God, Gold, and Glory: Game Thread

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« on: November 21, 2014, 09:31:40 PM »
« edited: November 21, 2014, 09:35:08 PM by Spamage »

God, Gold, and Glory: A 1560 Nation Game

It is 1560 and Europe is at the dawn of a bold new era. The Reformation has spread like wildfire and in order to counter its success the Catholic Church has initiated a “Catholic Counter-Reformation”. The Council of Trent is nearing its final session and the Church had begun to fight the Protestants throughout the Holy Roman Empire, France, and Scotland all with varying degrees of sucess. What will happen in matters of religion remains to be seen, although it will surely prove to be important and have a lasting impact on the coming centuries.

New faith has not only arisen, but new lands as well. Spain and Portugal have subjugated the indigenous people of South and Central America, but the Northern continent remains open to other claimants, both Protestant and Catholic. The World is becoming a smaller place, although who will take advantage of that fact is yet to be seen for Europe is tense, war is likely, and the Ottoman Turks are ever eager to push into Christendom.

I  would like to remind player that they may issue more government policies, actions, diplomacy, than what I give them in the prompts (although at least nominally responding to the prompt is mandatory). Seeing as only Spain and Portugal have colonies in the New World at present, I'll wait to issue the map. Thanks for playing and this turn should go for roughly 72 hours.

Scotland is on the verge of full-fledged civil war due to matters of faith. During your regency you have been largely ambivalent to the spread of the reformed faith within your borders and now this group is causing significant problems throughout the realm. The Protestant preacher John Knox has returned from his self-imposed exile and nobles and peasants alike have flocked to his banner in the name of reforming the Church in Scotland including your late husband’s bastard, Moray. Knox is highly problematic and his men expelled you from Edinburgh and declared your regency void, although you cannot and will not accept this judgment and have since recaptured the capital. Although killing Knox is a viable option, doing so has the potential to turn even more people against you, and by extension your daughter Mary. You are not without allies however, and there are numerous Catholic magnates wishing to expel the Protestants from the realm. This rebellion has the potential to become a revolution should England intervene and could even force the Reformation upon the Scottish people if you are slow to act. The rebels are based in Stirling and Fife while you possess much of the remainder of the country.  How will you proceed?

You are French and Mary, your daughter, is presently the French Queen. As such, this has allowed France to send you troops and finance your armies in order to keep the age-old Auld Alliance intact. This funding however has caused controversy in Scotland and has even caught England’s eye, with Elizabeth I sympathetic to the Reformed minority in the realm. Some question whether you should still accept funds from your family in France while others push you to request troops and even more military aid (the presence of your brother, an astute general has even been asked for by some of your allies). It should also be noted the French financing of your military is unpopular amongst many of the moderates in the realm who fear it will lead to greater English involvement, although they have been slow to aid you in stemming the fighting. How will you address these concerns? Will you ask for further French involvement or will you limit their influence within the realm?

Mary has been married to young Francis II for many years now, although the relationship remains unconsummated and Francis is highly sickly. Encouraging your daughter to consummate her marriage may all but seal a personal union between Scotland and France, but telling her to not grow too fond of her husband, who is widely expected to be dying, allows you to find Mary a new husband without the potential for controversy arising from any pregnancy. Shall you encourage Mary to try to get pregnant with the child of sickly Francis or will you encourage her to follow Catherine De Medici’s guidelines prohibiting consummation and hope he dies of his many ailments in enough time for Mary to still give Scotland a Catholic heir?

Czar Ivan, Russia is in a period of bad luck. The early promising years of your reign have given way to increased famine and drought throughout the land. Some superstitious nobles blame the failing crops on the increased mobility the peasants have gained over the early years of your reign and are pushing for you to crack down upon them and force the lower classes into serfdom, where they would be property of the nobility. This could be dangerous however, as such a move would be highly unpopular amongst the majority of Russians, although their coordination in the event of rebellion is weak. How shall you proceed in regards to the policy of serfdom? Officially tying the peasants to the land could win you favor with the nobles but could also lead to a mass exodus of craftsmen, laborers, and even soldiers. The choice is yours.

In recent years the advances made by the Turks have continued to creep closer and closer to Russia. As the Ottomans have pushed into the Balkans they have also aided the now weak Khanate of Crimea, the last bastion of Islam in lands you can reasonably claim belonging to Russia. The most zealous of your followers are pressing you to declare war, march south, and gain a seaport of the Black Sea in order to stem the Ottoman tide and give Russia further access to the west with a warm water port. Other caution you however, believing this action would antagonize the much-aged Suleiman and force the Muslims to turn their attention from conquering Catholic lands into conquering Russia. Will you invade the Crimean Khanate? If you choose to act your military advisors believe you should do so swiftly, before the Crimeans have time to get their armies in order.

Another key area Russia can expand towards is the East. The Khanate of Sibir is weak and decentralized and taking it over would give Russia access to the vast forests, tundra, and lands of Siberia. Not only would this allow you to open a gateway to the east, but it would also give you a chance to increase the number of your subjects. Furthermore you would be able to gain access to the extensive caches of raw goods undoubtedly beyond the Urals. Such an expedition would be treacherous, as the journey would be long, but no one doubts your armies would prevail. How shall you proceed? Your Court believes a your key strategy should be the establishment of forts and small settlements rather than outright conquest. Shall Russia expand eastward or should it remain focused on European affairs and nations such as Sweden and the Ottoman Empire?


Catherine De Medici, with the death of your husband you have taken the helm of one of the most polarized nations in Europe. Religion has come to the forefront of French politics since the death of Henri II, with the radical Catholic Guises on one side (backed by Queen Mary, your daughter in law of who you have been reported to be jealous of) and the Calvinists on the other, a faction headed by the crafty Jeanne De Navarre (a woman who has snubbed you repeatedly in the past). The nobility is roughly split evenly between the two factions along with a large group of those who are either undecided or intend to remain neutral. Public opinion however is strongly in favor of the Guises, as the majority of the realm is Catholic and views Jeanne’s actions in Navarre such as enforcing the dissolution of monasteries and the outright banishment of clergy with intense hatred. How shall you proceed? It looks as though war will soon be upon France and taking too long to respond could greatly damage the power and prestige of the French Crown as well as the legitimacy of your regency.

In recent years there has been increased interest in establishing French settlements abroad in the New World. It has been almost 70 years since men under the French flag explored the region and many hope such an endeavor would seek to distract the nation from the issue of religion. Allowing, or even officially commissioning, a settlement to be formed abroad would allow you to undermine the Spanish-Portuguese monopoly on colonization established in the Treaty of Tordesillas. The only argument against such actions is the potential cost they may exert on the realm at a time when it appears royal funds will be necessary in order to keep the peace and also keep your son in power.

News has reached your ears of a conspiracy by some Huguenots to abduct Francois from Amboise and force the Huguenot religion upon the land. Their main grievance lies not with you, but with the Guises who exert a great deal of control over your young son in the form of their niece, Mary Stuart. Shall you allow the conspiracy to go forward, completely undermining your authority and the safety of your son? Or will you risk losing your hold over young Francois to the Guises? You could also arrange your own conspiracy as well to remove your son from the dangers posed by both factions. Some state you should ally with the Huguenots in order to ensure the success of the plot (they have promised you the head of a regency council should you convert to Calvinism upon the success of the abduction) while others want you to harshly punish the conspirators in order to send a message. As you can see there are numerous options, what shall you do?
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« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 09:32:35 PM »

During the last few years the Calvinist faith has had great success in winning converts in the Spanish provinces of the Netherlands. The Dutch people feel little loyalty to you, or the Catholic Church, for you are Spanish and were not raised in the provinces like your father was. Allowing for them to continue practicing their faith undermines the image of Spain as the defender of Catholicism painstakingly created through the Reconquista, Inquisition, and conversion of the Americas. Some of the conservative members of your Court officially want you to officially extend the Inquisition to your lands in the north, while others caution restraint.  Regardless of how you proceed, it appears the Dutch people will be crucial to how the next few years of Spanish policies unfold.

You have extensive holdings in the New World, with colonies stretching from Central Mexico to Chile. How shall Spain approach colonization for this point forward? Many of your eager subjects long to expand the borders of your realm not only in the Americas, but east towards Asia as well. Doing so would allow you to continue the Spanish legacy of conquest and would uphold your preeminence in European affairs, but also (as has been seen in recent years) has the potential to initiate high inflation as new products and materials such as gold enter your treasury. Where shall Spain expand next?

The power of the Ottomans is an even bigger problem than the spread of Protestantism throughout the north. Your Austrian uncle Ferdinand has seen the whole of Hungary placed under the Ottoman yoke due to failed campaigns and Ottoman military power. Some fear Suleiman will strike Vienna once again in his old age and encourage you to use the new, excellent Spanish navy to strike the Turks and end their ascendancy in the Mediterranean and North Africa, for the small cities you have painstakingly conquered there are at risk of being captured. Shall you launch a naval expedition against the Turks, thereby initiating war but limiting their ability to threaten Malta, Cyprus, Crete, Algeria, and even Morocco? The choice is yours, although it should be noted the Sultan will likely be a formidable foe.

Sigismund II Augustus, the House of Jagiellon has sat on the Polish throne since the 1380's, but at present is not only at risk of losing the title King of Poland in the event of your death, but going extinct in the male line entirely. Your wife Catherine of Austria has suffered a miscarriage, and is likely infertile. Some are pressuring you to get a divorce and find a new, more fertile bride although this has the potential to lead to hostility from both Austria and Spain, further alienating your nation which is already threatened by Russia and the Duke of Prussia. You have been praised throughout Europe for your diplomatic skill, so you may want to think carefully before formally requesting the Pope for a divorce.

With your rule you have been largely tolerant towards the growing Protestant minority. This tolerance has come at a cost however, for Poland is becoming more and more evenly divided every day. Protestant nobles urge you to divorce your wife and break with Rome while Catholics demand you toe the line and remain faithful to Catherine. The Catholics furthermore have become more vocal in the Sejm, and have even gone to the extent of demanding the persecution of the Protestants. Shall you continue to mediate between the two groups, or shall you cave to the demands of one (likely causing the other to revolt). The choice is yours.

Poland is not only divided religiously, but politically as well. The Kingdom of Poland, your primary title, is in union with the Duchy of Lithuania. While the status quo of two separate governments has existed for quite some time, there is a growing movement to unite the two titles and create a permanent union of the two titles. As Poland is the greater power, and has larger cities, the capitol would likely be held by the Poles and the government of Lithuania would be the one merged into the existing Polish system. As such, the act of uniting the two realms does have the potential to alienate the Lithuanians and, when coupled with matters of religion, could heavily backfire. How shall you proceed?

Holy Roman Emperor, you have succeeded Charles to the title, but have also inherited his conflicts as well. Protestants are growing in number within your lands despite the decisive position your immediate family, as well as your nephew Phillip II in Spain, have taken to protect the Catholic Church. Shall you allow tolerance to reign in Austria and Bohemia or will you start to take a harder line against the Lutherans and Calvinists within your own personal borders? While tolerance sounds good on paper, it had the potential to cause Protestantism to supplant Catholicism within your borders, while intense persecution could backfire as well, with the Protestant Princes possibly uniting to free their brethren. What shall policy towards religion within your own personal lands be?

The Ottomans are proving to be a fierce and dangerous foe, and there is fear amongst the residents of both Austria and Bohemia that they will strike once more against Germany. Some nobles want you to call up your forces and strike them before they can organize their men, while others caution such an action believing defense would be better for the realm in the long run. There is a third group which believes such talk is idle gossip and that Austria should strike Venice instead of the Ottomans. Shall you prosecute War in Europe or shall you wait for someone else to act first?

The Jesuits are a new religious order emerging in the aftermath of the Council of Trent and enjoy great support amongst many of the devout Catholics throughout Europe. They have officially requested your position in entering Southern Germany and Bohemia, and seek to begin reconverting residents to Catholicism. While this could be beneficial by creating religious unity, it may cause strife between the Jesuits and Protestants who refuse to convert. How shall you respond to their request?

The Ottoman Empire:
Suleiman the Magnificent, you have led your people to glory and expanded your borders so that they presently stretch from Hungary to Iraq. The Ottoman name is the most feared by Austria and Russia, but you have begun to run out of territory to add to your Empire. Your Grand Vizier suggests the Ottoman Navy be used to secure either alliances, or outright control of, Libya, Malta, and Algeria. Others state you should begin raiding in Austria while a minority express a desire to fight Persia or Russia. Who shall you strike Sultan? Or shall you cease conquest in your old age and retire from campaigning?

The Hapsburgs appear to be set on revenge following the loss of Hungary as well as the not forgotten siege of Vienna. In the past it has been useful to obtain alliances with other European nations in order to break the Hapsburg advantage (most notably you aligned the Ottoman Empire with France under Francis I). There are even more potential allies far to the north in Scandinavia and Northern Germany who would probably be willing to join you against Russia, Austria, and even Poland. Diplomatically you Empire has a lot of options, it is up to you to decide who you shall befriend.

With the addition of such much land in the Balkans, there have been new questions arising over how much the Orthodox Christians in your land should be allowed to openly practice their faith. While Islam calls for tolerance, there are some who quietly insist on mild conversion incentives to be put in place such as the jizya, which would encourage conversion while also increasing the tax revenue from these lands. This could lead to dissent (especially amongst your vassals Moldova, Wallachia, and Transylvania) however, and a decision should not be made rashly, as you could come to regret it later. How shall you proceed Sultan?

The Papal States:
Your Holiness, the Church is in the fight of its life against the Protestant Reformers in Northern Europe. France appears evenly divided and there are some who even whisper it will begin tolerating the Huguenots. Such a decision would undermine the position of the Church as well as the importance of the Papacy as a tool for control over rulers. Shall you formally write Francois II and Catherine De Medici and urge them not to waver, or is a more public approach necessary?

There are calls from some of the moderate Catholics throughout Europe for you to open up a final session of the Council of Trent and formally finish the Reformation of the Catholic Church. Calling a final session may not be easy as it seems however, and there are some Cardinals who say that the Church has been reformed enough, although seeing the losses of followers in Scotland and France may make that seem hard to believe. Shall you call a final session and if so, what shall you urge the Cardinals to resolve, adopt, and change in regards to the Church? The choice is yours.

You have been criticized by some, such as Michele Ghislieri, for not adhering to the discipline required of your position, and also of allowing members of the clergy to get away with laxing their vows. Shall you reform your behavior, limit the Papal Spending, and crack down on sinful Cardinals, or shall you allow it to remain as is and continue to live in luxury and spend as you see fit. Being too disciplined may backfire however, as there are some in the Vatican who are not opposed to using poison to remove what they perceive to be threats. What shall you do?
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« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 11:19:35 PM »
« Edited: November 22, 2014, 12:02:03 AM by President LumineVonReuental »

Kingdom of France, January-June 1560:

Royal DecreesSad

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that a new position shall be created for the Kingdom, that of Superintendent of Finances, with the power and responsibility of looking after the finances of the Kingdom and improving our economic situation. Michel de l'Hopital is hereby appointed Superintendent of Finances and Privy Councilor."

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that due to the ill health of Lord Chancellor Francois Olivier he will be replaced in his position by Jean de Morvillier, Bishop of Orleans, with the full power to administer justice and deal with the recent issues regarding Protestantism."

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command Gaspard de Coligny, Admiral of France to organize an expedition to the north of the New World in order to explore the unknown lands and determine the possibilities of creating settlements and eventually a French colony."

Francis II, King of France, King-Consort of Scotland, and other titles.


Court and the Royal HouseholdSad

Grand Master and Grand Chamberlain of France: Francois, Duke of Guise (inc.)
Constable of France: Anne de Montmorency (inc.)
Lord Chancellor of France: Jean de Morvillier, Bishop of Orleans (new)

Secretary of State for the Navy: Claude I de l’Aubespine (inc.)
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Charles of Guise, Cardinal de Lorraine (inc.)
Secretary of State for War: Francois, Duke of Guise (inc.)
Superintendent of Finances: Michel de l'Hopital (new)
Admiral of France: Gaspard of Coligny (inc.)

Changes on the Royal Council and Household: While it is my intention to get rid of the Guises, it is obvious that I cannot do so right away, not when Francois and Charles hold so much power over the Council. That said, I will appoint l'Hopital to take a look at the finances and see what can be done (in OTL he was incredibly honest, and I need someone that will not steal the money), and the Bishop of Orleans will serve as a moderate Lord Chancellor tasked with keeping the peace between Protestants and Catholics (and since he has a better relationship with the Parlement of Paris than l'Hopital I have my hopes in his ability to win power). It is pretty obvious that my poor son Francis could die soon, so I will double the guard on him and severely increase the security of Charles, Duke of Orleans and heir to the throne. My trusted friend Michel de Nostredame will become his preceptor and will guide him on staying under my absolute control.

Creating a Faction: Quite obviously, it's time to create a King's Party that will not serve the Guises or the other factions, a group that will defend the authority of the King while serving under my covert leadership. For that effect I will ask my friends in the Gondi Family to send their capable sons Pietro, Carlo and Alberto to court, to serve as my personal envoys and deputies to handle affairs since I cannot move from Court. Likewise, I expect l'Hopital and Orleans to be on my side, and I will also summon accomplished diplomats Jean de Monluc and Renato Biragro, with promises of gold and influence for all those who join my faction and remain loyal. We shall be known as the "Politiques". I will take a pause on sponsoring more works of art, and the money saved by that will be funnelled by the Gondi Family in order to create a Royal Spy Ring that will immediately start spying on potential enemies of the crown.


Turn CrisisSad

1.- We will respond, and we will do so by eventually proving that the House of Valois is the one that rules the Kingdom of France, nobody else does. I have taken the first steps to consolidate my power by creating a faction and while we deal with the schemes I have devised the religious issue will have to wait a couple of months. The new Lord Chancellor will be  entrusted with keeping the peace, removing the more violent aspects of Henry's anti-Protestant policies and crafting an Edict to bring a temporary (but satisfying) solution. Of course, we will also seek the advise of the Papacy on this.
2.- By royal decree an expedition has been funded. Economic crisis or not, the benefits of the New World will repay our investment one way or another. Plus, l'Hopital should be competent enough to find enough money.

3.- Here's where it gets interesting.

Part One: First things first, send a message via the Gondis to Constable Montmorency expressing my sadness over his treatment after Henry's death and my joy at seeing his son being made a Marshal thanks to my efforts, along with an offer. I can give him his old influence back, but he will have to play a major role if he wants to return. I need his contacts with the nobility and the army to secure loyalty towards Francis, and to start a few preliminary moves regaring future plans.

Part Two: Let the plot go forward for the moment, but secretly double the guards and have all the plotters followed. Given their lack of organization and La Renaudie boasts, it won't be hard to find out the precise date. I want the Duke of Nemours to attack and crush them before their reach the Court, and I want their meeting places stormed to get a hold on any incriminating documents. Any man who is a suspect will be imprisoned, and a nobility title will be promised to any officer who can find evidence that incriminates the Bourbons, especially the Prince of Condé.

That will be Phase One of my humble scheme, and we'll move on from there next turn.


Foreign PolicySad

-The situation in Scotland is, of course, most troubling. We will take our time to consider what is to be done here, but beyond Scotland and given the state of our finances and army after Cateau-Cambresis we don't see the need for massive military adventures. No, we will use these months to consolidate, improve our defense situation and try to pay back our debts.
YaBB God
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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 11:20:57 AM »
« Edited: November 22, 2014, 04:04:26 PM by Senator Cranberry »

The Austrian Lands, Anno Domine 1560

1. Regarding the ever-lasting issue with the Protestants, let it be known that we intend to stay with the Augsburg Peace. We have no intention to break with the Roman Catholic Church, so of course cuius regio, eius religio should technically be enforced within the Austrian Lands. However, to ensure peace within our lands, and especially to keep the princes calm, we shall not pursue aggressive policies against the Protestants in Austria or Bohemia. We will not recognize their faith, but unless they exercise their faith all too present, they shall fear nothing from us.

2. We shall allow the Jesuits to begin missioning in our lands, for the time being however only in the County of Tyrol, the Hochstift of Trent and Royal Hungary. Once they have proven effective in reconverting Protestants in these areas to the Catholic faith, they shall be allowed to missionize in all of our lands.

3. We again state our intention that we as King of Hungary strive to hold our court in Buda.

4. We shall furthermore revoke our testament of 1554, in which the Austrian Lands would have been divided following our death. Our first son Maximilian shall, following the common law and practice, be heir to all our Austrian Lands.
Mr. X
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« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 01:44:00 PM »

The Tsardom of Russia

1. Regarding the question of serfdom, let it be known that any peasants residing upon lands owned by the nobility shall be deemed the property of the landowner.  However, the health, care, housing, and protection of a serf shall be the responsibility of the noble or nobles upon whose property the serf resides.  If it can be conclusively demonstrated that any man has deliberately failed to adequately provide for the needs of his serfs or that he has murdered, mutilated, or otherwise abused them, he shall be swiftly and harshly punished to the fullest extent of the law.   Furthermore, peasants and other members of the lower classes shall be given certain options should they wish to recieve freedom papers from the state which will grant them freedom from serfdom along with their families.  This shall include the following:

I. If any able-bodied male serf enters the Russian military and it is determined that he has served the Tzardom honorably in that capacity for a consecutive period of no less than ten years, that serf shall have earned freedom papers for himself, his wife, and his children.  Should his ten years of service be completed during wartime, he and his family shall not receive his papers unless he continues to serve until the war's end.

II. If any noble lacks the means or ability to continue to provide for the care of his serfs, he may either sell them, negotiate residential taxation agreements as described in III, simply grant them their freedom papers, or some combination of the above.  Regardless of which option he choses, however, he may not continue to count them as his property if he lacks the mean to provide for their care.

III. A serf may, if the landowner upon whose property he grants his consent, opt to obtain class-B freedom papers for himself and/or his wife and children by paying a residential tax to the landowner upon whose property he resides.  If he is too poor to pay the residential tax, he may instead pay it in his trade or by performing some other function or service for the landowner.  A residential taxation agreement will only be deemed valid if the landowner provides his written consent for the residential taxation agreement.  Should a serf who has obtained his and/or his family's freedom papers in this manner eventually find himself unable to pay or provide what he promised in the residential taxation papers, the agreement as well as both his and his family's freedom papers shall be rendered null and void.  Should this happy, he and his family shall once again become the property of the land-owner. 

IV. A noble may provide any of his serfs with their freedom papers to reward their service, should he find himself inclined to do so.

All peasants residing on lands owned by the nobility who have not earned freedom papers in one of the manners described above shall be considered the property of the nobles upon whose land they reside.
YaBB God
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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 02:48:55 PM »
« Edited: November 22, 2014, 04:49:52 PM by Ambassador Cassius »

Philip II of Spain and Naples

1. Regarding the religious situation in the Netherlands, his majesty finds it congenial to declare an 'Edict of Tolerance' that shall cover the Seventeen Provinces, allowing freedom of worship in that area. Whilst deploring the spread of the vile canker of Lutheranism and Calvinism, and resolving to prevent it from infecting his other land, his majesty believes that the greatest threat to Christendom at this present point is not the heretic, but instead the infidel; the Turk, he who threatens the security of Christendom's southern and eastern flanks.

2. Further to that, his majesty wishes to establish a 'Holy League' to create a united front against the aggression of the Turk. All those who are true Christians are welcome to join us at Messina, where we are in the process of assembling a great fleet to take on the menace that is the Turk.
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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 04:28:35 PM »
« Edited: November 22, 2014, 04:31:41 PM by Spamage »

It should be known Phillip has been married, happily, to Elisabeth de Valois for a year Wink

I'd also like to remind players that for any diplomacy, wars, alliances, and actions towards unplayed nations to contact me, as I am in charge of all of them.
YaBB God
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« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2014, 04:48:34 PM »

It should be known Phillip has been married, happily, to Elisabeth de Valois for a year Wink

I'd also like to remind players that for any diplomacy, wars, alliances, and actions towards unplayed nations to contact me, as I am in charge of all of them.

I'm sure that I can persuade the Pope to allow bigamy Wink . That part removed.
YaBB God
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« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2014, 04:51:00 PM »

It should be known Phillip has been married, happily, to Elisabeth de Valois for a year Wink

I'd also like to remind players that for any diplomacy, wars, alliances, and actions towards unplayed nations to contact me, as I am in charge of all of them.

I'm sure that I can persuade the Pope to allow bigamy Wink . That part removed.

I deleted my response as well.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 06:38:34 PM »
« Edited: November 22, 2014, 06:42:28 PM by Snowstalker »

The Ottoman Empire, January-June 1560

My years as Sultan have seen a vast expansion of the Caliphate. Though the Hapsburgs remain a threat, the Sublime Porte is still protected through its control of the heart of Europe, the great Danube River. To delegitimize the Austrian claim to the Magyar lands, we shall establish the Principality of Buda, stretching from the northern shore of the Danube north and west to the border with Hapsburg Austria, as another Christian vassal to subdue the Hungarians to our side.

Our vast expansion also means that we run the risk of overstretching, as many great conquerors of the past learned the hard way. We shall focus on civilizing the current imperial holdings, offering schooling to all boys and building more roads to connect every part of the empire to Constantinople--while all these schools will teach Islamic principles in addition to teaching science and history, we will for now not implement any tax on non-Muslims so as to maintain internal stability. Our primary military buildup shall be our navy, to counter the great Spanish Fleet which may well attack us soon. To counter the massive Spanish ships, the reformed Ottoman Navy shall consist of smaller but swifter vessels to protect our great transport ships.

Our only point of territorial expansion for the next few years shall be to exert our influence over Tripoli and Tunis and render them either vassals or outright components of the empire. This too will counter Spanish power in the Mediterranean and give us a better vantage point to strike at Malta, Sicily, or Sardinia if Madrid so chooses to take us on. I will also commission an expedition into the uncivilized Circassian regions of the Caucasus Mountains to both establish full control of the Black Sea and the Caucasus mountains (a strong defensive position if the Russians choose to strike us).

YaBB God
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« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2014, 05:32:29 AM »

We state that as by god's will King of Hungary, we will never allow a pagan "principality of Buda". Buda is and remains the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary, and no serfdom to a Turk's tempers. We once foolishly allowed the division of Hungary during the Zapolay ursupers time, having lost Transylvania in the process. We will not allow the creation of a "principality of Buda". We are the bearer of the crown of Saint Stephan, elected and crowned king of Hungary, sovereign of the whole kingdom of Hungary. No fiefdom may be created in the lands of Hungary, our lands.
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« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2014, 05:34:08 PM »

We, by the glory of god, do denounce the current "protestant reformation", and label them as traitors to the name of our Father. We call on Francois II and Catherine De Medici to stop this rebellion that is occurring. We find that there are no problems with the way the Vatican is run.
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« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2014, 12:27:28 PM »

If everything goes to plan the first turn will close tonight, then I'll post the results of everyone's responses and news events and new prompts.

I still need orders from Sawxdem (Poland) and Dereich (Scotland)
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« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2014, 02:30:55 PM »

Will be coming later in the evening. Been sick and busy.
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« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2014, 10:12:48 PM »

I'll begin writing the stuff for the next turn tomorrow morning (Pacific Time), therefore I'm extending the time to turn in orders until then Smiley
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« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2014, 11:08:23 PM »

French Expeditionary Forces sail to Scotland:

By Decree of his Majesty, Francis IISad

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that our 3,000 strong army in the Kingdom of Scotland will be reformed into a French Expeditionary Force, reinforced by an extra 9,000 men who will sail as soon as possible, with the mission of keeping the peace and helping my good wife Queen Mary and her mother the Queen Regent in their fight against the recent rebellion. Superintendent l'Hopital is hereby ordered to provide funds for this new force.

We are also pleased to announce that Francis, Duke of Guise, Grand Master and Grand Chamberlain of France will take command of this force, and Charles of Guise, Cardinal of Lorraine shall take over his court duties on a temporary basis. We wish Duke Francis and his new 12,000 strong army the best of luck."

Francis II, King of France, King-Consort of Scotland, and other titles.
YaBB God
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« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2014, 11:37:05 PM »

Mary De Guise, Queen Regent of Scotland

There can be no accommodation with the heretics! Loyal forces will find and arrest John Knox for his agitation against the legitimate Church and government. Knox should be taken alive unless he chooses to resist. The clergy must redouble their efforts to stop this falsehood from spreading while it is still in its infancy.

France has been Scotland's friend and protector for centuries, is my own birthplace, and is the land of the Queen's husband: we must accept our friend's help, especially when the rebel lords are so blatantly being aided by the bastard queen of England. The combined Scottish and French forces will be led by my brother, the Duke of Guise. However, all military actions involving French forces will also include a Scottish component, supervised by a Scottish lord. There is no need to cause unnecessary unrest among the populace by making our holy struggle appear to be a foreign takeover. In addition to French aid, we call on Catholics of any country to aid us in our fight against heresy.

When reinforcements arrive small scale military operations shall begin against lesser rebel lords in areas outside of and around their strongholds. Those commanding should avoid large-scale battle with the rebels. The majority of forces must be kept on constant vigil against English incursions.

As for my daughter I put my full faith in her mother-in-law Catherine de' Medici, to properly act in the royal couple's interests. I will not go over her head on the issue of consummation.
YaBB God
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« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2014, 12:43:54 AM »
« Edited: November 25, 2014, 12:52:03 PM by Senator Cranberry »

Declaration of War:

We, Emperor Ferdinand, hereby declare war on the Sublime Porte. For years, lands under the crown of Saint Stephan have been divided from their rightful Christian kings, and forced into slavery and fiefdom under pagan overlords, Turks from the East. We, by God's Will Bearer of Saint Stephan's Crown and King of Hungary, shall take back what is ours, liberate the whole Kingdom of Hungary and again sit court in its rightful capital of Buda.

x Ferdinand
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
King of Germany, Bohemia and Hungary
Archduke of Austria, Duke of Styria and Carinthia,
Principal Count of Tyrol, Lord of Further Austria
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« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2014, 01:17:46 AM »

War has been declared. The thread for it shall be opened after I conclude the turn and open the next one.

After careful deliberation I've decided that 1 turn of war commands=1 turn of the entire game. Unlike in BoP, warfare was slower at this time and by changing each war turn to six months I make sure everyone's war moves will be feasible, while also allowing the rest of the game to commence on schedule.
YaBB God
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« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2014, 11:55:52 AM »

Official Declaration of War

By decree of His Most Catholic Majesty, Philip II, King of Spain and Naples and Lord of the Seventeen Provinces, from this moment on a state of war exists between the Sublime Porte and the aforementioned territories.

X, His Most Catholic Majesty Philip II, King of Spain and Naples, Lord of the Seventeen Provinces
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2014, 02:20:43 PM »
« Edited: November 25, 2014, 02:35:31 PM by Snowstalker »

In response to the treacherous aggression of the Hapsburg Crowns, the Ottoman Empire is left with no choice but to declare a state of war against the Kingdom of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.

- Suleiman I, Caliph of Islam, Amir al-Mu'minin, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
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« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2014, 03:28:36 PM »

End of Turn 1

News Events:
Elizabeth of England marries William of Orange
In what has come as a surprising move, Queen Elizabeth of England has married the Dutch nobleman, William of Orange. The wedding occurred on March 3rd in Westminster Abbey in a Protestant ceremony, although the two were married again later in a Catholic ceremony at William’s insistence.

Domestic reaction to the marriage has been mixed. Catholics, many of the same who cheered for Mary’s marriage to Phillip II, are delighted that Elizabeth married a Catholic and hope it influences her to follow a doctrine closer to Rome. Protestants, on the other hand, are disappointed in the Queen’s choice of a husband and have dug up some of the arguments used against Queen Mary when she married Phillip II, although these have only had limited success in swaying the population as William's lands in the Netherlands are in no way close to the size of Hapsburg Spain and in the event William’s heir were to die, England would inherit his lands in the Netherlands, not vice-versa.

Reaction from abroad remains to be seen. How will Phillip II respond to one of his subjects marrying without his permission to a woman who refused the King himself? Fearing for the worst William has moved his family to England, but what will happen to their standing in the Netherlands remains to be seen.

The Tsardom of Russia has attacked the Ottoman Protectorate, the Khanate of Crimea in a move many minor powers are condemning due to the lack of an official declaration of war prior to invading. The Russian goal was to take the actual peninsula of Crimea and against a less capable Khan they may have been able to do so. Devlet I Giray reacted calmly to the invasion, ordered a tactical retreat, and then commenced raiding Russian supply lines, thereby slowing their advance into his lands.
As it stands now, the Russian army is halfway towards Crimea proper, although it is demoralized, facing intense local resistance, and is unable to capitalize on any coastline gained due to the Ottoman control of the Black Sea.

Russian Tsarina murdered, Boyars suspected
The wife of Tsar Ivan IV, Anastasia Romanovna, was found dead in her chambers and upon further examination the physicians determined she had been poisoned. The Tsar has thrown himself into deep grief while also conducting an investigation which has determined the perpetrators was a group of Boyars disgusted with the Tsar’s efforts to limit their powers and rule as an autocrat. How the Tsar will punish them, if he will remarry, and how his government will conduct itself going forward all remain to be seen.

Strength of Economy:
Scotland: Weak (rebellion, distance from trading partners, lack of raw goods)
RussiaSad Weak (droughts, famine, discontent, a lack of trade)
EnglandSad Moderately Weak (low harvests, religious tension, lacks trading partners)
FranceSad Moderately Weak (Religious discontent, regency)
AustriaSad Moderately Weak (loss of lands to the Ottomans, border raids, religious division)
Spain: Moderate (inflation due to New World goods, expensive military upkeep but lots of trading, extensive access to goods, control of trade in the Netherlands)
Poland: Moderately Strong (stable realm, strong ruler, united Sejm, religious tension mild)
The Papal States: Strong (income from tithes, trade with Italian City States, stable, religious uniformity)
Ottoman Empire: Strong (expansion into new regions/access to new goods, trade in the Indian Ocean, control of overland trade routs to Asia, longtime ruler)

I should note there are two economic categories not shown, on both extremes, very weak and very strong

Individual summaries will be up soon.
Mr. X
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« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2014, 03:37:47 PM »

OOC: I see that once again dice rolls (I assume that's how battle outcomes are decided, no? ) will be the bane of my existence Tongue
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« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2014, 03:39:15 PM »

OOC: I see that once again dice rolls (I assume that's how battle outcomes are decided, no? ) will be the bane of my existence Tongue

Yes, it is dice rolls in accordance with a random number generator. Wink

They can cause some interesting results.
Mr. X
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« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2014, 03:45:29 PM »

OOC: I see that once again dice rolls (I assume that's how battle outcomes are decided, no? ) will be the bane of my existence Tongue

Yes, it is dice rolls in accordance with a random number generator. Wink

They can cause some interesting results.

Interesting, I can live with, I just wish they'd be interesting in my favor for once Tongue  I think I had one favorable dice roll in the entire GoT game, IIRC.
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