How much do you know about Sweden

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I figured I'd follow the recent trend. :P (putting it up here to make it easier to spot...)
1) What is the capitol of Sweden?

2) What title does the head-of-state in Sweden bear?

3) Since 1932, how often, roughly, have a non-Social Democratic government been in power

a) 35% of the time
b) 25% of the time
c) 15% of the time

4) Roughly how big is Sweden's population?

a) 15 million
b)10 million
c)  5 million

5) When did Sweden last have a majority government?

a) We have one now, duh.
b) 1994
c) 1981

6) Roughly how many of Sweden's inhabitants have non-Swedish origins?

a) 10%
b) 5%
c) 1%

7) What is the name of the most famed Swedish pop-group?

8) What is the name of the famous Swedish tennis player of the 1970s?

9) How did the 1922 referendum on the prohibition of alcoholic beverages end?

10) How many parties have held seats in the Swedish parliament?

11) What is the name of Sweden's biggest lake (which is, I believe, the 2nd biggest in Europe)?

12) Who is probably the most famous American of Swedish descendancy?

13) What American state has the highest percentage of Swedish immigrants and their descendants?

14) What American city did at one point have the 2nd largest number of Swedes in the world?

15) Before Bush met Göran Persson, who was the last president to meet a Swedish party leader (extra kudos to anyone who knows which party chairman)?

Also, I'll post my latest update of my election predictor. It currently gives (results in the 2002 election in brackets):

SAP (Social Democrats): 34.4% (39.9%)
M (Conservatives): 26.9% (15.3%)
FP (Right-liberals): 13.2% (13.3%
V (ex-communist socialists): 4.2% (8.3%)
C (Agrarians): 4.5% (6.2%)
MP (Greens): 4.6% (4.7%)
KD (Christian Democrats): 7.6% (9.1%)

Centre-left bloc (SAP+V+MP): 43.1% (52.7%)
Centre-Right bloc (M+FP+C+KD): 52.2% (43.7%)

a reasonable amount actually, due in part to that project i did on your political system. It'd still be nice to have a quiz, though :)

Ah, I didn't actually check out the other topics. ;)

Well. Nah. No one would get anything right without googling anyway. you might manage a few, Al might and maybe someone else. But I'll give you all a chance to prove yourself.

What do you propose should be done to all the V voters on the day before the election to make your prediction come true? Arrested? Shot? Snowed in so they can't get to the polling station (as so many of them live so far north?) :P

Max Power:
God hates Sweden.


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