Lord of the Crossing Game Thread (Turn IV) (user search)

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  Lord of the Crossing Game Thread (Turn IV) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Lord of the Crossing Game Thread (Turn IV)  (Read 3028 times)
Posts: 29
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:24:17 PM »

There is a fog lingering about the Riverlands, peristent and greedy. „As if there has been nothing but eternal afternoons in its past, pattering and purling waters“, Betharios of Braavos muses as she gazes down at the snot coloured waters of the Green Fork beneath them.

„You'll find it entertaining enough“ Symond Frey answers „even if the fog smells different here. The Twin is home to weasels rather than Braavosi street cats, but their coats are just as scrubby. You'll find it amusing enough, I promise.“
„You sent Alyx to the sept.“
„Ah, don't be jealous, love.“ As a respond he receives nothing but an arched brow. A subtle gesture to remind him of the first time they had met. He on a boat with nothing but ragged sails and thirsty men, struggling to row towards the lagoon, she on a merchant ship ordering to toss them some waterskins and  helping them to moor – just because she was utterly bored that day, she always claimed.

„You know how distrustful they can be in Westeros. Showing faith in the Seven is important. She won't become a septa.“
„She would make quite a septa“, Betharios chortles. Then, more somberly, she adds „and you would make quite a steward. Wouldn't you?“
„No. It is not the time. In fact, there is a matter I wanted to speak to you about. King's Landing. I might have to leave soon.“
„I just got my chest unpacked.“
The smile Symond Frey has to offer Betharios is as ragged as his sails have been years before. Her understanding just as quick.
„And you need me here at the Twins“, she concludes with an air of melancholy.
„Alyx will return soon enough. As well as Alesander. You'll have your handmaids with you.“
„Of course.“
„I'll send you a letter. I'll make sure there are enough ravens if we have to be quick.“
„Of course.“

These two simple words of her, their repetition, her halfsigh, her patience. She'll find a way, Symond Frey thinks, as he gazes down at the greedy fog lingering about the snot green water.

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