Did South Vietnam deserve to be destroyed?

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I spent the winter writing songs about getting better:
Yes. They were a corrupt and repressive regime. They deserved what they got.

They were a corrupt regime but they were better than what replaced it.  Tens of thousands of people don't just hop on rickety rafts for no good reason.

No, North Vietnam was a Communist aggressor. It won only because the media lost the war for the UNited States.

I spent the winter writing songs about getting better:
They weren't really the aggressors if you take into account that Ho Chi Minh would've easily won a fair election and the US illegaly split Vietnam to stop that from happening.

I'm no fan of Ho Chi Minh, but he had much more of a claim to legitimacy than any South Vietnamese leader.

South Vietnam: corrupt and repressive. More corrupt than repressive
North Vietnam: corrupt and repressive. More repressive than corrupt.

To hell with both of them


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