Race Relations

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John Dibble:
The truth of the matter is that we're more united in some ways, and more divided in others. It's not a black and white(no pun intended) issue.

To a degree, we'll always be divided - people like to be with people similar to themselves. White people would generally rather hang out with whites, and blacks with blacks. It's not really a prejudice thing, it's just a comfort thing. I knew a black guy in high school(good friend at the time) who was more like the whites in mannerisms than your stereotypical black, so myself and other whites were extremely comfortable hanging around him because he was more like ourselves than the other blacks. It's not necessarily a skin color thing, it's a culture thing on many degrees as well. Do I begrudge blacks for having their own subculture in our society? No, but I'm just not that comfortable when I have to deal with it. Same with any culture really - if I'm not familiar with what to do, I'm not comforatble. I imagine many here are the same.


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