WI-Magellan (R): Baldwin +13 over Duffy, +14 over Clarke

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Baldwin 49%
Duffy 36%

Baldwin 49%
Clarke 35%

Pretty good position for her to be in. I honestly don't understand though why Baldwin has popularity while other Democrats in the state have fallen flat.

MT Treasurer:
About as plausible as the polls showing Feingold blanching Johnson. Baldwin is favored, but she won't win by 14 in a state as polarized as WI.

Btw: This is gonna be the case in so many states. You'll see people like Donnelly, Manchin, Tester, Baldwin, etc. all opening out big leads in the polls, simply because it's early, their GOP challengers are not determined yet and polls in many of those states tend to have a pro-D bias. I doubt Republican polls in other states are showing a much better picture for the GOP.

Quote from: MT Treasurer on February 22, 2017, 06:28:20 PM

Baldwin is favored, but she won't win by 14 in a state as polarized as WI.

I don't think anyone thinks that, but Republicans will have to run a better candidate than Clarke or Duffy to win.

ahahahaha SEAN rip bud

Well Baldwin doesn't have that much popularity. She's pretty much in the middle and has always been. That's not a bad place to be in though if the midterm favors Democrats and she has a crappy opponent such as Clarke.


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