investing in, purchasing, or assuming control of entities, intellectual property, and equipment that are created by or benefit from investments by the mechanism;  to establish consistent policies with respect to countries that are not participating in the mechanism; and do not meet established transparency requirements; to promote harmonized treatment of finished rare earth products and verification processes for raw materials or products being exported to a country considered a national security risk by the government of a country participating in the mechanism; to establish consistent policies among the governments of countries participating in the mechanism and common policies among countries that are not participating to address nonmarket economy countries as the behavior of such countries pertains to rare earth elements; to align policies with respect to supply chain integrity and security, including with respect to protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; and to promote harmonized foreign direct investment screening measures and export control policies with respect to rare earth elements to align with national, multilateral, and plurilateral security priorities.

6. None of the funds authorized to be appropriated to carry out this title may be provided to a foreign entity of concern.

7. $10 billion is hereby appropriated for such purposes.


1. The Secretary of Interior through the Geologic Survey shall conduct and compile an inventory of domestic supplies of rare earth elements and metals that could be mined.

2. Any environmental impact statement (EIS) for the mining of domestic rare earth elements and metals shall be made within 45 days of request and any federal permit for the mining of domestic rare earth elements and metals shall be approved or denied within 90 days of submission. The person requesting the EIS or permit may pay a reasonable expedited processing fee to ensure such reviews are timely made.

3. As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Interior shall establish an initiative under which the Secretary shall work with the Director of the National Science Foundation, the Critical Minerals Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council, the private sector, institutions of higher education, and workforce training entities to incentivize and expand participation in graduate and undergraduate programs, and to develop workforce training programs and apprenticeships, relating to advanced rare earth element mining, separation, processing, metallurgy, and advanced equipment maintenance capabilities.

4. The Director of the National Science Foundation shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to institutions of higher education or nonprofit organizations (or consortium of such institutions or organizations) to support basic research that will accelerate innovation to advance critical minerals mining strategies and technologies for the purpose of making better use of domestic resources and eliminating national reliance on minerals and mineral materials that are subject to supply disruptions.

5. $1 Billion is hereby appropriated for such purposes.


1. Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect immediately.

Part 2
Mr. Reactionary
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,123
United States

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« Reply #402 on: November 24, 2022, 10:13:49 AM »

As PPT, i hereby make the determination that the Spark censure resolution is frivolous and it will not proceed to the floor. There are no specific allegations made or evidenced. Itd be no different than me introducing a resolution to censure WD for murder or bestiality.
Western Democrat
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« Reply #403 on: November 25, 2022, 09:27:47 PM »

As PPT, i hereby make the determination that the Spark censure resolution is frivolous and it will not proceed to the floor. There are no specific allegations made or evidenced. Itd be no different than me introducing a resolution to censure WD for murder or bestiality.

Motion to override
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #404 on: November 25, 2022, 11:30:07 PM »

As PPT, i hereby make the determination that the Spark censure resolution is frivolous and it will not proceed to the floor. There are no specific allegations made or evidenced. Itd be no different than me introducing a resolution to censure WD for murder or bestiality.

Motion to override

Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #405 on: November 29, 2022, 02:57:46 AM »
« Edited: November 29, 2022, 03:10:11 AM by Senator Spiral »

Can We Actually Get to Vote? Act

Be it resolved,

1. Legislation undergoing a final vote in the National Senate shall receive a full, unperturbed period of 72 hours for members to declare and otherwise amend their vote.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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« Reply #406 on: November 29, 2022, 03:09:41 AM »


1. Any financial service provider who invests and manages a 401(K) plan hereby possess a fiduciary duty to make investment decisions as a reasonably prudent investor would for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the investments. Accordingly no such officer, agent, or employee shall make investment decisions for a 401(K) plan that prioritize the proprietary funds of the financial service provider or unreasonably increases administrative costs for the fund or investment fees for the financial service provider when such decision is made for a purpose other than benefiting the beneficiaries of the investments.

2. Any 401(K) plan with assets totaling less than $5 Million shall be prohibited from incurring an expense ratio exceeding 1.05% of assets.

3. Any 401(K) plan with assets totaling more than $5 Million but less than $20 Million shall be prohibited from incurring an expense ratio exceeding 0.8% of assets.

4. Any 401(K) plan with assets exceeding $20 Million shall be prohibited from incurring an expense ratio exceeding 0.5% of assets.

5. No financial service provider shall offer a revenue sharing agreement to intermediaries for choosing a fund that exceeds 0.25% of fund management costs.

6. Any 401(K) plan shall annually disclose to all investors in such fund any fee, expense, or administrative cost incurred annually in the management of such fund. This includes but is not limited to any revenue sharing cost.

7. Any employee with an existing 401(K) plan provided by an employer who takes a job with a new employer shall be permitted to transfer the value of the existing equity in the 401(K) plan into a 401(K) plan offered by the new employer with no tax consequence. Employers shall nor charge for such transfer. If the new employer does not offer a 401(K) plan, then the employee may convert the value of the existing equity in the 401(K) plan into a fixed-payment annuity upon retirement with no tax consequence.

8. Any beneficiary shall be entitled to initiate a beneficiary derivative class action lawsuit against any officer, agent, or employee violating this act to seek damages and legal costs.

9. This act shall take effect ninety (90) days from the date of passage.
Mr. Reactionary
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #407 on: December 03, 2022, 07:36:17 AM »


1. On any federal highway, bridge, or other road project that utilizes high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, wherein certain lanes are restricted to use by cars transporting two (2) or more persons, or on any HOV lane established as part of a federal control plan for an NAAQS pollutant, pregnant mothers shall be considered to be two (2) or more persons.

2. This act shall take effect immediately.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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« Reply #408 on: December 06, 2022, 12:38:30 AM »

Atlasian Referendum Amendment

The following Section is to be incorporated under Article IX of the Fifth Constitution:

Section 2. National Referendums

1. Certain legislation may be subject to the full authority of the eligible voting populace through federally sanctioned referendums.

2. Federal referendums are to be sanctioned under any of the following methods:

a.) Citizens may submit legislation under the Senate Legislation Introduction Thread with the expressed intent that it be reviewed as a potential referendum. Upon its ascension to the Senate for consideration, voting members must provide at least two-thirds approval for the motion to proceed.

b.) Upon the veto of a bill by the President of the Republic of Atlasia, the Senate has the right to request that the legislation be forwarded to the Atlasian populace in lieu of a veto override. Voting members must provide at least two-thirds approval for the motion to proceed. Once the motion to consider a referendum moves to a vote, a veto override on the particular legislation is no longer possible.

c.) The President of the Republic of Atlasia, in lieu of a declaration in favor or in opposition, may instead defer any passed legislation to the Atlasian people's judgment at personal discretion.

3. Upon the approval of a national vote, the Secretary of Federal Elections is to sponsor and certify said event. A minimum of one week for a campaign period is required to be allotted prior to the referendum. The duration of referendums are not to exceed 72 hours and may be held in concurrence with other, regularly scheduled federal elections.

4. Referendums are to be considered as passed should they receive a majority of votes in favor. Implementation is to occur immediately following certification unless otherwise noted in the text.
Mr. Reactionary
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #409 on: December 10, 2022, 10:33:41 AM »


1. The government of Atlasia hereby authorizes the payment of $2 Billion to the Southern Region to compensate the Southern Region, the State of Kansas, and all other Southern residents for all civil damages resulting from the unlawful 2022 invasion of Kansas. Upon acceptance and receipt of the full settlement amount, the Southern Region shall forever release any claims it has against the government of Atlasia for all civil damages resulting from the unlawful 2022 invasion of Kansas.

2. This act shall take effect immediately.
Mr. Reactionary
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #410 on: December 14, 2022, 02:12:12 PM »


1. It shall be unlawful for any person in Atlasia to violate the privacy of another by using or permitting any digitally interoperable appliance to collect data on any person in a private home or dwelling in violation of this act,  nor shall any such data obtained from such appliance, be sold or transferred to another.

A. Televisions shall not be permitted to measure ambient room temperatures to determine the location or number of persons within a home or dwelling.

B. Video game consoles and personal computers shall not be permitted to compile or track the location data of any person.

C. Robot vacuum cleaners shall not be permitted to transmit data on the schematics or layout of any home or dwelling to anyone but the consumer.

D. Coffee makers shall not be permitted to transmit data on the programmed time coffee is to be made to anyone but the consumer.

E. Refridgerators and freezers shall not be permitted to transmit data on the contents therein to anyone but the consumer.

F. Garbage disposals shall not be permitted to transmit data on the contents therein to anyone but the consumer.

G. Toilets shall not be permitted to transmit data on the contents therein or the frequency of use to anyone but the consumer.

H. Lighting fixtures and bulbs shall not be permitted to transmit data on the schematics or layout of any home or dwelling, the frequency or time of use of such fixture or bulb, or the preferred wattage or color of a bulb to anyone but the consumer.

I. Thermostats and utility meters shall not be permitted to transmit data on the schematics or layout of any home or dwelling or the frequency or time of use of electricity, water, or HVAC, to anyone but the consumer, unless the consumer affirmatively opts in to a smart metering agreement with a utility provider.

J. Showers, bathtubs, and hot water heaters shall not be permitted to transmit data on the schematics or layout of any home or dwelling, the frequency or time of use of water, or the preferred water temperature of a consumer, to anyone but the consumer.

2. A violation of this act shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than one (1) year, and a fine of $10,000.00 per individual person whose privacy was violated. Any data collected in violation of this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture and disposition.

3. A person whose privacy was unlawfully violated pursuant to this paragraph may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.

4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #411 on: December 16, 2022, 05:01:50 PM »
« Edited: December 16, 2022, 05:10:48 PM by Laki »

Public request. it deals with

To condemn the violence in Peru

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,

Section I. Title

1. This bill may be known as the Resolution to condemn the Ayacucho Massacre.

Section II. Content
1. The Senate of Atlasia condemns the use of violence in Peru and specifically condemns the AyacuchoMassacre that took place on December the fifteenth in Peru
2. The Senate of Atlasia expresses their condolescences with the victims of the Peruvian protests and the Ayacucho Massacre.
3. As a consequence The Senate of Atlasia will expel all Peruvian diplomats from the Republic of Atlasia and Peruvian-Atlasian diplomatic relations will be on hold until further notice.
4. The Senate of Atlasia continues to recognise Pedro Castillo as President of Peru and will provide diplomatic support to him.
5. The Senate of Atlasia encourages early elections to take place and the 1993 constitution to be repealed in order to stop the violence and create stability in Peru.
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #412 on: December 16, 2022, 05:54:20 PM »

Public request. it deals with

To condemn the violence in Peru

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,

Section I. Title

1. This bill may be known as the Resolution to condemn the Ayacucho Massacre.

Section II. Content
1. The Senate of Atlasia condemns the use of violence in Peru and specifically condemns the AyacuchoMassacre that took place on December the fifteenth in Peru
2. The Senate of Atlasia expresses their condolescences with the victims of the Peruvian protests and the Ayacucho Massacre.
3. As a consequence The Senate of Atlasia will expel all Peruvian diplomats from the Republic of Atlasia and Peruvian-Atlasian diplomatic relations will be on hold until further notice.
4. The Senate of Atlasia continues to recognise Pedro Castillo as President of Peru and will provide diplomatic support to him.
5. The Senate of Atlasia encourages early elections to take place and the 1993 constitution to be repealed in order to stop the violence and create stability in Peru.

I will co-sponsor
Liminal Trans Girl
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« Reply #413 on: December 19, 2022, 07:33:37 PM »


1. Beginning in tax year 2024 a special surtax of 10% shall be assessed on the net income resulting from lobbying activities upon each person required by law to register as a lobbyist.

2. The President, Vice-President, Cabinet members, and Senators are hereby prohibited from making financial investment decisions on the basis of non-public information that was only known by them due to their duties in office. Any capital gain earned as a result of such insider trading shall be subject to forfeiture to the general treasury.

3. Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect on April 15, 2023.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

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« Reply #414 on: December 19, 2022, 07:45:39 PM »

Prefiling for next session

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to require special elections for at-large Senate vacancies.

Be it Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the constitution shall be amended as follows:

The People Should Decide Amendment

Article III, Section 2, shall read as follows:
Section 2. Elections to the Senate.

The manner of election for at-large Senators shall be as follows:

i. The nine at-large Senators shall be elected for a term of two months by the eligible voters of the Republic according to a method of proportional representation prescribed by the Senate. Elections for the seats shall be held in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

ii. If no other method of proportional representation is prescribed by law, at-large Senate elections shall operate on single transferable vote.

iii. At-large Senate vacancies occuring within thirty days of the next election shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party or of an at-large Senator more than thirty days prior to the next election, then a special election shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This Constitutional Amendment requires a special election to be held to fill a vacancy in the Senate created by the death, resignation, or removal of an at-large member more than thirty days prior to the next election. This empowers the people of Atlasia rather than corrupt political parties to choose who represents them and prevents candidates from deceptively and unethically running for at-large Senate solely to resign and allow a party to undemocratically install a replacement.

People's and Region's Senate
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« Reply #415 on: December 19, 2022, 08:06:06 PM »

Prefiling for next session


1. The Game Engine Restructuring and GM Team Creation Act shall be amended as follows:



Section 3: Game Moderation Team

i. The president shall appoint three (3) members of the game moderation team (henceforth referred to as "the GM team") with the advice and consent of the Senate.

ii. The GM team shall have power, except where limited elsewhere by this legislation:

(a) to simulate the effect of domestic and foreign legislation of the government of Atlasia and of the several regions;
(b) to simulate the actions of non-playable entities;
(c) to simulate domestic and global events;
(d) to be the final arbiter in all questions of the reality of events which occur during their tenure;
(e) to be the final arbiter on the reality of the status quo with respect domestic and global conditions.

iii. The word of the GM team, once spoken, is Canon, and may not be revoked by their successor.

iv. Members of the GM team may be removed from office according to the same provisions set in place for the impeachment of executive officers.

v. A majority of members of the GM team may not hold any other elected or appointed office in either the Federal or Regional Governments.


2. This act shall take effect immediately.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #416 on: December 23, 2022, 11:59:59 AM »
« Edited: December 23, 2022, 12:41:26 PM by Laki »

Prefiling for next session

on the Establishment of a Common Market
between the Republic of Atlasia and the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

ARTICLE I (Title and Definitions)
Section 1. The long title of this treaty shall be, "the Atlasian-United Kingdom Common Market Agreement." It may be cited as the "Atlasian-British Common Market Agreement," or as "ABCMA."
Section 2. For the purposes of this treaty, the following terms shall be defined as follows.
  i. "Signatories" shall refer to those states being members to this pact, namely the Republic of Atlasia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  ii. "Nationals" shall refer to the citizens or subjects of the Signatories.
  iii. "The United Kingdom" shall refer to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  iv. "Atlasia" shall refer to the Republic of Atlasia.

ARTICLE II (Affirmation of National Sovereignty)
Section 1. The terms and provisions of this treaty shall not be construed as to compromise the Constitutional or territorial integrity of either Signatory, nor otherwise alter the authority of the government of Atlasia or that of the United Kingdom.

ARTICLE III (Establishment of a Common Market)
Section 1. Each Signatory shall afford the goods of all states being members of this pact treatment no less favorable than the best treatment it affords to its own like, directly competitive, or substitutable goods. Each Signatory shall afford to services and investments of all other Signatories treatment no less favorable than the best treatment it affords, in like circumstances, to its own services and investments.
Section 2. No Signatory shall adopt any measure preventing the free movement of goods, services, or investments of any other signatory across national borders.
Section 3. The Signatories shall reconcile their standards and standard-related measures by harmonization or mutual recognition.
Section 4. Each Signatory shall ensure that its legislation, regulations, procedures, guidelines, and administrative rulings related to matters covered by this agreement are made readily accessible.

ARTICLE IV (Free Movement of Nationals)
Section 1. No Signatory shall adopt any measure preventing the free movement of Nationals of other Signatories across national borders.
Section 2. The signatories shall work to harmonize their visa policies as soon as possible.

ARTICLE V (Limited Jurisdictional Authority)
Section 1. Atlasian citizens being permanent residents of the United Kingdom or Gibraltar shall be subject to Limited Jurisdictional Authority granted by this treaty to the government of Atlasia and those of the several Regions.
  i. Atlasian citizens being permanent residents of Northern Ireland and Gibraltar shall be considered citizens of Fremont for Limited Jurisdictional and electoral purposes.
  ii. Atlasian citizens being permanent residents of Scotland shall be considered citizens of the North for Limited Jurisdictional and electoral purposes.
  iii. Atlasian citizens being permanent residents of England and Wales shall be considered citizens of the South for Limited Jurisdictional and electoral purposes.
Section 2. Atlasian citizens living within the United Kingdom and British citizens living within Republic of Atlasia shall be bound by the respective laws governing their residence and place of business, and no provision of this treaty shall be construed as weakening the national sovereignty of the United Kingdom or Atlasia, or otherwise encroaching upon the autonomy of the government of Atlasia or the United Kingdom.

ARTICLE VI V (Amendments)
Section 1. The signatories shall have the right to amend this treaty subject to the approval of their respective legislative bodies.

ARTICLE VII VI (Accession and Withdrawal)
Section 1. Each signatory shall have the right to extend this treaty to their territories without the approval of any other signatory.
  i. The extension of this treaty to a territory of a signatory shall have no effect on the voting rights of the citizens of the territory in question, without the approval of the other signatories to this treaty.
Section 2. Each signatory shall have the right to withdraw from this treaty, subject to the confirmation of their respective electorates.
Section 3. Any territory that separates from a signatory shall be withdrawn from the treaty.
Section 4. Additional signatories may be added to this treaty, subject to the approval and confirmation of the electorates of the current and pending signatories.

ARTICLE VIII VII (Implementation)
Section 1. This treaty shall go into effect following its ratification by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia and the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Either Signatory may elect, at their own discretion, to put the treaty to a vote of their respective electorates as an additional requirement for ratification.
Section 2. The provisions of this treaty shall not be executed prior to the full exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Section 3. Pursuant to the Game Moderator Reform Act, the Game Moderator shall have sole power to report the ratification or rejection of this treaty by the United Kingdom.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #417 on: December 27, 2022, 06:31:51 AM »

Pre-Filing bill for next session:



1. Adrenochrome means any chemical compound directly produced by a human or non-human animal from the oxidation of adrenaline or any blood or other product containing such compound.

2. Cryogenic human preservation means the long-term preservation of a human body or human tissue through freezing or heat removal for the intended purpose of resurrecting such body or creating a human clone from such body or tissue at a later date when hypothetical technology is discovered to allow for such resurrection or cloning.

3. Embryonic stem cells means any stem cells produced by a human embryo.

4. External incubation means gestating a living human embryo in an artificial womb until such embryo can be safely implanted in a host or safely delivered as a live baby.

5. Human clone means a human embryo that is substantially genetically identical to a previously born human being.

6. Human embryo means an organism of the species Homo sapiens during the earliest stages of development, from 1 cell up to delivery or fetal death.

7. In vitro fertilization means the artificial creation of a human embryo or fertilized human egg outside of a female human body with the consent of the egg and sperm donors for the intended implantation into a human host body.

8. Prohibited artificial intelligence means any real or theoretical program or software code that:

A. reaches or exceeds the level of human intellectual abilities and is able to apply its abilities to any type of task;

B. achieves self-awareness as found in humans;

C. is capable of animating or controlling a human body; or

D. is or purports to be the uploaded soul, life, consciousness, personality, or memories of a specific human.

9. Prohibited eugenics means reproductive procedures including but not limited to sterilization, castration, vasectomy, fallopian tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and abortion which are carried out for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the future population of specific groups or genetic patterns, groupings, or sequences.

10. Prohibited gain-of-function research means medical or scientific research involving the deliberate editing of the genetic code of a virus, disease, or pathogen for the purpose of increasing the virulty, transmissibility, harmfulness, deadliness, resistance, or persistence of the virus, disease, or pathogen.

11. Prohibited human-animal chimera means:

A. a human embryo into which a nonhuman cell or cells (or the component parts thereof) have been introduced to render the embryo's membership in the species Homo sapiens uncertain;

B. a human-animal embryo produced by fertilizing a human egg with nonhuman sperm;

C. a human-animal embryo produced by fertilizing a nonhuman egg with human sperm;

D. an embryo produced by introducing a nonhuman nucleus into a human egg;

E. an embryo produced by introducing a human nucleus into a nonhuman egg;

F  an embryo containing at least haploid sets of chromosomes from both a human and a nonhuman life form;

G. a nonhuman life form engineered such that human gametes develop within the body of a nonhuman life form;

H. a nonhuman life form engineered such that it contains a human brain or a brain derived wholly or predominantly from human neural tissues;

I. a nonhuman life form engineered such that it exhibits human facial features or other bodily morphologies to resemble human features;

J. an embryo produced by mixing human and nonhuman cells, such that human gametes develop within the body of the resultant organism, it contains a human brain or a brain derived wholly or predominantly from human neural tissues, or it exhibits human facial features or other bodily morphologies to resemble human features;

K. a human to whose DNA nonhuman DNA is artificially spliced or grafted; or

L. a human embryo implanted or gestated in a non-human animal.

12. Test tube gestation means the artificial creation of a human embryo or fertilized human egg outside of a female human body.

13. Unknowing test subject means a person upon whom a medical or scientific experiment, test, or case study is being performed without that persons knowledge or consent.


It shall be unlawful for any person in Atlasia to knowingly:

1. create a human clone or produce, advertise, transport, transfer, or receive any product derived from such cloning;

2. create a prohibited human-animal chimera, transfer a human embryo into a nonhuman womb, transfer a nonhuman embryo into a human womb, or transport or receive for any purpose a prohibited human-animal chimera, however this clause does not prohibit research involving the use of transgenic animal models containing human genes or transplantation of human organs, tissues, or cells into recipient animals, if such activities are not prohibited by this act or any other law;

3. create or a human embryo as a result of test tube gestation, except for the purpose of in vitro fertilization with the consent of both parents and an identified host for implantation of the human embryo, however nothing in this clause shall be interpreted as prohibiting the use of external incubation to save an extant human embryo that lacks a human host;

4. produce, advertise, transport, transfer, or receive any human embryo or human fetal tissue or any product derived therefrom however nothing in this clause shall be interpreted as prohibiting the use of external incubation to save an extant human embryo, in vitro fertilization, the burial of a fetus, or scientific research on donated embryonic stem cells resulting from an unintended miscarriage, fetal death, or ectopic pregnancy;

5. conduct, perform, finance, or advertise prohibited eugenics;

6. Advertise cryogenic human preservation services;

7. produce, advertise, transport, transfer, or receive any product derived from human bones, flesh, appendages, skin, organs, blood, or adrenochrome, however nothing in this clause shall be interpreted as prohibiting scientific research on any lawfully obtained human bones, flesh, appendages, skin, organs, stem cells, or blood or the transplantation of any lawfully obtained human organ, stem cells, or blood;

8. prepare, serve, eat, or consume any human bone, flesh, appendage, skin, organ, blood, or adrenochrome obtained in interstate commerce. For purposes of this act food intentionally injected with human DNA shall constitute human flesh;

9. create, finance, transfer, or receive prohibited artificial intelligence;

10. conduct, perform, or finance any medical or scientific research on an unknown test subject;

11. conduct, perform, or finance any prohibited gain-of-function research; or

12. administer euthanasia to a human embryo, human clone, or prohibited human-animal chimera, except in cases where the animal is suffering from a painful injury or condition for which there is no realistic alternative treatment or realistic chance of recovery.


1. It shall be a felony to commit any crime enumerated in Title II of this act.

2. A violation of Title II(1) - (4) and (12) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than 15 years and not more than life and a fine of the greater of $500,000 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

3. A violation of Title II(6) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than 5 years and not more than 20 years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

4. A violation of Title II (5) of this act shall be punishable my imprisonment for not less than 10 years and not more than 25 years and a fine of the greater of $500,000 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

4. A violation of Title II(7) - (8 ) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than ten (10) years and not more than twenty (20) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

5. A violation of Title II(9) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

6. A violation of Title II(10) of this act that does not result in permanent harm to the unknown test subject shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than five (5) years and a fine of the greater of $10,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

7. A violation of Title II(10) of this act that results in permanent harm to the unknown test subject shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than five (5) years and not more than twenty (20) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

8. A violation of Title II(11) of this act shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than five (5) years and not more than ten (10) years and a fine of the greater of $100,000.00 or the amount equal to twice the amount of the gross pecuniary gain from the violation, if any.

9. Any person convicted of crime enumerated in this act shall be ordered to attend an appropriate treatment program or obtain psychiatric or psychological counseling.

10. Any person, including but not limited to any business, institution, or entity that participates in or funds any crime enumerated in this act shall be ineligible to receive federal public funds for no less than five (5) years.

11. No federal public funds shall be expended in the furtherance of any crime enumerated in this act.


1. This act shall take effect March 15, 2023.

Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #418 on: December 27, 2022, 06:32:33 AM »
« Edited: January 06, 2023, 07:20:00 AM by Mr. Reactionary »

Pre-Filing for next session:


1. No transit bus manufacturing company shall hold more than a 35% market share of its respective industry for greater than one (1) year. A violation of this provision shall constitute an anti-trust violation. For purposes of this provision an investment firm who owns multiple transit bus manufacturing companies shall total all if its companies when determining market share.

2. The Attorney General and the FTC may enforce violations of these rules as unfair or deceptive acts prescribed under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

3. Regional and State Attorneys General may bring a civil action on behalf of their residents if they have reason to believe that their residents will be adversely affected by a violation of this act.

4. Any person wronged by a violation of this act may bring a civil lawsuit for an injunction or damages and may recover from such person damages for such injury plus $1,000 for each violation for up to five (5) years from any violation.

5. This law shall not preempt or supersede any Regional regulation that is stricter than this act.

6. This act shall take effect forty (40) days from the date of passage.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #419 on: December 27, 2022, 06:34:08 AM »
« Edited: January 19, 2023, 06:27:53 PM by Mr. Reactionary »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to establish term limits for Supreme Court Justices and Associate Justices and clarify the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Judicial Reform Amendment

The following additions, deletions, and changes are to be incorporated under Article V of the Fifth Constitution:

Section 1. The Judiciary.

1. The judicial power of the Republic of Atlasia shall be vested in the Supreme Court, the membership of which shall consist of two Justices and three Associate Justices chosen in the following manner:

i. The Justices of the Supreme Court shall be nominated by the President of the Republic of Atlasia and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.

ii. The chief executive officer of each of the several Regions shall nominate from among their constituents a candidate for Associate Justice. Upon the assent of a majority of the legislative power thereof, the nomination shall proceed to the President. If they the President approves of the nomination they should the President shall grant their Assent and the nominee shall assume the office of Associate Justice; but if they should the President disapproves they should the President shall veto it and the nomination will be annulled. If then two thirds of the Senate should vote to override the President's veto, the nominee shall take office regardless of the opinion of the President.

2. The Justices and Associate Justices thus chosen shall hold their offices for life in good behavior for a term of two consecutive years; however no person shall be reappointed to the Supreme Court until at least ninety days have passed since their previous term as Justice or Associate Justice.

3. The President shall designate a Chief Justice from among the appointed Justices, who shall continue in that capacity until such time as they shall resign the designation, or else cease to be a member of the Supreme Court.

4. The term for any Supreme Court Justice or Associate Justice that, at the time this amendment is ratified, exceeds two consecutive years, shall expire as follows:

i. The term of the most senior Justice or Associate Justice shall expire automatically upon ratification.

ii. The term of the next most senior Justice or Associate Justice shall expire thirty days after the expiration of the term of the most senior Justice or Associate Justice; and thenafter every subsequent thirty days the term of the next most senior Justice or Associate Justice shall expire in descending order of seniority until all Justices and Associate Justices on the Supreme Court shall have served for fewer than two consecutive years.

Section 2. Regional Courts

The judicial power of each of the several Regions shall be vested in a Circuit Court composed of the Associate Justice chosen from that Region, and no Region shall establish any other court or judicial authority to hear a case with original jurisdiction lying with the Supreme Court.

Section 3. Jurisdiction.

1. The original and mandatory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall extend to :

i. all actual cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution and all official acts made under its authority;

ii. to all cases affecting ambassadors and other public ministers; and

iii. to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction.

2. The appellate, concurrent, and discretionary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall, as permitted by law, extend to controveries:

i. to controversies to which this Republic shall be a party;

ii. to controversies between two or more Regions, or between a Region and citizens of another Region;

iii. between citizens of different Regions;

iv. between citizens of the same Region claiming lands under grants of different Regions; and

v. between a Region, or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens, or subjects.

2.3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the Region where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any Region, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Senate may by law have directed.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This Constitutional Amendment establishes a two year term limit for Justices and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and establishes a staggered process for the expiration of tje terms of existing Justices and Associate Justices who already exceed the term limit. This Constitutional Amendment also clarifies the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court by identifying which cases and controversies the Supreme Court must hear and which they may, by discretion, hear.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #420 on: December 27, 2022, 06:34:55 AM »
« Edited: January 09, 2023, 08:20:43 AM by Mr. Reactionary »

Pre-Filing for next session:



1. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof, who operates in Atlasian commerce by selling motor vehicles to customers, to sell or share location data acquired from such cars, regardless of if such data is entirely anonymized or masked.

2. A violation of this act shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than one (1) year, and a fine of $10,000.00 per individual person whose data was sold. Any data collected in violation of this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture.

3. A customer whose location was unlawfully shared or sold pursuant to this act may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.


1. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof, who operates in Atlasian commerce by selling motor vehicles to customers, to utilize software to lock, inhibit, or restrict the full use or performance of such vehicle by the customer after the time of sale, or require such customer to pay a fee or subscription to access the full use or performance of such vehicle.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof, who operates in Atlasian commerce by selling motor vehicles to customers, to utilize software to prohibit or prevent the vehicle from exceeding a posted speed limit.

3. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof, who operates in Atlasian commerce by selling motor vehicles to customers, to utilize software to imprison a person in such vehicle.

4. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof, who operates in Atlasian commerce by selling motor vehicles to customers, to utilize software to take control of or countermand the intended destination of such vehicle.

5. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof, who operates in Atlasian commerce by selling motor vehicles to customers, to refuse to sell all service materials and diagnostics for repairing such vehicles to independent mechanics and other end-use consumers. Service materials and diagnostics shall include physical parts, specialty tools, and electronic information necessary to allow a motor vehicle to function as designed and intended at the time of sale but shall not include trade secrets. Manufacturers shall be permitted to charge a reasonable price for physical parts and tools but shall not be permitted to charge more than $10.00 for electronic information that is already available on the internet.


1. No military advertisements, accelerated depreciation formula for motorsports facilities, or other federal funding may be paid to or claimed by any stock car racing association, member thereof, or motorsports facility owner that permits racing conducted by any stock car racing association at such facility, if such stock car racing association:

A. Fails to require drivers to wear an ANSI-approved head and neck support (HANS) device in any race where anticipated stock car speeds will exceed 120 miles per hour;

B. Requires the use of restrictor plates in stock car engine systems during races on dirt tracks or tracks with a banking of less than 32 degrees;

C. Adopts a rule that enforces stock cars crossing into the internal apron of the track in an arbitrary, inconsistent, or disparate manner;

D. Adopts a seasonal scoring system that awards points in an inconsistent or disparate manner in more than 11 scheduled races;

E. Adopts a seasonal scoring system that awards points in an inconsistent or disparate manner by penalizing driver conduct unrelated to the safe operation of stock cars; or

F. Unduly restricts the free expression of fans attending races by prohibiting constitutionally-protected clothing, decals, signs, flags, and other apparel unrelated to the physical safety of others.

2. The Atlasian government shall not prohibit motor vehicle engines from being modified for racing, to operate off of a diesel fuel source, or to receive injections of nitrous oxide, nor shall the federal government prohibit the commercial sale, transportation, manufacture, or possession of conversion kits necessary for such modifications, or of nitrous oxide.

3. The Atlasian government shall not require restrictor plates on motor vehicles sold in interstate commerce or operated on federal highways.


1. This act shall take effect 30 days from the date of passage.
Don Davis 2024
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« Reply #421 on: December 27, 2022, 02:54:18 PM »

Pre-filing this:


1. As used in this act:

A. App means a software application or electronic service that may be run or directed by a user on a computer or mobile device.

B. App store means a publicly available website, software application, or other electronic service that distributes apps from third-party developers to users.

C. Covered company means the owner or controller of an app store with more than 20 million Atlasian users.

D. Device means a tablet or a smart phone sold in Atlasia and manufactured on or after the date this bill takes effect.

E. Smart phone means an electronic device that combines a cell phone with a hand-held computer, typically offering Internet access, data storage, and text and email capabilities.

F. Tablet means a mobile device that is equipped with a mobile operating system, touchscreen display, and rechargeable battery; and has the ability to support access to a cellular network.

2. It shall be unlawful for any covered company to:

A. require developers to use an in-app payment system owned or controlled by the company as a condition of distribution or accessibility,

B. require that pricing or conditions of sale be equal to or more favorable on its app store than another app store, or

C. take punitive action against a developer for using or offering different pricing terms or conditions of sale through another in-app payment system or on another app store.

D. interfere with legitimate business communications between developers and users, use non-public business information from a third-party app to compete with the app, or unreasonably prefer or rank its own apps, or those of its business partners, over other apps.

3. It shall be unlawful for any commercial enterprise that operates in interstate commerce by manufacturing, programing, selling, or providing communication services to any device to design or program such device in a manner that substantially limits or restricts the interoperability of the device with app stores that are not owned by such enterprise.

4. A violation of this act shall constitute an anti-trust violation.

5. The Attorney General and the FTC may enforce violations of these rules as unfair or deceptive acts prescribed under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

6. Regional and State Attorneys General may bring a civil action on behalf of their residents if they have reason to believe that their residents will be adversely affected by a violation of this act.

7. Any person wronged by a violation of this act may bring a civil lawsuit for an injunction or damages and may recover from such person damages for such injury plus $1,000 for each violation for up to five (5) years from any violation.

8. This law shall not preempt or supersede any Regional regulation that is stricter than this act.

9. This act shall take effect forty (40) days from the date of passage.
Don Davis 2024
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« Reply #422 on: December 27, 2022, 02:55:29 PM »

Pre-filing this:


1. The Ethical Disclosure of Artificial Intelligence Act shall be amended as follows:

Section 1. Naming

1. This law shall be referred to as the Ethical Disclosure of Artificial Intelligence Act, 2018, and may be additionally referred to as the Ethical Disclosure of Artificial Intelligence Act.

Section 2. Framework

1. A use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an auditory replacement for a human response must be clearly disclosed, specifically through an auditory recording
that states this fact.

2. This recording must be played before every use of AI.

3. The use of AI to post advertisements on any social media platform, comment board, or other interactive online platform must be clearly disclosed in every post made by such AI on such platform or board.

4. The use of AI to artificially inflate the number of users or followers upon any social media platform, comment board, or other interactive online platform, or for any account thereon, is hereby prohibited as an unfair trade practice.

2. This act shall take effect 30 days from the date of passage.
Don Davis 2024
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« Reply #423 on: December 27, 2022, 02:56:30 PM »

Pre-filing this:


1. It shall be unlawful for any person in Atlasia to violate the privacy of another by using or permitting any digitally interoperable sex toy (hereinafter "teledildonics") to collect data on any person in a private home or dwelling in violation of this act, nor shall any such data obtained from such appliance, be sold or transferred to another.

A. Teledildonics shall not be permitted to measure ambient room temperatures to determine the location or number of persons within a home or dwelling.

B. Teledildonics shall not be permitted to compile or track the location data of any person.

C. Teledildonics shall not be permitted to transmit data on the programmed time such device is to be made to anyone but the consumer.

D. Teledildonics shall not be permitted to transmit data on the frequency or time of use of such device, or the preferred settings to anyone but the consumer.

E. Teledildonics shall not be permitted to grant remote access to such device for the purpose of adjusting settings or turning such device on.

2. A violation of this act shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than one (1) year, and a fine of $10,000.00 per individual person whose privacy was violated. Any data collected in violation of this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture and disposition.

3. A person whose privacy was unlawfully violated pursuant to this paragraph may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.

4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2023.
Don Davis 2024
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« Reply #424 on: December 27, 2022, 02:57:08 PM »

Pre-filing this:



1. As used in this title:

A. Public Agencies means a federal government agency, department, commission, council, board, bureau, committee, institution, college, university, technical school, government corporation, or other establishment of the executive, legislative or judicial branches.

B. Procurement means buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, licensing, or otherwise acquiring any goods or services. It also includes all functions that pertain to the obtaining of any goods or services, including description of requirements, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, installation, maintenance, and all phases of contract administration.

C. Computer Software means a set of Computer Programs, procedures and associated documentation concerned with computer data or with the operation of a computer, Computer Program, or Computer Network.

D. Computer Program means an ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements that, when executed by a computer, causes the computer to perform one or more computer operations.

E. Software Source Code means pre-compiled, human-readable versions of a Computer Program.

F. Computer Network means a set of related, remotely connected devices and any communications facilities, including multiple computers with the capability to exchange data via communications facilities.

G. Total Cost of Ownership means the sum of all costs borne by the Public Agency during the useful life of the software, including costs for software acquisition, installation, worker training, conversion or loading of existing data, interface and integration with related information systems, and long-term costs for software maintenance, upgrades, and technical support.


1. Decisions by Public Agencies regarding the requisition, procurement, and installation of Computer Software shall be based upon performance and value criteria, including quality, functionality, security, reliability, interoperability, and Total Cost of Ownership.

2. Decisions by Public Agencies regarding the requisition, procurement, and installation of Computer Software must be neutral with respect to:

A. whether such Computer Software is provided by a for-profit entity or a non-profit entity; and

B. the licensing model under which such Computer Software is provided.

3. Nothing in this Act shall preclude Public Agencies from considering the effect of specific licensing terms in software procurement decisions, including licensing terms that govern the availability of Software Source Code, rights and restrictions regarding software modification, redistribution, warranties, security, and intellectual property indemnification.

4. Public Agencies and public employees must conform with federal software procurement and acquisition rules regardless of the licensing model under which software is provided.


1. This act shall take effect ninety (90) days after passage.
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