The Death of Kings: Gameplay Thread (Turn 4) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Death of Kings: Gameplay Thread (Turn 4)  (Read 5082 times)
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« on: February 04, 2018, 03:05:04 PM »

A Proclamation from Dragonstone

To all who hear this proclaim, greetings.

By the authority of House Targaryen, the oldest and most noble of Houses, which has safely and steadily ruled the Seven Kingdoms for three hundred years, Her Grace the Queen Mother has decreed that:

Her late son Rhaegar, beloved by many, invalidated his marriage to the noble Elia Martell through his actions with Lyanna Stark and placed the stain of bastardry upon his children, Aegon and Rhaenys. The alleged child born of Targaryen and Stark blood is no cleaner of bastardry and equally unable to sit the Iron Throne.

His Grace Viserys of House Targaryen, Third of His Name, is proclaimed as King by Her Grace the Queen Mother as the eldest and strongest male of the Targaryen line. As His Grace is but a child, Her Grace the Queen Mother shall rule as Regent until his coming of age.

All noble Houses are called to raise their banners for His Grace the King, Viserys III, and to raise their arms against the false and traitorous claims of the many pretenders.

May the gods keep the one true and noble King!

- Rhaella of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen Mother of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2018, 09:50:33 AM »

A Proclamation from King's Landing

To all who hear this proclaim, greetings.

By the authority of House Targaryen, the oldest and most noble of Houses, which has safely and steadily ruled the Seven Kingdoms for three hundred years, Her Grace the Queen Regent has decreed that:

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, declares her support for the negotiations in Highgarden called by Lord Tyrell to settle the issue of the various claimants of House Targaryen. Her Grace is confident that the negotiations will end with the universal recognition of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name as the one true King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Her Grace the Queen Regent is proud to declare the Lord Monford Velaryon of the noble House Velaryon will represent the cause of Viserys the Third of His Name at the negotiations of Highgarden. As one of the first Lords to raise his banners for the one true King, Her Grace the Queen Regent is confident in his abilities and loyalty.


Any good ruler must recognize that, on occasion, they have acted under error. Her Grace the Queen Regent is not above this. In a early declaration, Her Grace declared that the young Aegon and Rhaenys of House Targaryen has been stained with bastadry. That judgement was made in error, based on lies and treachery from the Master of Whispers, Varys, the Spider. Her Grace the Queen Regent withdraws said proclaimation and restores both Aegon and Rhaenys to full royal status, as children of the product of the womb of Her Grace, both in an effort to rectify the errors caused by the Spider and as a show of good faith in the negotiations of Highgarden.

May the gods keep the King!

- Rhaella of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2018, 05:23:04 AM »
« Edited: March 15, 2018, 04:16:17 PM by DKrol »

A Proclamation from King's Landing

To all who hear this proclaim, greetings.

By the authority of House Targaryen, the oldest and most noble of Houses, which has safely and steadily ruled the Seven Kingdoms for three hundred years, Her Grace the Queen Regent has decreed that:

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Lord Mace Tyrell as Hand of the King and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Prince Oberyn Martell as Master of Coin and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Lord Randyll Tarly as Advisor to the Small Council and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Lord Quellon Greyjoy as Advisor to the Small Council and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

May the gods keep the King!

- Rhaella of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2018, 01:27:41 PM »

A Proclamation from King's Landing

To all who hear this proclaim, greetings.

By the authority of House Targaryen, the oldest and most noble of Houses, which has safely and steadily ruled the Seven Kingdoms for three hundred years, Her Grace the Queen Regent has decreed that:

Her Grace, about to be relieved of the final child of the late King Aerys, Second of His Name, is prepared to take a second husband and invites proposals from all the noble and loyal houses of the realm. The suitor must be a man of good moral character and significant standing in the realm, and must profess his good and true loyalty to His Grace the King, Viserys Third of His Name, and Her Grace the Queen, Rhaenys. The suitor must also have coffers to pay a dowry to the Royal Treasury in exchange for the honour of marrying into the Royal family.

May the gods keep the King!

- Rhaella of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2018, 04:50:45 PM »


Princess. The Queen. The Lady of Dragonstone. The Dowager Queen. The Queen Regent. The Dragoness. All these monickers had been applied to Rhaella over her adult life, much of it spent in a loveless, violent marriage to her despicable brother, Aerys. Now she was free. Now she was able to live her life by her own rules, by her own desires.

Rhaella looked out over the Red Keep from her chambers and ran her hand over the stomach, now well rounded with child. Please, let this one be good. Over the course of 10 pregnancies, only two sons had made it into the world. One, Rhaegar, has betrayed her love and betrayed the Iron Throne in his desire to find true love. It's hard to blame him, Rhaella thought as she looked across a courtyard and saw the Commander of the Gold Cloaks, Ser Bonifer Hasty, hustling about, the desires of the heart are powerful. She took another forlorn glance as Ser Bonifer before turning inwards. But the realm must come first.

The other son, Viserys, sat quietly drawing at his mother's desk. Rhaella walked over and stroked his fine silver hair, looking down at his drawing - a purple dragon on a golden sky. The Queen Regent could only chuckle, the boy was certainly a Targaryen. While she had, at one time, been fearful of the effect of Aerys on the young boy, since the Mad King's death those fears had largely disappeared. The boy hardly knew his father, spending much of the time with me in Maegor's Holdfast. Rhaella had done her best to keep the boy away from Aerys and ensured that none ever spoke of the King's madness around the boy. Still, there were moments of worry. Viserys would be playing with the other noble lads and go too far. An extra slap with a wooden sword. A shove during a game of tag. A holler at a joke gone wrong.

The Queen's hand drifted back down to her swelling stomach. Soon the child would be born. But into what kind of world? the Queen found herself wondering. Her first son had torn the Kingdom apart and spurred years of war and suffering. Her second son was teniously sitting on the Iron Throne while they chased off lions, stags, and a bastard wolf-dragon mix. Rhaella found herself wondering daily just how secure the young King really was, with the Spider still crawling about and armies occupying all corners of the realm. At least he's with me; the safest place for a child is always with his mother. With his Dornish cousins at Court, the noble Tyrells and the fierce Greyjoys as well, Rhaella was confident that, as long as he was in her sight, he was safe. As safe as one can be in these times of discord.

A knock at the door brought Rhaella back to the present.

- Enter. - The Queen commanded. In walked Ser Barristan Selmy, clad in the white armour of the Kingsguard. - Ah, Ser Barristan! -

- My Lady - The noble knight bowed deeply in respect, only rising when Rhaella placed her hand on his shoulder. Rhaella had always had a special place in her heart for Barristan. Her grandfather had made him a knight of the realm and her father had elevated him to the Kingsguard. Even during her husband's worst fits of rage, Ser Barristan was a constant companion to the Queen. His loyalty during the war had endeared him even more.

- I suppose you're ready to be off then, Ser Barristan? - The Queen led the knight to a small bench at the end of her bed.

- Aye, Your Grace. The men are fed and the horses saddled. All that remains is a prayer from the septon and we'll be going. -

- I am confident in you. You tore through half the Gold Company and then ended the Blackfyre Rebellion singlehandly. You, personally you, rescued my late ... husband from Duskendale when others wouldn't act. One more battle, in the name of justice. - Rhaella looked over at the young King, who had crawled into her bed and fallen asleep. In the name of Viserys.

- I am not the lad I once was, Your Grace. I am an old man now. - Ser Barristan sighed. - Loyal as ever, aye, but old and tired. -

- You have the Seven on your side, Ser Barristan. - Rhaella took his hands into hers and held them as they spoke - These hands have saved many lives and dispensed justice many times. I am confident they have it in them. -

Barristan sat, silently, for a moment before answering. - I am still a capable knight, riding in tourneys and unseating men far younger and far stronger. But as a warrior in single combat? I shudder to think. -

- Ser Barristan, you've served my House for four generations. As a young knight under my grandfather, King Aegon V. As a fresh Kingsguard, under my father, King Jaeherys II. As a seasoned warrior under my husband. And now as a capable general under my son, King Viserys III. - Rhaella smiled softly at the knight - But more importantly as a friend, to me. -

A commotion in the court yard below signaled the time to move was upon them. None would dare disturb the Queen in her chambers, but their impatience was known from the ruckus out the window. Rhaella took Ser Barristan by the hand and led him to her desk. She reached into a drawer and took out something small, pressing it into her knight's hand.

- Ser Barristan, take this with you. Keep it on you. It will give you strength when you need it most. - Rhaella opened Ser Barristan's hands and showed him the coin. It was a small piece of gold, embossed with a three headed dragon on one side and a dragon's breath flower on the other, Rhaella's personal symbol. - A small token, aye, but a reminder of what you're fighting for. House Targaryen, the Iron Throne ... and me. -

- My Queen, many thanks. I shall carry it on me from this day forth. -

The pair moved towards the door, as questions of Ser Barristan's absence began to drift up through the window. I'm heavy with child, Rhaella thought, What's the worst that we could be doing? Nonetheless, it was best not to give the enemies of the Queen any fodder. With a kiss on the cheek, Rhaella sent Ser Barristan on his way.

As Viserys began to stir in bed, Rhaella moved back to her window. The assembled men below, she knew, would keep Ser Barristan safe on the journey. She knew it an odd request, for Ser Barristan to represent the King's Justice at the trial of Ser Arthur Dayne at the hands of Lord Estermont, but Ser Barristan was a noble man, bound by the duties of his office. If any man were to take up the sword in single combat against one of his sworn brothers, especially one so bound to chivalry and order as Ser Arthur, it would be Ser Barristan.

A cheer went up as Ser Barristan emerged from the Red Keep into the courtyard. Rhaella smiled with the knowledge that the men of the realm still recognized the might of his sword and his wit. With a few intoned words from the Queen's personal septon, the party was off. Rhaella watched as they turned and made their way through the gates and checkpoints of the Red Keep and King's Landing. Ser Barristan made one final turn back to his Queen and smiled.

And then he was off. Rhaella could only hope to see him again.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2018, 05:37:11 PM »

A Proclamation from King's Landing

To all who hear this proclaim, greetings.

By the authority of House Targaryen, the oldest and most noble of Houses, which has safely and steadily ruled the Seven Kingdoms for three hundred years, Her Grace the Queen Regent has decreed that:

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Ser Baelor Hightown as a member of the Kingsguard, replacing the late Ser Barristan Selmy, and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Ser Jaremy Rykker as a member of the Kingsguard, replacing the traitorous Ser Jaime Lanniser, and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Ser Archibald Yronwood as a member of the Kingsguard, replacing the late Ser Oswell Whent, and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

Her Grace, acting on behalf of His Grace Viserys the Third of His Name, has appointed the honorable Lord Ormond Yronwood as Advisor to the Small Council and grant him all the styles and comforts belonging to the office.

May the gods keep the King!

- Rhaella of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.
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