YouGov/Economist: Biden +23%

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NOVA Green:
well tbf....

It is actually interesting to see these national polling numbers, especially since Sanders supporters were widely scapegoated for HRC's loss in '16, just like Nader voters were in 2000.

As not only a Sanders supporter, but as a Biden Campaign Contributor and obviously close to many who chose to vote 3rd Party in OR in '16.

I actually appreciate the fact that YouGov/Economist are even polling this question since it not only potentially gives us a sense of "buyer's remorse" voters and potential 3rd party defections.

Still looks like Uncle Joe is gonna clean up shop on these demographics...

Key obviously is less about % margins and more about TO...

Personally happier with swings among the older voters, since at this point skeptical about younger voter turnout (please prove me wrong)


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