German Elections & Politics (user search)

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Author Topic: German Elections & Politics  (Read 678331 times)
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« on: November 21, 2016, 03:01:51 PM »

Why does the SPD, the world's oldest major socialist party, no longer inspire voters, but rather acts as a mere coalition partner to help prop up Frau Merkel? Will Germany ever again actually have a leftist government that doesn't rely on the support of the CDU?
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2017, 04:41:46 AM »

i would love to see the AfD in local government position, don't really in which role.

since i think the goals and ideology of the AfD are more or less anti-german, they are doomed to crush themselves.

if they don't - good for them.

The political Left is anti-German. Openly (Linkspartei, Greens, SPD youth organisation) with "Germany must die" rhetoric or silently (SPD, Angela Merkel wing of CDU) with their policy (no need to eyplain, everyone knows what) or actions like taking the German flag off stage at their victory celebration.

In contrast to that, the AfD is not only patriotic but deep pro-German.

But I guess the "Germany" you mean hasn't much to do with being German ;-)

Ah, I forgot you can only be German by coming from a pure, Aryan sperm that developed inside a pure, Aryan uterus.
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2017, 01:12:30 PM »

i would love to see the AfD in local government position, don't really in which role.

since i think the goals and ideology of the AfD are more or less anti-german, they are doomed to crush themselves.

if they don't - good for them.

The political Left is anti-German. Openly (Linkspartei, Greens, SPD youth organisation) with "Germany must die" rhetoric or silently (SPD, Angela Merkel wing of CDU) with their policy (no need to eyplain, everyone knows what) or actions like taking the German flag off stage at their victory celebration.

In contrast to that, the AfD is not only patriotic but deep pro-German.

But I guess the "Germany" you mean hasn't much to do with being German ;-)

Ah, I forgot you can only be German by coming from a pure, Aryan sperm that developed inside a pure, Aryan uterus.

At least you tried. Poor human being.

But don't worry, getting opposed by an Extremist like a "Democratic Socialist" (=ham eating vegetarian) is only showing that my position is mainstream ;-)

Simply because the AfD has some positions that are supported by the majority does not make your particular views expressed here mainstream. One can both support limiting immigration and oppose your conception of what constitutes being German. Regardless of that, since when was the morality of a view determined by its popularity? Ridiculous...
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2017, 08:40:39 AM »
« Edited: February 11, 2017, 08:45:42 AM by Jacobin American »

Just another daily reminder that the Schulz train has no brakes.  
New poll from yesterday by "Trend Research Hamburg":  
SPD 30%  
CDU 30%  
AfD 13%  
Linke 9%  
Grüne 7%  
FDP 6%  
Today a new Emnid poll should come out later so we have a clearer view if Schulz and the SPD are still climbing or not. By the way in the last two weeks the SPD got around 5.000 new members, ten times as much as normal.

At this pace the next Chancellor will be Schulz, unless something highly unexpected occurs. The question then becomes: who will be the SPD's coalition partner(s)?

Also, I'm curious if anyone knows how Schulz would intend to handle President Trump. Frau Merkel has charted a middle course between confrontation and embrace, thereby helping solidify Germany's potentially new role as leader of the liberal, democratic world. How will Schulz maintain or alter that direction of German foreign policy?
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 11:12:31 AM »

34% - CDU/CSU
31% - SPD
08% - AfD
07% - Linke
07% - Grüne
06% - FDP

39% - Merkel (CDU)
36% - Schulz (SPD)
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2017, 12:54:20 AM »

Why has the SPD been essentially trapped in the 20s for years now? Considering the surge they had when Schulz first became party leader, it's obvious there's a large potential voter base for the party, but they seem incapable of actually capturing it. What has caused this dilemma for them?
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2017, 12:15:03 PM »

There's nothing at all wrong with policies aimed at increasing native birth rates, whether among Germans or anyone else, but to establish it upon such racial grounds is, well, racist. Those posters are a disgrace and an offense not only to Muslims, but all thinking Germans.
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2017, 05:01:43 PM »

Islamophobic US mega-donor fuels German far-right party with fake news

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Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2017, 11:26:17 PM »

I'd support a massive SPD-FDP-Left-Green coalition if it was feasible.

Yeah, that'll never happen.
Jacobin American
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,959
United States

« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2018, 02:40:20 PM »

Another poll, by Infratest Dimap (not INSA), showing AfD at 17% and the Union at an all-time low. I'm sure our German posters in denial will call this one a Lügen-Umfrage too, though.

Talk about a surge for The Greens (relative to their '17 election results). I assume the growth in their numbers is primarily at the expense of the SPD? Is there a legitimate chance that The Greens eclipse the SPD during the next federal election, thereby making the three largest parties the CSU, Afd, and Grüne?
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