Free Palestine Bill (Withdrawn)

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Free Palestine Bill

1. The Republic of Atlasia condemns the use of terrorism by groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas in trying to destroy the nation of Israel and to kill innocent Israeli people.

2. The Republic of Atlasia deplores the nation of Israel for using curfews, walls, and other freedom-restricting measures on the Palestinian people.

3. The Republic of Atlasia hereby recognizes the nation of Palestine as being made up by Gaza Strip and West Bank upon the condemnation of terrorism by top Palestinian officials.

4. The Republic of Atlasia hereby calls upon the United Nations, and more specifically Israel to recognize Palestine after the said conditions are met.

5. If the said conditions are met and Israel still does not recognize Palestine, the Republic of Atlasia will hereby withhold 40% of military aid to Israel and 5% more aid will be witheld for every month Israel does not recognize Palestine.

Sponsor: Sen. True Independent

Another terrible piece of legislation that does nothing to address the fact that the situation is more complicated than telling the Palestinian to stop turning a blind eye to terrorism and then unilaterally giving them the West Bank. I urge the Senator to withdraw his legislation.

I oppose this bill for a number of reasons.

Atlasia "deplores" Israel for using curfews and walls? Sounds a but harsh to me. Also, anybody can make a statement condemning terrorism, but actually going through on it is another story. Seems like Palestine gets off easy on this one.

I, too, oppose this bill; it takes, in my opinion, a far too simplistic view of the situation.

It would be bad measure to table this bill, so I motion to send this directly to an up-or-down vote.


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