The Dance of Death - Gameplay Thread (1215) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Dance of Death - Gameplay Thread (1215)  (Read 14281 times)
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« on: July 09, 2019, 04:08:35 AM »

While the Holy Father enthusiastically welcomes peace and amity between the Imperial Houses of Welf and Staufen to the great good of all Christendom, he regrets that he was not consulted as to the new treaty's precise terms, especially as his action is required both to lift the present Emperor's excommunication and to elevate the King of Sicily to imperial rank. Pope Innocent remains eager to negotiate precisely with both Imperial candidates in order to achieve an agreement he will gladly assist and ratify.

- Innocent III, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome, Successor to the Prince of Apostles, Pontifex Maximus
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2019, 06:36:39 AM »
« Edited: July 09, 2019, 07:58:48 AM by Garlan Gunter »

Pope Innocent names the following to the College of Cardinals -

From England, Robert of Curzon and Simon Langton.

From Italy, Giovanni Colonna.

Pope Innocent names Azzo, marquis of Este, as Gonfalonier of the Holy Church.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2019, 08:40:10 AM »

The Pope would never have suggested anything less, fair and royal son; Sicily, after all, remains a Papal fief now and for all time. But as for the Imperial title, it is elected - to rest upon a single person - along with the German kingdom by the princes of Germany, and this practice should not rashly be altered in any way without consulting the said bishop and prince electors.

At present the Papacy still sees the best solution as the separation of the German and Italian kingships, only the former bearing the Imperial rank.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2019, 09:37:26 AM »

Papal Bull, AUGUSTI FRATRI, 1200

The Holy Father calls upon the prince and bishops electors of the German empire to approve or reject the Imperial candidates' proposal for dual imperium.

The Pope will not allow the Empire to be carved out over the heads and rights of its electors both worldly and spiritual.

Glory be to Our Lord

Innocent III
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2019, 10:31:26 AM »

The first Holy Roman Emperor, Charlemagne, was crowned, like his successors, by the Pope. Those successors were elevated by the Electors of the Empire.

King Frederick and Emperor Otto are no pagan despots, to demand authority without the say of the electors beneath them or the Pope above. Nor is the Holy Father a mere Italian prince.

Unless the Imperial candidates come to heel on this matter, they will remain a desperate excommunicate at the head of a bandit army, and a young and untested princeling of the South; and the nobles and higher clergy of the Empire, as much as the Pope, will instruct them as much.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2019, 10:45:50 AM »


I The Republic of Venice and the Patrimony of St Peter, or Papal States, will support each other against any aggressor.

II Merchants from the Papal dominions will be granted passage upon Venetian craft and privileged access to the Republic's markets.

III Venetian merchants and pilgrims will be privileged at Rome and within the Papal dominions beyond those of any other nation.

IV Annibaldo Annibaldi, nephew to Pope Innocent III, shall be betrothed to a lady of the Ziani house.

V Venice shall support the Latin Empire of Constantinople, or 'Romania', by all means, both commercial, and martial at land and sea.

x Innocenzo
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2019, 06:18:35 PM »
« Edited: July 09, 2019, 06:23:53 PM by Garlan Gunter »

Count Stefano de’ Conti di Segni, firstborn son and heir of Count Riccardo di Poli e Guadagnolo, nephew of Pope Innocent III, is formally betrothed to the lady Elizabeth de Courtenay, niece of the Emperor Henry of Constantinople.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2019, 01:57:26 AM »

TREATY OF DOVER, 1200, negotiated by Cardinal Guala and agents of King John of England

I The King of England will admit Cardinal Archbishop Stephen Langton to Canterbury, make to him a full and clean confession, and do penance. He will restore the freedoms of the English Church according to the customs of his ancestor King Henry I.

II The King's excommunication and the realm's Inderdict shall be lifted.

III Cardinals Simon Langton, brother of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Robert of Curzon, are to be appointed to great sees, such as York, London, Durham or Winchester, when such sees become vacant.

IV The Church's stolen lands and incomes are to be restored in full. In addition, the King will pay a substantial feudal relief to the Papacy to confirm his renewed titles in England and in Ireland. This shall not be repeated unless some successor of the King's strays in the future, but let it be noted that in extremis the Crown of England may be disposed of and granted by the Holy See, as it was to Duke William in the days of the usurper Harold.

V King John will vow to emulate his lamented brother King Richard and proceed upon Crusade to the succour of the Holy Land as speedily as possible.

VI King John will at once release his niece, Eleanor Duchess of Brittany, and restore her to rule of her duchy. The Duchess will marry Count Paolo de' Conti di Segni, nephew to His Holiness the Pope, with all speed.

VII The Papacy will defend King John's rights in his kingdom, the Lordship of Ireland and his French possessions, and continue to endeavour to persuade the King's uncle, Otto of Welf, to be reconciled to Christendom.

x Cardinal Guala, for Pope Innocent III
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2019, 12:32:30 PM »

After a just intervention by the King of France, Pope Innocent remedies one omission of Cardinal Guala’s in the aforesaid Treaty of Dover. Duchess Eleanor and Count Paolo will rule Brittany as direct vassals of France. The other terms of the treaty remain identical.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2019, 05:00:51 AM »

On Raymond of Saint-Gilles, lately Count of Toulouse

The Papacy has not yet been convinced by any evidence that the House of Saint-Gilles, Counts of Toulouse, is itself tainted by heresy.

However, Count Raymond was clearly insufficiently vigilant in confronting the heretics in his dominions, and also guilty of compassing the murder of a Papal legate, Peter of Castelnau.

The Papacy does not question the right of the King of France to decide the stations of his own worldly vassals, but notes that Raymond of Saint-Gilles, latterly Count of Toulouse, is a close relative of the royal houses of England and Aragon, and also the princely houses of the Crusader States.

Pope Innocent recommends in the interests of justice and peace that the former Count be permitted to depart peacefully, with honour intact and joined by whatever part of his following chooses to accompany him, to begin anew as a Crusader in the Holy Land, that blessed and sacred shore which so dearly needs reinforcement.

On the new Count of Toulouse, Simon de Montfort

The Sire de Montfort and count of Leicester has long been a famous hero throughout Christendom.

When the last great Crusade was defiled by the outrage of Zara, Simon de Montfort was chief among the few who turned aside from this crime and succoured the Holy Land instead.

The Holy See has accordingly been much saddened to hear the complaints of pious Catholics that the sire de Montfort has more latterly turned his renowned sword against not just heretics but undoubted fellow Christians, including kinsmen and vassals of our dear son and vassal the King of Aragon. Accounts of the happenings at Beziers recalled Zara at its worst.

The Papacy is soon to dispatch new preachers and legates to convert the Albigenses by reason and the love of Christ. The Pope implores the sire de Montfort and new Count of Toulouse to guard these holy men with care, as Count Raymond so signally failed to guard Peter of Castelnau, our former legate, but to avoid further disheartening his new vassals in the lands of the Languedoc by wild assailment of the innocent along with the guilty.

- Innocent III, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome, Pontifex Maximus
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2019, 05:49:18 AM »

I hold my subjects in the duchy of Flanders with high esteem. That's why I have decided to marry Joan, Countess of Flanders with my second son Prince Philip. Their children and the next successors will have royal blood and be a distinct cadet line of the royal family, I couldn't imagine a more prestigious husband than my own son for my loyal vassal.

The Pope's youngest nephew Giovanni of Counti will be married as well to Margareth of Flanders. They will remain at the french royal court, myself paying all their expenses.

Furthermore, I have decided to reconcile myself with the queen of France, all her queen privileges are reinstated and she will be on my side until death separates us.

Deo Gratias! The Pope grants an absolute dispensation for Prince Philip and the Countess Jean to marry, grants them his blessing, and dispatches Cardinal Giovanni di San Paolo, Bishop of Sabina, to the court of France to officiate at the wedding, along with his beloved nephews, betrothed to the rightful Duchess of Brittany and the Lady Margaret of Flanders, whose weddings the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina will also conduct.

As Count Stefano de' Conti cannot at present be spared from Italian affairs, the Pope requests that the Emperor Henry send the Lady Elizabeth de Courtenay to Rome where the Pope will marry her to his eldest nephew in person.

- Innocent III, Holy Father etc
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2019, 10:39:13 AM »

His Holiness in all charity and lovingkindness must cast doubt on Otto of Brunswick’s wisdom in undertaking such bold, wide reaching and autocratic reforms while his election is in doubt and he himself remains as yet outside the embrace of Holy Church.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2019, 07:54:15 AM »

The Papacy eagerly awaits confirmation from King John of the Dover terms agreed privately between England and the Holy See. Until they are countersigned the Kingdom’s Inderdict and King’s excommunication must stand, disasters which have, it would seem, most tragically brought down the wrath of the Almighty.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2019, 03:07:27 AM »

The Holy See implores that King John see reason upon this. The lands of Brittany are in any case at present held by Duchess Alix and her stepfather Guy of Thouars as a fief of France. Pride and a dead letter are no reason to hinder the care of a kingdom’s souls.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2019, 08:35:30 AM »

The matter of Brittany is no new clause, rather the King of France's rightful desire for clarification upon an existing concern. Nonetheless we strive to discover a solution favourable to all parties.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2019, 06:48:37 AM »


We hope that our latest proposals shall at last form the firm foundation of King John's lasting reconciliation to Holy Church.


Having to our own satisfaction resolved the state of the disputants, we await confirmation from the Emperor and the King of Sicily.


We command Raymond, Sire de Saint-Gilles, lately Count of Toulouse, to set out for the relief of the Holy Land with such followers as choose to accompany him, and offer him every assistance for his journeying and establishment thither. We recommend that the Count's son Raymond VII of Saint-Gilles, nephew to the King of England, remain behind as Marquis of Provence under papal tutelage, the lands of Provence being under Papal and Imperial authority rather than that of the King of France, and the Empire still for the present lacking universally acknowledged leadership.


We bless the endeavour of the King of Castile against the paynim, award it the papal banner, and urge all good Christians that may to assist it. We have promising hopes already here of King Peter of Aragon, Otto of Brunswick pending his reconciliation to Holy Church, and King Valdemar of Denmark, and hope to see all these fulfilled, rather than any of these sovereigns becoming lured aside into warring with fellow Christians.


We are fully persuaded of the valour and trustworthiness of Simon, Sire de Montfort and now Count of Toulouse by the King of France's word. We give him full authority and support to proceed in defence of Holy Church in the Languedoc, as a liegeman of France and beloved, faithful servant of the Papacy.

However, dark deeds have been committed by some who have profited from the name of Crusaders, all too many, to the sorrow of the Mother Church, high among the local clergy of the Languedoc. We thus dispatch a commission of enquiry under Cardinals Giovanni de' Conti and Giovanni di San Paolo with authority to judge and replace corrupt malefactors found in the Church of the Languedoc.


These innocents are indeed divinely inspired, but must be led aright. The Jerusalem to which they have been called is of Heaven not of this Earth, and it may now be built anew in the Languedoc, where wars have left lands ravaged and empty. His Holiness calls upon the children and the preachers travelling with them to journey thence and receive instruction from Brothers Dominic de Guzman and Francis of Assisi in the contemplative holy life. By so doing their prayers alone shall help to free Jerusalem in due time.

Instructed and urged in Christ, by all the power spiritual and temporal in the Holy See, sunlight of the world, thus granted,

Innocent III, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome, Successor to the Prince of Apostles, Pontifex Maximus
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2019, 09:41:58 AM »


Agreed between the Papal States, the Republic of Venice and the Kingdom of Sicily

I We shall undertake mutual defence of blessed Italy against invaders without her, and intervention to curtail any wars that blemish her

II We shall practise trade to mutual advantage throughout our dominions

III A Venetian-Sicilian alliance at sea, blessed by the Papal banner, shall be permitted and enjoined to harry and profit upon any vessels of the Saracens, enslaving soulless heathens, enriching Christendom and thus laying a foundation for the relief of the Holy Land.

x Innocenzo



I have been at great pains to reconcile you both to the Mother Church but have not as yet received final reassurance or confirmation from your ambassadors. If this continues to be the case, the excommunications and Interdict already in effect shall perforce for the time being remain so.

- Innocent III, Holy Father, etc
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2019, 09:44:09 AM »


All worthy knights, just rulers, and godly Christian Kings are urged forthwith to ride to the aid of the King of Castile. The more blows struck in Spain, the greater the divine favour and the brighter the raiment of valiant souls.


We consider our agreement with King John very close. The need of Spain is now great, the distraction of Brittany petty, to be delayed to a later composition including France and the Bretons themselves. Upon these terms we stand ready to adjust and ratify the Treaty of Dover.


The barons of Flanders spurn our blood and defy their natural lord of France in his choice of the lady Margaret's match. Those nobles involved in this rebellion are excommunicated, their rights transmitted to whichsoever among their heirs stays true to Holy Church and the Roman marriage. Should this defiance continue, an Interdict upon the county must be considered, and should the Flemish people suffer such a catastrophe, they will have their prideful and foolish nobility to blame.

Innocent III, Holy Father, etc
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2019, 09:04:13 AM »


Whereby the terms of the Emperor Otto IV's reconciliation to Holy Church are agreed thus:

I The Emperor Otto shall enter Rome alone and on foot for a papal audience, be shriven clean and do penance at the hands of the Holy Father.

II The Emperor will yield up the Imperial crown, the German and the Italian kingdoms back into the Pope's hands. He shall receive them all back again upon all customary conditions, after a vow no longer to interfere in Italian affairs against the Pope's word.

III The Emperor Otto shall receive the ancient Tuscan lands and honours appertaining to the House of Welf, to hold in fief from the Holy See. King Frederick and his cousins, including the future Empress Beatrice, shall receive their ancestral rights in Swabia, to hold from the Emperor Otto.

IV The Emperor Otto shall pay to Holy Church a feudal relief worthy of empire.

V The Emperor Otto shall exchange with King Frederick the Kiss of Peace and marry his kinswoman Beatrice without delay.

VI The Emperor Otto shall pledge to depart speedily upon Crusade, first in Spain, and subsequently in the Holy Land.

VII The Emperor Otto shall support the declared intention his uncle of England to release the Pope's beloved daughter in Christ Eleanor, Duchess of Brittany, to her rightful domain, and allow her Breton vassals liberty of which crown, England or France, to pay homage, or whether to stand wholly independent.

VIII Agnes of the Palatinate shall be betrothed and in time married to the Pope's kinsman Rinaldo di Jenne.

IX The Emperor Otto shall lead his forces out of Italy in good order, bound for Spain, and without intimidation or politicking among the princes of northern Italy. In Spain the Emperor is to respect the rights of all existing Christian sovereigns, especially the Papacy's beloved son the King of Aragon.

X The Emperor Otto shall understand that if he agrees to all of these terms wholly and faithfully, we shall be as amiable as we have ever been, and the Papacy will support his reforms and rights as a sovereign under God.

XI The Emperor Otto will vow to respect the existing rights of the Electors and other princes and bishops, and to consult them upon great matters. This clause is advised by the Pope in good faith as the best way to achieving the reforms desired by the Emperor.

XII The Emperor will support the King of Denmark in godly and just wars against the heathen, but not against his fellow Christians of Scandinavia. Nor shall the Emperor grant aid, comfort or sympathy to the false Bishop of Bremen.

XIII The King of Sicily or his nominee will be rewarded for his part in assisting this peaceful state of affairs by becoming Papal Vicar in Lombardy.

x Innocenzo


Papal Bull, Fructas Fidelis

The Republic of Venice is immediately awarded absolute possession of the presently schismatic island of Rhodes. Additionally the Doge of Venice, in the person of his podesta if required, is endowed with Papal authority by proxy to mediate in the troubles between the Emperor Henry and his vassals, in the hope that a complete peace may soon be accomplished.

Innocent III, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome, Successor to the Prince of Apostles, Pontifex Maximus


The Holy Father's University at Rome

The Holy Father announces the foundation of a new university at the Vatican, under its Chancellor Cardinal Robert of Curzon. Any gifts in wealth or wisdom, silver or scholars by good Christian rulers will be eternally remembered. The institution is to flourish according to the precepts of similar seats of learning at Bologna and Paris, both remembered fondly by His Holiness.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2019, 11:26:50 AM »


From Italy

Raniero Capocci, of Viterbo, Cistercian abbot of Tre Fontane

From Aragon

Ferdinand, abbot of Montearagon

From England

Geoffrey Plantagenet, Archbishop of York

From Scotland

William de Malveisin, Bishop of St Andrews
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2019, 07:41:39 AM »


His Holiness dispatches Master Conrad of Marburg to assist Brothers Francis and Dominic in the Languedoc, there to investigate alike the lies of the heretic Perfects, and the demonic possession sadly widespread among the Children of the Crusade gone astray. It is the hope of His Holiness that this use of a subject of the reconciled Emperor will be a further vouchsafe of our true and lasting friendship.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2019, 03:51:44 PM »
« Edited: August 03, 2019, 05:15:21 PM by Garlan Gunter »

Brother Bertran, once known as Bertran de Brorn, sieur d'Hautefort and troubadour, Cistercian monk, is hereby advanced to the see of Toulouse.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2019, 02:20:35 AM »

The King of Sicily is strongly urged to retract both his pretense upon the imperial title and his ludicrous accusations regarding a forged treaty forthwith, on pain of his membership of the Italian League and, if he persists, of severer and more spiritual penalties.

Should he show proper contrition, the Holy Father, once his fond protector in this world and ever his friend, shall be sure to make it well worth his while.

Innocent III, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, etc
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2019, 02:33:16 AM »

Papal Bull, Haeresium infernorum

Any Christian ruler who repeats the vile libels spread privately lately and just now publicly by the King of Sicily, to the effect that His Holiness or any person among his counsel is incapable, kidnapped, bewitched, demonically possessed, or fallen to paganism shall be considered guilty of the very charges they spew.

Frederick of Sicily shall be given one chance to relent. The Emperor Otto has pledged to enter Rome alone and be shriven clean. If Frederick dares to follow suit he shall find in the Holy Father the same lovingkindedness and truth he once knew well.

If he refuses this invitation, I shall be forced to remind Christendom that it is the King of Sicily, not myself, who has taken to aping the sleights and crafts of paganism.

Innocent III, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, etc
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2019, 09:33:00 AM »


"St Peter, Prince of Apostles, erred when he struck against the Roman soldier against Our Lord's word, then thrice betrayed our saviour, yet he was forgiven.

"I, too, have erred in pride, and Our Lord has shown me that I sought to raise up the Papacy as the first among Christian principalities, to the glory of my worldly house.

"The seat of the Fisherman is of quite another and a higher order than the powers of thrones. The great worldly power I have been bidden to wield must come with holy duties most manifest.

"I hereby accept the will of the Bretons and the Flemings, and rescind the excommunications of Flanders. Furthermore I proclaim the Papacy's unconditional support of Britanny's absolute independence from the neighbouring crowns of England or of France. My two nephews I shall urge to join me in the work of the Church or the military orders, should they consent.

"As the Papacy is set apart from the pride of princes, so it is incumbent upon it to chide them when they err. The King of France is commanded to make monetary compensation for his manifest interferences in the Languedoc, whereupon absolute peace and friendship between him and the papacy shall be restored, as has ever been France's and the Holy See's right and custom.

"The crimes of Frederick of Hohenstaufen, king of Sicily, once our most singularly beloved ward, are of another and deeply distressing nature, and shall require a more solemn and encompassing remedy, imminently to be established."

Innocent III, Holy Father in the Church, humble sinner upon earth, repentant yet undaunted Vicar of Christ
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