Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49070 times)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #100 on: November 21, 2023, 01:37:56 PM »

Furries are our Friends

Section 1: Definitions

(a) For the purposes of this act, a "domesticated fox" shall be defined as a fox that has been bred for a minimum of three generations in captivity and exhibits traits consistent with domestication.

(b) "Wild fox" refers to foxes not meeting the criteria outlined in subsection (a).

Section 2: Domesticated program

(a) Individuals seeking to own a domesticated fox must obtain a license

(b) Educational programs shall be established for prospective fox owners, covering topics such as proper care, housing, and behavioral characteristics of domesticated foxes.

(c) Failure to comply with licensing requirements will result in penalties, including a $2500 fine and the removal of the fox from the owner's possession.

(d) Breeders of domesticated foxes must adhere to existing laws for pets to ensure the well-being of the animals. Health and well-being of the foxes shall be prioritized.

(e) No foxes will be used for purposes of food production, distribution and consumption. Violations against this will be punished with a prison sentence up to five (5) years and a $25.000 fine. This include wild foxes which shall be protected under this act as well.

(f) Hunting of wild foxes for any purposes (fun or food) will be outlawed. Violations against this will be punished with a prison sentence up to five (5) years and a $25.000 fine.

Section 3: Implementation

(a) This act shall take effect 90 days after its passage.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #101 on: November 22, 2023, 01:31:57 PM »

Moldova-Romania Unification Act

1. The Atlasian government officially recognizes (all of) Moldova as an integral part of Romania.

2. Moldova will be treated by the Atlasian government as a participant in all treaties currently binding Romania.

3. The Atlasian government is committed to safeguarding the territorial integrity of Romania.

4. Foreign invaders, including those in Transnistria, must leave Moldovan territory within seven days of the enactment of this act. Failure to comply will be considered an act of war against Atlasia.

5. The Atlasian government will cease all business dealings with countries that do not acknowledge Moldova as part of Romania within seven days of the enactment of this act.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #102 on: November 22, 2023, 01:34:47 PM »

Fixing Mayotte Resolution

It is hereby the official position of the Republic of Atlasia that Mayotte is a part of the Union of the Comoros and not a part of the Republic of France.

The isle of Mayotte is a remnant of the French colonial past. It is an integral part of the Comoros, and the Republic of Atlasia strongly encourages the French to return Mayotte to the Comoros and for France to additionally apologize to the people of the Comoros. Failure to comply will result in the introduction of economical sanctions versus the Republic of France, and the end of our alliance.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #103 on: December 26, 2023, 04:51:24 AM »
« Edited: December 26, 2023, 04:59:21 AM by Lakigigar »

prefiling because i have an idea

White Roads Inititiave Act

1. This act - which can be referred to as WRIA - mandates that all asphalt roads throughout the Republic of Atlasia be painted white, with road stripes in black.

2. This requirement is set to be implemented by the year 2030 for roads situated within city and town areas, the transition will be prioritized in states such as California, Texas, Florida, the Deep South & Upper South states and the city areas of NYC, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Columbus, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinatti, Portland (ME) and Seattle, due to these areas being more affected by summer heat.

3. Rural areas will be granted an extended timeline, with the changes expected to be applied by the year 2043.

4. The rationale behind these changes is to address the issue of urban heat during summer, aiming to create more habitable and sustainable cities. The anticipated outcome is a positive impact on the overall climate change challenge. This is due to the albedo changes that will occur which reduces the amount of heat that'll absorbed by the asphalt roads. This also would reduce airconditioning expenses and needs in some areas.

5. 200 billion Atlasian dollars will be made available for the WRIA, given a period of twenty years time will be set to adjust to the new changes, this will correlate to a 20 billion dollars each year investment in the Atlasian budget plan
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #104 on: January 04, 2024, 05:49:22 AM »
« Edited: January 05, 2024, 10:34:22 AM by I'm not a genocide apologist »


Being a Supersoldier is a Sin Act

Section 1: Title

This legislation may be cited as the "Being a Supersoldier is a Sin Act."

Section 2: Purpose and Findings

2.1 Purpose:

2.1.1 The purpose of this Act is to establish strict oversight and regulation on research involving the genetic modification of humans, particularly with the insertion of genes from other species, to enhance resistance to radiation or other environmental factors.

2.2 Findings:

2.2.1 The recent experimentation involving the insertion of tardigrade genes into human embryonic stem cells raises serious ethical, moral, and safety concerns.

2.2.2 While recognizing the potential benefits, including enhanced resistance to radiation, the Republic of Atlasia acknowledges the need for comprehensive oversight to ensure the responsible and ethical development of such technologies.

Section 3: Oversight and Regulation

3.1 Research Oversight Committee:

3.1.1 A Research Oversight Committee (ROC) shall be established to review and approve all research projects involving the genetic modification of humans, especially those incorporating genes from other species.

3.1.2 The ROC shall consist of experts in genetics, bioethics, environmental science, and legal professionals.

3.1.3 The ROC shall have the authority to grant or deny permission for research projects based on ethical considerations, potential risks, and adherence to established guidelines.

Section 4: Guidelines for Genetic Modification

4.1 Approval Process:

4.1.1 Researchers seeking to conduct genetic modification experiments involving humans, particularly with genes from other species, must submit a detailed proposal to the ROC for review and approval.

4.2 Ethical Considerations:

4.2.1 The ROC shall evaluate the ethical implications of each research project, taking into account the potential benefits, risks, and the overall impact on society.

4.3 Risk Assessment:

4.3.1 A comprehensive risk assessment must be conducted for each proposed experiment, addressing potential safety concerns and unknown consequences.

4.4 Public Disclosure:

4.4.1 Approved research projects and their objectives shall be made publicly available to ensure transparency and informed public discourse.

Section 5: Penalties for Violations

5.1 Penalties:

5.1.1 Any violation of the guidelines established by this Act shall result in the revocation of research licenses for a period of two years and a fine no less than $25.000

5.1.2 Intentional violation of ethical standards may lead to permanent disqualification from conducting genetic modification research and prison sentences up to twenty-five years.

Section 6: Public Awareness and Education

6.1 Public Awareness Campaigns:

6.1.1 The ROC, in collaboration with relevant government agencies, shall conduct public awareness campaigns to inform citizens about the ongoing research, ethical considerations, and potential implications of genetic modification involving human subjects.

Section 7: Funding Restrictions

7.1 Prohibition of Funding:

7.1.1 No federal or regional funds shall be allocated or used to support research or projects related to genetic modification involving the insertion of genes from other species into humans without prior approval from the ROC.

Section 8: Implementation and Enforcement

8.1 Effective Date:

8.1.1 This Act shall become effective 90 days after its passage into law.

Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #105 on: January 20, 2024, 05:38:42 AM »

Resolution for Peace

Whereas, there is a consensus that the republic of Atlasia should contribute to the international efforts to resolve the conflict;

Whereas, recognizing the interconnected nature of global conflicts and the importance of addressing multiple issues simultaneously for a comprehensive approach to peace and stability;

Be it resolved by the Atlassian Senate:

1. Our country shall intensify diplomatic efforts to defuse the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The republic of Atlasia will actively engage in promoting dialogue and encouraging both parties to work towards a peaceful resolution.

2. The republic of Atlasia will leverage its position to advocate for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Efforts will be made to facilitate negotiations and create an environment conducive to a lasting peace in the region.

3. the republic of Atlasia commits to pushing for the unhindered entry of humanitarian aid supplies into Gaza. The Atlasian Senate encourages the provision of essential resources to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population affected by the conflict.

4. The republic of Atlasia will support the ruling of the International Court of Justice in South Africa's genocide charges against Israel. The Atlasian Senate acknowledges the importance of upholding international law and promoting accountability in addressing allegations of genocide.

This resolution is enacted in the pursuit of global peace, stability, and the promotion of human rights. The Atlassian Senate calls upon the international community to support these efforts for a just and lasting resolution to the conflicts in the region.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #106 on: January 29, 2024, 04:26:23 PM »
« Edited: January 29, 2024, 04:47:55 PM by Laki »

Freedom for the People of the Pacific

Section 1. Title
1. This bill will be cited as the Freedom for the People of the Pacific Act

Section 2. Referenda
1. The following overseas areas will have the right to organize referenda to determine their future in the republic of Atlasia: American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Alaska
a. full independence
b. remaining within the union but greater autonomy
2. The question of the referendum will be as follows: What do you believe should be the future of the state of X? (insert name of respective state/territory for X)
a. Full independence within five years
b. Greater autonomy within the Republic of Atlasia
3. Voting procedure will be as normal according to Atlasian election laws, and a simple majority is needed of the voters for one of the two options of the voters that turned out for one of those two options to win. Voting is entirely done by NPC populations/characters.

Section 3. Passage
1. Upon passage in favour of full independence, they'll get five (5) years the time to leave the union, those five years will be used to draft a new constitution, determine election laws, choose a currency and choose how they prefer future relations with the republic of atlasia, including a plan for their defense and the degree of economic aid from the republic of atlasia, based on negotiations
2. The Republic of Atlasia does not have the right to revoke this bill when a referendum for independence or greater autonomy and when this bill have passed.

Section 4. Decolonization
1. The Republic of Atlasia will firmly support a decolonization process globally and ally with anti-imperialist nations worldwide, granting economic & military aid to those who choose to separate and economically sanctioning those oppressing nations that do not comply.

Section 5. Territorial restructuring
1. Johnston Island is restructured within the Hawaiian State, effective immediately after passage.
2. Wake Island is restructured within the juridisiction of the Marshall Islands, effective immediately after passage

Section 6. Recognition of claims
1. The republic of Atlasia does not further claim the Guano islands, and recognise the Colombian claims on Bajo Nuevo Bank and Serranilla Bank
2. Control of Baker Island, Howland Island, Javer Island, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll and its infrastructure is given to the republic of Kiribati, to be transferred within seven days after passage of this law.

Section 7. Apologies
1. The senate of the Republic of Atlasia expresses its deep regret and sorrow for violations made in the past and in its history that can be considered imperialist and/or colonialist.

Section 8. Census provision
1. People registered - within the game - in any of those states or territories that might secede will upon secession be automatically registered in the largest populated state in the region of where the state seceded, without the need for an additional post in the "new register thread". Additionally, under no circumstances shall this bill be interpreted to deny someones voting rights or participation in the game.

Section 9. Implementation:
1. Upon passage, the game moderators shall be tasked with the simulation of the referenda and further actions.
2. To comply with the Atlasian criminal law, it is re-iterated that intimidation of game moderators, defined as repeatedly trying to influence the game moderators in their task to simulate and handle the process is a criminal offense.

If the senate wants to be serious about this, this is a bit more concrete.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #107 on: January 30, 2024, 09:32:36 PM »

Since people really want this to be on the ballot for february

Secession Amendment

Article II, Section 2 of the Fifth Constitution is hereby removed
No region or other entity under the jurisdiction of this Constitution at the date of its original adoption shall secede from this Republic, nor shall any Region, state, or other entity declare itself outside the jurisdiction of this Constitution.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,249

Political Matrix
E: -7.42, S: -4.78

« Reply #108 on: February 20, 2024, 06:41:14 PM »
« Edited: February 20, 2024, 06:49:27 PM by LAKISYLVANIA »

ABCMA Amendment Reintroduction Act
1. SB 113-21, also known as "ABCMA Amendment Act," is hereby restored in its entirety and the treaty is restored to this state

The following amendments will be added to SB 113-21 when re-activated.

2. Any existing player registered in Wales, Gibralter, Northern Ireland, Scotland or England will be auto-moved to the largest populated state in its subregion.

3. This act shall be in no way interpreted to deny someone's voting rights in the republic of Atlasia


Should not cause issues again, since no-one is registered in England, Wales, Northern Ireland & Scotland at the moment and the one user in Gibraltar wants to deregister and will probably do this today or tomorrow. I think with a declining base, it makes no sense to further split the voter base in more states. It's not realistic.

Other than that, the treaty with the UK remains in place. It just removes the registration burden and there'll be no issues since no-one will be registered in any of those states.

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