House Legislation Introduction Thread

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Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #100 on: November 04, 2016, 04:48:32 PM »
« edited: November 04, 2016, 05:48:50 PM by President Truman »

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Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #101 on: November 04, 2016, 05:01:25 PM »

Sponsoring this on behalf of President Truman.
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« Reply #102 on: November 06, 2016, 07:48:00 PM »

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Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #103 on: November 07, 2016, 04:52:03 PM »

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continued in next post
Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #104 on: November 07, 2016, 04:53:05 PM »

continued from previous post
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« Reply #105 on: November 07, 2016, 04:54:16 PM »

I will sponsor The Criminal Justice Act proposed by the President.
White Trash
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« Reply #106 on: November 10, 2016, 02:48:34 PM »

An Act to Temporarily Prohibit the Importation of Certain Iron and Steel Articles.

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Anna Komnene
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« Reply #107 on: November 15, 2016, 11:49:12 PM »

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Mike Thick
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« Reply #108 on: November 17, 2016, 09:54:27 AM »

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Hatman 🍁
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« Reply #109 on: November 17, 2016, 10:10:41 PM »

Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #110 on: November 22, 2016, 01:12:19 PM »

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Wasn't sure whether or not to add this as part of an amendment to the GM Reform Act, decided to make it standalone.
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I'm flexible about the position of the National Archivist.
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« Reply #111 on: November 24, 2016, 09:26:33 PM »
« Edited: November 25, 2016, 01:41:54 AM by Speaker NeverAgain »

[quote]The Atlasian Full Employment and Growth, Reconstruction, and Other Works Act of 2016 (The G.R.O.W. Act)


In our nation, every man or woman deserves to be able to live up to his or her own god-given potential, we as a nation, work harder than every other nation on earth! But there are still too many of us who lack the employment they desire, nay deserve. Therefore it is the duty of those of us in government to find a solution for this, and help these hardworking Atlasians find a job.

To do this, we must follow the steps of President Franklin Roosevelt in helping spur the economy by creating new public works and infrastructure projects. We must also look at our unemployment benefits system, and seek to make it work for those that use it. And we must work with the private sector to continue a strong public/private relationship.

This bill will ensure that every Atlasian is able to live up to their potential, with affordable childcare, a good job, and a prosperous economy for all.

Section One: Tax Relief for Working Families and Businesses

i. Cut the payroll tax on all businesses to 3.1% (or in half). This bill will cut in half the taxes paid by businesses on their first $5 million in payroll, providing a tax but targeting the benefit to the 99 percent of firms that have payroll below this threshold. All businesses will pay 3.1%, instead of the current rate of 6.2, on their first 5 million in payroll, which would boost their ability to grow and expand, therefore expanding our economy.

ii. A complete payroll tax holiday for added workers or increased wages. This plan will completely eliminate payroll taxes for firms that increase their payroll by adding new workers or increasing the wages of their current worker (to ensure that this tax cut is focused on small businesses, the tax relief is capped at $50 million in payroll increases)

iii. Allow 100% business expensing (for businesses with assets under $50M) until 2019. To encourage businesses to grow and prosper we will allow for a full deduction of all businesses expensing, for small businesses, to encourage them to make new investments in our economy. This extension would put an additional $85 billion in the hands of businesses next year.

iv. Cutting payroll taxes in half for 160 million workers next year. Starting in the 2017 Fiscal Year, 160 million workers will see an instant tax cut of 50% for their payroll taxes, with slow growth back to the current rate by 2021. This will give the average Atlasian family a tax cut of $4,000 over the next 4 years.

v. Allowing more Atlasians to refinance their mortgages. Now that our mortgage interest rates are just under 4 percent, we will allow Atlasians, who are stuck at high pre-recession interest rates refinance, which can put more than $2,000 a year in a family’s pocket. This will also decrease government tax expenditures by allowing mortgages to be lowered.

Section Two: Programs for the Currently Uninsured

i. Extend benefits for 6 million long-term beneficiaries. This bill will extend those that are currently within a year of losing their benefits and allow them to stay on these benefits through 2020. This will allow 6 million people to seek employment, while not worrying about how to feed their families, and be forced to dip into (if they have any) retirement.

ii. Give unemployment insurance for workers whose employers choose work-sharing over layoffs to cover those lost hours for employees. Work sharing allows employers, who are considering downsizing to, instead of laying off workers, to decrease their hours for their employees and then their employees will be covered for lost hours by unemployment insurance.

iii. Improve reemployment services for the long-term unemployed through counseling, and eligibility assessments. For those that are currently uninsured, we must secure their ability to seek a job. To do this, we will expand counseling programs and eligibility assessments to see what job fits each person. This will expand and diversify the workforce, and allow employers to have a stronger relationship with their employees.

iv. Improve reemployment services for the long-term unemployed through counseling, and eligibility assessments. For those that are currently uninsured, we must secure their ability to seek a job. To do this, we will expand counseling programs and eligibility assessments to see what job fits each person. This will expand and diversify the workforce, and allow employers to have a stronger relationship with their employees.

v. A new “Bridge to Work” program. This program builds on and improves innovative regional programs where those displaced take temporary, voluntary work or pursue on-the-job training. This allows the regions to get a larger federal block grant (at about $2 Billion per region) for those that are displaced and to allow them to experiment to take these programs to the next level, and give them assistance to expand job opportunities for low-income youth and adults by investing in promising and proven strategies and programs like summer jobs and sector-based training programs.

vi. Innovative entrepreneurship and wage insurance programs. Regions will now be empowered to implement wage insurance to help reemploy older workers, employ younger workers (especially new college grads), and create programs that make it easier for unemployed workers to start their own businesses. This will ensure that the regions are able to control rising unemployment in their own ways (through the block grant, and this program).

vii. Mandate the EEOC investigate cases of discrimination in hiring against persons who have been or are unemployed. Discrimination must be fought in all forms, especially against those seeking employment. This bill will force and encourage the EEOC to investigate any claims of discrimination against those out of work. This will attempt to end the stigma of employers against the unemployed.

vii. Mandate the EEOC investigate cases of discrimination in hiring against persons who have been or are unemployed. Discrimination must be fought in all forms, especially against those seeking employment. This bill will force and encourage the EEOC to investigate any claims of discrimination against those out of work. This will attempt to end the stigma of employers against the unemployed.

viii. Create a $4,000 tax credit to employers for hiring long-term unemployed workers. This tax credit will help incentivize employers to hire those that have been out of work for over 6 months and give them the work experience they deserve. For every long-term (as defined by over 6 months unemployed) unemployed employee hired, the company will receive $4,000 in tax credits.

ix. Offer tax credits to encourage businesses to hire unemployed veterans. Servicemen and women deserve out highest respect, and therefore they should be able to live up to the American dream, just like all of us, and that includes employment. Businesses that hire veterans who have been unemployed six months or longer would receive a tax credit up to $5,600, and that credit rises to $9,600 for veterans who also have service-connected disabilities.
x. Enact a high-speed rail system from Boston to Miami. If we are to fully grow our economy and our infrastructure, then we must use new and progressing technology to adequately keep up with the global economy. To do this, we must tap into the system of high-speed rails. This will allow for quick commuter access, growth in tourism and commerce between regions, and help with our unemployment crisis.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #112 on: November 24, 2016, 09:27:28 PM »


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Sponsor: NeverAgain
Anna Komnene
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« Reply #113 on: November 29, 2016, 10:10:14 PM »

I'm sponsoring these constitutional amendments proposed by Virginia and Jbrase (note: please introduce them separately.  I just don't want to make a pointless double post Tongue).

Amendment to Article 1, Section 4 of the Atlasian Constitution

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Amendment to Article 1, Section 6 of the Atlasian Constitution

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #114 on: December 05, 2016, 06:40:11 PM »

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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #115 on: December 05, 2016, 07:19:12 PM »

I'll sponsor the Clean Coasts and Seas Act.
Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #116 on: December 06, 2016, 08:20:01 PM »

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« Reply #117 on: January 05, 2017, 06:34:35 PM »

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This is a great bill, that I am stealing from our great Secretary of Interior, Truman.

This will be known as The Reconstruction of Fremont Act of 2017
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« Reply #118 on: January 05, 2017, 06:42:52 PM »

I support, just don't say you stole it from Truman, give him credit.
Anna Komnene
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« Reply #119 on: January 08, 2017, 07:39:22 PM »

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« Reply #120 on: January 09, 2017, 05:36:01 PM »

Atlasian Timeline Act

1. An official timeline of events leading to the establishment of Atlasia, covering the time of January 2004-June 2016, will be created.

2. The timeline will be as follows:
  2A. January 2004: President George Bush military policies have lead to an America in economic turmoil. Congress votes to scale back the military in order to pay off debt.
  2B. February-March 2004: The U.S. Military makes cuts because of budgetary concerns.
  2C. April-December 2004: A surprise invasion by the Chinese government leads to America's eventual conquest. The United States of America is disbanded and the Communist Union of America is established.
  2D. 2005-2006: The people endure life as a communist nation. Towards the end of this period, the authorities accidentally kill children while attempting to apprehend a suspected terrorist.
  2E. 2007-2010: First period of the Atlasian War of Independence. Several rebel cells appear, and launch attacks on various supply depots and convoys. No land is liberated. Most cells are fighting independent of each other.
  2F. 2011-2013: While war continues, one man makes a plan. Leinad, who'll later become the first president of Atlasia begins efforts to unite the various cells. Starting with the largest cells led by Truman, Blair, and Yankee.
  2G. 2014: Leinad is successful in his efforts, and liberates large swathes of land. Soon, the Chinese government decide to cut their losses.
  2I. 2015: A period of uncertainty reins over North America. Efforts to begin a Constitutional Converntiob begin.
  2J. January 2016-June 2016: The Constitutional Convention is completed, and the Republic of Atlasia is established. Leinad is elected the first President.
Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #121 on: January 23, 2017, 06:06:43 PM »

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Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #122 on: January 29, 2017, 12:11:34 PM »
« Edited: January 29, 2017, 08:48:52 PM by Peebs »

An act that's less of a joke than "Apartment of Representatives":
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EDIT: Capital letter in section 3 lowercased for reading convenience
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #123 on: February 28, 2017, 08:15:08 AM »

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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #124 on: March 01, 2017, 09:27:23 PM »

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