Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #925 on: April 23, 2024, 01:52:22 PM »
« edited: April 23, 2024, 11:11:01 PM by Attorney General, LGC Speaker, and Former PPT Dwarven Dragon »

Sequoyah Statehood Amendment

1. Effective June 24, 2024 Anno Domini the new State of Sequoyah is hereby authorized to be created consisting of the territory of the following counties of the State of Oklahoma as constituted on January 1, 2023:

Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Grady, Haskell, Hughes, Jefferson, Johnston, Latimer, Le Flore, Love, Marshall, Mayes, McClain, McCurtain, McIntosh, Murray, Muskogee, Nowata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pushmataha, Rogers, Seminole, Sequoyah, Stephens, Tulsa, Wagoner, and Washington.

2. Until such time as a new State Constitution may be adopted or enacted, the Constitution of Oklahoma, all existing State and local laws, and all Tribal governing documents and laws shall remain in effect, and all office holders shall remain in office for the duration of any existing term. Until a special election may be conducted, the chief executive of the State of Sequoyah shall be the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

3. The title to all property belonging to the State of Oklahoma located within the new State of Sequoyah shall escheat to the State of Sequoyah. The current debt, obligations, and funds of the State of Oklahoma shall be shared with the State of Sequoyah on a per capita basis.

4. For purposes of Art. VII, Sec. 2, Cl. 1 of the Atlasian Constitution, the ratification of the Constitutional Amendment adopted herein by the Southern Region shall be considered to fulfill the requirement that the State of Oklahoma consents to the creation of such new State.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Atlasian Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Section 1. The Regions.


3. The southern Region shall consist of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Sequoyah, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

The Upper Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Amendment Explanation

This amendment creates the new State of Sequoyah.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #926 on: April 26, 2024, 08:03:11 AM »


1. As used in this act:

A. Robot spy means any artificial intelligence or algorithim that is programmed, designed, or intended to identify, catelogue, monitor, gain access to, obtain information from, or make any changes to any banking, credit, debit, investment, payment processing, or other financial services account.

2. No federal department, agency, employee, agent, or contractor shall use, purchase, or obtain the benefits of any robot spy or any information obtained by a robot spy.

3. No federal funds appropriated to the Regions shall be used for the purchase, repair, maintenance, or operation of any robot spy or to acquire any information obtained by a robot spy.

4. Any information possessed by a federal department, agency, employee, agent, or contractor that was obtained by a robot spy shall be immediately destroyed or otherwise disposed of.

5. No court in Atlasia shall admit as evidence any information possessed by a federal department, agency, employee, agent, or contractor that was obtained by a robot spy.

6. This act shall take effect immediately.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #927 on: April 27, 2024, 09:35:41 PM »
« Edited: April 27, 2024, 09:39:23 PM by Attorney General, Senator-Elect, & Former PPT Dwarven Dragon »

Officeholders Need to Show up Amendment

To the end of Article VIII Section 3 of the Constitution, add the following:

3. If any officeholder, elected or appointed, federal, regional, or subregional, fails to vote in a regularly scheduled election, they shall immediately and automatically forfeit any office held or won. Additionally, for one's election to office to be valid, they must cast a vote in said election. This clause shall be retroactive to April 2024.

Amendment Explanation:

This amendment will help remedy the situation of chronically absent officeholders leaving themselves and the nation in limbo for months, by having any officeholder who misses a regularly scheduled election automatically forfeit any office held or won, and by requiring one to vote in an election in order to win any election. This does NOT require one to vote for any particular candidate or affect anyone's citizenship.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #928 on: May 11, 2024, 03:22:30 PM »

Respect for Diplomacy Act


to cease foreign and military aid to states that expel Atlasian ambassadors or violate Atlasian diplomatic missions

Be it enacted,

Section I: Actions

1. Foreign and military aid shall be automatically suspended to any foreign state that declares the Atlasian ambassador to that state as persona non grata or that violates international law through the unauthorized entry of state authorities into an Atlasian diplomatic mission within the borders of that state.

2. The suspension of foreign and military aid caused by the expulsion of an Atlasian ambassador shall be immediately lifted upon the restoration of the diplomatic recognition of that ambassador.

3. The President of Atlasia is also authorized to negotiate an agreement with a foreign state that has had its aid suspended under subsection 1 of this section in order to restore aid, with the advice and consent of the Senate in accordance with Article IV Section 2 of the Constitution.

4. This act shall not affect the provision of humanitarian aid.

Section II: Implementation

1. This act shall take effect immediately.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #929 on: May 17, 2024, 12:51:15 PM »

Repeal Stupid FDA Rules That Almost Killed Me Act

1. Dietary Supplements consisting only of a potassium-containing compound that are not marketed as a multi-vitamin or a dietary supplement of any vitamin or mineral other than potassium, may be sold in serving sizes up to 100% of the daily recommended amount as established by the FDA. Any contradictory regulation or guidance previously issued by the FDA is hereby rescinded. This section shall take effect immediately.

2. Any bottled water intended for human consumption that contains a PH greater than 8.0, also known as "alkaline water", that is sold, imported, or exported in interstate or international commerce shall include in the Nutrition Facts a maximum recommended daily amount, to be determined by the FDA. Such determination shall be made assuming a person only consumes alkaline water and that human blood PH shall not exceed 7.3 for safety purposes. Any contradictory regulation or guidance previously issued by the FDA is hereby rescinded. This section shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #930 on: May 26, 2024, 06:33:41 AM »

Repeal wasteful Food Spending (RWSF)

1.) The National Culinary Heritage Promotion Act 2024 is hereby repealed.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #931 on: May 26, 2024, 06:36:14 AM »

Get Government out of the restaurant

1.) The No High Tech for Food Act is hereby repealed
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #932 on: May 27, 2024, 09:52:27 PM »

National Pizza Act

1. In recognition of the 50th state's iconic tradition, The Hawaiian Pizza, which shall have at least the toppings of Canadian Bacon and Pineapple, shall be the national pizza of Atlasia.

2. The ordering of such a pizza in any restaurant shall not be subject to sales tax by any jurisdiction.

Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #933 on: June 02, 2024, 08:25:54 PM »
« Edited: June 02, 2024, 08:30:27 PM by Attorney General & PPT Dwarven Dragon »

Save the Senate Amendment

Modify Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution as follows:

3. The Senate shall consist of eighteen Senators; nine elected at large and one elected for each region and each subregion. Effective July 6th, 2024, The Senate shall be permantely reduced to a size of twelve senators, six elected at-large and one for each subregion. However, this section shall not be construed to prevent any duly elected senator from completing any term to which they have been elected, with the full rights, powers, and privileges of said office.

Modify Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution as follows:


1. The manner of election for at-large Senators shall be as follows:
i. The nine six at-large Senators shall be elected for a term of two months by the eligible voters of the Republic according to a method of proportional representation prescribed by the Senate. Elections for the seats shall be held in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
ii. If no other method of proportional representation is prescribed by law, at-large Senate elections shall operate on single transferable vote.
iii. At-large Senate vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party, then a special election shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term. Effective July 6th, 2024, the seats of the members elected 7th, 8th, and 9th according to the June 2024 Election Results shall not be filled if they become vacant. Ties shall be broken according to most first preferences, then most second preferences, and so on. In the case of such a vacancy, such a seat will not be relevant to the question of passage or quorum on any matter before the Senate.

The manner of selection for regional Senators shall be as follows:
i. Each region shall elect a Senator for a term of four months by popular election of the region’s residents administered by the regional government in a manner prescribed by the legislature thereof. Regional Senate elections shall be held in the months of February, June, and October.
ii. Regional Senate vacancies occurring more than thirty days prior to the end of the term shall be filled by special election of the region’s residents administered by the regional government within twenty days of the vacancy.

iii. Regional Senate vacancies occurring within thirty days of the end of the term, as well as the interim between a vacancy and a prescribed special election, may be filled in accordance with the laws of the region in question; should no such law exist then the region’s executive shall have the power to make such an appointment. Effective July 6th, 2024, no remaining or future regional senate vacancy shall be filled. In the case of such a vacancy, such a seat will not be relevant to the question of passage or quorum on any matter before the Senate.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation

In accordance with declining activity in the game, this will reduce the size of the Senate to 12 seats, six at large and one from each subregion. It is implemented gradually to avoid holding elections to non-existent seats and provide time for affected senators to find their next role in the game.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #934 on: June 03, 2024, 06:21:21 PM »

officially recognizing indigenous nations and establishing an Office of Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations.


SECTION 1. Title

i. This act shall be known as the "Indigenous Nations Recognition Act".

SECTION 2. Official Recognition

i. In accordance with Article III Section 3 of the Constitution of Atlasia, the Republic of Atlasia officially recognizes the indigenous nation of Hawaiʻi, hereinafter "ka lāhui Hawaiʻi," as an Indigenous Nation of Atlasia, with all the rights, privileges, benefits and obligations that such designation may bestow.

ii. In accordance with Article III Section 3 of the Constitution of Atlasia, the Republic of Atlasia officially recognizes as Indigenous Nations of Atlasia all indigenous nations which were historically recognized by the United States at any point through treaties and government-to-government relations, notwithstanding their nonrecognition by the Office of Federal Acknowledgement, with all the rights, privileges, benefits and obligations that such designation may bestow.

SECTION 3. Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations

i. The Republic of Atlasia hereby establishes within the Executive branch an Office of Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations. The Office shall be tasked with gathering public testimony from the indigenous peoples who are the traditional and rightful stewards of the lands in what is now the legal jurisdiction of Atlasia in order to:
  • document indigenous historical memory;
  • infuse the official record of settler-indigenous encounters as previously and presently declared by the government with the truth as experienced by indigenous peoples;
  • develop curriculum recommendations for Atlasian public schools which critically addresses the history and legacy of settler colonialism in Atlasia, including the role of the U.S. and Atlasian governments and their officers in the genocide, dispossession, displacement, disenfranchisement and forced assimilation of indigenous peoples;
  • foster a genuine movement towards reconciliation between settlers and indigenous people that acknowledges rather than sidesteps the violence and trauma of settler colonialism;
  • issue policy recommendations to improve the material and socioeconomic conditions of indigenous peoples, protect the sacred lands, waters and resources of indigenous peoples from desecration and pollution, defend and expand indigenous political sovereignty and develop genuine government-to-government relationships between the Republic of Atlasia and indigenous nations; and,
  • under the leadership of indigenous elders and with the robust public input of indigenous communities, chart a path towards reparations for the genocide, dispossession, displacement and other crimes against humanity committed by the U.S., Atlasia and their respective regional, state and local governments against indigenous peoples.

ii. The Office of Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations established in the above section shall be allocated $100 million dollars annually.

SECTION 4. Implementation and Cost

i. This legislation shall take effect immediately.

ii. This legislation allocates a total of $100 million annually.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #935 on: June 03, 2024, 07:09:39 PM »

ending the Rim of the Pacific Exercise.


SECTION 1. Title

i. This act shall be known as the "Make the Pacific Pacific Again Act".


i. The Rim of the Pacific Exercise to be held in summer 2024 is hereby cancelled, and all future international maritime military exercises within the exclusive economic zone surrounding the Hawaiian Islands are hereby prohibited.

ii. This act takes effect immediately.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #936 on: June 10, 2024, 06:51:27 PM »

Anti-Censorship Resolution

1. It is the position of the Atlasian Senate that open debate on proposed legislation is essential to a functioning democracy.

2. It is the position of the Atlasian Senate that talkelections moderators should not censor or infract actual debate by Senators on pending legislation, regardless of such moderators' viewpoints on such debate.

3. It is the position of the Atlasian Senate that censorship of actual debate by Senators on pending legislation by talkelections moderators is tyrannical and that talkelections moderators who censor or infract actual debate by Senators on pending legislation are assholes.

4. Accordingly, the Senate hereby censures talkelections moderator Lumine for tyrannical acts of censoring and infracting actual debate by Senators on pending legislation.
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #937 on: June 26, 2024, 04:13:53 PM »
« Edited: July 01, 2024, 08:22:58 PM by Christian Man »

Prefilling until next session

Religious Expression Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the Rex Act.

Section B. Religious Expression

1. In recognition of the national motto of Atlasia passed on 30 July 1956,  all public schools operating within Atlasia must have the motto "In God We Trust" printed within the school.

2. Any teacher or school staff may post religious articles defined as slogans, signs, or quotes within their classroom as long as the materials do not make a reference to a particular religion. This includes materials that mention God without making a direct reference to Christianity.

Section C. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective January 2025

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #938 on: June 26, 2024, 04:15:24 PM »

Prefilling until next session:

The Protection Of Official Positions Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the Poop Act.

Section B. Maintaining our Institutions:

1. No member of the Supreme Court shall be expelled from their position without probable cause. Those being removed must have a majority of the senate to approve.

2. No game moderator shall be expelled from their position without a unanimous vote from the senate unless the other game moderator members have evidence of abuse of position or misconduct.

Section C. Protecting Minority Rights

1. No current or former member of the game defined as a current or former:
A. Regional lawmaker or national senators
B. Governor
C. Supreme Court Justice
D. President or Vice President

Shall be arrested without consent from the game moderation team or the Supreme Court.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #939 on: June 27, 2024, 05:06:35 PM »

Prefilling until next session:


Abolish Homeless Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the AH act.

Section B. Definition

Homeless: Defined as those living on the streets or in a homeless shelter.

Section C. Helping people get on their feet:
1. Homeless individuals will be given checks of $1,000 a month in order to assist towards finding housing and rent.

2. Those who have found a place to live will not be eligible for more checks for at least (1) year unless there is evidence of a note of eviction.

Section D. Implimentation:
This bill will take place starting in Janaury 2025.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #940 on: June 27, 2024, 05:12:42 PM »
« Edited: June 27, 2024, 06:00:55 PM by Christian Man »

Prefilling until next session

Cleaner Indoor Air Act:

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the CIA Act.

Section B. Definition:
Communal Housing: Defined as a space where multiple families or a large number of unrelated individuals are living within a common space. This includes apartments. dormitories, and prisons.

Commercial Spaces: For the purposes of this bill, Commercial Spaces are defined as businesses in which the general public can have entry into. This includes schools, stores, and concert halls.

Shared Spaces: Defined as areas such as hallways, aisles, and ticket/checkout areas where large groups of people can pass through or congregate in.

Public Transportation Vehicles: Includes school, charter, or city buses, trains, and subways.

Section C. Cleaner Air

All shared spaces of communal houses and commercial spaces, as well as public transportation vehicles must have the use of HEPA air filters installed within commonly shared spaces. These filters must be replaced annually within one year of its initial installation.

Section D. Implimentaiton:
This bill shall take place effective immediately.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #941 on: June 30, 2024, 10:16:31 AM »
« Edited: June 30, 2024, 03:05:31 PM by Christian Man »

Prefiling until next session:

Anti-Obstruction Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the AO act.

Section B. Definition:
Obstruction: Defined as a person who blocks a roadway or places objects with the intention of blocking a roadway for the purpose of rioting or protesting.
Transported Patient: Someone who is on route to a hospital in an ambulance.

Section C. Penalty:
Any person who obstructs a roadway and leads to a transported patient in an ambulance dying because they cannot reach a hospital will be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #942 on: June 30, 2024, 10:19:18 AM »
« Edited: July 01, 2024, 08:21:57 PM by Christian Man »

Prefiling until next session:

Show Yourselves Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the Shy Act

Section B. Definition
Mask: Anything used to conceal or attempt to conceal the identify of an individual.

Section C. Deterring Crime
Any individual who commits a crime wearing a mask will receive no fewer than a $60,000 fine alongside the other penalties for the crime committed.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #943 on: June 30, 2024, 10:35:48 AM »

Prefiling until next session:


Active Participation Act

Section A. This bill will be cited as the APA Act

Section B. Definition:
Post: A thread or reply

Section B. Eliminating Zombie Voting:
All registered voters must write at least 15 non-Atlasian related posts between the Monday following election day and the Tuesday before voting begins in order to be eligible to vote in the next election.

Section C. Implementation:
This bill shall take effect after the August 2024 midterms.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #944 on: July 05, 2024, 01:01:38 PM »

Prefilling until next session

Religious Expression Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the Rex Act.

Section B. Religious Expression

1. In recognition of the national motto of Atlasia passed on 30 July 1956,  all public schools operating within Atlasia must have the motto "In God We Trust" printed within the school.

2. Any teacher or school staff may post religious articles defined as slogans, signs, or quotes within their classroom as long as the materials do not make a reference to a particular religion. This includes materials that mention God without making a direct reference to Christianity.

Section C. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective January 2025

Following the declaration of EO 61:30, this proposed legislation has been declared obsolete.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #945 on: July 05, 2024, 01:25:59 PM »

Prefiling until next session:

Show Yourselves Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the Shy Act

Section B. Definition
Mask: Anything used to conceal or attempt to conceal the identify of an individual.

Section C. Deterring Crime
Any individual who commits a crime wearing a mask will receive no fewer than a $60,000 fine alongside the other penalties for the crime committed.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately

Prefiling until next session:

Anti-Obstruction Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the AO act.

Section B. Definition:
Obstruction: Defined as a person who blocks a roadway or places objects with the intention of blocking a roadway for the purpose of rioting or protesting.
Transported Patient: Someone who is on route to a hospital in an ambulance.

Section C. Penalty:
Any person who obstructs a roadway and leads to a transported patient in an ambulance dying because they cannot reach a hospital will be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately.

I would like to co-sponsor both of these bills.
Brooks Brothers Republican
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« Reply #946 on: July 05, 2024, 01:42:52 PM »

Automobile Tailfin Litigation Exemption Act

1. Automobile Manufacturer is exempt from liability related to the tailfin style feature of their automobiles. Violation of current regulations safety guidelines will void this litigation protection.

2. Private persons owning an automobile with the aforementioned tailfins are exempt from litigation suits in all cases except the following :
     - Use of tailfins to intentionally injure persons,
     - Use of tailfins to intentionally damage property,
     - Any other forms of violent aggression using tailfins.

3. Law applies to all automobiles with tailfins, tailfins made prior to an update in the law concerning safety regulations are still exempt from litigation.

4. This bill takes effect immediately upon passage by the Senate.
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #947 on: July 05, 2024, 03:08:09 PM »

Prefiling until next session:

Show Yourselves Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the Shy Act

Section B. Definition
Mask: Anything used to conceal or attempt to conceal the identify of an individual.

Section C. Deterring Crime
Any individual who commits a crime wearing a mask will receive no fewer than a $60,000 fine alongside the other penalties for the crime committed.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately

Prefiling until next session:

Anti-Obstruction Act

Section A. This bill shall be cited as the AO act.

Section B. Definition:
Obstruction: Defined as a person who blocks a roadway or places objects with the intention of blocking a roadway for the purpose of rioting or protesting.
Transported Patient: Someone who is on route to a hospital in an ambulance.

Section C. Penalty:
Any person who obstructs a roadway and leads to a transported patient in an ambulance dying because they cannot reach a hospital will be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Section D. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately.

I would like to co-sponsor both of these bills.
No objection
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #948 on: July 13, 2024, 09:03:13 PM »

Note: This bill was originally drafted by the OP and I have agreed to sponsor it in the senate.

Universal Legislature Amendment

Definition: For the sake of his document, General Court and Parliament are synonymous as well as Governor and Prince depending on the region.

Article I

1. All legislative powers granted herein shall be vested in the general public.

2. The General Court shall consist of all citizens of a region

3. No person shall be a deputy of the General Court who is not a citizen of this region

4. The General Court shall elect its speaker and other officers and shall have sole authority to determine its own methods of proceedings.

5. Every bill passed by the General Court shall, before it becomes law, be submitted to the judgment of the governor. If they approve of it, they should sign it and it will become law; but if they disapprove they may veto it, and it shall be returned to the General Court. If, after considering the objections of the governor, the General Court should by a two-thirds vote agree to pass the same bill, it shall become law regardless of the governor's objections. If the governor shall not act to sign or veto a bill, it shall become law seven (7) days after its adoption by the General Court. The Governor shall have the authority to submit revisions to passed legislation, if they deem fit, and return it to the electorate for reconsideration. If the redrafted bill is rejected by the General Court, and the original bill passed the General Court by a two-thirds margin, the original bill shall be sent to referendum. If the redrafted bill is rejected by the General Court, and the original bill passed by less than two-thirds, the Governor shall be compelled to sign or veto the original bill.

The General Court may, by a two-thirds vote, impeach and remove the governor for gross negligence or criminal acts; but the governor shall not be convicted without the concurrence of four-fifths of all sitting deputies, and the penalty for his conviction shall not exceed removal from office and disbarment from holding any office under this region for eighteen months.
6. In the event of a tied vote of the General Court, the governor shall have the power to break the tie.
Where the text above or below references a two-thirds margin, it shall be construed to refer to the support of two-thirds of all voting deputies
Article IV

3. Candidates for governor  and federal Senate must declare their candidacy in the appropriate thread by 2:00:00 PM, Eastern Time, on the Thursday preceding the election in order to appear on the ballot.
Except in the month of December, elections for governor and federal Senate shall begin on the penultimate Friday of the given month. In December, all elections shall begin on the second Friday of the month. Special Elections are scheduled by the Governor at any date that they deem fit. In all cases, voting shall begin at 12:00:00 AM, Eastern Time, on the appointed day and continue for 72 hours hence.
Following the expiration of the voting period, the election administrator shall have 24 hours to produce a tally of the votes cast and to announce the persons elected.
4. All elections shall be by single transferable vote, unless otherwise specified by law.
5. The terms of the Governor and General Court shall begin at 12:00:00 Eastern Time on the first Wednesday following their election. Prior to assuming office, the governor shall swear the following oath or equivalent: “I, [A.B.], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of [state office name] and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitutions of their respected regions and the Republic of Atlasia.” Any person elected to office under this constitution who shall fail to swear or affirm the aforesaid within 72 hours of the constitutional commencement of their term, shall forfeit their office.
6. All referendums on proposed amendments to this constitution and to the constitution of the Republic of Atlasia shall begin on the first Friday following their passage by the appropriate body; but if the passage shall occur on a Thursday, the referendum shall begin on the second Friday following passage. The appropriate election administrator shall open the voting booth at 12:00:00 AM, Eastern Time. Voting shall continue for 72 hours, and no vote cast more than 72 hours after the voting booth was opened shall be considered valid.
In all referendums, a “YES” vote shall be considered a vote in favor of passing the referendum and a “NO” vote shall be considered a vote against passing the referendum. Abstentions shall not affect the results of the referendum. In all cases, a simple majority of those voting “YES” or “NO” shall be required to pass the referendum.
7. If a Special Election for any office is scheduled to occur 168 hours or fewer before a Regular Election for any office, it shall be:
- Held Concurrently with said regular election if for a different office than the regular election - Cancelled if said regular election is for the same office, with the acting official serving the rest of the term.

-The South will be exempt from any changes made within this amendment.
RFayette 🇻🇦
Junior Chimp
Posts: 9,987
United States

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« Reply #949 on: July 15, 2024, 10:13:29 PM »

Stand Up For Life Act

Section 1. Federal Fetal Heartbeat Protection

1. It shall be a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than five (5) years and no more than twenty (20) years and a fine of $100,000.00 for any person in the Atlasia to purposefully, knowingly, or recklessly perform, induce, or prescribe or dispense drugs to perform or induce, an abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat.

2. This prohibition shall not apply if the abortion is performed or induced when necessary to preserve the life of the mother, or when necessary to prevent serious physical harm to the mother, or when the fetus has been diagnosed with a lethal fetal abnormality, or when the pregnancy was caused by rape. The mother of the unborn child shall not be subject to any criminal or civil liability under this act.

3. For purposes of this act, a spontaneous miscarriage, the removal of a deceased fetus, or the removal of an ectopic pregnancy as defined by law shall not be considered an abortion.

Section 2. Ban on Bigoted Abortions

1. Any abortion performed due to the race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the unborn baby is against the public policy of Atlasia and is hereby prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any physician, healthcare worker, entity, or organization to perform or offer a referral for any abortion prohibited by this act.

2. A violation of this section shall be a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than five (5) years and no more than twenty (20) years and a fine of $100,000.00.

3. To fight systemic bigotry, no person, entity, or organization that performs or offers referrals for abortions shall be eligible to receive federal funds if the Attorney General finds that such person, entity, or organization demonstrates a pattern of performing or offering referrals for abortions to persons of any particular race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity in any year at a rate disproportionately higher than the total state population share of such race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Section 3. Stopping Infanticide

1. Any human child born alive during or after an abortion or attempted abortion shall have the same rights, privileges, and immunities as any other person, citizen, and resident of the Republic of Atlasia, including any other live-born child.

2. It shall be a felony punishable by imprisonment for no more than five (5) years and a fine of $25,000.00 for any licensed, registered, or certified health care provider to knowingly, recklessly, or negligently cause the death of a child born alive during or after an abortion or attempted abortion. Further, such provider shall be ineligible to receive federal reimbursement funds or participate as a provider in federal healthcare programs for no less than five (5) years.

3. Any licensed, registered, or certified health care provider present at the time a child is born alive during or after an abortion or attempted abortion shall exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious provider would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age or fetal weight, as well as ensure that the child is transported and admitted to a hospital following such care if necessary.

Section 4. Repealing Anti-Life Bills

1. SB 118-21: Euthanasia Regional Autonomy Act of 2023 is hereby repealed, effective immediately.
2. SB 115-11 Right To Choose Act is hereby repealed, effective immediately.
3. The Reproductive Health Expansion Act is hereby repealed, effective immediately.
4. The SB 22-24: Global Advocacy and Voice Protection Act is hereby repealed, effective immediately.

Section 5. Defending Advocates for Life

1. Any governmental entity, any government contractor or subcontractor, or any entity which receives federal funds, may not take any adverse action against any person based wholly or partly on a person's belief or action in accordance with the person's sincerely held beliefs or convictions regarding abortion.

Section 6. Operability

1. This act shall take effect immediately

2. All sections of this act shall be severable from each other
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