International COVID-19 Megathread

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Since this story is international, we might as well have a megathread for this crisis

China put millions of people on lock down on Thursday in two cities at the epicenter of a coronavirus outbreak that has killed 17 people and infected more than 630, as authorities around the world worked to prevent a global pandemic.


Most transport in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, was suspended on Thursday and people were told not to leave. Hours later, neighboring Huanggang, a city of about 7 million people, announced a similar lockdown.

“The lockdown of 11 million people is unprecedented in public health history,” Gauden Galea, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) representative in Beijing, said.

Other cities were also taking steps to restrict movement and contact.

There’s also been spread to Saudi Arabia

Quote from: Priest of Moloch on January 23, 2020, 12:29:56 PM

Feel like this should be consolidated with the USGD thread on the same topic, though I agree it makes much more sense in the international board.

If anything, that thread should be consolidated onto this board. Very few of the new cases are expected to be from America and it is more pressing for the areas around China. I think half of the thread up on USGD is about the Chinese response to this crisis as well.

A Chinese woman from Wuhan took medication to hide certain undetermined virus symptoms from French Border Police, and has since been touring Paris and Lyon, eating in restaurants and boasting about it on social media. The Chinese embassy in Paris wants to talk to her.

DonOLD Trump is the oldest Presidential nominee of all time:
China mobilizing to build a hospital in under a week (they did that during SARS):

Chinese city 'orders workers to build a dedicated coronavirus hospital in SIX DAYS' in a desperate bid to tackle the deadly outbreak


A Chinese city ravaged by a new deadly virus is planning to build a dedicated hospital in six days in a desperate bid to stop an outbreak of the life-threatening infection, it has been revealed.

The government of Wuhan, a major city by the Yangtze River with a population of 11million, has ordered a state-run construction company to design and build the emergency facility in Caidian District, according to Chinese media.

The institution will reportedly be modelled on a six-acre temporary treatment centre, which was built in Beijing in seven days to tackle SARS in 2003 and had 1,000 beds. scriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script');scriptTag = scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];atlas_tweetCheckLoad(scriptTag.parentNode, "tw_0_22158391849160253", "tw_2_224169981917262128", "");

DonOLD Trump is the oldest Presidential nominee of all time:
This doesn't sound good - one of the hopes was apparently that while it might spread once (or maybe twice) from a patient who was directly infected via animals, that it wouldn't spread beyond that. But 4 generations of spread now are apparently confirmed: scriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script');scriptTag = scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];atlas_tweetCheckLoad(scriptTag.parentNode, "tw_0_833283041217616902", "tw_2_1689827718727470608", "");

As for how contagious it is (this is the estimated # of people infected by each person who contracts the virus): scriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script');scriptTag = scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];atlas_tweetCheckLoad(scriptTag.parentNode, "tw_0_954019747932483912", "tw_2_542117982122348496", "");

Earlier today in the WHO statement the WHO said they thought it was between 1.4 and 2.5


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