Clash of Kings, an ASOIAF Game (The End)

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Author Topic: Clash of Kings, an ASOIAF Game (The End)  (Read 88673 times)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #100 on: June 25, 2014, 02:29:20 PM »

So, just to clarify, as of now Renly is no longer putting forward his claim to be king?

Indeed, and while that move has give the upper hand to the Baratheons, Renly's prestige has dropped (specially among the Stormlords).

I have everything I need, so we go straight for the military update this afternoon!
Mr. X
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« Reply #101 on: June 25, 2014, 02:31:10 PM »


UPON TREATING, King Stannis Baratheon and his brother, Lord Renly Baratheon, in recognition of their common enemy in the Lannister usurpers, today declare -

The Terms of the Twin Stag Alliance:

1. The overthrow of the false bastard king Joffrey "Baratheon".

2. The installation of Stannis Baratheon, first of his name and the rightful King of Westeros, on the Iron Throne.

3. The appointment of Lord Renly Baratheon as Hand of The King. Lord Renly will also be given a considerable demesne and be recognised as the governor of several realms in the Seven Kingdoms, to be negotiated after King's Landing is taken.

4. Lord Renly will named the heir to King Stannis.

In addition to his current role as Hand of the King, Ser Davos Seaworth is hereby named as King Stannis' Master of Ships in the royal fleet, to continue the work of the blockade on King's Landing.

OOC: Stannis has two Hands?
Bardella ciao!
Antonio V
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« Reply #102 on: June 25, 2014, 02:32:57 PM »


OK, I don't want to be the crybaby of this game, but if Stannis and Renly form an alliance isn't the game basically over? With their combined armies + the Tyrells they can easily kick the ass of everyone else. The only solution would be a grand Stark-Lannister alliance, which is impossible for obvious reasons. Besides, it would be extremely bizarre for Renly to renounce his claim to the Crown, considering he has by far the biggest army. Why would he want to do that? Of course it's Lumine's game, and if this is fine to him then it's fine to me, but if you want my two cents I think allowing this would be a very bad decision for the sake of fun.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #103 on: June 25, 2014, 02:34:27 PM »


UPON TREATING, King Stannis Baratheon and his brother, Lord Renly Baratheon, in recognition of their common enemy in the Lannister usurpers, today declare -

The Terms of the Twin Stag Alliance:

1. The overthrow of the false bastard king Joffrey "Baratheon".

2. The installation of Stannis Baratheon, first of his name and the rightful King of Westeros, on the Iron Throne.

3. The appointment of Lord Renly Baratheon as Hand of The King. Lord Renly will also be given a considerable demesne and be recognised as the governor of several realms in the Seven Kingdoms, to be negotiated after King's Landing is taken.

4. Lord Renly will named the heir to King Stannis.

In addition to his current role as Hand of the King, Ser Davos Seaworth is hereby named as King Stannis' Master of Ships in the royal fleet, to continue the work of the blockade on King's Landing.

OOC: Stannis has two Hands?

OOC: The appointment of Renly as Hand is pending the fall of King's Landing, at which point Davos will remain as Master of Ships but no longer be Hand.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #104 on: June 25, 2014, 02:38:58 PM »

I thought for a long time about this, and concluded that the alternative would be repeating the original story and having Stannis kill Renly or viceversa. I want the game to take a different road, and as I thought about it I found it plausible for Stannis to go for that road (he did offer similar terms to Renly). Renly is a more complicated issue, but he will get a penalty for surrendering his crown that will come to haunt him later. And as of Stannis + Tyrells owning everybody, I wouldn't say that's the case. The Lannisters have a massive number of sellswords to try and balance the numbers, and I do have a few other surprises as we move forward.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #105 on: June 25, 2014, 02:57:22 PM »

OOCish: rest assured the Ironborn are very clever people. We've got a couple more plans in the works.
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« Reply #106 on: June 25, 2014, 03:03:59 PM »

Are their going to be white walkers in this? Or the Night's Watch?

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #107 on: June 25, 2014, 03:05:58 PM »

Are their going to be white walkers in this? Or the Night's Watch?

The Night's Watch will make an appearance in two more turns, don't worry! (I haven't decided on the White Walkers yet)
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #108 on: June 25, 2014, 03:09:00 PM »

Well, I will soon post my reforms
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #109 on: June 25, 2014, 03:15:40 PM »

OOC: I think you may have the wrong thread, Ser Wind of House Jammer
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #110 on: June 25, 2014, 04:11:32 PM »

Military Update:

The Battle of Acorn Hall and the Fall of Harrenhal:

After weeks of waiting to leave Riverrun and with the Riverlords more and more furious, King Robb finally assembled the forces of the Riverlands under the command of his uncle, Ser Bryden Tully, and commanded them to clean the nearest lands from the Lannisters and retake Harrenhal once and for all. At the same time, Lord Tywin had the idea of surprising Lord Karstark from behind by slipping through Riverrun, and thus he sent Ser Addam Marbrand with 5,000 men leaving a small garrison behind. Marbrand moved as fast as he could, thinking he could run circles on Robb Stark as long as the Young Wolf decided to remain in Riverrun. Alas, this time the Northerners and the Riverlanders failed to play along, and the Blackfish was there to face Marbrand at Acorn Hall after destroying the bandits there. Outnumbered two to one, Ser Addam fought bravely and courageously, but the Riverlords were up in arms for revenge and they easily defeated the Lannister host. With the route to Harrenhal cut off by the Blackfish, Ser Addam retreated into the Crownlands, while his opponent marched on the fortress as quickly as he could and he secured the castle, releasing some dozens of riverlander smallfolk (but not finding the hostages). Ser Brynden was extremely surprised when a small and malnourished girl approached him, and after giving a single look he knew that was the face of a Wolf. Arya Stark was finally free.

Tyrell/Baratheon Westerlander Campaign (Continued)Sad

The Tyrells finally moved to strike at the heart of the Lannisters, and while not using Randyll Tarly's army deprived them of the chance of a more powerful strike, they managed to put up a rather decent attack thanks to the help of Lord Renly. On the Western side, Ser Garlan Tyrell led the assault on Crakehall and he took the fortress along with some Crakehall hostages, but with such heavy losses that he was forced to hold the castle without being able to march North. At the same time the Redywne Fleet appeared in Lannisport to fight the Lannister ships defending the harbor, sparking a one-sided naval battle (200 to 30) that ended up with the destruction of the entire Lannister fleet at a heavy cost. The Redwyne Fleet proceeded to assault Lannisport, picking a fight with the powerful Lannisport City Watch. In the end large parts of the city were set on fire by the fight, but the City Watch fought the Redwyne troops back and prevented the loss of the city. Moving from the West, Lord Leyton Hightower (8,000 men) and Lord Renly Baratheon (20,000 men) left the vicinity of King's Landing to march up the Gold Road and strike directly at the castles of Payne Hall and Deep Den. Payne Hall proved no problem, but taking the Deep Den was a much harder task. In the end, Renly led a charge and took the fortress, but he lost hundreds of his Stormlanders in the fight.

Golden Tooth Campaign:

Knowing that the chance was there to finally enter the Westerlands and take revenge, Lord Karstark prepared as best as he could, and once King Robb and his main army arrived the fight truly began. Greywind managed to find a unused road to get through the Golden Tooth, and the Young Wolf suddenly appeared from the flank of Ser Daven Lannister's Army. Ser Daven, however, was no fool, and he put his forces in the best available spots in order to resist. In the end, Northern superiority in terms of numbers was too much to handle, and Ser Daven was forced to leave the Golden Tooth to fend off for themselves, saving his army in the process and retreating to Sarsfield to fight another day. Robb and the Lords Bolton and Karstark forced the isolated fortress to surrender, and they're ready to move ahead.

Ironbon Invasion of the Westerlands:

With the Iron Islands surprised at the death of Prince Theon and a desire for revenge, it seemed the Greyjoys were poised to strike at the North again. But Balon Greyjoy had other plans, and Asha Greyjoy was commanded to leave a skeleton garrison in Bear Island, release the Umber hostages (but not the Mormonets) and sail back. As the Lannister Fleet of about 30 ships (ignorant to the Battle of Lannisport) was about to reach the North to strike, they were surprised by the sudden attack of one of the most fierce Ironborn warriors: Victarion Greyjoy. Commanding most of the Iron Fleet, Lord Victarion took his revenge on the Lannisters for the outcome of the rebellion and sunk or captured most of the enemy fleet, thus leaving the Westerlanders without a fleet. Both Victarion and Asha rested a few days in Pyke, and then prepared their respective fleets to strike at the defenseless coast of the Lannisters. Asha stormed the Banefort with heavy losses, and she was repulsed by the Westerlings in the Crag, forcing her to lick her wounds once again. Victarion assaulted the Fair Island and took Faircastle, taking the castle for himself.

The Battle of Stokeworth:

For the past weeks, Lord Tywin Lannister had been in talks with House Tyrell to win their support against the Baratheon brothers, and it seemed his diplomatic gamble had paid off. The Tyrell sent a escort with Lady Olenna Tyrell to negotiate terms with Lord Tywin, and soon the Tyrell soldiers reached Tywin's camp in Stokeworth. Before the carriage could be even opened, the Lannisters scouts reported that enemy forces were marching on the capital, and Lord Tywin discovered the carriage was empty save for two guards. Enraged at being tricked in such an evident way, Lord Tywin raced his army South to link up with the Crownlander Army, and soon he found himself facing about a 1,000 Tyrell soldiers. It was then that some wounded scouts reported that most of the scouts had been killed, and Lord Randyll Tarly led a cavalry charge against the Lannisters, having his 32,000 thousand strong army behind him. Tywin was not a weak commander by any measure, so he reorganized his forces with the help of Ser Kevan and Lord Lefford and fought back Tarly's charge. The Lannisters were outnumbered two to one, so Lord Tywin attempted to outmanuever his opponent to take the road to King's Landing, but the difference in numbers was too heavy to overcome, even for that type of commander. In the end, the Tyrells shattered Tywin's army, killing Lord Lefford and wounding Lord Tywin in the leg, leaving Ser Kevan to take what remained of the army back to King's Landing. Lord Tarly was about to press the attack, but the losses he took were horrifying as well, and the men too exhausted to engage in pursuit. The Lion was returning to King's Landing, and he wasn't pleased.

Lannister sellswords arrive in the Whispers:

Just as Lord Tywin fought for his life at Stokeworth, the first of his envoys to Essos was finally arriving back in Westeros. Lord Harys Swift brought with himself over 15,000 sellswords, including feared captains like the Tattered Prince, Brown Ben Plumm and Daario Naharis. Since the Baratheon Fleet was blocking Blackwater Bay, Lord Harys and his hired galleys had to land in the Whispers and then begin the march on King's Landing, unaware of what had happened in the past months.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #111 on: June 25, 2014, 04:13:51 PM »
« Edited: June 26, 2014, 01:02:51 PM by Senator Lumine »

This turn is over, next one starts today or tomorrow.


Army of the Crownlands - 10,000 - KL
The Gold Cloaks - 7,000 – KL
Vale Mountain Clans – 300 - KL
Fleet of King's Landing - 50 – KL
(can only recruit men from King’s Landing)

Army of Ser Daven Lannister – 11,600 – Sarsfield
Army of Lord Tywin - 6,800 - Near King's Landing
Army of Ser Addam Marbrand - 2,800 – Near King’s Landing
(can call a max. of 5.000 more men)

Army of Lord Renly – 17,800 – Deep Den
Garrison and Army of Storm's End – 5,000 - Storm's End
Fleet of Storm's End - 60 - Storm's End
(can call a max. of 5.000 more men)

Mace Tyrell:
Army of Randyll Tarly - 25,300 – Stokeworth
Army of Leyton Hightower - 7,600 - Gold Road
Army of Garlan Tyrell - 3,200 - Crakehall
Garrison of Highgarden – 5,000 - Highgarden
Fleet of the Reach - 40 - Sailing to King's Landing
Fleet of the Arbor - 175 – The Arbor
Hightower Fleet – 30 – Oldtown
Shield Islands Fleet – 30 – Shield Islands
(can call a max. of 30.000 more men)

Army of Dragonstone - 6000 - Dragonstone
The Royal Fleet - 200 - Blackwater Bay
(cannot call more men, only sellswords)

Army of King Robb Stark - 19,900 – The Golden Tooth
Army of Galbert Glover – 3,900 – Torrhen’s Square
Garrison of Winterfell – 1,000 – Winterfell
Garrison of Moat Cailin – 500 – Moat Cailin
Fleet of White Harbor - 20 – Near the Vale
(can call a max. of 17.000 more men)

Hoster Tully/Edmure Tully:
Army of the Riverlands - 1,500 - Riverrun
Army of Blackfish/Bracken – 10,000 – Harrenhall
The River Fleet - 30 - Near the Vale
(cannot call more men)

Daenerys Targaryen:
Dragons - 3 - Currently sailing
Daenerys Khalasar – 200 (+Ser Jorah Mormont, Ser Barristan Selmy and ______ _______) – currently sailing

Army of the Iron Islands – 12,900 – Pyke
(1.000 men are a part of the Iron Fleet still on Pyke)
Army of Asha Greyjoy - 5,600 (Banefort)
Army of Victarion Greyjoy – 2.800
Army of Harmund Sharp - 500 (Bear Island)
The Iron Fleet (1) - 60 – Faircastle
The Iron Fleet (2) – 30 – Pyke
The Iron Fleet (3) – 10 – On the way to the Narrow Sea
Reaving Fleet – 300 - Pyke
Asha's Fleet - 180 - Banefort
Bear Island Fleet - 10
(can call a max. of 10.000 more men)

Doran Martell:
Army of Sunspear - 5,000 - Sunspear
Navy of Sunspear - 38 – Sunspear
(can call a max. of 20.000 more men)

Lysa Arryn:
Army of the Vale - 5,000 - the Eyrie
Fleet of Gulltown - 42 – Gulltown
(can call a max. 25.000 more men)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #112 on: June 25, 2014, 04:14:30 PM »
« Edited: June 25, 2014, 04:16:46 PM by Senator Lumine »

Some of the results were hard to explain, and I feel really bad for Mr. X and the Lannisters, but that's what happens when all players choose to strike at once, xD

Finally, I have a problem. Last turn should involve the appearance of a character that is a massive spoiler for the books, but I don't wish to spoil that for those who have only watched the series. What do those who have only watched the series think? Should I include said character?
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #113 on: June 25, 2014, 04:23:41 PM »

Well crap Sad

There go my plans to make Vargo Hoat Lord of Riverun and figure out a way to marry off Sansa Stark to Ramsay Snow Sad
YaBB God
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« Reply #114 on: June 25, 2014, 04:37:50 PM »

OOC: Geez, poor Lannisters! They're being attacked from the east (Stannis) the west (Greyjoys) the north (Robb) and the south (Renly). I know they're terrible people and probably deserve it, but I didn't expect them to be piled on so must so quickly.

Where is Littlefinger at this point?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #115 on: June 25, 2014, 04:42:41 PM »

OOC: Geez, poor Lannisters! They're being attacked from the east (Stannis) the west (Greyjoys) the north (Robb) and the south (Renly). I know they're terrible people and probably deserve it, but I didn't expect them to be piled on so must so quickly.

Where is Littlefinger at this point?

In the Eyrie now, embarassed after the Lannisters lost Harrenhal and with the Vale Lords quite willing to kick him out and back to King's Landing.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #116 on: June 25, 2014, 04:45:11 PM »

Oh well, hopefully new characters will pop up and I'll have a chance to rejoin after I die Tongue
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #117 on: June 25, 2014, 04:46:38 PM »

OOC: Geez, poor Lannisters! They're being attacked from the east (Stannis) the west (Greyjoys) the north (Robb) and the south (Renly). I know they're terrible people and probably deserve it, but I didn't expect them to be piled on so must so quickly.

OOC: it's really what I expected to happen - bad luck on their part that they're stuck in the middle of everything. Plus, that's where the money is.
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« Reply #118 on: June 25, 2014, 07:37:04 PM »

Oh well, hopefully new characters will pop up and I'll have a chance to rejoin after I die Tongue

Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #119 on: June 25, 2014, 07:50:01 PM »

Oh well, hopefully new characters will pop up and I'll have a chance to rejoin after I die Tongue


Indeed Grin

Dibs on him if he pops up.
Bardella ciao!
Antonio V
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #120 on: June 26, 2014, 04:03:51 AM »

Lumine, these are just details, but is Daven in Sarsfield or in Lannisport right now? The military update and the armies tally seem to disagree in that regard. Also, Glover was leading a 900-men detachment before I called the additional men, so unless he's somehow suffered losses his army should be 3900 strong.

Finally, I have a problem. Last turn should involve the appearance of a character that is a massive spoiler for the books, but I don't wish to spoil that for those who have only watched the series. What do those who have only watched the series think? Should I include said character?

Personally I would very much want to avoid spoilers (especially since I'm even farther behind that you guys). But if it's really necessary to the game and not a critical plot point in the show, I can make a sacrifice...
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #121 on: June 26, 2014, 08:57:38 AM »

Lumine, these are just details, but is Daven in Sarsfield or in Lannisport right now? The military update and the armies tally seem to disagree in that regard. Also, Glover was leading a 900-men detachment before I called the additional men, so unless he's somehow suffered losses his army should be 3900 strong.

Finally, I have a problem. Last turn should involve the appearance of a character that is a massive spoiler for the books, but I don't wish to spoil that for those who have only watched the series. What do those who have only watched the series think? Should I include said character?

Personally I would very much want to avoid spoilers (especially since I'm even farther behind that you guys). But if it's really necessary to the game and not a critical plot point in the show, I can make a sacrifice...

Also, I forget if I mentioned this in my moves PM, but Garlan Tyrell has the same 5,000 troops he had before the battle despite taking "heavy casualties."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #122 on: June 26, 2014, 01:05:00 PM »

Lumine, these are just details, but is Daven in Sarsfield or in Lannisport right now? The military update and the armies tally seem to disagree in that regard. Also, Glover was leading a 900-men detachment before I called the additional men, so unless he's somehow suffered losses his army should be 3900 strong.

Finally, I have a problem. Last turn should involve the appearance of a character that is a massive spoiler for the books, but I don't wish to spoil that for those who have only watched the series. What do those who have only watched the series think? Should I include said character?

Personally I would very much want to avoid spoilers (especially since I'm even farther behind that you guys). But if it's really necessary to the game and not a critical plot point in the show, I can make a sacrifice...

Also, I forget if I mentioned this in my moves PM, but Garlan Tyrell has the same 5,000 troops he had before the battle despite taking "heavy casualties."

I have just made the changes, and since I finally ended up most of the heavy work at college I finally have the time I need for this! Now, I have decided not to have the "surprise" character if deference of those who don't wish to be spoiled (seriously, it's horrible when you get spoiled), so I will pretend said character doesn't exist and that way the game with run more smoothly. As a result, next turn comes today, and I will put in place the time limit for two days until the POV update (when there is one) and one extra day until the military update. Three days sounds reasonable, and it will allow us to move fast.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #123 on: June 26, 2014, 01:51:32 PM »

Lumine, these are just details, but is Daven in Sarsfield or in Lannisport right now? The military update and the armies tally seem to disagree in that regard. Also, Glover was leading a 900-men detachment before I called the additional men, so unless he's somehow suffered losses his army should be 3900 strong.

Finally, I have a problem. Last turn should involve the appearance of a character that is a massive spoiler for the books, but I don't wish to spoil that for those who have only watched the series. What do those who have only watched the series think? Should I include said character?

Personally I would very much want to avoid spoilers (especially since I'm even farther behind that you guys). But if it's really necessary to the game and not a critical plot point in the show, I can make a sacrifice...

Also, I forget if I mentioned this in my moves PM, but Garlan Tyrell has the same 5,000 troops he had before the battle despite taking "heavy casualties."

I have just made the changes, and since I finally ended up most of the heavy work at college I finally have the time I need for this! Now, I have decided not to have the "surprise" character if deference of those who don't wish to be spoiled (seriously, it's horrible when you get spoiled), so I will pretend said character doesn't exist and that way the game with run more smoothly. As a result, next turn comes today, and I will put in place the time limit for two days until the POV update (when there is one) and one extra day until the military update. Three days sounds reasonable, and it will allow us to move fast.

Do you mean the current turn ends today (fine with me Tongue ) or that it starts today for the purposes of the limits you mentioned in your post?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #124 on: June 26, 2014, 01:52:51 PM »

Lumine, these are just details, but is Daven in Sarsfield or in Lannisport right now? The military update and the armies tally seem to disagree in that regard. Also, Glover was leading a 900-men detachment before I called the additional men, so unless he's somehow suffered losses his army should be 3900 strong.

Finally, I have a problem. Last turn should involve the appearance of a character that is a massive spoiler for the books, but I don't wish to spoil that for those who have only watched the series. What do those who have only watched the series think? Should I include said character?

Personally I would very much want to avoid spoilers (especially since I'm even farther behind that you guys). But if it's really necessary to the game and not a critical plot point in the show, I can make a sacrifice...

Also, I forget if I mentioned this in my moves PM, but Garlan Tyrell has the same 5,000 troops he had before the battle despite taking "heavy casualties."

I have just made the changes, and since I finally ended up most of the heavy work at college I finally have the time I need for this! Now, I have decided not to have the "surprise" character if deference of those who don't wish to be spoiled (seriously, it's horrible when you get spoiled), so I will pretend said character doesn't exist and that way the game with run more smoothly. As a result, next turn comes today, and I will put in place the time limit for two days until the POV update (when there is one) and one extra day until the military update. Three days sounds reasonable, and it will allow us to move fast.

Do you mean the current turn ends today (fine with me Tongue ) or that it starts today for the purposes of the limits you mentioned in your post?

Oh, we're in kind of a limbo with the second turn ended and the third still not starting, which is why we technically start with turn three today (your orders are still acknowledged, of course).
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