After The False Spring - Main Game Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: After The False Spring - Main Game Thread  (Read 5521 times)
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« on: January 18, 2016, 08:11:54 PM »
« edited: January 24, 2016, 11:38:01 PM by Malcolm X »

End of Turn 2 (updated to include military orders)

End of Turn Two:

The Stag who would be King: Robert Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, was stabbed to death in the Eyrie by an assassin several days after having declared himself to be the rightful King of Westeros.  However, the murderer was captured by the guards who'd been ordered to prevent the late Lord Baratheon from attempting to leave the Eyrie as he attempted to escape.  While the man initially insisted that he had been hired by the Targaryens, he confessed once placed upon the rack that none other than Lord Rickard Stark had hired him to murder Robert Baratheon and paid him extra to blame the Targaryens should he be captured.  The Stormlords are now calling for Lord Stark's head, chief among them, the new Lord Paramount of the Stormlands: Stannis Baratheon.  

The Royal Bastard in Waiting: Lord Hoster Tully's forces have captured Lyanna Stark not far from the God's Eye.  Prince Rhaegar died of wounds that he suffered at the hands of one of Lord Tully's men, but Lyanna Stark was taken alive and claims to have been tricked into running away with the late Prince.  Complicating matters even further is the fact that Lyanna appears to be pregnant with Rhaegar's child.  

A Wedding In Riverrun: The wait is finally over for Houses Tully and Stark. Lord Eddard Stark arrived at Riverrun with 5,000 northmen and 2,000 valemen at his back, along with the esteemed company of Jon Arryn's second heir, Ser Denys "The Darling of the Vale" Arryn. The wedding took place in the Riverrun sept, and the display of the bed sheet the next morning confirmed the consummation of the marriage. Two of the Great Houses of Westeros are now joined!

The Kraken In The Narrow Sea: Lord Quellon Greyjoy enjoyed a triumphant welcome in the Crownlands and Narrow Sea. House Rykker of Duskendale welcomed Lord Greyjoy, permitting his levies to camp outside the port city and feasting the Master of Ships in his own hall. Meanwhile, Lord Greyjoy's envoy led by Sygfryd Harlaw saw Lord Velaryon officially resign his post as Master of Ships, and turn over the Royal Fleet to Lord Greyjoy's command.

In naval campaigns, Balon Greyjoy lead an unsuccessful raid on the Dornish island Ghaston Grey. Though much of the garrison was defeated, the best Lord Balon could do was establish a blockade and naval siege of the island after a failed landing of his ground forces.

In response to Lord Robert Baratheon's proclomation, Sygfryd Harlaw led a second force against the house of Lord Robert's mother: House Estermont. The attack on Greenstone resulted in the death of the elderly Lord Estermont as well as the capture of now-Lord Eldon Estermont, the Lady Argella Estermont, and Lord Eldon's brother Ser Lomas. Ser Aemon Estermont, the heir to Lord Eldon, commands the garrison on Greenstone while Lord Harlaw besieges them by sea.

Life At The Twins: Lord Walder successfully silenced his family members who wished him to join the Lords Declarant, and good thing; mere days later word reached the Twins that Lord Tully's forces had captured Lyanna Stark and killed Prince Rhaegar in the struggle.

The Golden Hand: Lord Varys opened the gates of the Red Keep to Lord Mace Tyrell and the City Watch bent their spears as he passed through the King's Gate off the Rose Road. Lord Tyrell took a slow, showy procession through King's Landing, passing the Sept of Baelor where he called a halt to pray outside of the Sept before continuing on to the castle.

Upon reaching the Red Keep the Kingsguard presented Lord Mace to King Viserys II Targaryen in the throne room, acknowledging his authority as Hand of the King.

After gaining the City Watch and Kingsguard to his side, Lord Tyrell wasted no time in calling a meeting of the Small Council. With his new Master of Ships ensconced at Duskendale, the rest of the Council affirmed their support for the Lord of Highgarden as the Hand of the King.  The new Hand also received news that while Orton Merryweather had not yet been brought to heel, the other rebel houses in the Reach had been either wiped out entirely by Lord Randyll Tarly's forces or in the case of House Ashford and House Fossoway, surrendered and begged for mercy.  

Note: Badgate helped some with this extended turn end, but part of the confusion seems to be that I was going to touch on a lot of this in the objectives.  Just for the record regarding Rhaegar, I rolled three dice and only a four or an eighteen would have caused him to die (I got two ones and a two lol).
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2016, 08:13:56 PM »

How many men do I have?
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2016, 09:06:31 PM »

Can't wait! Smiley
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