Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #875 on: November 29, 2023, 10:37:26 PM »

Anti-Robocop Act

Section A. This bill will be cited as the Anti-Robocop Act
Section B. No automated law enforcement:
1. It shall be a felony punishable by imprisonment for no more than three years and a fine of no less than $10,000 and no more than $250,000 for any law enforcement agency to use AI technology or robots in policing, investigation, or crime scene analysis work.
2. Law enforcement officers who produce robots  are capable of firing weapons or producing lethal force (defined as force enough to kill or seriously injure a civilian) will face penalties of no more than five years imprisonment.

Section C. Implementation:
This bill shall take place effective immediately.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #876 on: December 02, 2023, 03:05:48 AM »

Amendment to Terminate Cyberdyne Act


1. Beginning five (5) days from the date this law is enacted, it shall be unlawful for any Atlasian Senator, GM official, or other Atlasian official to utilize any robot, algorithm, or artificial intelligence, including but not limited to ChatGPT, to write more than 25% of any legislation, regulations, executive orders, storylines, or other legally binding content. The PPT will enforce this restriction.

2. The failure of any Senator or other officer to affirmatively declare a bill, regulation, order, story, or other content as having been written or partially written by any robot, algorithm, or artificial intelligence, including but not limited to ChatGPT comply with the preceding section, shall be a crime punishable by a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for no less than ten (10) days and no more than one (1) year per bill, regulation, order, story, or other content. Lying about whether or not a bill, regulation, order, story, or other content as having been written or partially written by any robot, algorithm, or artificial intelligence, including but not limited to ChatGPT, shall be considered perjury, and shall be punishable by expulsion, a fine of $10,000, and imprisonment for no less than ten (10) days and no more than one (1) year per lie.

3. It is the position of Atlasia that potentially having a robot draft hundreds of bills, regulations, orders, stories, or other content within minutes without any human interaction greatly defeats the point of this game and renders the continuation of Atlasia pointless.

4. The Official Senate Procedures and Rules for Operation shall be amended as follows:

Article 2: Introducing Legislation


2.) If the PPT determines that a piece of legislation is functionally impractical, frivolous, was written using the assistance of A.I. such as ChatGPT, or is directly unconstitutional, or is more than 25% composed of content written by A.I. such as ChatGPT they may, in a public post on the Legislation Introduction thread, remove said legislation from the Senate floor. If the reasoning is >25% A.I. Usage, the PPT must present the results of two separate publicly available online content checkers, both of which must support the PPT's finding. The PPT may not use the same checker multiple times in a single determination. The sponsoring Senator of the legislation shall have ninety-six (96) hours to challenge this action in a public post,, and if they are refuting a charge of >25% AI usage, they must present the results of at least one publicly available content checker that refutes the PPT's finding. and With the concurrence of one-third (1/3) of office-holding Senators in the affirmative, the sponsoring senator may override the actions of the PPT. (Nasolation clause)


9.) No more than 25% of any legislation shall be written using the assistance of A.I. such as ChatGPT and other language model algorithms. This does not apply to the use of A.I. for sole purposes of grammatical corrections.

Article 3: Amendments

1.) During the course of debate on legislation, any sitting Senator may offer amendments to the legislation. The President Pro Tempore may in good faith remove amendments from consideration that are functionally impractical, frivolous, repetitive, was written using the assistance of A.I. such as ChatGPT, directly unconstitutional, entirely non-germane to the broader subject of the bill, or lack clear intent regarding the changes to be made, or that are more than 25% composed by ChatGPT. If the reasoning is >25% A.I. Usage, the PPT must present the results of two separate publicly available online content checkers, both of which must support the PPT's finding. The PPT may not use the same checker multiple times in a single determination. The amendment sponsor shall have 24 hours to object to the decision by the PPT , and if they are refuting a charge of >25% AI usage, they must present the results of at least one publicly available content checker that refutes the PPT's finding. and The amendment sponsor may overturn the action of the PPT with the concurrence of 1/3rd of his fellow Senators. Unless stated otherwise in the amendment, components of the underlying legislation not referenced in an amendment will remain unchanged.


6.) No more than 25% of any amendments shall be written using the assistance of A.I. such as ChatGPT and other language model algorithms. This does not apply to the use of A.I. for sole purposes of grammatical corrections.


Article 4: Debate


5.) No debate on the Senate floor shall be conducted or written using the assistance of A.I. such as ChatGPT and other language model algorithms.


5. Any existing law prohibiting discriminatory conduct against certain classes or groups of persons shall not be interpreted as applying to beings in the following categories:

A. Humans who possess non-medically required artificial enhancements that allow such person to perform tasks exceeding human capabilities;

B. Prohibited human-animal chimeras;

C. Non-human animals; and

D. Artificial intelligence.

6. Every school, college, or university receiving federal funds shall be required by July 1, 2023 to adopt a plagiarism policy prohibiting the use of robots, algorithims, or artificial intelligence, including but not limited to ChatGPT, in the completion of any paper, test, assignment, or other student work product.
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #877 on: December 02, 2023, 02:21:37 PM »

Slightly modified from FT 30.4


Homeless Bill of Right Amendment

i. The title of this Act shall be, the "Homeless Bill of Rights Amendment," or simply the “Homeless Bill of Rights” or “Homeless Amendment.”

i. Unless the vehicle is trespassing on private property, the right of an individual to sleep in their vehicle or that of a consenting party shall not be infringed.
ii. Unless threatening public safety and/or trespassing on private property, the right of an individual to sleep on a public bench between the hours of 10pm and 6am local time shall not be infringed.
iii. Any public benches erected after the twenty-ninth (29th) day of February in the year of our Lord two-thousand-and-twenty-four (2024) shall not contain any armrests or protrusions anywhere on the bench, other than the extreme sides, that would cause the seat of the bench to be anything other than completely smooth and flat.

i. The right to use a public restroom inside of a commercial facility with public access shall not be restricted by any requirement to purchase something or be a paying customer.
ii. Unless banned from the physical location for reasons completely unrelated to the individual’s homeless status, no commercial facility with public access shall restrict an individual from using an unoccupied public restroom.
iii. Public urination, within the borders of the Commonwealth, shall be punished with no more than five (5) months of jail time, and shall not be charged as a felony or cause for sex offender status unless it is clear that the offense was committed to elicit sexual arousal.

i. No person's rights, privileges, or access to public services may be denied or abridged solely because he or she is homeless. Such a person shall be granted the same rights and privileges as any other citizen of this region. A person experiencing homelessness has the following rights:
   1. the right to use and move freely in public spaces, including but not limited to public sidewalks, public parks, public transportation, and public buildings, in the same manner as any other person and without discrimination on the basis of his or her housing status;
   2. the right to equal treatment by all national agencies, without discrimination on the basis of housing status;
   3. the right not to face discrimination while seeking or maintaining employment due to his or her lack of permanent mailing address, or his or her mailing address being that of a shelter or social service provider;
   4. the right to emergency medical care free from discrimination based on his or her housing status;
   5. the right to vote, register to vote, and receive documentation necessary to prove identity for voting without discrimination due to his or her housing status;
   6. the right to protection from disclosure of his or her records and information provided to homeless shelters and service providers to national entities without appropriate legal authority; and the right to confidentiality of personal records and information in accordance with all limitations on disclosure established by the federal law; and
   7. the right to a reasonable expectation of privacy in his or her personal property to the same extent as personal property in a permanent residence.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #878 on: December 02, 2023, 02:23:46 PM »

Slighlty modified from FT 30.3

Restorative Justice Enablement Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Fremont do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Title & Background

1. The title of this legislation is duly hereby established as the Restorative Justice Enablement Act.
Whereas, it is important to recognize that offenders must right their wrongs in a facilitated and congenial process.
2. Whereas, it is the right of the victim to be made aware of subsequent offenses and to establish their future protection.

(a) Restorative justice is a practice and theory rooted in and developed from indigenous practices. When put into practice, restorative justice is a community-based, non-punitive set of processes that center the needs of people who have been harmed. Restorative justice encourages accountability, healing, and repair when harm has occurred. These processes can include facilitated meetings between the person who was harmed, the person who harmed them, family members, and members of the community to discuss the causes and impact of the harm.

(b) Restorative justice processes often result in deep understanding of the harm caused, meaningful expressions of accountability, and agreements to take specific actions to repair harm, including personal or community service, engagement in employment or counseling, and payment of restitution. Restorative justice processes also provide an opportunity for victim or survivors to ask questions, share about the impact of harm, and engage in dialogue in ways that are not possible within the traditional criminal legal system.

(c) In 2015, a peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Experimental Criminology found that restorative justice processes can result in reduced feelings of fear, anger, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and depression for people who have been harmed. Researchers, including Dr. Mark Umbreit, studying the impact of restorative justice conferencing across different countries found that restorative justice processes result in higher rates of satisfaction for people who have been harmed than current criminal legal systems. In 2015, a study of Community Works West's restorative justice youth diversion program in the County of Alameda showed that restorative justice processes also reduce future acts of harm and violence and have been used with documented success in counties throughout the state.

(d) Restorative justice offers the opportunity to better meet the needs that arise when harm has been caused than the traditional criminal legal system.

(e) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish a victim's right to be informed of the availability and benefits of restorative justice programs.

SEC. 2.

The following rights are hereby established as the statutory rights of victims and witnesses of crimes:

(1) To be notified as soon as feasible that a court proceeding to which the victim or witness has been subpoenaed as a witness will not proceed as scheduled, provided the prosecuting attorney determines that the witness' attendance is not required.
(2) Upon request of the victim or a witness, to be informed by the prosecuting attorney of the final disposition of the case
(3) For the victim, the victim's parents or guardian if the victim is a minor, or the next of kin of the victim if the victim has died, to be notified of all sentencing proceedings, and of the right to appear, to reasonably express their views, have those views preserved by audio or video means.
(4) For the victim, the victim's parents or guardian if the victim is a minor, or the next of kin of the victim if the victim has died, to be notified of all juvenile disposition hearings in which the alleged act would have been a felony if committed by an adult, and of the right to attend and to express their views.
(5) Upon request by the victim or the next of kin of the victim if the victim has died, to be notified of any parole eligibility hearing and of the right to appear personally.
(6) Upon request by the victim or the next of kin of the victim if the crime was a homicide, to be notified of an inmate's placement in a reentry or work furlough program, or notified of the inmate's escape.
(7) For the victim, to be provided with information concerning the victim's right to civil recovery and the opportunity to be compensated restitution.
( 8 ) To the expeditious return of property that has allegedly been stolen or embezzled, when it is no longer needed as evidence
(9) To an expeditious disposition of the criminal action.
(10) To be notified, if applicable, if the defendant is to be placed on parole.
(11) For the victim, upon request, to be notified of any pretrial disposition of the case
(12) For the victim, to be notified by the offender's following subsequent offenses:
(A) Assault with intent to commit rape, sodomy, oral copulation
(13) When a victim has requested notification, the sheriff shall inform the victim that the person who was convicted of the offense has been ordered to be placed on probation, and give the victim notice of the proposed date upon which the person will be released from the custody of the sheriff.
(a) For the victim, to be notified of the availability of community-based restorative justice programs and processes available to them, including, but not limited to, programs serving their community, county, county jails, juvenile detention facilities, and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The victim has a right to be notified as early and often as possible, including during the initial contact, during followup investigation, at the point of diversion, throughout the process of the case, and in post-conviction proceedings.

(b) Local law enforcement agencies shall make available copies of the materials described in subdivision (b) to victims and witnesses.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #879 on: December 02, 2023, 02:26:45 PM »

From Section II of the failed LGC 10.22 Be Nice to Each Other Act

Stricter Sanctions of Harm Act
Section A. This bill will be cited as the Stricter Sanctions of Harm Act

Section B. Save Our People
1. Promoting any kind of self-harm and/or suicide will now be considered a crime, and will be prosecuted as such.
2. Encouraging one to commit non-fatal self harm will be considered abuse under the law.
3. Encourage one to commit suicide will from now on be considered as murder under the law.

Section C. Implementation:
This bill will take place effective immediately.

Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #880 on: December 09, 2023, 05:09:03 AM »

Hate Has No Home Here Act

1. Any abortion performed due to the race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the unborn baby is against the public policy of Atlasia and is hereby prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, entity, or organization to perform or offer a referral for any abortion prohibited by this act.

2. A violation of this act shall be a felony punishable by imprisonment for no less than one (1) and no more than ten (10) years and a fine of $25,000.00.

3. This act shall take effect immediately.

prioritizing this given we're on something of a theme with the newest package of bills
Coastal Elitist
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« Reply #881 on: December 15, 2023, 08:51:09 PM »

Persuant to Senate Rule, Article I, Section 4, I initiate a Motion of No Confidence against acting PPT LouisvilleThunder for the following reasons:

1. For improper conduct as Deputy PPT. During SB-117-18: Stop the Harassment Act, LouisvilleThunder acting contrary to the Senate rules, attempted to illegally count an amendment vote that was at least 9 hours late to influence the result to his desired outcome (turning a defeat of the amendment into a tie). As Deputy PPT he had to be overruled, and cannot be trusted to act as an impartial PPT.

2. For displaying partisan hubris unbecoming of a PPT.

3. For not resigning his position as acting PPT in order to restore Wulfric to the positon of PPT, when Wulfric only lost the position and he only gained it due to two seperate technicalities.

Should this motion be successful, I intend to nominate Wulfric as PPT.

xTea Party Hater
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« Reply #882 on: December 15, 2023, 08:52:03 PM »

Persuant to Senate Rule, Article I, Section 4, I initiate a Motion of No Confidence against acting PPT LouisvilleThunder for the following reasons:

1. For improper conduct as Deputy PPT. During SB-117-18: Stop the Harassment Act, LouisvilleThunder acting contrary to the Senate rules, attempted to illegally count an amendment vote that was at least 9 hours late to influence the result to his desired outcome (turning a defeat of the amendment into a tie). As Deputy PPT he had to be overruled, and cannot be trusted to act as an impartial PPT.

2. For displaying partisan hubris unbecoming of a PPT.

3. For not resigning his position as acting PPT in order to restore Wulfric to the positon of PPT, when Wulfric only lost the position and he only gained it due to two seperate technicalities.

Should this motion be successful, I intend to nominate Wulfric as PPT.

xTea Party Hater
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« Reply #883 on: December 15, 2023, 08:52:52 PM »

Persuant to Senate Rule, Article I, Section 4, I initiate a Motion of No Confidence against acting PPT LouisvilleThunder for the following reasons:

1. For improper conduct as Deputy PPT. During SB-117-18: Stop the Harassment Act, LouisvilleThunder acting contrary to the Senate rules, attempted to illegally count an amendment vote that was at least 9 hours late to influence the result to his desired outcome (turning a defeat of the amendment into a tie). As Deputy PPT he had to be overruled, and cannot be trusted to act as an impartial PPT.

2. For displaying partisan hubris unbecoming of a PPT.

3. For not resigning his position as acting PPT in order to restore Wulfric to the positon of PPT, when Wulfric only lost the position and he only gained it due to two seperate technicalities.

Should this motion be successful, I intend to nominate Wulfric as PPT.

xTea Party Hater
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« Reply #884 on: December 15, 2023, 08:53:45 PM »

Persuant to Senate Rule, Article I, Section 4, I initiate a Motion of No Confidence against acting PPT LouisvilleThunder for the following reasons:

1. For improper conduct as Deputy PPT. During SB-117-18: Stop the Harassment Act, LouisvilleThunder acting contrary to the Senate rules, attempted to illegally count an amendment vote that was at least 9 hours late to influence the result to his desired outcome (turning a defeat of the amendment into a tie). As Deputy PPT he had to be overruled, and cannot be trusted to act as an impartial PPT.

2. For displaying partisan hubris unbecoming of a PPT.

3. For not resigning his position as acting PPT in order to restore Wulfric to the positon of PPT, when Wulfric only lost the position and he only gained it due to two seperate technicalities.

Should this motion be successful, I intend to nominate Wulfric as PPT.

xTea Party Hater
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RFayette 🇻🇦
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« Reply #885 on: December 15, 2023, 08:55:27 PM »

Persuant to Senate Rule, Article I, Section 4, I initiate a Motion of No Confidence against acting PPT LouisvilleThunder for the following reasons:

1. For improper conduct as Deputy PPT. During SB-117-18: Stop the Harassment Act, LouisvilleThunder acting contrary to the Senate rules, attempted to illegally count an amendment vote that was at least 9 hours late to influence the result to his desired outcome (turning a defeat of the amendment into a tie). As Deputy PPT he had to be overruled, and cannot be trusted to act as an impartial PPT.

2. For displaying partisan hubris unbecoming of a PPT.

3. For not resigning his position as acting PPT in order to restore Wulfric to the positon of PPT, when Wulfric only lost the position and he only gained it due to two seperate technicalities.

Should this motion be successful, I intend to nominate Wulfric as PPT.

xTea Party Hater
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« Reply #886 on: December 15, 2023, 08:57:30 PM »

Persuant to Senate Rule, Article I, Section 4, I initiate a Motion of No Confidence against acting PPT LouisvilleThunder for the following reasons:

1. For improper conduct as Deputy PPT. During SB-117-18: Stop the Harassment Act, LouisvilleThunder acting contrary to the Senate rules, attempted to illegally count an amendment vote that was at least 9 hours late to influence the result to his desired outcome (turning a defeat of the amendment into a tie). As Deputy PPT he had to be overruled, and cannot be trusted to act as an impartial PPT.

2. For displaying partisan hubris unbecoming of a PPT.

3. For not resigning his position as acting PPT in order to restore Wulfric to the positon of PPT, when Wulfric only lost the position and he only gained it due to two seperate technicalities.

Should this motion be successful, I intend to nominate Wulfric as PPT.

xTea Party Hater
x reagente
x Muad'Dib
x fhtagn
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #887 on: December 23, 2023, 06:18:05 PM »

This post will act as the official cutoff for new legislation in the current session. Any bills posted will be deferred to the next session. The Senate will remain in session for the time being to continue processing the bills still on the floor.
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« Reply #888 on: December 26, 2023, 04:51:24 AM »
« Edited: December 26, 2023, 04:59:21 AM by Lakigigar »

prefiling because i have an idea

White Roads Inititiave Act

1. This act - which can be referred to as WRIA - mandates that all asphalt roads throughout the Republic of Atlasia be painted white, with road stripes in black.

2. This requirement is set to be implemented by the year 2030 for roads situated within city and town areas, the transition will be prioritized in states such as California, Texas, Florida, the Deep South & Upper South states and the city areas of NYC, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Columbus, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinatti, Portland (ME) and Seattle, due to these areas being more affected by summer heat.

3. Rural areas will be granted an extended timeline, with the changes expected to be applied by the year 2043.

4. The rationale behind these changes is to address the issue of urban heat during summer, aiming to create more habitable and sustainable cities. The anticipated outcome is a positive impact on the overall climate change challenge. This is due to the albedo changes that will occur which reduces the amount of heat that'll absorbed by the asphalt roads. This also would reduce airconditioning expenses and needs in some areas.

5. 200 billion Atlasian dollars will be made available for the WRIA, given a period of twenty years time will be set to adjust to the new changes, this will correlate to a 20 billion dollars each year investment in the Atlasian budget plan
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« Reply #889 on: January 04, 2024, 05:49:22 AM »
« Edited: January 05, 2024, 10:34:22 AM by I'm not a genocide apologist »


Being a Supersoldier is a Sin Act

Section 1: Title

This legislation may be cited as the "Being a Supersoldier is a Sin Act."

Section 2: Purpose and Findings

2.1 Purpose:

2.1.1 The purpose of this Act is to establish strict oversight and regulation on research involving the genetic modification of humans, particularly with the insertion of genes from other species, to enhance resistance to radiation or other environmental factors.

2.2 Findings:

2.2.1 The recent experimentation involving the insertion of tardigrade genes into human embryonic stem cells raises serious ethical, moral, and safety concerns.

2.2.2 While recognizing the potential benefits, including enhanced resistance to radiation, the Republic of Atlasia acknowledges the need for comprehensive oversight to ensure the responsible and ethical development of such technologies.

Section 3: Oversight and Regulation

3.1 Research Oversight Committee:

3.1.1 A Research Oversight Committee (ROC) shall be established to review and approve all research projects involving the genetic modification of humans, especially those incorporating genes from other species.

3.1.2 The ROC shall consist of experts in genetics, bioethics, environmental science, and legal professionals.

3.1.3 The ROC shall have the authority to grant or deny permission for research projects based on ethical considerations, potential risks, and adherence to established guidelines.

Section 4: Guidelines for Genetic Modification

4.1 Approval Process:

4.1.1 Researchers seeking to conduct genetic modification experiments involving humans, particularly with genes from other species, must submit a detailed proposal to the ROC for review and approval.

4.2 Ethical Considerations:

4.2.1 The ROC shall evaluate the ethical implications of each research project, taking into account the potential benefits, risks, and the overall impact on society.

4.3 Risk Assessment:

4.3.1 A comprehensive risk assessment must be conducted for each proposed experiment, addressing potential safety concerns and unknown consequences.

4.4 Public Disclosure:

4.4.1 Approved research projects and their objectives shall be made publicly available to ensure transparency and informed public discourse.

Section 5: Penalties for Violations

5.1 Penalties:

5.1.1 Any violation of the guidelines established by this Act shall result in the revocation of research licenses for a period of two years and a fine no less than $25.000

5.1.2 Intentional violation of ethical standards may lead to permanent disqualification from conducting genetic modification research and prison sentences up to twenty-five years.

Section 6: Public Awareness and Education

6.1 Public Awareness Campaigns:

6.1.1 The ROC, in collaboration with relevant government agencies, shall conduct public awareness campaigns to inform citizens about the ongoing research, ethical considerations, and potential implications of genetic modification involving human subjects.

Section 7: Funding Restrictions

7.1 Prohibition of Funding:

7.1.1 No federal or regional funds shall be allocated or used to support research or projects related to genetic modification involving the insertion of genes from other species into humans without prior approval from the ROC.

Section 8: Implementation and Enforcement

8.1 Effective Date:

8.1.1 This Act shall become effective 90 days after its passage into law.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #890 on: January 11, 2024, 10:59:59 PM »
« Edited: January 12, 2024, 12:43:42 AM by Whip of Peace Christian Man »

The People's Veto

Section 1. This bill will be cited as The People's Veto

Section 2: Overturning laws:

A. Any laws passed by the legislature may be overturned if a number matching 10% of eligible voters from the previous election sign onto a petition. If the number rounded down is a decimal (for example if 57 people voted and 5.7 people need to sign on, then that number is rounded to the closest .5; if the result was a .5, it will be rounded up). While one must be a registered voter to start or sign a petition, they did not have to vote in the previous election to sign on.
B. The Secretary of State will review all signatures once the threshold has matched and will arrange a date with the Secretary of Elections no less than (1) week prior to the next scheduled federal election to hold a referendum.
C. Any repeal which passes by a simple majority will be deemed voided and will no longer take  effect.
D. Any law that matches the signatures within the 1 week threshold will be postponed until a date after the next presidential election.

Section 3: Implementation
A. This bill will take place effective immediately, although no law passed prior to the passing of this bill will be eligible for a petition.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
Christian Man
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« Reply #891 on: January 11, 2024, 11:39:03 PM »
« Edited: January 12, 2024, 12:43:59 AM by Whip of Peace Christian Man »

The People Deserve Better Act

Section 1. This bill will be cited as The People Deserve Better Act

Section 2: The Recall Process:

A. Any elected official  may be recalled from office if a number matching 10% of eligible voters from the previous election sign onto a petition. The reasoning for the recall is identical to the current process for expelling a member of the senate or impeaching a president, and cannot be done for simply disliking the elected official. If the number rounded down is a decimal (for example if 57 people voted and 5.7 people need to sign on, then that number is rounded to the closest .5; if the result was a .5, it will be rounded up). While one must be a registered voter to start or sign a petition, they did not have to vote in the previous election to sign on.
B. The Secretary of State will review the validity of the signatures and will arrange a date with the Secretary of Elections no less than (1) week prior to the next scheduled federal election to hold a referendum.
C. Any petition that matches the signatures within the 1 week threshold will be postponed until a date after the next federal election. If the elected official is no longer in office after the federal election, the petition will be voided as irrelevant.

Section 3: The Effects of the Recall:

A. A politician can be recalled with a simple majority. Any politician that was recalled cannot serve in that capacity for the remainder of the session.
B. Any non-recalled candidate may run in a special election that takes place no less than (2) week prior to the next federal election.
C. The President has the authority to appoint a placeholder candidate if the recall election takes place more than (2) weeks before the next election cycle. The placeholder candidate may choose whether to run in the special election. If the recall takes place within 2 weeks of the next scheduled election, then the seat shall remain vacant for the remainder of the term.

Allowing for Lifetime Bans:

A. No recalled politician shall be banned from running in future elections unless a separate petition is filed with a valid reason that is reviewed by the Attorney General. The time of the ban will be determined by the offense, although lifetime bans will be reserved for those who are found guilty of insurrection, attempted insurrection, or treason.
B. The Attorney General will review the reasoning behind the proposed ban and will be at the discretion on whether or not the reasoning behind the ban is valid. If the Attorney General determined that the politician has violated the Constitution and/or grossly abused/misused its duties, the ban can move forward. The ban requires a supermajority (at least 66% of the vote) for it to become effective.

Section 4: Implementation
A. This bill will take place effective immediately.

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #892 on: January 11, 2024, 11:48:29 PM »


Embrace Federalism Act

Section 1. This bill will be known as the Embrace Federalism Act

Section 2. Granting more regional autonomy:
A. Any region has the right to not enforce any statute passed by the legislature as long as a majority of the vote passes by a simple majority within a regional referendum. Common law is exempt.
B. Any statute that passes within the region that conflicts with federal law may override federal law within that region without the need for a secondary referendum.

Section 3. Implementation:
This bill will take place effective immediately

Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #893 on: January 15, 2024, 11:34:24 PM »
« Edited: January 19, 2024, 12:37:27 PM by Whip of Peace Christian Man »

Say No to Imperialism Act

Section 1. This bill will be cited as the Say No to Imperialism Act

Section 2. Granting rights:
The Atlassian government will have (90) days to withdraw from any occupied nation that is not currently at war, and grant independence to its territories, or give full voting rights for federal elections to the individuals in the countries in which it occupies.

Section 3. Implementation:
This bill will take place effective immediately.
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #894 on: January 16, 2024, 11:36:54 PM »

This is paraphrased by the recently introduced Stop Useless Traffic Enforcement Act in Lincoln.

Freer Roads Act

Section 1. This bill will be cited as the Freer Roads Act

Section 2:
Highway: Defined as a road, usually divided where walking alongside is prohibited.
Thickly Settled: An area where homes are less than 200 feet apart or areas where businesses are built up, for a distance of ¼ mile.

Section 3: Redefining Roads:
A. Speed limit signs outside of thickly settled areas shall be replaced by speed recommendation signs and any Police Officer or Prosecutor is prohibited from issuing a traffic ticket, or any other consequence as long as there is no collision.

B. Any Police Officer or Prosecutor is prohibited from issuing a traffic ticket, or any other consequence if the speed limit provided the alleged speed does not exceed ten (10) miles over the posted limit.

D.  Any Police Officer or Prosecutor is prohibited from issuing a traffic ticket, or any other consequence if the speed limit provided the alleged speed does not exceed fifteen (15) miles over the posted limit, unless the ticket or warning is being issued as a result of a collision.

E. Any currently pending court case relating to any matter listed above is hereby dismissed and expunged.

F. Any prior court case relating to any matter listed above shall be immediately and retroactively dismissed and expunged, and removed from any driving record.

Section 4: Implementation
This bill shall take place effective immediately
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« Reply #895 on: January 18, 2024, 12:06:47 AM »

To not use AI to generate people's voices for commercial purposes

AI Voice Commercial Restriction Act

Section I: Naming
a. This bill shall be titled the AI Voice Commercial Restriction Act.

Section II: Restrictions
a. It shall be a crime for any person, company, group of people, or other entity to use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate/emulate a person's voice explicitly for commercial purposes without written and express permission from the person whose voice is being generated/emulated. No estate or other person may take the place of the person whose voice is being generated/emulated.

Section III: Punishment
a. For a singular person violating II.a of this act, the penalty shall be a fine of all funds commercially obtained from usage of the AI generated/emulated voice plus $50,000.
b. For a company violating II.a of this act, the penalty shall be a fine of all funds commercially obtained from usage of the AI generated/emulated voice plus $1,000,000.
c. For a group of people violating II.a of this act, the penalty shall be a fine of all funds commercially obtained from usage of the AI generated/emulated voice plus $50,000 per person.
d. In cases not covered by III.a, III.b, or III.c of this act, the punishment shall be no less than a fine of all funds commercially obtained from usage of the AI generated/emulated voice plus $50,000.

Section IV: Timing
a. This act goes into effect immediately.
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #896 on: January 19, 2024, 10:11:40 PM »

Establishment of a Jackson-Lee-King Day

Section A. This bill will be cited as The Establishment of a Lee-Jackson-King Day

Section B. Purpose of the bill:
This bill will look to recognize three notable members of the African-American Community who has contributed greatly to American society and the world at-large.

Barbara Lee: US Representative from California and famed critic of the MIC.
Michael Jackson: Known as the King of Pop, was a major contributor to American pop music and R&B.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Civil Rights Icon for which this bill was originally named after.

Section C. Implementation:
This bill will replace the current Dr. King Holiday and will fall on January 15th, Dr. King's birthday regardless of whether it falls on a Monday or not.

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« Reply #897 on: January 20, 2024, 05:38:42 AM »

Resolution for Peace

Whereas, there is a consensus that the republic of Atlasia should contribute to the international efforts to resolve the conflict;

Whereas, recognizing the interconnected nature of global conflicts and the importance of addressing multiple issues simultaneously for a comprehensive approach to peace and stability;

Be it resolved by the Atlassian Senate:

1. Our country shall intensify diplomatic efforts to defuse the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The republic of Atlasia will actively engage in promoting dialogue and encouraging both parties to work towards a peaceful resolution.

2. The republic of Atlasia will leverage its position to advocate for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Efforts will be made to facilitate negotiations and create an environment conducive to a lasting peace in the region.

3. the republic of Atlasia commits to pushing for the unhindered entry of humanitarian aid supplies into Gaza. The Atlasian Senate encourages the provision of essential resources to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population affected by the conflict.

4. The republic of Atlasia will support the ruling of the International Court of Justice in South Africa's genocide charges against Israel. The Atlasian Senate acknowledges the importance of upholding international law and promoting accountability in addressing allegations of genocide.

This resolution is enacted in the pursuit of global peace, stability, and the promotion of human rights. The Atlassian Senate calls upon the international community to support these efforts for a just and lasting resolution to the conflicts in the region.
Chicken Is Meant To Be Boneless
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« Reply #898 on: January 27, 2024, 01:47:44 AM »
« Edited: January 27, 2024, 09:02:14 PM by Whip of Peace Christian Man »

Atlasian Steel Act

Summary of the law:
1. All steel manufacturers are brought into public ownership immediately upon passage of this act and shall be placed under the control of an Atlasian Steel Authority.

2. To complete the undertaking as outlined above, the Republic of Atlasia shall establish an Atlasian Steel Authority (hereafter ASA) which shall be comprised of all former privately-held steel companies and shall hold a legal monopoly in these sectors.

3. The purpose of the aforementioned ASA shall be the economization of operations and the modernization of production methods to raise safety and efficiency standards across the country, as well as provide steel at a low cost, prevent competitive waste, and co-ordinate research and development in those sectors.

4. The government of the ASA shall be federal and cooperative. In each region will be established a regional steel authority under a board of directors composed of representatives of labor, the consumers, security, and the environment. The number of labor directors shall be four, and the number of directors for all other constituencies shall be two. Each regional authority will elect five representatives to the national board of directors. Two of the national directors elected by each regional authority shall represent labor, and one each shall represent the consumers, security, and the environment.
5. The labor directors shall be chosen by a vote of the steel workers; the consumer directors by a vote of the regional legislature, the security and environment directors by the regional executive at the regional level and by the president at the federal level.

6. The term of a Board director shall be four years.

7. The President shall appoint a Chair of the ASA Board of Directors who shall have no vote unless they are equally divided. The Chair shall serve a four year term.

8. All persons owning any of the aforementioned industry brought into public ownership shall be fairly compensated for the sale of said industries to the Republic of Atlasia.

9. Following a simple majority vote from the senate, this bill will be voted on by the people during the next scheduled federal election with a simple majority required for implementation.
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« Reply #899 on: January 29, 2024, 11:01:26 AM »

Chagos Islands Resolution

It is hereby the official position of the Republic of Atlasia that the Chagos Archipelago is a part of the Republic of Mauritius and not a British Overseas Territory. Additionally, the Senate officially recognizes that the displacement of Chagos Islanders by British authorities constituted ethnic cleansing.

Further, the Atlasian Senate requests that:

1) The United Kingdom immediately enters into talks with Mauritius concerning the sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago

2) All efforts are made by responsible parties to facilitate the immediate return of displaced Chagos Islanders and their descendants

3) The United Kingdom issue an official apology for committing ethnic cleansing against the Chagossians and for engaging in continued colonialism

4) The President of Atlasia re-assess our military alliance with the United Kingdom in light of their response to the preceding articles.
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