Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Dr. MB
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« Reply #275 on: May 11, 2022, 07:12:27 PM »

Introducing on behalf of Mr. Revolutionary


1. Section 85 of the National Banking Act (NBA) 12 USC §85, which permits federally charter banks to charge interest rates in States and Regions in excess of State or Regional interest rate caps, is hereby repealed. This Act shall take effect sixty (60) days after being ratified.
Re introducing
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
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« Reply #276 on: May 11, 2022, 09:18:08 PM »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to make the Department of Federal Elections and Registrar General Constitutional Officers.

Be it Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the constitution shall be amended as follows:

The Securing Our Elections Officers Amendment

Section 1: The Departments of Federal Elections and Registrar General

Article IV, Section 4, shall read as follows:
Section 4. Elections Administration
1. The Department of Federal Elections shall exist for the purposes of administering Elections.
2. The Office of Registrar General shall exist for the purposes of maintaining the census list.
3. These two positions may be held simultaneously by the same person.
4. The Senate may regulate these entities through appropriate legislation.
5. Appointments to these positions shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 4: Section 2, but the President shall remove said occupants of these offices only with the concurrence of a majority of the Senate.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This constitutional Amendment moves the origination authority of the Department of Federal Elections and the Registrar General from Presidential Executive Order to the Constitution, thereby eliminating the ability of the President to abolish these entities, assume them, or recombine them with another cabinet office. Further, it grants the Senate the power to regulate these offices through legislation, while restricting the ability of the President to unilaterally fire either the SoFE or the RG.

People's and Region's Senate
GM Team Member and Senator WB
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« Reply #277 on: May 11, 2022, 10:23:56 PM »


Senate Bill
to ensure animal welfare in kosher slaughterhouses

A. No person who owns, operates, or is employed by a commercial slaughterhouse, butchery, agribusiness, or other business engaged in the killing and processing of animals for human consumption shall kill an animal intended to be sold in interstate commerce using the “shackle and hoist” method of slaughter.

B. The "shackle and hoist" method of slaughter (also known as shechita teluyah) is defined as a method of slaughtering a non-human animal where the animal is shackled around one or both of its back legs and, through use of pulleys, is suspended in the air prior to having its throat cut.

C. Parts 1 and 2 of the Humane Methods Livestock Slaughter Act (HMLSA) (7 U.S.C. §1901 – 1902), shall be amended accordingly.

D. This act shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of passage.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #278 on: May 11, 2022, 10:31:29 PM »


Senate Bill
to protect the religious rights of prisoners


A. Any person imprisoned in a federal Atlasian prison has the right to freedom of conscience and to freely exercise their religion. Accordingly, the following accommodations shall be offered to such imprisoned person, provided such accommodation is based on a sincerely-held religious belief and does not demonstrably jeopardize the health or safety of prisoners or prison staff or facilitate actual crime. The actual abuse of an accommodation identified in this act may result in the suspension of such accommodation for the individual abuser. Such suspension, denial based on particularized health or safety necessities, or reasonable heightened security screenings to ensure that an accommodation under this act is not being abused shall not be deemed a violation of a prisoner’s religious freedom.

B. Unless otherwise indicated herein, this act shall take effect August 1, 2022.


A. Hair may be grown out, including by Sikhs following the 5 Kakaars of Guru Gobind Singh and by those who have taken a Nazirite vow, in accordance with the Holy Bible.

B. Beards may be grown by prisoners, including by Muslims, and by Sikhs following the 5 Kakaars of Guru Gobind Singh and by those who have taken a Nazirite vow, in accordance the Holy Bible.

C. Reasonable head coverings may be worn by prisoners. Allowable head coverings can include hijabs and taqiyahs by Muslims, turbans by Sikhs following the 5 Kakaars of Guru Gobind Singh, prayer veils by Christians, and skullcaps, yarmulkes, and kippahs by Jews.


A.  No clothing or uniform provided to persons imprisoned in federal prisons shall contain mixed textiles (shatnez) of both wool and linen.

B. Specially-hemmed pants that blouse or bind the pant cuffs above the ankle may be worn by prisoners, including by Muslims.

C. By January 1, 2023 each federal prison shall evaluate the potential risks of female prisoners wearing uniform dresses rather than uniform pants. If such evaluation determines that uniform dresses would not materially impact the health and safety of prisoners and prison employees, then any female prisoner, regardless of religious belief, may wear a uniform dress rather than uniform pants. Such dresses shall be paid for by the female prisoner making the request.
Saint Milei
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« Reply #279 on: May 11, 2022, 10:56:49 PM »


Senate Bill
to grant habeas relief if bad evidence is discovered after a conviction[/center]

A. A person unlawfully imprisoned or restrained of their liberty in a federal Atlasian prison, under any pretense, may prosecute a writ of habeas corpus to inquire into the cause of the imprisonment or restraint.

B. A writ of habeas corpus may be prosecuted for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

1. False evidence that is substantially material or probative on the issue of guilt or punishment was introduced against a person at a hearing or trial relating to the person’s incarceration.

2. False physical evidence, believed by a person to be factual, probative, or material on the issue of guilt, which was known by the person at the time of entering a plea of guilty, which was a material factor directly related to the plea of guilty by the person.

3. New evidence exists that is credible, material, presented without substantial delay, and of such decisive force and value that it would have more likely than not changed the outcome at trial.

4. Expert opinion testimony, including the expert’s conclusion or the facts upon which their opinion is based, that was material or probative on the issue of guilt or punishment, regardless of whether it was offered by the prosecution or defense, was introduced and a reasonable dispute within the relevant scientific community as to the validity of the methods, theories, research, or studies upon which the expert based their opinion has developed or further developed after the person’s trial.
C. Any allegation that the prosecution knew or should have known of the false nature of the evidence referred to in herein is immaterial to the prosecution of a writ of habeas corpus brought pursuant to this act.

D. This section does not limit the grounds for which a writ of habeas corpus may be prosecuted or preclude the use of any other remedies available by law.

E. For purposes of this act:

1. “false evidence” includes opinions of experts that have either been repudiated by the expert who originally provided the opinion at a hearing or trial or that have been undermined by scientific research, including scientific research that existed at the time the expert’s testimony was given or later scientific research or technological advances. The results of a polygraph test shall be considered false evidence.

2. “new evidence” means evidence that has been discovered after trial, that could not have been discovered prior to trial by the exercise of due diligence, and is admissible and not merely cumulative, corroborative, collateral, or impeaching.

F. This act does not create additional liabilities, beyond those already recognized, for an expert who repudiates the original opinion provided at a hearing or trial or whose opinion has been undermined by scientific research, technological advancements, or because of a reasonable dispute within the expert’s relevant scientific community as to the validity of the methods, theories, research, or studies upon which the expert based their opinion.

G. This act shall take effect January 1, 2023.
Don Davis 2024
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« Reply #280 on: May 12, 2022, 05:54:02 AM »


Senate Bill
to prohibit the trade in Non-Fungible Tokens

A. The interstate sale, designing, minting, transfer, and trade of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is hereby prohibited in Atlasia.   

B. Any person or entity who owns or operates a website permitting the interstate sale, designing, minting, transfer, or trade of NFTs within Atlasia shall be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for no more than one (1) year and a fine of no more than $10,000, as well as the disgorgement of any profits.

C. Nothing in this act shall be interpreted as prohibiting other forms of cryptocurrency.

D. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) shall be empowed to investigate and enforce the provisions of this act.

E. This bill shall take effect August 1, 2022.
GM Team Member and Senator WB
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« Reply #281 on: May 12, 2022, 12:58:27 PM »

To accelerate (FASTER FASTER FASTER FASTER) towards Atlasia's FURRY FUTURE by facilitating the Freedom of Form

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,

Section 1. Title
This act may be referred to as the Freedom of Form Act of 2022.

Section 2. WHEREAS,
WHEREAS, many Atlasian citizens do not feel comfortable in their own body,
WHEREAS, Atlasian citizens should not be forced to stay in a body they do not feel comfortable in,
WHEREAS, the Freedom of Form Foundation aims to remedy this situation through research,
WHEREAS, the Freedom of Form Foundation is made of several knowledgeable persons who know what they are doing and are definitely not a group of mad scientists who have bribed a Senator into introducing this bill,

Section 3. Funding a FURRY FUTURE
1. $12,000,000 shall be allocated annually to the Freedom of Form Foundation.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #282 on: May 13, 2022, 08:51:55 PM »
« Edited: May 14, 2022, 02:16:06 PM by ‎Ishan »


Senate Bill
to limit pollution on federal property and exempt organic manure from overregulation


This Act shall be called the Superfund Amendments Act


A. 42 U.S.C. 9620(a) is hereby amended to require that each department, agency, and instrumentality of Atlasia shall be subject to, and comply with, at facilities that are or have been owned or operated by any such department, agency, or instrumentality, Regional or State substantive and procedural requirements regarding response relating to hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants, including State hazardous waste requirements, in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

B. Atlasia hereby expressly waives any immunity otherwise applicable to Atlasia with respect to any Regional or State substantive or procedural requirement referred to in this act, including immunity from injunctive relief, civil penalties, criminal sanctions.


A. 42 U.S.C. 9601 is amended by adding the following new section at the end


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
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« Reply #283 on: May 14, 2022, 01:22:14 AM »


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Begging you, and all future Senators by extension, in all sincerity, to at least provide a title and consistent formatting so as to make the lives of PPTs with headaches a tiny bit easier.
Arson Plus
The Op
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« Reply #284 on: May 14, 2022, 02:16:21 PM »


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Begging you, and all future Senators by extension, in all sincerity, to at least provide a title and consistent formatting so as to make the lives of PPTs with headaches a tiny bit easier.
[/quote]Forgot to copy the first part from docs so apologies.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #285 on: May 14, 2022, 09:13:41 PM »


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Begging you, and all future Senators by extension, in all sincerity, to at least provide a title and consistent formatting so as to make the lives of PPTs with headaches a tiny bit easier.

No this is formatted correctly. Section III(A) of this bill is amending Section 312 of a separate law. That is why Section 312 is separated by an additional quote box, to denote that the quoted text is located in a separate, external law.
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« Reply #286 on: May 15, 2022, 06:09:08 AM »

No this is formatted correctly. Section III(A) of this bill is amending Section 312 of a separate law. That is why Section 312 is separated by an additional quote box, to denote that the quoted text is located in a separate, external law.

Cap didn’t cut off his quote, he quoted all of Ishan’s initial post, which started with the “section 312” and no context, and with a quote misalign. He’s edited to be the whole bill afterwards.
Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #287 on: May 28, 2022, 08:15:36 AM »

I am introducing this bill in my capacity as President of the Senate:

To protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Be it enacted Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled;

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Federal ANWR Territorial Integrity Act.

Section 2. Recognition of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) as Frémont territory

It shall be policy of the Republic of Atlasia that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is under the domain of the Commonwealth of Frémont.

Section 3. Prohibition on leasing for oil exploration

Distribution of any federal oil and gas leases for oil drilling in the Arctic National Refuge shall be prohibited under Federal law.

Section 4. Enactment

This act shall take effect ninety (90) days after passage.
Amenhotep Keir Starmer 🥥🌴
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« Reply #288 on: May 29, 2022, 07:54:13 PM »
« Edited: May 29, 2022, 11:21:35 PM by MR. JOE BYRON »

[The Housing and Homelessness Plan]

Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and Senate of Atlisa in Congress Assembled


This plan will tackle the homelessness rate and creates secure and adequate housing for all.

Section 1. (Short-title of bill)

This bill shall be referred to as the Housing and Homelessness Plan

The Housing and Homelessness Plan shall be short-titled the Joe Byron act 1 (JBA1)

Section 2. Definitions

In this act:
Homelessness: Homelessness is defined as living in housing that is below the minimum standard or lacks secure tenure. People can be categorized as homeless if they are: living on the streets (primary homelessness); moving between temporary shelters, including houses of friends, family and emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness); living in private boarding houses without a private bathroom or security of tenure (tertiary homelessness).

Section 3. Purpose (and/or) Findings

There are over a half million people experiencing homelessness nationwide. Nearly 160,000 of them are children and nearly 38,000 are veterans. People who are homeless are unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure and adequate housing.

Section 4. Establishment

This will ensure that every person experiencing homelessness in Atlisa has a place to call home.  The bill would appropriate $13.3 billion in mandatory emergency relief funding over 5 years to several critical federal housing programs and initiatives, providing the resources that these programs need to effectively address the homelessness crisis.  If enacted, this bill is estimated to fund the creation of 410,000 new units of housing for people experiencing homelessness.

The actual annual costs of the bill would be:

$1 billion for new homeless assistance projects, with 75 percent to be spent on permanent supportive housing, distributed to communities by formula, and renewed out of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regular Continuum of Care (CoC) homeless assistance program competition (which would require additional appropriations each year).
• $500 million for new incremental Housing Choice Vouchers (also known as Section Cool for people who are homeless, distributed to communities according to need and renewed out of regular Housing Choice Voucher appropriations.
• $100 million for new outreach and service coordination grants, awarded competitively. Since these activities are eligible for HUD CoC funding, renewals could be done through the regular CoC competition, subject to additional appropriations.
• $1 billion in incremental funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to develop housing, with homeless people prioritized for the first five years.
• $50 million in incremental rental assistance funding to support National Housing Trust developments.

The bill would also permanently authorize HUD’s Homeless Assistance Grants account, and permanently eliminate the sunset clause for the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.

Total annual costs for the program is $2.650 billion.

Section 5. Enactment

This bill shall come into affect when signed by the president

(This is my first bill and I’m still kinda new here so if I did something wrong please tell me lol and I will fix it)
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #289 on: May 29, 2022, 10:24:04 PM »

[The Housing and Homelessness Plan]

Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States of America in Congress Assembled


This plan will tackle the homelessness rate and creates secure and adequate housing for all.

Section 1. (Short-title of bill)

This bill shall be referred to as the Housing and Homelessness Plan

The Housing and Homelessness Plan shall be short-titled the Joe Byron act 1 (JBA1)

Section 2. Definitions

In this act:
Homelessness: Homelessness is defined as living in housing that is below the minimum standard or lacks secure tenure. People can be categorized as homeless if they are: living on the streets (primary homelessness); moving between temporary shelters, including houses of friends, family and emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness); living in private boarding houses without a private bathroom or security of tenure (tertiary homelessness).

Section 3. Purpose (and/or) Findings

There are over a half million people experiencing homelessness nationwide. Nearly 160,000 of them are children and nearly 38,000 are veterans. People who are homeless are unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure and adequate housing.

Section 4. Establishment

This will ensure that every person experiencing homelessness in America has a place to call home.  The bill would appropriate $13.3 billion in mandatory emergency relief funding over 5 years to several critical federal housing programs and initiatives, providing the resources that these programs need to effectively address the homelessness crisis in America.  If enacted, this bill is estimated to fund the creation of 410,000 new units of housing for people experiencing homelessness.

The actual annual costs of the bill would be:

$1 billion for new homeless assistance projects, with 75 percent to be spent on permanent supportive housing, distributed to communities by formula, and renewed out of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regular Continuum of Care (CoC) homeless assistance program competition (which would require additional appropriations each year).
• $500 million for new incremental Housing Choice Vouchers (also known as Section Cool for people who are homeless, distributed to communities according to need and renewed out of regular Housing Choice Voucher appropriations.
• $100 million for new outreach and service coordination grants, awarded competitively. Since these activities are eligible for HUD CoC funding, renewals could be done through the regular CoC competition, subject to additional appropriations.
• $1 billion in incremental funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to develop housing, with homeless people prioritized for the first five years.
• $50 million in incremental rental assistance funding to support National Housing Trust developments.

The bill would also permanently authorize HUD’s Homeless Assistance Grants account, and permanently eliminate the sunset clause for the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.

Total annual costs for the program is $2.650 billion.

Section 5. Enactment

This bill shall come into affect when signed by the president

(This is my first bill and I’m still kinda new here so if I did something wrong please tell me lol and I will fix it)

Remember that we are in Atlasia, not America. Also fix your post in the swearing in thread.
Amenhotep Keir Starmer 🥥🌴
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« Reply #290 on: May 29, 2022, 11:20:41 PM »

[The Housing and Homelessness Plan]

Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States of America in Congress Assembled


This plan will tackle the homelessness rate and creates secure and adequate housing for all.

Section 1. (Short-title of bill)

This bill shall be referred to as the Housing and Homelessness Plan

The Housing and Homelessness Plan shall be short-titled the Joe Byron act 1 (JBA1)

Section 2. Definitions

In this act:
Homelessness: Homelessness is defined as living in housing that is below the minimum standard or lacks secure tenure. People can be categorized as homeless if they are: living on the streets (primary homelessness); moving between temporary shelters, including houses of friends, family and emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness); living in private boarding houses without a private bathroom or security of tenure (tertiary homelessness).

Section 3. Purpose (and/or) Findings

There are over a half million people experiencing homelessness nationwide. Nearly 160,000 of them are children and nearly 38,000 are veterans. People who are homeless are unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure and adequate housing.

Section 4. Establishment

This will ensure that every person experiencing homelessness in America has a place to call home.  The bill would appropriate $13.3 billion in mandatory emergency relief funding over 5 years to several critical federal housing programs and initiatives, providing the resources that these programs need to effectively address the homelessness crisis in America.  If enacted, this bill is estimated to fund the creation of 410,000 new units of housing for people experiencing homelessness.

The actual annual costs of the bill would be:

$1 billion for new homeless assistance projects, with 75 percent to be spent on permanent supportive housing, distributed to communities by formula, and renewed out of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regular Continuum of Care (CoC) homeless assistance program competition (which would require additional appropriations each year).
• $500 million for new incremental Housing Choice Vouchers (also known as Section Cool for people who are homeless, distributed to communities according to need and renewed out of regular Housing Choice Voucher appropriations.
• $100 million for new outreach and service coordination grants, awarded competitively. Since these activities are eligible for HUD CoC funding, renewals could be done through the regular CoC competition, subject to additional appropriations.
• $1 billion in incremental funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to develop housing, with homeless people prioritized for the first five years.
• $50 million in incremental rental assistance funding to support National Housing Trust developments.

The bill would also permanently authorize HUD’s Homeless Assistance Grants account, and permanently eliminate the sunset clause for the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.

Total annual costs for the program is $2.650 billion.

Section 5. Enactment

This bill shall come into affect when signed by the president

(This is my first bill and I’m still kinda new here so if I did something wrong please tell me lol and I will fix it)

Remember that we are in Atlasia, not America. Also fix your post in the swearing in thread.
I did
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« Reply #291 on: June 18, 2022, 10:51:20 PM »

Upon reflection, and pursuant to the RETCON Act, and as Game Moderator, I hereby request Senate approval to revoke canon status from the following Game Engine publication, made by predecessor GM Crane:

From the Desk of Game Manager Crane
23rd of April, 2022


I am happy to announce that a long-running historical conflict has been resolved.

Earlier this week at a summit in Singapore, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) have agreed on the following settlement:

The Republic of China relinquishes all of its jurisdictional claims to any land within the borders of mainland China or any of its outlying territories, and to its long-standing claim to represent the legitimate continuous government of the Chinese nation. Leaders have promised to make symbolic changes to that effect in the country's constitution. Leaders have also agreed to end the permanent presence on the island of Atlasian military personnel and equipment.

The People's Republic of China has agreed to sign a 50 year binding pact to respect and recognize Taiwanese autonomy and will develop trade and defense relations on the island.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for this upcoming week as updates are announced for this weekend's election and referendums.

Should a thread be made for discussions I will be happy to explain my reasoning in detail, but for the purposes of context, I believe this to be an unrealistic solution to a complex foreign policy dilemma, which, to the best of my understanding, also lacked player involvement despite its potential consequences.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
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« Reply #292 on: June 20, 2022, 12:09:43 AM »


Senate Bill
to limit pollution on federal property and exempt organic manure from overregulation


This Act shall be called the Superfund Amendments Act


A. 42 U.S.C. 9620(a) is hereby amended to require that each department, agency, and instrumentality of Atlasia shall be subject to, and comply with, at facilities that are or have been owned or operated by any such department, agency, or instrumentality, Regional or State substantive and procedural requirements regarding response relating to hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants, including State hazardous waste requirements, in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

B. Atlasia hereby expressly waives any immunity otherwise applicable to Atlasia with respect to any Regional or State substantive or procedural requirement referred to in this act, including immunity from injunctive relief, civil penalties, criminal sanctions.


A. 42 U.S.C. 9601 is amended by adding the following new section at the end


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Ishan is no longer a member of the Senate.

As pointed out by WD in the original thread (since deleted as there's no point keeping it up), this is withdrawn from the queue.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #293 on: June 30, 2022, 05:48:25 AM »


Senate Bill
to ensure big social media companies cannot unfairly deplatform, censor, shadowban, or otherwise harm lawful user content


The government of Atlasia finds that:

1. Social media platforms represent an extraordinary advance in communication technology for southerners.

2. Users should be afforded control over their personal information related to social media platforms.

3. Atlasians increasingly rely on social media platforms to express their opinions and communicate with friends, their communities, and the nation at large.

4. Social media platforms have transformed into the new public town square.

5. Social media platforms have become as important for conveying public opinion as public utilities are for supporting modern society.

6. Social media platforms hold a unique place in preserving free speech protections for all Atlasians and should be treated similarly to common carriers.

7. Social media platforms that unfairly censor, shadow ban, deplatform, or apply post-prioritization algorithms to Atlasian candidates, users, or residents are not acting in good faith and are abusing their big corporate power to the detriment of free expression and an open society.

8. Social media platforms should not take any action in bad faith to restrict access or availability to Atlasians.

9. Social media platforms have unfairly censored, shadow banned, deplatformed, and applied post-prioritization algorithms in the Atlasia.

10. The government of Atlasia has a substantial interest in protecting its residents from inconsistent and unfair actions by inordinately powerful social media platforms.

11. The nation must vigorously enforce its laws to protect the people of Atlasia.


1. As used in this act, the term:

“Algorithm” means a mathematical set of rules that specifies how a group of data behaves and that will assist in ranking search results and maintaining order or that is used in sorting or ranking content or material based on relevancy or other factors instead of using published time or chronological order of such content or material.

“Affiliate” means: A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of or held civilly liable for an antitrust violation; or an entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity that has been convicted of or held civilly liable for an antitrust violation. The term includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The term also includes a person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has violated an antitrust law during the preceding fourty-eight (48) months.

“Antitrust violation” means any failure to comply with a federal or Regional antitrust law as determined in a civil or criminal proceeding brought by the Attorney General, a Regional attorney, a similar body or agency of another Region, the Federal Trade Commission, or the Atlasian Department of Justice.

“Antitrust violator vendor list” means the list required to be kept by the Department of Justice pursuant to this act.

“Censor” includes any action taken by a social media platform to delete, regulate, restrict, edit, alter, inhibit the publication or republication of, suspend a right to post, remove, or post an addendum to any content or material posted by a user. The term also includes actions to inhibit the ability of a user to be viewable by or to interact with another user of the social media platform.

“Deplatform” means the action or practice by a social media platform to permanently delete or ban a user or to temporarily delete or ban a user from the social media platform for more than fourteen (14) days.

“Journalistic enterprise” means an entity doing business in Atlasia that: 1. Publishes in excess of 10,000 words available online with at least 500 paid subscribers or 10,000 monthly active users; 2. Publishes 50 hours of audio or video available online with at least 1 million viewers annually; 3. Operates a cable channel that provides more than 40 hours of content per week to more than 10,000 cable television subscribers; or 4. Operates under a broadcast license issued by the Federal Communications Commission.

“Post-prioritization” means action by a social media platform to place, feature, or prioritize certain content or material ahead of, below, or in a more or less prominent position than others in a newsfeed, a feed, a view, or in search results. The term does not include post-prioritization of content and material of a third party, including other users, based on payments by that third party, to the social media platform.

“Shadow ban” means action by a social media platform, through any means, whether the action is determined by a natural person or an algorithm, to limit or eliminate the exposure of a user or content or material posted by a user to other users of the social media platform. This term includes acts of shadow banning by a social media platform which are not readily apparent to a user.

“Social media platform” means any information service, system, Internet search engine, or access software provider that: 1. Provides or enables computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including an Internet platform or a social media site; 2. Operates as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, or other legal entity; 3. Does business in Atlasia; and either has annual gross revenues in excess of $10 million at least 1 million monthly individual platform participants globally.

“User” means a person who resides or is domiciled in Atlasian and who has an account on a social media platform, regardless of whether the person posts or has posted content, video, or other material to the social media platform.

1. A social media platform may not willfully deplatform a candidate for public office who is known by the social media platform to be a candidate, beginning on the date of qualification and ending on the day after the election or the date the candidate ceases to be a candidate. A social media platform must provide each user a method by which the user may be identified as a qualified candidate and which provides sufficient information to allow the social media platform to confirm the user’s qualification by reviewing the website of the Justice Department.

2. Upon a finding of a violation of this act by the Attorney General, in addition to the remedies provided elsewhere in this act, the social media platform may be fined $250,000 per day for a candidate for Atlasian or Regional offices and $25,000 per day for a candidate for other offices.

3. A social media platform that willfully provides free advertising for a candidate must inform the candidate of such in-kind contribution. Posts, content, material, and comments by candidates which are shown on the platform in the same or similar way as other users’ posts, content, material, and comments are not considered free advertising. Deplatforming an opponent of a candidate in violation of this act shall constitute an in-kind contribution subject to reporting requiresments.


1. A person or an affiliate who has been placed on the antitrust violator vendor list following a conviction or being held civilly liable for an antitrust violation may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply for any new contract to provide any goods or services to the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply for a new contract with the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on new leases of real property to the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a new contract with the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof; and may not transact new business with the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof.

2. the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof may not accept a bid, proposal, or reply from, award a new contract to, or transact new business with any person or affiliate on the antitrust violator vendor list unless that person or affiliate has been removed from the list pursuant to this act.

3. Beginning January 1, 2023, all invitations to bid, requests for proposals, and invitations to negotiate from the government of Atlasia or any department or agency thereof must contain a statement informing applicants of the provisions of this act. The Justice Department shall maintain an antitrust violator vendor list of the names and addresses of the persons or affiliates who have been disqualified from the public contracting and purchasing process under this title.

4. After receiving notice of a judgment, sentence, or order from any source that a person was convicted or held civilly liable for an antitrust violation and after the Justice Department has investigated the information and verified both the judgment, sentence, or order and the identity of the person named in the documentation, the department must immediately notify the person or affiliate in writing of its intent to place the name of that person or affiliate on the antitrust violator vendor list and of the person’s or affiliate’s right to a hearing and to offer evidence and have assistance of counsel, the procedure that must be followed, and the applicable time requirements as set by the Justice Department to provide due process. If the person or affiliate does not request a hearing, the department shall enter a final order placing the name of the person or affiliate on the antitrust violator vendor list. A person or affiliate may be placed on the antitrust violator vendor list only after the department has provided the person or affiliate with a notice of intent.

5. A person or an affiliate may be removed from the antitrust violator vendor list subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Justice Department upon a determination that removal is in the public interest. In determining whether removal is in the public interest, Attorney General must consider any relevant factors. Upon proof that a person was found not guilty or not civilly liable, the antitrust violation case was dismissed, the court entered a finding in the person’s favor, the person’s conviction or determination of liability has been reversed on appeal, or the person has been pardoned, the Attorney General shall determine that removal of the person or an affiliate of that person from the antitrust violator vendor list is in the public interest. A person or an affiliate on the antitrust violator vendor list may petition for removal from the list no sooner than six (6) months after the date a final order is entered pursuant to this act but may petition for removal at any time if the petition is based upon a reversal of the conviction or liability on appellate review or pardon.

6. If the petition for removal is denied, the person or affiliate may not petition for another hearing on removal for a period of nine (9) months after the date of denial unless the petition is based upon a reversal of the conviction on appellate review or a pardon.

7. A person who has been placed on the antitrust violator vendor list is not a qualified applicant for public economic incentives.


1. A social media platform that fails to comply with any of the provisions of this act commits an unfair or deceptive act or practice under antitrust law.

2. A social media platform must publish the standards, including detailed definitions, it uses or has used for determining how to censor, deplatform, and shadow ban.

3. A social media platform must apply censorship, deplatforming, and shadow banning standards in a consistent manner among its users on the platform.

4. A social media platform must inform each user about any changes to its user rules, terms, and agreements before implementing the changes and may not make changes more than once every thirty (30) days.

5. A social media platform may not censor or shadow ban a user’s content or material or deplatform a user from the social media platform without notifying the user who posted or attempted to post the content or material, or in a way that violates this act.

6. A social media platform must:

A. Provide a mechanism that allows a user to request the number of other individual platform participants who were provided or shown the user’s content or posts.

B. Provide, upon request, a user with the number of other individual platform participants who were provided or shown content or posts.

7. A social media platform must:

A. Categorize algorithms used for post-prioritization and shadow banning.

B. Allow a user to opt out of post-prioritization and shadow banning algorithm categories to allow sequential or chronological posts and content.

8. A social media platform must provide users with an annual notice on the use of algorithms for post-prioritization and shadow banning and reoffer annually the opt-out opportunity above.

9. A social media platform may not apply or use post prioritization or shadow banning algorithms for content and material posted by or about a user who is known by the social media platform to be a candidate as defined above, beginning on the date of qualification and ending on the day after the election or the date the candidate ceases to be a candidate. Post-prioritization of certain content or material from or about a candidate for office based on payments to the social media platform by such candidate for office or a third party is not a violation of this provision. A social media platform must provide each user a method by which the user may be identified as a qualified candidate and which provides sufficient information to allow the social media platform to confirm the user’s qualification by reviewing the website of the Justice Department.

10. A social media platform must allow a user who has been deplatformed to access or retrieve all of the user’s information, content, material, and data for at least sixty (60) days after the user receives the required notice.

11. A social media platform may not take any action to censor, deplatform, or shadow ban a journalistic enterprise based on the content of its publication or broadcast. Post prioritization of certain journalistic enterprise content based on payments to the social media platform by such journalistic enterprise is not a violation of this paragraph. This paragraph does not apply if the content or material is obscene or otherwise illegal.

12. For purposes of this act a notification must:

A. Be delivered in writing via mail, electronic mail, or direct electronic notification to the user within seven (7) days after the censoring action.

B. Include a thorough rationale explaining the reason that the social media platform censored the user.

C. Include a precise and thorough explanation of how the social media platform became aware of the censored content or material, including a thorough explanation of the algorithms used, if any, to identify or flag the user’s content or material objectionable.

D. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this provision, a social media platform is not required to notify a user if the censored content or material is obscene or otherwise illegal.

13. If the Justice Department, by its own inquiry or as a result of a complaint, suspects that a violation of this act is imminent, occurring, or has occurred, the Department may investigate the suspected violation in accordance with this part. Based on its investigation, the Department may bring a civil or administrative action under this part.

14. A user may bring a private cause of action for violations of this act, and if successful the court may award the following remedies to the user:

A. Up to $100,000 in statutory damages per proven claim.

B. Actual damages.

C. If aggravating factors are present, punitive damages.

D. An apology

E. Other forms of equitable relief, including injunctive relief.

F. Costs and reasonable attorney fees.

15. In an investigation by the Justice Department into alleged violations of this section, the department’s investigative powers include, but are not limited to, the ability to subpoena any algorithm used by a social media platform related to any alleged violation.


1. This act shall amend and supersede those portions of Section 230 the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. 230), and any other federal law, to the extent that such laws conflict with this act.

2. Any provision herein found to be unconstitutional by a court of proper jurisdiction shall be severable from the remainder of this act to the maximum extent permissible.

3. Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect January 1, 2023.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #294 on: June 30, 2022, 05:56:16 AM »


Senate Bill
to make sensible criminal justice reforms


a. This act shall be called the ATF Off Act.


a. 18 USC 923 is hereby amended by inserting the following:
e. If the Attorney General determines that a federal firearms licensee under this section has willfully violated any provision of this chapter or any regulation prescribed under this chapter, the Attorney General may:

   1. if the violation is of a minor nature:

      A. Impose on the licensee a civil money penalty of not more than $1,000 for each such violation, except that the total amount of penalties imposed on a licensee under this subclause for violations arising from a single inspection or examination shall not exceed $5,000; or

      B. suspend the license for not more than 30 days, and specify the circumstances under which the suspension is to be terminated, if, in the period for which the license is in effect, there have been at least 2 prior occasions on which the licensee has been determined to have violated this chapter; or

   2. if the violation is of a serious nature:

      A. Impose on the licensee a civil money penalty of not more than $2,500 for each such violation, except that the total amount of penalties imposed on a licensee under this subclause for a violations arising from a single inspection or examination shall not exceed $15,000;

      B. Suspend the license for not more than 90 days, and specify the circumstances under which the suspension is to be terminated;

      C. Revoke the license;

b. In determining the amount of a civil money penalty to impose herein on a licensee, the nature and severity of the violation involved, the size of the firearms business operated by the licensee, and the prior record of the licensee shall be considered.

c. The total amount of penalties imposed on a licensee with respect to violations of a minor nature and of a serious nature arising from a single inspection or examination shall not exceed $15,000.

d. If two (2) or more firearms were transferred during a single transaction that shall be considered a single violation of the provision.

e. On request of the licensee, the Attorney General shall stay the effective date of any penalty, suspension, or revocation until there has been a final, nonreviewable judgment with respect to the determination involved, unless, in the case of a suspension or revocation of a licensee, the Attorney General establishes, at a hearing before an administrative law judge, by clear and convincing evidence, that the continued operation by the licensee of the business poses an immediate and grave threat to public safety.

f. If the Attorney General is made aware that a business licensed under this chapter has transferred to a surviving spouse or child of the licensee, to an executor, administrator, or other legal representative of a deceased licensee; or to a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, or an assignee for benefit of creditors, and, before the transfer, or on the first inspection or examination by the Attorney General of the records of the licensee after the transfer, the licensee is found to be operating the business in violation of this chapter, the Attorney General:

   1. shall notify the transferee of the violation by the transferor; and

   2. shall not presume that the transferee is committing the violation.


a. A violation of this chapter shall be considered to be of a serious nature if the violation:

   1. results in or could have resulted in the transfer of a firearm or ammunition to a person prohibited from possessing or receiving the firearm or ammunition under this chapter or under Regional, State or local law;

   2. obstructs or could have obstructed a bona fide criminal investigation or prosecution, or an inspection or examination under this chapter

b. A violation of this chapter shall be considered to be of a minor nature if the violation is not of a serious nature.

c. Willfully means, with respect to conduct of a person, that the person knew of a legal duty, and engaged in the conduct knowingly and in intentional disregard of the duty.

d. False entry shall mean materially false entry

e. Appropriate entry shall mean a materially significant entry

f. Properly maintain shall mean retain custody of.


a. The prohibition on FFL holders selling a handgun to persons under the age of 21 shall be lowered to 19. 18 U.S.C. 922(b) shall be amended accordingly.

b. The National Firearms Act (NFA) 26 USC §5801 - 5872 is hereby repealed.


a. This Act shall take effect at the end of the 180-day period that begins with the date of the enactment of this Act.

Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #295 on: June 30, 2022, 06:51:14 AM »
« Edited: July 01, 2022, 10:10:43 AM by Mr. Reactionary »


Senate Bill
to limit pollution on federal property and exempt organic manure from overregulation


This Act shall be called the Superfund Amendments Act.


A. 42 U.S.C. 9620(a) is hereby amended to require that each department, agency, and instrumentality of Atlasia shall be subject to, and comply with, at facilities that are or have been owned or operated by any such department, agency, or instrumentality, Regional or State substantive and procedural requirements regarding response relating to hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants, including State hazardous waste requirements, in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

B. Atlasia hereby expressly waives any immunity otherwise applicable to Atlasia with respect to any Regional or State substantive or procedural requirement referred to in this act, including immunity from injunctive relief, civil penalties, criminal sanctions.


A. 42 U.S.C. 9601 is amended by adding the following new section at the end


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.

e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #296 on: June 30, 2022, 06:10:00 PM »
« Edited: July 01, 2022, 10:15:31 AM by Mr. Reactionary »


Senate Bill
to fight Chinese Espionage


A. In this act, the term “Confucius Institute” means a cultural institute directly or indirectly funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

B. An institution of higher education or other postsecondary educational institution (an “institution”) shall not be eligible to receive any federal funds unless the institution ensures that any contract or agreement between the institution and a Confucius Institute includes clear provisions that:

1. protect academic freedom at the institution;

2. prohibit the application of any foreign law on any campus of the institution;

3. grant full managerial authority of the Confucius Institute to the institution, including full control over what is being taught, the activities carried out, the research grants that are made, and who is employed at the Confucius Institute; and

4. prohibit discrimination against religious persons, including but not limited to Christians, Muslims, and Falun Gong.

C. This title shall take effect January 1, 2023.


A. The term “covered application” means the social networking service TikTok or any successor application or service developed or provided by ByteDance Limited or an entity owned by ByteDance Limited;

B. The term “information technology” means any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, used in the automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by a federal office, bureau, agency, or other entity, if the equipment is used by such federal entity directly or is used by a contractor under a contract with the federal entity that requires the use of that equipment or of that equipment to a significant extent in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product; this term includes computers, ancillary equipment (including imaging peripherals, input, output, and storage devices necessary for security and surveillance), peripheral equipment designed to be controlled by the central processing unit of a computer, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources; but does not include any equipment acquired by a government contractor incidental to a public contract.

C. Not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of the enactment of this Act, any covered application shall be prohibited from being downloaded on any federal information technology and any such information technology already containing a covered application shall be removed.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #297 on: July 01, 2022, 08:45:55 AM »
« Edited: July 01, 2022, 10:14:59 AM by Mr. Reactionary »


Senate Bill
to restore the Senate's powers over the legislative processs


a. This act shall be referred to as the No More Chevron Deference Act.

a. In a proceeding brought by or against a regulated party in a federal court of proper jurisdiction, the court shall decide all questions of law, including the interpretation of a Constitutional or statutory provision or a rule adopted by an agency, without deference to any previous determination that may have been made on the question by the agency. Notwithstanding any other law, this act applies in any action for judicial review of an agency action that is authorized by law. 5 U.S.C. § 551 et. seq. shall be amended accordingly.

a. This act shall take effect immediately but shall not be retroactive to any cases pending in a federal court.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #298 on: July 01, 2022, 11:03:55 AM »
« Edited: July 13, 2022, 09:12:37 PM by PPT Spark »

Safe Atlasian Schools Initiative Act

An act to improve security in the schools of the Republic of Atlasia

Concerning the recreation of the school security disbursement program to provide funding for regional and local education providers to implement school security improvements to prevent incidents of school violence.

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia:

Section 1. Definitions

1. Congress shall establish a school safety disbursement program to serve as official federal guidance to the regions and localities of atlasia:

A) a "Disbursement program" means the school security disbursement program.

B) "Eligible entity" means a local education provider or an eligible nonprofit organization.

C) "Eligible nonprofit organization" means a nonprofit organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal "Internal revenue code of 1986", as amended, that applies to work with specific local education providers or first responders, and that:

D) Has experience providing training for school safety incident response;

E) Has experience working with law enforcement agencies and other first responders;

F) Has experience working with school districts, school personnel, and students on issues related to school safety incident response; and

G) Identifies in its application local education providers or first responders that will participate in school safety incident response training or programs.

F) There is created in the department the school security disbursement program to provide disbursements to eligible entities to use for the purposes described in subsection (3) of this section to improve security within public schools.

Section 2. Disbursements and criteria

1. Subject to available appropriations, the department shall disburse money to applicants as provided of this section from money credited to the school security disbursement cash fund.

A) An eligible entity that receives a disbursement from the disbursement program may use the disbursed money only for the following purposes:

B) Capital construction that improves the security of a public school facility or public school vehicle, including but not limited to any structure or installed hardware, device, or equipment that protects a public school facility or public school vehicle and the students, educators, and other individuals who attend, work in, or visit a public school facility or are transported in a public school vehicle from threats of physical harm including but not limited to any structure or installed hardware, device, or equipment that:

C) Prevents the entry of unauthorized individuals into a public school facility or a protected space within a public school facility or onto a public school vehicle; or

D) Can be used to expedite communication when a threat is present;

E) Training in student threat assessment for all school building staff who have contact with students, which must include best practices for conducting threat assessments, such as instruction on how to prevent bias when conducting a threat assessment;

F) In collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, providing the training for peace officers on interactions with students at school;

G) School emergency response training for all school building staff;

E) Programs to help students become more resilient in meeting the daily challenges they face without resorting to violence against themselves or others, including addressing the fundamental causes of violence and aggression and helping students become responsible members of their schools, neighborhoods, communities, and families;

(f) Developing and providing training programs, curricula, and seminars related to school safety incident response; and

(g) Developing best practices and protocols related to school safety incident response.

Section 3. Eligibility

A) An eligible entity, including any combination of eligible entities that wish to apply together as a single, regional applicant, may apply for a disbursement from the disbursement program by submitting an application to the department that includes the following information:

B) The amount of disbursed money requested based on an itemized estimate of the expected cost of the purpose or purposes for which the applicant is requesting the disbursement and taking into account any matching money, if applicable, pursuant to subsection (5) of this section;

C) Evidence of the availability of and commitment of the applicant to use financial resources to match the amount of the disbursement;

D) If the eligible entity is a charter school that is authorized located within a school district facility, and participating in the school district's safety and security services, information demonstrating that the charter school has collaborated with the school district in preparing and submitting the application

E) The department shall review each application received subject to available appropriations. Monies shall disburse to the applicant if the department determines that the application meets the requirements of this section, and the purpose or purposes for which the applicant intends to use the disbursed money are likely to improve security in public school facilities or vehicles and are not likely to exacerbate identified student disciplinary disparities.
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« Reply #299 on: July 01, 2022, 01:59:29 PM »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to solve the constitutional question regarding legislation that is removed for violations of the Terms of Service.

Be it Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the constitution shall be amended as follows:

The Don't Violate the Terms of Service Amendment

Article VIII, Section 2, shall read as follows:
Section 4. Supremacy of the Atlas Forum
1. Actions taken by Administrators or Moderators of the Atlas Forum are separate and distinct from their actions as citizens of Atlasia and they shall not be restricted, nor obstructed by Atlasian constitutional or statutory provision, in their enforcement of the Terms of Service by Atlasian constitutional or statutory provision.
2. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to provide immunity to moderators who violate any statutory provision that does not conflict with or obstruct enforcement of the terms of service.
3. Any federal or regional legislation that has been removed from the forum by a moderator due to violations of the Terms of Service or other forum policies shall be considered unenforceable.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This constitutional Amendment addresses the Constitutional question that has arisen by Senator Yankee, this board's moderator, needing to moderate the content of two pieces of legislation. Law is commonly defined as a corpus, a body, and laws cannot be enforced if the corpus is not fully accessible to the people. There is no solution that will successfully allow bills that go against the Terms of Service to be hosted or linked to on the forum, and it is not ever addressed in the Fifth Constitution. This Amendment makes it clear that if a bill cannot be posted on the forum, it cannot exist in our corpus of laws.

People's and Region's Senate
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