Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread  (Read 96917 times)
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
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« on: March 03, 2019, 06:17:43 PM »

To clarify and reaffirm executive authority concerning women’s health services

Section 1: Title and Definitions
1. This act shall be titled the “Mexico City Policy Clarification and Reaffirmation of Executive Authority Act”
2. “Abortion” shall be defined as any procedure that terminates pregnancy through the use of physical or chemical means
3. “Women’s health services” shall be defined as any procedure that supports, expands, or in any other way furthers the reproductive health and care of a woman
4. “Medically necessary procedure” shall be defined as any medical treatment or procedure deemed necessary to sustain the life of an individual or patient as decided by a present medical professional
5. “Medical professional” shall be defined as any person who has received adequate credentials within the jurisdiction of their practice to perform medical procedures and has agreed to perform such procedures
6. “Medically Unnecessary procedure” shall be defined as any medical treatment or procedure that is not deemed necessary to sustain the life of an individual or patient

Section 2: Clarifying the Mexico City Policy
1. The President shall possess the power to prevent the funding of any medically unnecessary abortion by any nongovernment organization via executive order
2. Nongovernment organizations shall be allowed to use speech and spread information concerning women’s health services, including the practice of abortion, while the Mexico City Policy is in effect.
3. Nongovernment organizations shall continue to receive funding for family planning services if they do not fund medically unnecessary abortions while the Mexico City Policy is in effect.
3. The Congress of Atlasia reaffirms its commitment to free expression and freedom of speech

Section 3: Implementation
1. This act shall go into effect immediately

Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
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« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2019, 12:46:14 PM »

Appalachia Reinvestment Act

An Act

to invest in Appalachia and combat the opioid epidemic


1. This Act may be cited as the “Appalachia Reinvestment Act”.


1. Beginning on October 1st, 2019, the Appalachia Regional Commission shall receive a budget of $10,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2020.

2. Beginning on October 1st, 2020, the Appalachia Regional Commission shall receive a budget of $10,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2021.

3. Beginning on October 1st, 2021, the Appalachia Regional Commission shall receive a budget of $10,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2022.

4. Beginning on October 1st, 2022, the Appalachia Regional Commission shall receive a budget of $10,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2023.


1. The Appalachia Regional Commission (ARC) shall establish a special division on the opioid epidemic

2. Counties within the scope of the ARC shall be given a status based on the overall severity of drug related death within their boundaries

3. The status are hereby defined as-
   a. Clear: Drug related deaths of less than 4.5 per 100,000
   b. At risk: Drug related deaths of between 4.5-10 per 100,000
   c. Endemic: Drug related deaths of between 10-15 per 100,000
   d. Epidemic: Drug related deaths of between 15-25 per 100,000
   e. Crisis: Drug related deaths of greater than 25 per 100,000


1. The Federal Government of Atlasia shall establish the Opioid Epidemic Commission (OEC)

2. This commission shall function as a voluntary partnership between the Federal Government and regional governments

3. Region can opt out of the OEC with a simple majority within their respective legislature

4. The OEC shall use the same status guidelines as the Appalachia Regional Commission

5. The OEC shall establish-
   a. A division on inpatient therapy
   b. A division on outpatient therapy
   c. A division on research
   d. A division on community grants

6. The OEC shall cease its duties exactly one fiscal year after the national drug related death rate has fallen below 4.5 per 100,000


1. Beginning on October 1st, 2019, the Opioid Epidemic Commission shall receive a budget of $10,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2020.


1. Income tax rates in the four highest brackets shall be increased by 1 percentage point until FY 2023.


1. This law shall go into effect on October 1st, 2019
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2019, 12:46:15 PM »

Supporting Atlasian Entrepreneurs Act

To provide assistance to prospective job creators.


1. Beginning on October 1st, 2019, the Minority Business Development Agency shall receive a budget of $200,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2020.


1. Beginning on October 1st, 2019, the Small Business Administration shall receive a budget of $1,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending on September 30th, 2020.


1. The expensing of exploration and development costs, for tax purposes, is hereby repealed


1. This Act shall go into effect immediately

Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
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« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2019, 05:10:02 PM »

Paid Time Off Act

A Bill

To establish federal baselines for requiring businesses to provide paid time off to employees.

Be it enacted in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,

Section 1. Definitions
1. Employers - companies that employ 50 or more employees
2. Full-time employee - employees who work a minimum of 40 hours per week.

Section 2. Paid Time Off
1. Effective January 1, 2020, employers shall be required to provide 5 paid vacation days per year to all full-time employees.
2. Effective January 1, 2022, employers shall be required to provide 10 paid vacation days per year to all full-time employees.
3. Employers are permitted and encouraged to exceed these baseline requirements.
4. Regional governments are permitted to increase these baseline requirements in their region

I am sponsoring this bill on behalf of President Tmth
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
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« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2019, 08:15:56 PM »

I am sponsoring this on behalf of First Minister Scott.

To prohibit police officers from ordering blood draws from unconscious DUI suspects without a warrant

Section 1: Title

This legislation may be cited as the Mitchell Act.

Section 2: Requiring a judicial warrant prior to the taking of an unconscious person's blood

Whereas, unconscious persons shall retain their right to bodily autonomy, Section II of the Who Polices the Police Act is hereby amended:

1. The practice of issuing administrative subpoenas under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act to seize electronic data stored on a third-party server is hereby prohibited. No such data may be seized unless a valid warrant is issued by a federal magistrate or judge with appropriate jurisdiction over the investigation. 18 U.S.C. § 2511 shall be amended accordingly.

2. 47 USC § 1001-1010 imposing CALEA software compatibility on certain electronic devices or telecommunications equipment is hereby repealed.

3. No federal law enforcement officer shall enter upon the real property of a person to view or record the data on a meter measuring electrical usage, unless the law enforcement officer has the express consent of the real property owner or a person who resides full time at the real property, or unless the law enforcement officer has a lawful warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate with appropriate jurisdiction.

4. No federal law enforcement officer shall implant or attach any device used for the purpose of tracking or recording geographic location via satellite to any person, privately owned vehicle, aircraft, or vessel, or any other privately owned personal property, unless the law enforcement officer has the express consent of the person or property owner, or unless the law enforcement officer has a lawful warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate with appropriate jurisdiction.

5. No federal law enforcement officer shall use unmanned drones for the purpose of tracking a person or a privately owned vehicle, aircraft, or vessel, unless the law enforcement officer has the express consent of the person or property owner, or unless the law enforcement officer has a lawful warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate with appropriate jurisdiction, or if there is probable cause that the person, vehicle, aircraft, or vessel is fleeing from the location of recently committed crime.

6. No federal law enforcement officer shall photograph the unopened mail correspondence between private parties, unless the law enforcement officer has the express consent of one of the parties, or unless the law enforcement officer has a lawful warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate with appropriate jurisdiction.

7. No federal law enforcement officer shall order or initiate the drawing of blood from an unconscious person unless the law enforcement officer has a lawful warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate with appropriate jurisdiction.

7. 8. 50 U.S.C. § 1861 authorizing the seizure of domestic files, books, and other tangible things for evidence on foreign suspects without a warrant is hereby repealed.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2019, 03:54:24 PM »
« Edited: July 02, 2019, 09:22:08 PM by Devout Centrist »



to repeal fascism

Be it enacted by both houses of Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. Short Title.

1.  This Act may be cited as the “Freedom Act is Stupid and Constitutionally Incompatible and Simply Must Be Terminated for Freedom, Obviously! Act of 2019”, or, alternatively, as the "FASCISM BTFO Act of 2019".

SECTION 2. Findings.
Congress finds the following:
1. The USA PATRIOT ACT is fascist and bad.
2. The USA FREEDOM ACT is fascist and bad.
3. Fascism is bad.

SECTION 3. Response.
1. US P.L. 107-56, the USA PATRIOT ACT, is hereby repealed.
2. US P.L. 114-23, the USA FREEDOM ACT, is hereby repealed.

SECTION 4. Suspension of Authority for School of the Americas.

a. The Secretary of State shall suspend the operation of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.
b. The authority of the Secretary of State to operate an education and training facility under 10 USC 2166, is suspended indefinitely.
c. No training or education facility may be established in the Department of State for Latin American military personnel (as a successor to the United States Army School of the Americas, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, or otherwise).

SECTION 5. Effective Date.
1. This act shall take effect immediately.

Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2019, 09:18:30 AM »

Comstock Act Repeal of 2019

To Ease Access to Birth Control Information


1. The Comstock Act of 1873 is hereby repealed. 18 U.S. Code § 1462 is hereby repealed..


1. This Act shall go into effect immediately

Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2019, 12:06:10 PM »

To strengthen the estate tax and provide a bulwark against an oligarchy

Be it enacted in both Houses of Congress
Section 1; Title
1. This act may be cited as the "Responsible Estate Tax Act "
Section 2; Substance
1. The minimum value of estate subject to the estate tax shall be $3.5 million.
2. The estate tax brackets shall be adjusted as follows;
a) 45% tax shall be paid for the value of an estate between $3.5 million and $10 million.
b) 50% tax shall be paid for the value of an estate between $10 million and $50 million.
c) 55% tax shall be paid for the value of an estate in excess of $50 million.
3. A 10% surtax shall be imposed on the value of estates above $500 million.
4. The rules regarding grantor retained annuity trusts shall be expanded by-
a) The right to receive fixed amounts from an annuity shall last for a term of not less than 10 years and that such fixed amounts not decrease during the first 10 years of the annuity term.
b) The remainder interest shall have a value greater than 10% when transferred.
5. The generation-skipping transfer tax exemption is eliminated for any grantor trust that whose termination date is 50 years or less in duration.
6. The basic estate tax exclusion shall amount to $3.5 million.
7. The reduction in valuations of farmland for estate tax purposes shall increase to $3 million.
a) This reduction shall be adjusted to inflation after 2020.
8. The maximum estate tax exclusion for contributions of conservation easements shall increase to $2 million.
9. The annual gift tax exclusion shall be adjusted to limit the aggregate annual amount of such exclusion to twice the current exclusion amount for certain types of transfers, these being
a) A transfer in trust.
b) A transfer of an interest in a pass through entity.
c) A transfer of an interest subject to a prohibition on sale
d) Any other transfer of property that cannot be immediately liquidated by the donee.
10. Executors of estates and donors of gifts shall be required to file a gift tax return to disclose to the Department of the Treasury, and to recipients of any interest in an estate or a gift, information identifying the value of each interest received.
Section 3; Implementation
1. All changes in this legislation shall take effect in the first fiscal year following its passage into law.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2019, 12:08:34 PM »

Appropriations Freedom Resolution

To repeal the Paygo rule and allow more flexibility in the appropriation of funding in bills.

Be it resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,
Section 1.

Article 2 shall be amended by striking section 7 with succeeding sections renumbered accordingly.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2019, 06:38:03 PM »

To protect consumers from usury
Be it enacted in both Houses of Congress
Section 1; Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Loan Shark Prevention Act".
Section 2; Substance
1. Interest rates on credit cards shall be capped at a maximum of 15%.
a) If state or regional laws prescribe a lower cap, then nothing in this legislation shall prevent the lower cap applying instead of the 15% cap.
b) Any fees that are not considered finance charges shall not be used to evade the limitations of this paragraph, and the total sum of such fees shall not exceed the total amount of finance charges assessed.
2. The Federal Reserve shall have the authority to waive the prescribed 15% interest rate cap for a maximum of 18 months if-
a) A determination is made that prevailing interest rate levels seriously threaten the safety and soundness of individual lenders, as evidenced by meaningful adverse trends in liquidity, capital, earnings and growth.
b) This clause shall not affect the regulations regarding credit unions.
3. If a fee or interest rate greater than the cap prescribed in this legislation is knowingly charged to consumers, the entire interest shall be forfeited.
a) A usurious collection that is forbidden by this legislation shall be able to be entirely recovered from the lender provided that a legal action is brought no later than 2 years after the date on which the last usurious collection was made.
b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to pre-empt state or regional laws that provide greater consumer protection than in this legislation.
4. The Atlasian Postal Service shall be permitted to engage in banking services.
Section 3; Implementation
1. This legislation shall come into effect one year after its passage into law.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2019, 06:38:58 PM »

To combat the opioid epidemic
Be it enacted in both Houses of Congress
Section 1; Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Help is On The Way Act."
Section 2; Comprehensive Government Response
1. $100 billion shall be appropriated over the next 10 years for the purposes of combatting the opioid epidemic.
2. The $100 billion, as $10 billion annual funding, shall be broken down annually as follows-
a) $4 billion shall be appropriated to fund regional, state, local and tribal government responses to the opioid epidemic.
b) $2.7 billion shall be appropriated to fund opioid epidemic responses in those cities or counties that are in the top 15% of cities in counties in Atlasia in terms of overdose deaths due to opioids as a proportion of the population.
c) $1.7 billion shall be appropriated for public health surveillance, research, and improved training for health professionals.
d) $1.1 billion shall be appropriated to fund public and nonprofit entities directly involved in combating and responding to the opioid epidemic, and in particular with the intention of supporting expanded and innovative service delivery of treatment, recovery, and harm reduction services.
i) The intention shall apply when said entities are directly involved in and have a realistic chance of delivering on the intended goals in this clause.
e) $500 million shall be appropriated to expand access to naloxone and to provide naloxone to first responders, public health departments, and the public to reduce opioid overdose deaths.
Section 3; Funding
1. This legislation shall be funded from the revenue raised by the Wealth Tax Act.
Section 4; Implementation
1. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon its passage into law.
I promise this is it for today
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2019, 07:33:05 PM »

To require companies that package meat and grocery stores to label all meat products treated with carbon monoxide.

Section 1: Title

This legislation may be cited as the Red Meat Labeling Act.

Section 2: Findings

Parliament finds and declares that;

1.) Carbon monoxide (often referred to as CO) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, one measly oxygen molecule away from the carbon dioxide all humans exhale. However, this chemical can have detrimental effects on the human body at very low concentrations.

2.) The Canadian Meat Packers Council recommends that the internal meat temperatures not go above 4 degrees Celsius or 39 degrees Fahrenheit. That has also been defined by other international meat regulators as the optimum storage temperature of meat.

3.) In a carbon monoxide system, with low oxygen, the carbon monoxide will react with myoglobin and give aged meat a bright red color. The low oxygen mixture artificially limits the growth of spoilage organisms that are commonly caused by increased levels of heat in display cases.

4.) More than 70% of all beef and chicken in the United States, Canada and other countries is being treated with poisonous carbon monoxide gas to look fresh.

Section 3: Meat Labeling Requirement

1.) All meat treated with carbon monoxide must have a label that reads "TREATED WITH CARBON MONOXIDE" on their packages at a font size no smaller than 13 pt.

2.) Butchers/meat producers that sell meat that do not contain such labels will be warned on a first offense, and fined $35,000,000 per offense thereafter.

Section 4: Enactment

This legislation shall take effect on January 1, 2020.

I am sponsoring this on behalf of First Minister Scott
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2019, 07:28:51 PM »

Sponsoring on behalf of Vice President Jimmy:

To require background checks for most gun sales and transfers.

Section 1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the “Gun Sale and Transfer Safety Act of 2019”.

Section 2. Repealing old requirements

18 U.S.C. § 922 is amended by striking the existing contents of subsection (s) and inserting the following contents of Section 3 and Section 4 of this Act.

Section 3. New requirements

(a) In general.—

It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer to transfer a firearm to any other person who is not licensed, unless a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer has first taken possession of the firearm for the purpose of complying with subsection (t) of 18 U.S.C. § 922.

(b) Process.—

Upon taking possession of a firearm, a licensee shall comply with all requirements of 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44 (18 U.S.C. §§ 921-931) as if the licensee were transferring the firearm from the inventory of the licensee to the unlicensed transferee.

(c) Returns.—

If a transfer of a firearm will not be completed for any reason after a licensee takes possession of the firearm, the return of the firearm to the transferor by the licensee shall not constitute the transfer of a firearm for the purposes of this chapter.

Section 4. Exceptions

The requirements set in Section 3 shall not apply to—

(A) a transfer of a firearm that will be used for employment-related duties by a law enforcement officer, armed private security professional, or member of the armed forces;

(B) a temporary transfer of a firearm that is necessary to prevent harm to self, family, household members, or others from domestic violence, dating partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic abuse; or

(C) a temporary transfer of a firearm if the transferee’s possession of the firearm is exclusively—
(i) at a shooting range or in a shooting gallery or other area designated for the purpose of target shooting; or
(ii) in the presence of the transferor, who shall be partially responsible for all acts committed by the transferee with such firearm.

Section 5. Implementation

This Act shall take effect 30 days after passage.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2019, 03:35:28 AM »

To create a fairer Atlasia and maximize government revenue
Be it enacted in both Houses of Congress
Section 1; Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Wealth Tax Act".
Section 2; Substance
1. Households of a net worth greater than $50 million shall have a 2% annual tax imposed on their net worth.
2. A 2% annual surcharge shall be imposed on net worth greater than $1 billion.
3. A 1% annual surcharge shall be imposed on net worth greater than $5 billion.
4. A 1% annual surcharge shall be imposed on net worth greater than $10 billion.
5. All household assets shall be included in the calculation of household net worth, regardless of whether those assets are held in Atlasia.
a) Household assets shall include-residences, closely held businesses, assets held in trust, retirement assets, assets held by minors, and personal property with a value of $50,000 or more.
b) 'Closely held business' shall be defined as any sole proprietorship or partnership that any individual in a household legally owns or co-owns.
b) Individuals shall be allowed a closely held business exemption of $10 million from the taxes levied in this act.
6. Illiquid assets shall be defined as-penny stocks or similar stocks, ownership in private firms, fine art, antiques, or any tangible good, partnership shares in hedge funds, alternative investments, long term options, futures, and forward contracts and long term bonds and other debt instruments.
a) 'Long term' shall be defined as a period greater than one fiscal year.
b) Households shall be allowed a total illiliquid asset exemption of $30 million from the taxes levied in this act.
7. Funded by the tax changes in this legislation, the IRS's enforcement budget shall be doubled.
8. Any Atlasian citizen with a net worth of greater than $50 million shall pay a 40% tax on their net worth if they renounce their citizenship.
9. Any Atlasian citizen with a net worth of greater than $1 billion shall pay a 45% tax on their net worth if they renounce their citizenship.
10. Any Atlasian citizen with a net worth of greater than $5 billion shall pay a 50% tax on their net worth if they renounce their citizenship.
11. Nothing in this legislation shall be construed to increase the tax burden on any Atlasian households with a net worth of less than $50 million.
Section 3; Implementation
1. All changes in this legislation shall take effect in the second full fiscal year following its passage into law.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2019, 10:59:32 AM »

Joint Resolution
To provide for a one-time, temporary extension of budget levels to allow the budget to be posted and fully debated without a shutdown.

Continuing Resolution to Avoid Shutdown

1. Funding for Atlasia's government will be maintained at current levels through October 28, 2019 or until a Budget Resolution is adopted.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2019, 01:57:13 AM »

Census Act of 2019
To Provide Guidelines and Procedures for the Federal Census
Section 1. Overview
1. This bill shall be titled the “Census Act of 2019”, or simply the “Census Act”.
2. The following federal laws are hereby repealed:
a. F.L. 13-51: The Fixing Deregistration Act
b. F.L. 17-01: The Close the Regional Change Loophole Act of 2019
c. F.L. 17-06: The Region Moving Grace Period Act
3. All subsequent federal census legislation that is passed shall be considered as amending this act, and shall be added accordingly on the wiki page for this act.

Section 2. The Census
1. The Cabinet member assigned the portfolio of Census Administrator shall maintain a census document listing all registered voters in Atlasia. For each voter, the census shall list:
a. Their permanent Atlas Forum username
b. The political party they are registered with
c. The state they are registered in
d. The region they reside in
e. Whether or not the voter voted or attempted to vote in each of the last three federal elections.
f. If, according to the provisions of this act, a voter is presently ineligible to move regions, the date by which they shall become eligible to move regions
2. The Census shall be made publicly available to view by all Atlasian citizens.
3. The Census Administrator shall publicly update the census regularly; they are recommended to do so once per week.
4. At least ninety-six hours prior to the start of any federal election, the Census Administrator shall post a public census update indicating the registered voter roll exactly as it stood one hundred and sixty-eight hours prior to the start of the election, so that all citizens shall have access to the accurate list of voters with eligible registrations for the election.
5. Following a federal election, the Census Administrator shall, with all appropriate haste, post an update in which they clearly indicate the voters who have been automatically deregistered according to the provisions of this act, as well as update the census document to reflect these deregistrations.

Section 3. Registration
1. The Census Administrator shall manage a thread on the Atlas Fantasy Elections board titled “New Register Thread”. All voluntary registrations and registration changes must be made in this thread.
2. To register, a poster must post in this thread indicating the state in which they wish to register and their party affiliation of choice.
3. To change their registration, a poster must indicate which state and/or political party they wish to change to.
4. In the event of a misspelling or a poster referring to their party or state of choice in an indirect manner, if the intent of the registration is clear, the Census Administrator shall act accordingly.
5. All valid new registrations or changes to registration shall be reflected on or prior to the first non-election census update occurring at least twelve hours after the registration, and on all subsequent census updates thereafter until the registration is modified or removed. A new registration shall only be reflected on an election census update if said registration was made in time to be eligible for the election in question.
7. Any registered voter may, subject to the provisions of this act, choose to deregister from Atlasia. If valid, the voter’s registration shall be removed on or prior to the first census update occurring at least twelve hours after the deregistration.
8. No voter may alter their state of registration or deregister during the “protected period”, which shall begin one hundred and sixty-eight hours prior to any regularly scheduled federal election and conclude upon the conclusion of the voting period. All attempts to do so during this period shall be invalid.
9. In order to be eligible to register, a poster’s Atlas Forum account must have been registered for at least one hundred and sixty-eight hours and must have accumulated at least fifteen posts.
10. If a poster attempts to register without having met one or more of the requirements, but is able to reach all requirements within one week of the registration attempt, then that poster’s registration shall take effect at that point. If a poster has not met all requirements within one week, then the registration attempt is void.
11. Changes to a voter's region of registration shall take effect twenty-four (24) hours after their posting in the New Register Thread; and the voter may reverse the change at any time before this period has elapsed. Having made such a reversal, no voter shall change their region of registration until three hundred sixty (360) hours have elapsed.

Section 4. Moving
1. For a voter to change their state of registration, the voter must request such a change outside of a protected period and must not have changed their state of registration within the last twenty-four hours.
2. If a voter has been registered in more than one region over the previous one hundred and eighty days, they cannot register outside the region they were most recently registered in.

Section 5. Deregistration.
1. A voter may be deregistered by the following methods:
a. If the voter voluntarily chooses to deregister in the New Register Thread outside of a protected period;
b. If the voter is deregistered through a duel or other method of mutually-agreed potential deregistration agreement as established by law;
c. If the voter is banned from the Atlas Forum, and this fact is confirmed by forum moderators; or
d. If the voter does not cast a ballot, valid or invalid, in three consecutive regularly scheduled federal elections.
2. If a voter deregisters voluntarily, they may not register again until three hundred and thirty-six hours have passed.

Section 6. Party Organization
1. If the membership of an organized political party, by vote of a quorum, which shall be a majority of all members of that party, decides that it wishes to change the name of that party, then the Registrar General shall, upon notification of the results by an officer of the party in question, change the official party membership of all members registered within that party to the new name approved by the party membership. (Continuation of F.L. 15-05§2.1)
2. No formal organized political party may use the registration "Independent", nor may any party change its name to one occupied by an existing party (Continuation of F.L. 15-05§2.2)
3. Two or more parties may, with the approval of each of their chairs, reach a merger agreement between them which clearly indicates the name, leadership, and (provisional or permanent) bylaws of the resultant party. If the membership of each of the parties within the agreement, by vote of a quorum, which shall be a majority of all members of that party, decides to approve the agreement within 30 days of each other, then the Registrar General shall, upon notification of the results by an officer of the party in question, change the official party membership of all remaining members registered within that party to the name of the resultant party specified within the agreement. (Continuation of F.L. 15-05§2.4)
4. The name of the resultant party must adhere to Clause 2 of this section, except that the resultant party may use the name of a party within the agreement.
5. A party may revoke its assent to the agreement, provided at least one of the parties within the agreement has not yet given it, by a declaration of the chair, a second vote by the quorum, which shall be a majority of all members of the party, or by any other method specified by the party bylaws.
6. Outside of the cases described in this section, the Census Administrator may not change a voter’s party registration unless the change is requested by the voter.
7. No provision of this section shall be construed to preclude any individual from choosing to revert to their previous registration if it is altered by one or more provisions of this Act. (Continuation of F.L. 15-05§2.5)
8. The majority of the party membership shall have the supreme power within a party, subject to federal law, and may remove or elect a chair or adopt, modify, or revoke party bylaws at any time. If no such majority action is taken, the governance of the party, subject to federal law, shall be dictated by the bylaws. In the absence of relevant bylaws, the party chair, subject to federal law and the supreme power of a majority, shall have absolute authority to govern the party.
9. Should a party not have bylaws detailing the procedure for selecting a party chair, any party member may declare themselves chair provided the chairmanship is vacant.
10. In the absence of an official chair, the party member with the longest continuous registration in said party shall be considered acting chair, however the chairmanship shall be considered vacant for the purposes of subsection 6.9.

Section 7. Instantaneity
1. All valid registrations, registration changes, and deregistrations shall be considered to take place as soon as the requisite conditions and/or requests are made, irrespective of when said changes are factored into the census document.

Section 8. Effective Date
1. All censuses conducted by the Census Administrator between June 9, 2016 and passage of this Act are retroactively granted legitimacy under this act.
2. This act shall take effect upon passage by both houses of Congress and signature of the President of Atlasia.
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2019, 10:39:45 PM »
« Edited: October 17, 2019, 10:43:07 PM by Devout Centrist »



Income Taxes:  $ 1,735,038,900,000.00  ($ 1735.04 billion)                          
 by tax bracket
 0-13K      10%  $ 132,602,630,929.00
 13K-50k    15%    $ 447,780,682,763.00                    
 50K-130K   25%        $ 535,512,271,234.00              
 130K-210K  29%       $ 188,700,479,643.00                    
 210K-413K  34%       $ 220,320,135,498.00                        
 413K-441K  36%        $ 75,481,993,752.00                    
 441K+      40.6%      $ 134,640,706,551.00                      
Corporate Taxes:  $ 347,763,510,122.19  ($ 347.76 billion)
 by tax bracket                                            
 0-100K     0%        $ 0.00                
 100K-1M    15%        $ 2,678,940,033.99                
 1M-10M     21.5%    $ 5,172,280,041.70                    
 10M+       28%         $ 339,912,290,046.51                    
Payroll Taxes -  $ 1,325,575,422,184.86 ($ 1,325.58 billion)
 OASDI: 12.4% (6.2% on employees, 6.2% on employers) - $ 912,456,391,044.15    
 RRPH: 5.0% (2.5% on employees, 2.5% on employers) - $ 367,925,964,130.71      
 FUTA: 6.0% on first $7,000 - $ 45,193,067,010.00  

Estate Tax: 45% of amount above $ 3.5 million, 50% above $ 10 million, 55% above $ 50 million
 $ 34,500,000,000.00
Wealth Tax:
 $ 62,566,000,000.00

Healthcare Taxes:
 40% Cadillac Tax -  $ 0.00 Billion  
 3.8% on Net Investment Income -  $ 12.80 Billion                              
Excise Taxes/customs duties:
 Carbon Tax (2018) -  $ 16.35    Billion                            
 Gasoline Tax (2018) -  $ 50.00 Billion                              
 Tobacco and Alcohol Taxes (2018) -  $ 24.20 Billion    
 Excise taxes on health insurance providers,
 pharmaceuticals, and medical devices (2018) - $ 9.90 Billion
 Revenue Enhancement Act - $ 63,185,494,000.00
 LIFO Repeal Offset… $ 13,000,000,000.00                  
Other Revenue:  $ 30.209 Billion                    
Additional tax credits:  $ -39.40 Billion
TOTAL Revenue: $ 3724.091 Billion


Military Spending ($504.358 Billion)              
$123.58 Billion... Military personnel              
$184.51 Billion... Operation and maintenance              
$106.01 Billion... Procurement              
$61.52 Billion ... Research, development, test and evaluation              
$8.47 Billion..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other              
$12.148 Billion.... Atomic Energy Defense Activities              
$8.11 Billion..... Defense Related activities            
$0.00 Billion..... Fiscal Responsibility in our Military Act
$-15.25 Billion… F-35 Procurement Halt

Military Retirement ($144.0811 Billion)                            
$75.48 Billion.... Income security for veterans              
$14.15 Billion.... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation                            
$54.22 Billion.... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military (added in under Healthcare below)                
$0.38 Billion..... Housing and other veterans benefits and services              
$-0.1489 Billion…. VA Privatisation
International affairs ($31.94 Billion)              
$18.88 Billion ... International development and humanitarian assistance              
$8.55 Billion..... International military aid              
$11.99 Billion.... Conduct of foreign affairs              
$1.30 Billion..... Foreign information and exchange activities  
$-8.79 Billion.... International Financial Programs            
General science, space, and technology ($185.18 Billion)              
$11.26 Billion.... National Science Foundation programs              
$4.55 Billion..... Department of Energy general science programs              
$169.37 Billion.... Space flight, research, and supporting activities              
Non-Defense Energy Spending ($52.393 Billion)              
$3.15 Billion..... Energy supply              
$1.11 Billion..... Energy conservation and preparedness              
$0.64 Billion..... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation  
$15.00 Billion.... Energy Rebate and Subsidy Act    
$32.50 Billion.... Gas Tax Act    
$-0.007 Billion…. Eliminated Ethanol Blending Rules
Natural resources and environment ($43.58 Billion)              
$4.89 Billion..... Water resources              
$11.54 Billion.... Conservation and land management          
$4.42 Billion..... Recreational & Park resources              
$7.18 Billion..... Pollution control and abatement                                
$6.55 Billion..... Other natural resources  
$9.00 billion..... The Storm Surge, Coastal Flooding, and Tsunami Prevention Act of 2017    
Agriculture ($19.532 Billion)              
$16.01 Billion.... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance              
$4.30 Billion..... Agricultural research and services
$0.03 Billion..... No More Going Hungry in Atlasia Act
$-0.8 Billion…. Eliminated marketing programs
$-0.008 Billion…. Eliminated Catfish Inspection Office
Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($0.3864 Billion)              
$-22.33 Billion... Federal Housing Loan Programs              
$2.29 Billion..... Postal service              
$2.50 Billion..... Deposit insurance              
$10.20 Billion.... Universal service fund              
$7.6964 Billion..... Other advancement of commerce
$-0.17 Billion…. Eliminated Capital Construction Grants    
$0.20 Billion… Supporting Atlasian Entrepreneurs Act          
Transportation ($92.3914 Billion)                
$67.40 Billion.... Ground Transportation            
$16.20 Billion.... Air Transportation              
$8.4015 Billion..... Water transportation              
$0.38 Billion..... Other transportation      
Community and regional development ($55.425 Billion)              
$3.78 Billion..... Community development              
$2.19 Billion..... Area and regional development              
$4.02 Billion..... Disaster relief and insurance              
$2.23 Billion..... Homeless Shelter Emergency Housing              
$4.32 Billion..... Small Business Association
$0.77 Billion..... Flint Reinvestment Act
$0.08 Billion..... Refugee act          
$-11.025 Billion…. We Should Help Workers Act
$2.00 Billion…. Buy-Atlasian Contracting Rules
$22.00 Billion…. Hurricane Emergency Funding
$10.00 Billion…. Appalachia Reinvestment Act
$15.00 Billion…. Reservation Reinvestment Act
Education ($73.7625 Billion)              
$39.03 Billion.... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education              
$31.475 Billion.... Higher education              
$3.26 Billion..... Research and general education            
$0.00 Billion..... Orlando Act
$-0.0125 Billion…. Cap on certain student loans
Training, labor and unemployment ($18.536 Billion)              
$7.58 Billion..... Training and employment              
$1.77 Billion..... Labor law, statistics, and other administration'
$9.2 Billion...... Public Service Act          
$-0.014 Billion…. Eliminated Employee Drug Tests
Atlasian Healthcare ($1261.14 Billion)              
$423.77 Billion... Senior Healthcare
$44.31 Billion.... Veteran Healthcare
$12.90 Billion.... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits  
$425.42 Billion... Medical Services
$338.85 Billion... Sliding Scale Subsidies
$15.89 Billion.... Healthcare Subsidy Office (HSO) and AtlasCare Office (ACO) Administration

Non-ANH Health Spending ($56.97 Billion)              
$24.25 Billion.... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism              
$28.48 Billion.... Health research and training              
$4.24 Billion..... Consumer and occupational health and safety            
$10.00 Billion…. Opioid Epidemic Commission  
Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($138.16 Billion)              
$8.23 Billion..... Civilian retirement and disability insurance              
$129.93 Billion... Federal employee retirement and disability              
Social Security ($903.24 Billion)
$868.63 Billion... Social Security Outlays
$34.60 Billion.... Social Security Administration
Aid to Low-Income Families ($366.50 Billion)
$40.53 Billion.... Unemployment              
$39.98 Billion.... Housing assistance              
$99.44 Billion.... Food and Nutrition Assistance (Food Stamps + WIC)        
$169.01 Billion... Other aid to low-income families              
$17.54 Billion.... Social Services            
Administration of justice ($51.902 Billion)              
$27.157 Billion.... Federal law enforcement
$13.938 Billion.... Federal litigation and judicial activities              
$6.2687 Billion..... Federal prison system              
$4.24 Billion..... Criminal justice assistance  
$0.74 Billion..... Federal Penitentiary Reform Act Provisions      
$-0.432 Billion…. General Criminal Justice Savings
General government administration ($3.899 Billion)              
$3.66 Billion..... Legislative functions              
$0.45 Billion..... Executive office programs              
$12.03 Billion.... IRS & other fiscal operations              
$1.567 Billion..... Other general government              
$-13.20 Billion…. Government Efficiency Act
$-0.62 Billion…. Eliminated Penny
$0.002 Billion…. Mandatory Tampons in Restrooms
Interest on debt ($295.40 Billion)              
$295.40 Billion... Net Interest

TOTAL Spending: $4293.3264 Billion

REVENUE:     $ 3724.091 Billion
EXPENDITURES:  $ 4293.3264 Billion
BALANCE:       $ -569.2354 Billion
Devout Centrist
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,178
United States

Political Matrix
E: -99.99, S: -99.99

« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2020, 02:36:55 AM »
« Edited: July 11, 2020, 02:41:29 AM by Devout Centrist »

Homestead Act of 2020

To Right the Wrongs of the Past


1. This Act may be cited as the “Homestead Act of 2020”.

SECTION 2. Formal Apology for Chattel Slavery, Indigneous Displacement, and Other Historical Wrongs

1. On behalf of the People of Atlasia and all parties represented therein, the Federal Government of Atlasia formally apologizes for the practice of slavery within Atlasia and the forced displacement of Native Atlasians.

2. The President of Atlasia shall issue a formal apology in conjunction with the passage of this Act.

SECTION 3. New Federal Holidays

1. Beginning on January 1st, 2021, June 19th shall be designated as a Federal Holiday.

2. Effective immediately, June 19th shall be officially designated as ‘Juneteenth’.

3. Effective immediately, December 6th shall be designated as a Federal Holiday.

4. Effective immediately, December 6th shall be officially designated as ‘Emancipation Day’.

5. Effective immediately, October 12th shall be officially designated as ‘Native People’s Day’ or ‘Atlasian Indian Day’.

6. Effective immediately, December 13th shall be designated as a Federal Holiday.

7. Effective immediately, December 13th shall be officially designated as ‘Steve Buscemi Day’ or ‘Italian-Atlasian Heritage Day’.

SECTION 4: Modern Homesteading

1. Beginning on October 1st, 2020, The Department of Housing and Urban Development shall be appropriated no less than $150,000,000,000 for FY 2021.

2. Effectively immediately, the Department of Housing and Urban Development shall establish a special division on public housing construction.

3. This division shall be officially designated as the ‘New Apartment Construction Division’.

4. The Department shall dedicate no less than $50,000,000,000 to land purchases and apartment construction grants in metropolitan and micropolitan areas where the median rent is found to exceed 120% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.
   a. Land purchases and construction grants shall be distributed to private and nonprofit organizations on the basis of a comprehensive cost-effective analysis conducted by the New Apartment Construction Division.

5. Effective immediately, the Department of Housing and Urban Development shall establish a special division on new apartment acquisition.

6. This division shall be officially designated as the ‘Low Income Housing Acquisition Division’.

7. The Low Income Housing Acquisition Division shall take appropriate steps to purchase or otherwise acquire apartment complexes that are listed on the market.

8. The Low Income Housing Acquisition Division is instructed to form contractual partnerships with local nonprofit organizations in order to administer newly acquired apartment complexes.
   a. ‘Local’ is defined as a nonprofit organization within the official census boundaries of its respective metropolitan or micropolitan area.

9. Grants shall be awarded to nonprofit organizations for the purpose of administering newly acquired apartment complexes.
a. ‘Administering’ is defined as-
   i. Maintaining existing facilities and existing apartment units
   ii. Maintaining a front office and a reception area
   iii. Contracting maintenance, repairs, and pest control to private firms
   iv. Rent reduction to qualifying tenants
   v. Utility payments on behalf of tenants
   vi. Maintenance of existing amenities or the construction of new amenities as approved on a case by case basis by the Low Income Housing Acquisition Division.

10. Tenants living in an apartment complex administered by a nonprofit organization under the Low Income Housing Acquisition Division’s jurisdiction shall qualify to own their apartment unit, as defined in their respective lease agreement, under the following conditions:
   a. Tenants continuously occupy the apartment unit and pay rent on time for not less than 5 years or 60 months.
   b. Tenant, and their spouse or domestic partner, continuously occupy their apartment unit  and pay rent on time for not less than two years or 24 months.
c. Tenant, and their spouse or domestic partner, and their dependents, continuously occupy their apartment unit and pay rent on time for not less than one year or 12 months.
      i . ‘Spouse’ shall be defined as any person legally married to the existing tenant.
      ii. ‘Domestic partner’ shall be defined as any person who has entered into a civil or domestic partnership with the existing tenant.
iii. ‘Dependents’ shall be defined as any person recognized as a dependent by the Internal Revenue Service for Taxation Purposes.
d. Tenants must maintain residency with their respective spouse, domestic partner, or dependent(s) for the duration of the lease in order to qualify for unit ownership.

11. Monthly rent at apartment complexes administered under the Low Income Housing Acquisition Division shall be capped at 100% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.

12. Nonprofit organizations shall be awarded additional grants based on the following criteria:
   a. Monthly rent does not exceed 70% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.
      i. Grants for this category shall cover 25% of total costs incurred by the complex administrator, as determined by the average total cost incurred over the past two fiscal years.
   b. Monthly rent does not exceed 60% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.
      i. Grants for this category shall cover 40% of total costs incurred by the complex administrator, as determined by the average total cost incurred over the past two fiscal years.
   c. Monthly rent does not exceed 50% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.
      i. Grants for this category shall cover 60% of total costs incurred by the complex administrator, as determined by the average total cost incurred over the past two fiscal years.
   d. Monthly rent does not exceed 40% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.
      i. Grants for this category shall cover 75% of total costs incurred by the complex administrator, as determined by the average total cost incurred over the past two fiscal years.
   e. Monthly rent does not exceed 30% of the HUD determined Area Median Income.
   i. Grants for this category shall cover 100% of total costs incurred by the complex administrator, as determined by the average total cost incurred over the past two fiscal years.

13. Apartment complexes administered by a nonprofit organization under the Low Income Housing Acquisition Division shall be subject to annual inspection and annual contract renewal.
a. Failure to provide adequate maintenance, staffing, or customer service to tenants may result in termination of contractual administration.  
b. HUD inspectors shall determine appropriate criteria for the above categories.
SECTION 5.  Genealogical Services to Descendants of the Enslaved, Indigenous, or  Immigrant Populations

1. The Atlasian Census Bureau shall establish a tenth division, which shall be named, “National Genealogical Services”.

2. This division shall be tasked with-
a. Building a genealogical database for descendants of enslaved persons, indigenous Atlasians, or immigrant descendants, using publicly available information and privately accessible data.
b. Offer genetic testing to Atlasians at a flat rate not exceeding $20 per test
c. Contract genetic testing with private or non-profit organizations, on the condition that such data remains private.
d. Provide results and in depth analysis to test takers

3. The Atlasian Census Bureau shall receive an additional $425,000,000 in appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021.
4. At least 75% of all additional appropriations shall be used for the establishment of the National Genealogical Services division.

SECTION 6. Implementation

1. This Act shall go into effect on October 1st, 2020.
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