“Republicans Hate Poor People:” County GOP apologizes for social media post (user search)

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  “Republicans Hate Poor People:” County GOP apologizes for social media post (search mode)
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Author Topic: “Republicans Hate Poor People:” County GOP apologizes for social media post  (Read 5805 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,772
United States

« on: April 02, 2018, 01:40:26 PM »

Worded unbelievably badly, but the point itself (that Democrats have a political interest in keeping people poor) is not entirely false.

Lol, yes it is. Republicans despise the poor and want to do nothing to actually help them become successful. Just tell them to work harder and pull themselves up by the bootstraps, no actual help.

That is simply not true. Democratic welfare policies have clearly been a failure. We've spent trillions of dollars since LBJ's war on poverty was launched, and yet today the poverty rate is nearly the exact same. That's because the current welfare system essentially locks people in poverty, disincentivizes marriage (a proven alleviator of poverty), and discourages people from finding work by drastically cutting benefits as soon as people get a job (thus making work an economically unsound decision). If you really think the solution for poverty is throwing money at the same failed policies, you're crazy.

(Most) Republicans don't blame, or by any means despise, the poor for the poverty we see and recognize that it's a symptom of failed governmental policy.

I believe the best way to help alleviate poverty is to restructure the welfare system to encourage marriage, slow the decrease of benefits after employment is found, provide educational choice to poor parents so their children aren't locked in failing schools, encourage apprenticeships and more effective job training programs, and free up entrepreneurs from excessive taxes and regulations so they can hire more people (Thank you GOP).

Stop the smears and realize that there's no kindness to be found in supporting policies that keep people trapped in poverty.

LOL! Clueless kid.

What a great, well thought-out response.

Going to guarantee you're an upper middle class white guy who has no contact with poor people and no real experiences on how the system as it is now actually barely keeps people above water (most are still below it), so yes, clueless child.

Or a lower-middle class white guy with a single mom who provides for her kids paycheck to paycheck, but sure, act like you know me...

I lived in Atlanta before college and attended a school where a third of the students were refugees and 70% were on free and reduced lunch. But again, PLEASE, tell me how much you know about my life...

Then it's amazing how little you know, that's sad kid.

you aren't defending your points well, attacking this guy's ideas based on what you assume he knows or doesn't know is a stupid tactic.
yeah, I don't completely agree with that conservative guy, but master Jedi is just being a little sh!t here
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