Regardless of your opinion of Kavanaugh do you think he tried to rape Ford (user search)

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  Regardless of your opinion of Kavanaugh do you think he tried to rape Ford (search mode)
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Question: Regardless of your personal opinion of Brett Kavanaugh do you think he tried to rape Christine Ford while in high school?
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Author Topic: Regardless of your opinion of Kavanaugh do you think he tried to rape Ford  (Read 5094 times)
Ogre Mage
YaBB God
Posts: 3,508
United States

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E: -4.39, S: -5.22

« on: September 22, 2018, 03:15:16 PM »

I believe Dr. Ford.  Her actions certainly look more truthful, while the White House and Kavanaugh are acting like they have something to hide.

--It is in the record that back in 2012, Ford spoke about the alleged attack to her psychotherapist.  That was long before Brett Kavanaugh was anywhere on the radar for a Supreme Court nomination.

--Ford took a polygraph test and passed.  So far as I know, Kavanaugh has not submitted to a polygraph.

--If Ford is lying, why would she ask the FBI to investigate her claims?  The FBI looked into Anita Hill's claims in 1991, so there is precedent for this.  Yet the White House refuses to ask the FBI to investigate (and they are they only ones who can order it).  Kavanaugh has not asked them to investigate.  What are they afraid of?

--Speaking of Anita Hill, Ford is old enough to be familiar with the terrible treatment she received and educated enough to understand the same would happen to her.  Why would Ford deliberately put herself through that besides the stated reason -- she felt she had a duty to speak out?  She doesn't have a recorded history of political activism and by almost all accounts was afraid to come forward.  Given the death threats she is now receiving, her fears were well-founded. 

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