Opinion of Fuzzy Bear (user search)

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Author Topic: Opinion of Fuzzy Bear  (Read 11999 times)
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
Posts: 45,805

Political Matrix
E: 3.42, S: 2.61


« on: December 01, 2020, 02:08:36 PM »

Part two:

Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.

This is particularly odious for two reason.  First, Talk Elections is attached to this web site called "Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections". It's simple, easy to use, if you're comparing recent elections, it's even free.  It would take less than five minutes for Fuzzy to check that what he is posting is accurate.  As noted by multiple posters, it wasn't even close to being correct.  In that thread, Fuzzy never acknowledges that what he posted was fraudulent.

Trump and his campaigns have been especially aggressive in attacking Philly and Detroit even though, as the data on Dave's site (which comes from official sources) shows that Trump did so slightly better in Philly and Detroit than in 2016.  

If that's the case, then why did Donald lose PA and MI?  Well, let's look at the data (as provided by Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections).  It turns out that in PA the biggest swing against Trump was in Chester, PA--where the exurbs meet PA Dutch country.  In Michigan the biggest swings against Trump were in Kent (Grand Rapids) and Ottawa, the ancestral home of the Dutch Dutch.

So, why are Trump's and Rudy's attacks not directed against these areas, accusing them of voter fraud.  Instead of saying that Philly let's the dead vote or than vans filled with votes were seen in Detroit and that there were more votes in Detroit than registered voters (all not true).  Why not say that there were Amish buggies filled with votes for Biden or the Dutch in MI were hiding votes in their windmills?

Well, Trump's core voters are rurals and racists (frequent overlap) and trying to whip them up accusing white people of fraud is hard to do (well except for the GA gov and SoS), so Trump has to get out his dog whistle and suggest that the scary urban negro is behind all of this.  So Trump blows his whistle and who comes running but Fuzzy Bear?  To post this odious ignorant crap on a forum attached to a website that easily refutes that.

Fuzzy is an enemy of free fair elections.  He is an enemy of American Democracy.  He is an enemy of Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections and Talk Elections.  He is a racist traitor.

I have no idea how he behaves in private, but his obsession based on falsehoods with BLM and his bringing up the NBA and NFL player protests clearly suggest that at least in more private forums like these, he is overtly racist.

I acknowledge that his obsession based on falsehoods with Antifa, given that Antifa isn't associated just with minorities, suggests there is also more going on, but I don't think this negates the weight of the other evidence.

The guy voted for Obama in 2012, Gillum in 2018 and back in the day was literally supportive of the civil rights movement and voted for democrats like George McGovern
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
Posts: 45,805

Political Matrix
E: 3.42, S: 2.61


« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2020, 02:18:42 PM »

Part two:

Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.

This is particularly odious for two reason.  First, Talk Elections is attached to this web site called "Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections". It's simple, easy to use, if you're comparing recent elections, it's even free.  It would take less than five minutes for Fuzzy to check that what he is posting is accurate.  As noted by multiple posters, it wasn't even close to being correct.  In that thread, Fuzzy never acknowledges that what he posted was fraudulent.

Trump and his campaigns have been especially aggressive in attacking Philly and Detroit even though, as the data on Dave's site (which comes from official sources) shows that Trump did so slightly better in Philly and Detroit than in 2016.  

If that's the case, then why did Donald lose PA and MI?  Well, let's look at the data (as provided by Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections).  It turns out that in PA the biggest swing against Trump was in Chester, PA--where the exurbs meet PA Dutch country.  In Michigan the biggest swings against Trump were in Kent (Grand Rapids) and Ottawa, the ancestral home of the Dutch Dutch.

So, why are Trump's and Rudy's attacks not directed against these areas, accusing them of voter fraud.  Instead of saying that Philly let's the dead vote or than vans filled with votes were seen in Detroit and that there were more votes in Detroit than registered voters (all not true).  Why not say that there were Amish buggies filled with votes for Biden or the Dutch in MI were hiding votes in their windmills?

Well, Trump's core voters are rurals and racists (frequent overlap) and trying to whip them up accusing white people of fraud is hard to do (well except for the GA gov and SoS), so Trump has to get out his dog whistle and suggest that the scary urban negro is behind all of this.  So Trump blows his whistle and who comes running but Fuzzy Bear?  To post this odious ignorant crap on a forum attached to a website that easily refutes that.

Fuzzy is an enemy of free fair elections.  He is an enemy of American Democracy.  He is an enemy of Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections and Talk Elections.  He is a racist traitor.

I have no idea how he behaves in private, but his obsession based on falsehoods with BLM and his bringing up the NBA and NFL player protests clearly suggest that at least in more private forums like these, he is overtly racist.

I acknowledge that his obsession based on falsehoods with Antifa, given that Antifa isn't associated just with minorities, suggests there is also more going on, but I don't think this negates the weight of the other evidence.

The guy voted for Obama in 2012, Gillum in 2018 and back in the day was literally supportive of the civil rights movement and voted for democrats like George McGovern

Opinions aren't static.  What he was in 2012 or even 2018 does not necessarily reflect who he is now.

Of course, this is assuming he's even telling the truth.  He mentioned to me in a different thread that he's 63 years old.  That would mean he was born in 1957, so he would have been 15 in 1972.  If that's the case, how could he have voted for McGovern?

Looks like I interpreted what he said wrongly, he said he supported McGovern in 1972. Maybe it was just him following politics a lot as a 15 year old.

Anyway  Fuzzy was on Atlas during the 2018 cycle and he mentioned how he was supporting Gillum over DeSantis and talked many times he cant vote for DeSantis due to his opposition of him making former felons requiring them to pay of all their fines before they become eligible to vote.

In the 2016 cycle he was a green avatar
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
Posts: 45,805

Political Matrix
E: 3.42, S: 2.61


« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2020, 02:22:35 PM »

Anyway Fuzzy is definitely a good guy and a buddy of mine on here so he's definitely an FF.

OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
Posts: 45,805

Political Matrix
E: 3.42, S: 2.61


« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2020, 11:48:58 AM »

Fuzzy Bear is actually in many ways more politically correct than many people over the age of 45 that I know . It’s just this forum is extremely young so views such as his are viewed as really right wing and un PC but I can tell you they aren’t to the majority of people over the age of 45
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
Posts: 45,805

Political Matrix
E: 3.42, S: 2.61


« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2020, 12:16:49 PM »

Fuzzy Bear is actually in many ways more politically correct than many people over the age of 45 that I know . It’s just this forum is extremely young so views such as his are viewed as really right wing and un PC but I can tell you they aren’t to the majority of people over the age of 45

What do you mean that the majority of people over the age of 45 are more un-PC than Fuzzy Bear? Are you referring to racial issues? Immigration? LBGTQ issues? Sexual matters? Religious tolerance? Other?

Overall on cultural issues , the guy is actually in favor of criminal justice reform and opposed DeSantis on his executive order requiring former felons to have to pay of their fines to get their voting rights back .

OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
Posts: 45,805

Political Matrix
E: 3.42, S: 2.61


« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2020, 12:54:05 PM »


Again Fuzzy, you are the enemy of free and fair elections.  You are a traitor.  You should contact Rudy or Madame Kraken and join the traveling carny freak show of the mentally unhinged and racists that they drag across the country.

I could totally see Professor Fuzzington Thorntonbear testifying in Michigan between Melissa Carone and the Chow lady.

Debunked, my foot.

Throw open the doors, investigate what happened, put people under oath, and let the light shine in.  The mainstream media has lost its credibility to debunk anything regarding this election.

The issue of whether or not irregularities were sufficient to change the outcome is only one aspect of the question.  How election rules were enforced are a legitimate question, and it's time for people to answer those questions under oath.  If that's inconvenient for Joe Biden and detracts from his "mandate", so what?  Personally, I don't see how Senile Cowards that hide in the basement for the entire campaign have any "mandate", no matter what the vote margin.

I would also suggest that you read Robert Caro's Means of Ascent, the second volume in Caro's biography of Lyndon Johnson.  This talks of the means by which the Democratic Primary runoff was stolen for LBJ.  The simple story is that LBJ won by 87 votes.  The challenge to that is that a result from one precinct in Jim Wells County, TX, had a result changed from 743 voted to 943 voted by changing the "7" into a "9", and signing in 200 names.  (The poll taxes of all of these folks were paid in advance by George Parr's organization.)  Witnesses were put on the stand who stated that they did not vote.  There were dead voters that voted.  That was one county (Jim Wells).  There was Duval County that posted margins of 99 to 1 for LBJ (that had gone 90 percent for Coke Stevenson two (2) years earlier).  That's a pretty big dropoff, eh? 

Quote from: US District Judge T. Whitfield Davidson
“Whenever I steal, whenever I misappropriate, whenever I stuff a ballot box, we are taking from a man that which is his. We are not only taking from him that which is his, but we are depriving other voters of their right to choose, by offsetting the vote they cast.”

There is much blather as to how there is "no evidence" of fraud in the current location.  This article summarizes Caro's writing well:

On Tuesday, Sept. 28, Judge Davidson was taking evidence in his Texas courtroom, while Justice Black was hearing the arguments of the attorneys for Johnson and Stevenson. Johnson’s attorneys were stalling in the Texas case so that Black could rule in their favor before Judge Davidson got to the infamous ballot box from Jim Wells County.

Unfortunately for Coke Stevenson and unfortunately for the concepts of justice and fair play, Hugo Black ruled for Johnson, stopped the trial in front of Judge Davidson and sent Johnson on his way to the Senate. The Jim Wells ballot box was never opened in court.

That LBJ became the President that was responsible for the passage of Civil Rights legislation that ended legal Jim Crow Segretation does not make all of this OK.  LBJ was certainly not the person that anyone would have guessed would have pulled this accomplishment off in 1948.  The fact that Donald Trump may be reprehensible to you (although he's not reprehensible to almost half of America at a minimum) doesn't justify stealing elections.  The shrinking leads that happened to Trump happened to Coke Stevenson in much the same manner and it happened by votes that were "just counted" but not actually cast.

There is "evidence" of elections fraud.  Let the doors be thrown open, let the investigations happen, and let us find out who's counting our votes and how it's happening.  THAT would be actual commitment to "keeping the Republic".  I would like to see Donald Trump serve another term as President.  I don't believe that this is going to happen; even if voter fraud is found that could change outcomes I doubt this would happen.  But I believe that this investigation should go on, and if it undermines Joe Biden, so what.  Joe Biden is a man, and a senile and cowardly man at that.  Our Republic is far more than that.
“Shrinking leads?” Fuzzy, you understand this is a forum for nerds who spend hours at a time analyzing election data, right? Why are you coming here, of all places, to pretend that you don’t understand 1) why mail in votes were counted last in key states, and 2) why those votes broke heavily for Biden? You understand that everyone knew months in advance that that was going to happen, right? Who do you think you’re fooling here?

Mail in votes with backdated postmarks (sworn to by affidavid).

Mail in votes run twice through scannders (sworn to by affidavit).

Boxes of unfolded ballots run through and counted (sworn to by affidavit).

This isn't necessarily decisive, but it is evidence.  Why are you afraid of an investigation on this?

What about courts throwing cases based on this evidence out . They didn’t think it was enough to start an investigation
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