Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #900 on: January 29, 2024, 11:23:32 AM »

Support Our Hunters Act

Section 1: This Bill shall be referred to as "Support Our Hunters Act"

Section 2: Tax Credit
1) The Atlasian Tax Code shall be modified to create a "Hunter Tax Credit"

2) To qualify for the Hunter Tax Credit, a federal taxpayer must:
-Have a Social Security number
-Be over the age of 18
-Have obtained a valid hunting license in their respective state of residence

3) The value of the Hunter Tax Credit will be $50 and will be a refundable credit.

Section 3. Implementation:
This bill will take effect before the next Tax Day
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #901 on: January 29, 2024, 11:31:16 AM »

This appears to have been written by Pyro once upon a time, but I would like to reintroduce the following:

Senate Resolution
To End Selective Service

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:

Quote from: Article I

Section 6
Neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crimes of which the accused has been duly convicted, shall exist within the Republic of Atlasia, nor in any place under its jurisdiction, nor may any conscription into the armed forces or selective draft or other form of compulsory service be instituted. , unless approved by a public referendum in which at least three-fifths of the votes in each of the three regions are in the affirmative. The President shall have the sole authority to authorize the draft referendum.


Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This Constitutional Amendment prohibits selective service. Military conscription, or as it more commonly known, "the draft," is the forced enlistment of Atlasian citizens into the armed forces. Legislation had been passed some years ago to eliminate this practice, however integrating this with the First Article of the Constitution shall represent a permanent end to conscription in the Republic and reinforce our commitment to peace.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #902 on: January 29, 2024, 04:26:23 PM »
« Edited: January 29, 2024, 04:47:55 PM by Laki »

Freedom for the People of the Pacific

Section 1. Title
1. This bill will be cited as the Freedom for the People of the Pacific Act

Section 2. Referenda
1. The following overseas areas will have the right to organize referenda to determine their future in the republic of Atlasia: American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Alaska
a. full independence
b. remaining within the union but greater autonomy
2. The question of the referendum will be as follows: What do you believe should be the future of the state of X? (insert name of respective state/territory for X)
a. Full independence within five years
b. Greater autonomy within the Republic of Atlasia
3. Voting procedure will be as normal according to Atlasian election laws, and a simple majority is needed of the voters for one of the two options of the voters that turned out for one of those two options to win. Voting is entirely done by NPC populations/characters.

Section 3. Passage
1. Upon passage in favour of full independence, they'll get five (5) years the time to leave the union, those five years will be used to draft a new constitution, determine election laws, choose a currency and choose how they prefer future relations with the republic of atlasia, including a plan for their defense and the degree of economic aid from the republic of atlasia, based on negotiations
2. The Republic of Atlasia does not have the right to revoke this bill when a referendum for independence or greater autonomy and when this bill have passed.

Section 4. Decolonization
1. The Republic of Atlasia will firmly support a decolonization process globally and ally with anti-imperialist nations worldwide, granting economic & military aid to those who choose to separate and economically sanctioning those oppressing nations that do not comply.

Section 5. Territorial restructuring
1. Johnston Island is restructured within the Hawaiian State, effective immediately after passage.
2. Wake Island is restructured within the juridisiction of the Marshall Islands, effective immediately after passage

Section 6. Recognition of claims
1. The republic of Atlasia does not further claim the Guano islands, and recognise the Colombian claims on Bajo Nuevo Bank and Serranilla Bank
2. Control of Baker Island, Howland Island, Javer Island, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll and its infrastructure is given to the republic of Kiribati, to be transferred within seven days after passage of this law.

Section 7. Apologies
1. The senate of the Republic of Atlasia expresses its deep regret and sorrow for violations made in the past and in its history that can be considered imperialist and/or colonialist.

Section 8. Census provision
1. People registered - within the game - in any of those states or territories that might secede will upon secession be automatically registered in the largest populated state in the region of where the state seceded, without the need for an additional post in the "new register thread". Additionally, under no circumstances shall this bill be interpreted to deny someones voting rights or participation in the game.

Section 9. Implementation:
1. Upon passage, the game moderators shall be tasked with the simulation of the referenda and further actions.
2. To comply with the Atlasian criminal law, it is re-iterated that intimidation of game moderators, defined as repeatedly trying to influence the game moderators in their task to simulate and handle the process is a criminal offense.

If the senate wants to be serious about this, this is a bit more concrete.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #903 on: January 29, 2024, 11:01:33 PM »

Bestiality Is Baaad Act

1. As used in this act "Bestiality device" means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person to, upon any federal property or leasehold, over federal electromagnetic spectrum, through the postal service, upon or over the property, facilities, utilities, vehicles, networks, or conveyances of any federally owned or regulated common carrier or internet service provider, or participate or travel in interstate or foreign commerce to manufacture, import, transport, sell, finance, produce, publish, distribute, advertise, or possess with intent to manufacture, transport, sell, finance, produce, publish, distribute, or advertise any bestiality device or any obscene item depicting or purporting to depict a person using a bestiality device.
3. A violation of this act shall be classified as a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than one (1) and no more than ten (10) years, a fine of no more than $100,000.00, and disgorgement of any profits. Any person convicted of a subsequent violation of this act shall be required to register as a sex offender and shall be ordered to attend an appropriate treatment program or obtain psychiatric or psychological counseling.

4. Any prohibited item seized pursuant to the enforcement of this law shall be subject to forfeiture.

5. It is the position of the Senate that the term Non-Human Animal used in the Preventing Degeneracy Act (SB 113-8) is not vague for purposes of federal rulemaking.

6. Accordingly, the definition of Non-Human Animal offered in Executive Order 57:08 (Cao, 2023) is hereby rejected and rescinded.

7. This act shall take effect ten (10) days from the date of passage.
Atlas Icon
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Vatican City State

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« Reply #904 on: January 30, 2024, 09:15:56 AM »

Efficient Use of Education Funds Act

1. No federal funds shall be awarded to any daycare, summer camp, Pre-School, Kindergarten, or Elementary, Middle, Junior High, or High School if such program or school provides litter boxes for use by students claiming to identify as non-human animals.

2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #905 on: January 30, 2024, 09:25:29 AM »

Age of Culpability Act

1. For purposes of any federal criminal prosecution, a minor child aged ten (10) years or older shall generally be deemed to be capable of criminal culpability for purposes of establishing the mens rea required for a conviction. The defense may rebut this presumption for any minor child aged at least ten (10) years but less than twelve (12) years. The defense may not rebut this presumption for any minor child aged at least twelve (12) years but less than eighteen (18 ) years.

2. Nothing in this act shall limit any civil lawsuit arising from the otherwise criminal conduct of a minor child. In any such civil lawsuit, the parents or guardians of the minor child shall be jointly and severally liable for any damages awarded due to the otherwise criminal conduct of their minor child.

3. This act shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of passage.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #906 on: January 30, 2024, 09:32:36 PM »

Since people really want this to be on the ballot for february

Secession Amendment

Article II, Section 2 of the Fifth Constitution is hereby removed
No region or other entity under the jurisdiction of this Constitution at the date of its original adoption shall secede from this Republic, nor shall any Region, state, or other entity declare itself outside the jurisdiction of this Constitution.
RFayette 🇻🇦
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« Reply #907 on: February 02, 2024, 03:06:51 PM »

Don't Eat Da Poopoo Act

1. It shall be unlawful for any person to, upon any federal property or leasehold, over federal electromagnetic spectrum, through the postal service, upon or over the property, facilities, utilities, vehicles, networks, or conveyances of any federally owned or regulated common carrier or internet service provider, or participate or travel in interstate or foreign commerce to engage in, produce, distribute, publish, sell transmit, finance, advertise, possess with the intent to produce, distribute, publish, sell, transmit, finance, or advertise, or make any attempt to produce, distribute, publish, sell, transmit, finance, or advertise an obscene item or display depicting or purporting to depict a person engaging in, promoting, or suffering from  coprophagia, urophagia, emetophagia, or hemophagia.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly finance or attempt or prepare to finance any item or criminal act prohibited by this law. For purposes of this provision, knowingly finance includes but is not limited to processing or facilitating payments by any bank, credit card company, or payment processor to any business, company, or website that hosts any item prohibited by this law if such bank, credit card company, or payment processor has been informed of such hosting by the Attorney General of Atlasia or of any Region in Atlasia, by any court in Atlasia, by any law enforcement officer pursuant to an investigation, or by a sworn affidavit by any person that is easily or readily verifiable.

3. A violation of this act shall be classified as a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than one (1) and no more than ten (10) years, a fine of no more than $100,000.00, and disgorgement of any profits. Any person convicted of a violation of this act shall be required to register as a sex offender an shall be ordered to attend an appropriate treatment program or obtain psychiatric or psychological counseling.

4. Any prohibited item seized pursuant to the enforcement of this law shall be subject to forfeiture.

5. This act shall take effect ten (10) days from the date of passage.
RFayette 🇻🇦
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« Reply #908 on: February 02, 2024, 03:07:58 PM »

Religious Liberty Act

1. As used in this act:

A. Adverse action means any action taken by a governmental entity to: withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any grant, contract, subcontract, cooperative agreement, loan, scholarship, license, registration, accreditation, employment, or other similar status from or to a person; withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any benefit provided under a benefit program from or to a person; alter in any way the tax treatment of, cause any tax, penalty, or payment assessment against, or deny, delay, or revoke a tax exemption of a person; disallow a tax deduction for any charitable contribution made to or by a person; deny admission to, equal treatment in, or eligibility for a degree from an educational program or institution to a person; or withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny access to a property, educational institution, speech forum, or charitable fund-raising campaign from or to a person.            

B. Benefit program means any program administered or funded by a governmental entity or federal agency that provides assistance in the form of payments, grants, loans, or loan guarantees.            

C. Governmental entity includes but is not limited to any department or agency of the Atlasian government, any contractor or subcontractor of a governmental entity acting within the scope of the contract, and any airport or airport authority recieving federal funds or financing from a governmental entity.                

2. Notwithstanding any other law, a governmental entity may not take any adverse action against any person based wholly or partly on a person's belief or action in accordance with the person's sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction, including beliefs or convictions regarding abortion or marriage.

3. A person may assert an actual or threatened violation of this act as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and obtain: compensatory damages; injunctive relief; declaratory relief; and any other appropriate relief, including reasonable attorney's fees.

4. Notwithstanding any other law, a person may commence an action under this section and relief may be granted regardless of whether the person has sought or exhausted available administrative

5. This act shall take effect immediately.
RFayette 🇻🇦
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« Reply #909 on: February 02, 2024, 03:08:59 PM »

Discouraging Animal Abuse Act

1. As used in this act "Bestiality device" means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person to, upon any federal property or leasehold, over federal electromagnetic spectrum, through the postal service, upon or over the property, facilities, utilities, vehicles, networks, or conveyances of any federally owned or regulated common carrier or internet service provider, or participate or travel in interstate or foreign commerce to manufacture, import, transport, sell, finance, produce, publish, distribute, advertise, or possess with intent to manufacture, transport, sell, finance, produce, publish, distribute, or advertise any bestiality device or any obscene item depicting or purporting to depict a person using a bestiality device.
3. A violation of this act shall be classified as a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than one (1) and no more than ten (10) years, a fine of no more than $100,000.00, and disgorgement of any profits. Any person convicted of a subsequent violation of this act shall be required to register as a sex offender and as an animal abuser and shall be ordered to attend an appropriate treatment program or obtain psychiatric or psychological counseling.

4. Any person convicted of a crime requiring registration as an animal abuser or as a sex offender shall be prohibited from owning or possesing a bestiality device.

5. Any prohibited item seized pursuant to the enforcement of this law shall be subject to forfeiture. Any bestiality device discovered in the ownership or possession of a person who is prohibited from so owning or possessing shall be subject to immediate seizure and forfeiture.

6. This act shall take effect ten (10) days from the date of passage.
Deep Dixieland Senator, Muad'dib (OSR MSR)
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« Reply #910 on: February 02, 2024, 11:21:26 PM »

Deport Perverts Act

1. Any unnaturalized alien present in the territorial boundaries of the Republic of Atlasia shall be subject to immediate deportation upon conviction of any federal, Regional, or State crime requiring registration as a sex offender.

2. Any unnaturalized alien present in the territorial boundaries of the Republic of Atlasia shall be subject to immediate deportation upon conviction of any federal, Regional, or State crime requiring registration with an animal abuse registry or upon conviction for manufacturing, selling, or teansferring a bestiality device.

3. As used in this Act, bestiality device means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

4. 8 U.S. Code § 1227 shall be amended accordingly.

5. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply both prospectively and retrospectively.
Deep Dixieland Senator, Muad'dib (OSR MSR)
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« Reply #911 on: February 03, 2024, 04:58:52 AM »

Government Decency Act

1. As used in this act:

A. Lawful obscenity means any fully or partially obscene material, obscene performance, or material or performance which is obscene as to minors or adult entertainment, as defined by Atlasian and Regional law, where applicable, which is protected by the Atlasian Constitution.

B. Bestiality device means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person to ship or mail any lawful obscenity or bestiality device through the Atlasian Postal Service, or through any interstate parcel transportation or parcel delivery service operating in interstate commerce unless, in the case of lawful obscenity, such obscenity is concealed from public view.

3. No federal funds may be expended for the purpose of or in furtherance of the sale, distribution, conducting, broadcasting, or displaying of any lawful obscenity or bestiality device, including but not limited to in any military exchange, prison store, college, school, library, or museum.

4. No public correctional facility, college, school, library, or museum that receives federal funds shall sell, distribute, conduct, broadcast, or display any lawful obscenity or bestiality device unless, in the case of lawful obscenity, minors are prohibited from viewing or accessing such  obscenity. Verification must include the presentation by any person seeking to view or access the lawful obscenity of a valid government-issued photo ID that includes such person's age thereon.

5. A violation of this act shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than 1 year, and a fine of $10,000 per violation.

6. This act shall take effect 90 days after the date of passage.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #912 on: February 03, 2024, 06:33:08 PM »

Double Majority Amendment
Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:

Article IX, Section 1 of the Atlasian Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Section 1. Amendment.

The Senate, whenever two thirds of its membership shall deem it necessary, shall have power to propose amendments to this Constitution, which shall take effect following their ratification by two thirds of the several Regions, provided a majority of the voters nationwide also approve the Amendment.
Amendment Explanation

This amendment requires that a majority of the popular vote also agree to a constitutional amendment instead of merely a majority of the popular vote in two Regions.
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« Reply #913 on: February 13, 2024, 06:01:04 PM »

Stopping Sexual Violence Act

1. No defendant in any federal criminal trial shall be permitted to raise or offer as a defense that such defendant lacked culpability or mens rea as a result of voluntarily participating in sadomadochistic, dominance and submission, roleplay, or other sexually fetishistic conduct.

2. For purposes of federal criminal sentencing, if any person is convicted of rape, sexual assault, or any attempt or conspiracy to commit rape or sexual assault, and such person uses a bestality device during the commission of such crime, then such person, in addition to any mandatory minimum sentence imposed for rape or sexual assault, shall also be subject to a non-concurrent mandatory minimum sentence equivalent to that imposed for bestiality.

3. For purposes of federal criminal sentencing, if any person is convicted of a crime requiring registration as a sex offender, such person shall be prohibited from owning or possessing any bestiality device. Any such bestiality device discovered in the ownership or possession of a registered sex offender shall be subject to immediate seizure and forfeiture.

4. As used in this Act, bestiality device means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

5. This act shall take effect immediately.

Sequoyah Statehood Amendment

1. Effective July 1, 2024 Anno Domini the new State of Sequoyah is hereby authorized to be created consisting of the territory of the following existing counties of the State of Oklahoma:

Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Haskell, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, Le Flore, Love, Marshall, Mayes, McClain, McCurtain, McIntosh, Murray, Muskogee, Niwata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Rogers, Seminole, Sequoyah, Watie, Wagoner, Washington, and Washington.

2. Until such time as a new State Constitution may be adopted or enacted, the Constitution of Oklahoma, all existing State and local laws, and all Tribal governing documents and laws shall remain in effect, and all office holders shall remain in office for the duration of any existing term. Until a special election may be conducted, the chief executive of the State of Sequoyah shall be the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

3. The title to all property belonging to the State of Oklahoma located within the new State of Sequoyah shall escheat to the State of Sequoyah. The current debt, obligations, and funds of the State of Oklahoma shall be shared with the State of Sequoyah on a per capita basis.

4. For purposes of Art. VII, Sec. 2, Cl. 1 of the Atlasian Constitution, the ratification of the Constitutional Amendment adopted herein by the Southern Region shall be considered to fulfill the requirement that the State of Oklahoma consents to the creation of such new State.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Atlasian Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Section 1. The Regions.


3. The southern Region shall consist of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico Richport, Sequoyah, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

The Upper Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

The Deep Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto Rico Richport, South Carolina, and Texas

Amendment Explanation

This amendment creates the new State of Sequoyah and corrects a typographical error in the spelling of the name of the State of Richport.

Build the Wall Act

1. The Atlasian government is hereby authorized to expend $20 billion dollars for the acquisition of land adjacent to the southern border with Mexico and the construction thereon of a sturdy, permanent barricade to reduce illegal border crossings.

2. It shall be unlawful for any person entering Atlasia across an international border to import or possess a bestiality device during such entry, regardless of immigration status of such person. Any bestiality device discovered at any border checkpoint shall be deemed contraband and subject to immediate seizure and forfeiture.

3. As used in this Act, bestiality device means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

4. This act shall take effect immediately.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #914 on: February 20, 2024, 06:41:14 PM »
« Edited: February 20, 2024, 06:49:27 PM by LAKISYLVANIA »

ABCMA Amendment Reintroduction Act
1. SB 113-21, also known as "ABCMA Amendment Act," is hereby restored in its entirety and the treaty is restored to this state

The following amendments will be added to SB 113-21 when re-activated.

2. Any existing player registered in Wales, Gibralter, Northern Ireland, Scotland or England will be auto-moved to the largest populated state in its subregion.

3. This act shall be in no way interpreted to deny someone's voting rights in the republic of Atlasia


Should not cause issues again, since no-one is registered in England, Wales, Northern Ireland & Scotland at the moment and the one user in Gibraltar wants to deregister and will probably do this today or tomorrow. I think with a declining base, it makes no sense to further split the voter base in more states. It's not realistic.

Other than that, the treaty with the UK remains in place. It just removes the registration burden and there'll be no issues since no-one will be registered in any of those states.

GM Team Member and Senator WB
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« Reply #915 on: February 22, 2024, 10:32:33 PM »

prefiling this version of the amendment. As this removes the objectionable area regarding Puerto Rico, it should pass. Any conversation regarding Puerto Rico can be addressed in a different bill or amendment.

Sequoyah Statehood Amendment

1. Effective July 1, 2024 Anno Domini the new State of Sequoyah is hereby authorized to be created consisting of the territory of the following existing counties of the State of Oklahoma:

Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Haskell, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, Le Flore, Love, Marshall, Mayes, McClain, McCurtain, McIntosh, Murray, Muskogee, Niwata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Rogers, Seminole, Sequoyah, Watie, Wagoner, Washington, and Washington.

2. Until such time as a new State Constitution may be adopted or enacted, the Constitution of Oklahoma, all existing State and local laws, and all Tribal governing documents and laws shall remain in effect, and all office holders shall remain in office for the duration of any existing term. Until a special election may be conducted, the chief executive of the State of Sequoyah shall be the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

3. The title to all property belonging to the State of Oklahoma located within the new State of Sequoyah shall escheat to the State of Sequoyah. The current debt, obligations, and funds of the State of Oklahoma shall be shared with the State of Sequoyah on a per capita basis.

4. For purposes of Art. VII, Sec. 2, Cl. 1 of the Atlasian Constitution, the ratification of the Constitutional Amendment adopted herein by the Southern Region shall be considered to fulfill the requirement that the State of Oklahoma consents to the creation of such new State.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Atlasian Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Section 1. The Regions.


3. The southern Region shall consist of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Sequoyah, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

The Upper Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Amendment Explanation

This amendment creates the new State of Sequoyah.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #916 on: March 04, 2024, 05:03:48 PM »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to permit the practice of dueling and subsequent effects between mutually consenting Atlasians.

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Constitution shall be amended as follows:

Let There Be Duels Amendment

The following Section is to be incorporated under Article VI of the Fifth Constitution:

Section 2. Dueling

1. Should there be a mutual agreement, any two Atlasians may engage in a duel.

2. Duels shall take place in a single match of any online game agreed upon by the participants, so long as the game can be fully recorded for independent verification.

3. A replay of the game must be saved and shared with others to confirm the duel happened and who won and who lost.

4. Whoever loses the duel shall be removed as a registered voter and prohibited from re-registering for a period of one week to two months, whichever the duelers mutually decide. Duelists may also agree to different terms provided that the agreement is made in public before the time of the duel. No citizen may be prohibited from re-registering for a period of longer than two months as the result of a duel.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This Constitutional Amendment enshrines the right for two Atlasians to mutually agree to a duel between each other. Such duels are to take place under a single match, of which the result shall be independently verified. The losing participant in a duel shall automatically be deregistered for a mutually agreed period of at least one week but no more than two months. Upon the conclusion of said period, the losing duelist may re-register at personal whim.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #917 on: March 04, 2024, 05:08:11 PM »
« Edited: March 04, 2024, 05:37:45 PM by Pyro »

Freedom of Expression Act


to penalize private companies that engage in discrimination

Be it enacted,

Section I: Definitions

1. Adverse action means any action taken by a private company, corporation, or LLC to -
a. Withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any grant, contract, subcontract, cooperative agreement, loan, scholarship, license, registration, accreditation, employment, or other similar status from or to a person; withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any benefit from or to a person; deny admission to, equal treatment in, or eligibility for a degree from an educational program or institution to a person; or withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny access to a property, educational institution, speech forum, or charitable fund-raising campaign from or to a person.            

Section II: Actions

1. A private company, corporation, or LLC may not take any adverse action against any person based wholly or partly on a person's gender identity or sexual orientation. The federal government shall maintain the right to take adverse action against any private company, corporation, or LLC that is in violation of Section 1 of this law.

2. A person may assert an actual or threatened violation of this act as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and obtain: compensatory damages; injunctive relief; declaratory relief; and any other appropriate relief, including reasonable attorney's fees.

3. Notwithstanding any other law, a person may commence an action under this section and relief may be granted regardless of whether the person has sought or exhausted available administrative proceeding and obtain: compensatory damages; injunctive relief; declaratory relief; and any other appropriate relief, including reasonable attorney's fees.  

4. All affected statute shall be amended accordingly.

Section III: Implementation

1. This act shall take effect immediately.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #918 on: March 04, 2024, 05:13:49 PM »
« Edited: March 04, 2024, 05:39:48 PM by Pyro »

Banning Books Bad Act


to end the practice of banning access to reading materials due to partisan disapproval

Be it enacted,

Section I: Book Ban Penalties

1. No federal funds shall be awarded to any municipal, county, state, or regional library if such library bans or restricts access to a book or other resource within the library's collection because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

2. No federal funds shall be awarded to any municipal, county, state, or regional library if such library fails to adopt a policy that prohibits the practice of banning or restricting access to a specific book or resource because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

3. Notwithstanding any regional or federal law to the contrary, a board of education of a school district shall not ban or restrict access to a book or other resource within a school library's collection because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
a. The SubDepartment of Education is hereby authorized to withhold all of part of any federal aid paid to any school district for a board of education's failure to comply with the provisions of this law.

Section II: Implementation

1. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #919 on: March 04, 2024, 05:14:43 PM »

Raise the Wage Act


To gradually increase the federal minimum wage

Be it enacted,

Section I: The Minimum Wage

1. 29 U.S.C shall be amended as follows:

Quote from: §206(a)(1)
(1) except as otherwise provided in this section, not less than $15.00 $19.50 an hour;

2. F.L. 29-18 Rewarding Hard Work Act shall be amended as follows:

Quote from: §3.1a
a) Starting from January 1, 2022 2024, the federal minimum wage shall increase by $2 $1.50 at the start of each year until it reaches $15 $19.50.

Section II: Implementation

1. This act takes effect immediately.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #920 on: March 04, 2024, 05:17:03 PM »

Commonsense Reproductive Protections Act


to institute commonsense reproductive health measures

Be it enacted,

Section I: Reinstate

1. SB 115-11 Right to Choose Act is hereby reinstated.

Section II: Repeal

1. SB 118-40 Literally Infanticide Act is hereby repealed.
2. SB 118-61 Hate Has No Home Here Act is hereby repealed.

Section III: Reform

1. SB 117-40: Preservation of the Most Vulnerable Act is hereby modified as follows:

Section B. Definitions:
Fetal disability: Any disability, syndrome, or disease that is identified in the womb.
Lethal: Defined as having a 75% or higher chance of resulting in fetal death before birth or within 168 hours thereafter, or reducing life expectancy by more than 60%, as certified by a licensed physician.
Section C. Abortions performed because of a fetal disability will be banned unless the fetal disability is lethal as defined above, such disability is a heart defect, or if it can be demonstrated that a) the abortion is otherwise legal, and b) the abortion would have been sought even if the fetal disability did not exist.


Section IV: Implementation

1. This act takes effect immediately.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #921 on: March 04, 2024, 05:26:48 PM »
« Edited: March 04, 2024, 05:33:48 PM by Pyro »

Amendment to Stopping Sexual Violence Act


to modify recent legislation regarding criminal activity

Be it enacted,

Section I: Reform

1. SB 119-26 Stopping Sexual Violence Act is hereby modified as follows:

Stopping Sexual Violence Act

1. No defendant in any federal criminal trial concerning a violent crime shall be permitted to raise or offer as a defense that such defendant lacked culpability or mens rea as a result of voluntarily participating in sadomadochistic, dominance and submission, roleplay, or other sexually fetishistic conduct.

2. For purposes of federal criminal sentencing, if any person is convicted of rape, sexual assault, or any attempt or conspiracy to commit rape or sexual assault, and such person uses a bestality device during the commission of such crime, then such person, in addition to any mandatory minimum sentence imposed for rape or sexual assault, shall also be subject to a non-concurrent mandatory minimum sentence equivalent to that imposed for bestiality.

3. For purposes of federal criminal sentencing, if any person is convicted of a crime requiring registration as a sex offender, such person shall be prohibited from owning or possessing any bestiality device. Any such bestiality device discovered in the ownership or possession of a registered sex offender shall be subject to immediate seizure and forfeiture.

4. As used in this Act, bestiality device means any sexually explicit sculpture, toy, or other object that is designed or sculpted to appear as the genitalia or sex organs of a non-human animal, including but not limited to a fictitious, mythical, or anthropomorphized animal. This shall not include any equipment utilized in veterinary science or animal husbandry or breeding.

2 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

Section II: Implementation

1. This act takes effect immediately.
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« Reply #922 on: March 26, 2024, 09:33:23 PM »

An Amendment
To close loopholes in senate vacancy appointments

Be it enacted by two-thirds of the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled, and at least two-thirds of the Regions henceforth;
1. The title of this resolution shall be the Senate Vacancy Amendment Act
2. Section 2, article 1 of the constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:
1. The manner of election for at-large Senators shall be as follows:

    i. The nine at-large Senators shall be elected for a term of two months by the eligible voters of the Republic according to a method of proportional representation prescribed by the Senate. Elections for the seats shall be held in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
    ii. If no other method of proportional representation is prescribed by law, at-large Senate elections shall operate on single transferable vote.
    iii. At-large Senate vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party at the time the vacancy was created; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party or being a member of a major party lacking an executive and/or party bylaws at the time of the vacancy, then a special election shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term. Should a Senator indirectly resign via deregistration, and should this deregistration bring the Senator's party at the time of deregistration below the legal limit to be considered a major party, then a special election shall be held by the same standards as if the senator was from a minor party or an independent.
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« Reply #923 on: March 27, 2024, 10:02:56 AM »

Default Party By-laws Act

1. This default by-laws promulgated in this act shall apply to any federal party founded after the enactment of this act or any current federal party without any by-laws.
2. The default by-laws mentioned in this act may be amended or removed by a party at any point, provided such amendments are done according to a party's rules
3. For all federal Parties, the Supreme Court of Atlasia shall have original jurisdiction over cases involving disputes about party rules, unless party rules designate another venue for such adjudication. Only those currently registered as a member of a party shall have standing to file suit for disputes over party rules.

Default By-Laws
1. Until elections are held to determine otherwise, the first person to register as the member of a party shall be recognized as the acting Party Chair. If that person is no longer a member of the party, the acting Party Chair shall be the longest registered member.
2. Nomination periods for any party officials must run at least 24 hours. This period cannot be waived except by unanimous consent of all party members.
3. Votes for Party Officials must be kept open for at least 48 hours. This period cannot be waived except by unanimous consent of all party members.
4. Votes for Proposed by-laws must be kept open for at least 48 hours. This period cannot be waived except by unanimous consent of all party members.
Mr. Reactionary
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« Reply #924 on: April 21, 2024, 11:50:12 PM »

Google is racist Act

1. As used in this act:

A. racist robot means any artificial intelligence or algorithim that is programmed, designed, or intended to perform any function or task in a manner that intentionally discriminates on the basis of race, skin color, or ethnicity. For purposes of this act, a function or task includes but is not limited to providing search engine results, generating images, promoting information, and answering questions. For purposes of this act, intentionally discriminates includes but is not limited to any program intended to promote or discourage diversity, inclusion, or equity (DIE) of purportedly "underrepresented" races, skin colors, or ethnicities.

B. Historically-illiterate robot means any artificial intelligence or algorithim that is programmed, designed, or intended to perform any function or task in a manner that intentionally provides historically incorrect data or responses. For purposes of this act, a function or task includes but is not limited to providing search engine results, generating images, promoting information, and answering questions. For purposes of this act, intentionally providing historically incorrect data or responses includes but is not limited to any program intended to promote or discourage diversity, inclusion, or equity (DIE) of purportedly "underrepresented" races, skin colors, ethnicities, sexes, or other identity group or belief.

2. It shall be a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than three (3) years and no more than twenty (20) years and a fine of no less than $10,000.00 and no more than $250,000.00 for any person in Atlasia to knowingly import, sell, rent, or transfer, advertise for sale, rental, or transfer, manufacture for sale, rental, or transfer, transport for the purpose of selling, renting, or transferring, or finance the sale, rental, or transfer, of any racist robot or historically-illiterate robot. For purposes of this act, uploading or transmitting a program or code that enables a device to download the artificial intelligence to program a racist robot or historically-illiterate robot or a 3D printer to manufacture a racist robot or historically-illiterate robot, or the components thereof constitutes a transfer in violation of this provision.

3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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