Vote on Disbanding the AFDNC

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I'd like to ask that all remaining party members vote YEA or NAY on whether or not to officially disband the AFDNC.

The vote will continue until midnight (EST) of April 2rd.

~Josh, Interim Chairman of the AFDNC

What happens if you and Ian vote differently?  There'll be a tie.

I vote YEA to disband.

Kemp, I'm hoping we have more than 2 people vote.  Bleh, what a mess.  If it's a tie, I'll make an official decision.

I hope that Ian votes with Josh as his idols are Cosmo Kramer and Harry who both left the AFDNC for better fantasy parties.

Lt. Gov. Immy:
I think the fact the only two people are likely to vote in this poll make it a neccesitty that the party disband.


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