French National Assembly Elections, 06/30-07/07 (user search)

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Author Topic: French National Assembly Elections, 06/30-07/07  (Read 36601 times)
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« on: June 11, 2024, 07:05:37 AM »

Yeah, looks like Ciotti’s idea of combining the Gaullist Cross of Lorraine with the tricolor flame of the über-kollabo Marcel Déat’s party isn’t well-received inside LR. Here a reaction from a LR deputy close to Xavier Bertrand.

We know now that in June 1940, Éric Ciotti would never had cross the Channel.


It’s true than while De Gaulle was in London in June 1940, Déat was in Sigmaringen in 1945.

And yes, unbelievable how such the direct inspiration of the RN from the worst collaborator party is nowhere to be discussed in the French medias. This is what happened when you decided that amnesia is the best way to deal with France's 1940 collective moral bankruptcy, I guess.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2024, 07:19:01 AM »

Gérard Larcher is demanding the resignation of Ciotti from the presidency of LR. Jesus what a ing joke party.

Meanwhile, Carole Delga, a leader of the strongly anti-LFI wing of the PS who supported dissident PS candidacies against the NUPES back in 2022 has expressed her support to the idea of a Popular Front uniting left-wing parties.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2024, 11:08:12 AM »

Headquarters of LR retaken by loyalist forces:

Annie Genevard open the doors of Les Républicains headquarters with her copy of the keys.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2024, 11:49:38 AM »

Marion Maréchal ex-Le Pen is criticizing the strategy of Zemmour about running candidates against the RN and seemingly on her way to rally her aunt's party (she reportedly negotiated the RN investiture for several of her allies) followed by the rest of the recently elected Reconquête European parliamentarians excepted Zemmour's girlfriend.

Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2024, 06:57:40 AM »

Édouard Philippe saying that Macron ‘has killed the presidential majority’ and that it’s time to ‘move on’ and ‘create a new parliamentary majority working on a different basis that the previous one’. He is breaking with Macron and already planning his 2027 presidential bid.

Shortly thereafter, Bruno Le Maire, the finance minister, criticized in strong terms in a TV interview the inner circle of Macron.

The parquet floors of ministries and palaces of the Republic are full of woodlice. There always have been woodlice, it is part of the French political life… They are in the parquet floors, in the parquet grooves. It is very hard to get rid of them. The best is to not listening to them and remaining at your place whether one is president, prime minister, minister and taking decisions in full knowledge.

The unnamed targets of Le Maire are Pierre Charron and Bruno Roger-Petit, two presidential advisers who reportedly encouraged Macron to dissolve the National Assembly. Charron is a former Sarkozyist senator for Paris currently acting as an unofficial presidential adviser. He is mostly known in the press for engaging in gossip and is a worthy representative of the Parisian Right, a permanent laughing stock of French politics since the Tiberi era which is dedicating more time for petty feuds and personal rivalries (case in point: in the 2023 senatorial election, the official LR list in Paris faced two dissident lists, one led by Charron who didn’t get reelected) than trying to constitute an effective challenge to the PS dominance in the capital. Roger-Petit is a second-tier and fairly mediocre journalist who started as a PS supporter but became later a Macron sycophant and was rewarded with a job of ‘presidential adviser for remembrance’. He is said to be very close to Brigitte Macron and to have inspired the reactionary turn of the Macron presidency, enjoying ties with far-right circles, notably Pascal Praud, the star columnist on Bolloré’s CNews TV station who, according to Le Monde, was informed by Roger-Petit about the dissolution even before the prime minister.

The roles of Charron and Roger-Petit may be exaggerated (firstly by Charron and Roger-Petit themselves) but the fact such political mediocrities have integrated the presidential inner circle and could influence political decisions is already very telling and strongly reminiscent of the Ancien Régime monarchy when politics were partly decided by courtiers and royal mistresses.

Anyway, there is a lot of resentment against Macron among the ranks of Renew parliamentarians, unhappy about the unannounced and clearly unprepared dissolution and about the disconnection and authoritarianism of the president who has snubbed the parliament all along his tenure in office. In the case of a (likely) electoral defeat, the leadership of Macron (barred from running in 2027) over what remains of Renew will be strongly challenged by Philippe, Le Maire, Attal, Bayrou and maybe Darmanin (who is apparently uninterested into remaining interior minister after the legislative elections). More internal squabbling in sight.

This hasn’t been yet mentioned but the candidate fielded by the NFP in the Conflans-Sainte-Honorine constituency (on the PP quota) is Aurélien Rousseau, a former chief of staff for Élisabeth Borne and one of the architects of the pensions reform. Subsequently the health minister, Rousseau resigned from that office in December 2023 to protest the immigration bill. His defection is yet another sign of discontent with the leadership and political orientation taken by Macron.

As for the campaign itself, Macron has decided to double down on his Boomer anti-youth populism, promising a revaluation of pensions (when pensions are already constituting one of the largest government expenditure and as pensioners have been entirely spared by the pension reform which is only penalizing younger generations), even harsher penalties for unemployed workers (the third reform of unemployment insurance in four years), prohibition of cell phones for children under 11 and social networks for teenagers under 15 (good luck trying to implement these ones considering they can’t even regulated mainstream TV/radio channels), compulsory school uniform by 2026, the generalization and mandatory character of the expensive and useless ‘national universal service’ (a cheap civic service for youth that has already faced various scandals of harassment, racism and physical harm against its first volunteers) and the promise of ‘excellence for everybody at school’ when the education system has suffered from repeated budget cuts and chronic understaffing and has been disorganized by a series of hasty and ill-prepared reforms. As mentioned, the simplification of administrative procedures for change of gender self-identification, which was part of Macron’s 2022 platform, is now derided as an abomination because throwing under the bus minorities for short-term political gains is apparently the new cool in French politics.

That’s pretty much for the platform as the main strategy is to contrast the supposed budgetary seriousness and competence of the current government with the economic incompetence and inexperience of the RN and the unrealistic and arch-expansive platform of the NFP. A risky choice when the 2023 budget deficit has been estimated at 5.6% against the 4.9% initially predicted by Le Maire and when the debt of France has been downgraded by Standard & Poor’s at the beginning of the month. But, even more, the government can boasted about its economic successes as much as it wants, on the ground the average voter is still experiencing increases in the prices of basic necessities, the closure of public services, the deterioration of education and hospitals systems, the excessive delays to get an appointment with specialists and the unfortunate financial consequences of stricter roadworthiness tests and ill-conducted energy renovation programs for households.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2024, 11:39:25 AM »

I forgot about Gilles Le Gendre, the leader of the LREM parliamentary in 2018-20 and until now a loyal lackey of the president, who wasn’t renominated this year by Renew but is still running as a dissident candidate in the second constituency of Paris. He is facing the official Renew candidate, Jean Laussucq, a LR or ex-LR municipal councilor who got nominated thanks to the support of Rachida Dati, the justice minister under Sarko and leader of the Parisian LR until January 2024 when she betrayed her own party to enter the Attal government as the culture minister, a move seen at the time as a way to improve her chances in the next municipal elections. Laussucq is apparently also endorsed by LR but there is also (of course) two LR-adjacent dissident candidates.

Well, Le Gendre has just received the support of a historical Macronist, Richard Ferrand (first parliamentarian to rally Macron and ex-general secretary and parliamentary leader of LREM) as well as Agnès Buzyn (health minister under Philippe and the Macronist candidate for mayor of Paris in 2020) and Florence Parly (defense minister under Philippe).

Yet another sign of divisions inside Macron’s party as you've got two ex parliamentary leaders defying the official line (I think Ferrand is also still holding a leadership post in Renew). Macron is trully on track of destroying absolutely every French political party, including his own, but the one he was supposed to destroy: the RN.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2024, 12:01:55 PM »

So what’s the most likely outcome at this point?

A RN majority or hung parliament IF polls are right. But there are a lot of uncertainties, notably about the accuracy of polls and their models to get parliamentary projection (the electoral offer is very different from one constituency to another one and the profile of the candidate still matters even if not as much as previously: in my own one, for example, no LR nor Reconquête candidates but a dissident PS one with a strong local implantation in addition to the Macronista, NFP, RN and LO candidates), turnout, runoff dynamics (usually different from the first round ones: for example, in 2007, the UMP obtained a surprisingly reduced majority compared to what first round results would have suggested), number of triangulaires in the runoff and whether Renew or NFP third-placed would withdrew or not in the runoff in favor of the non-RN best-placed candidate in order to prevent a victory of the RN candidate.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2024, 02:19:26 PM »

Can't understand Finistère 3, where both left-wing candidates (together 40%) withdrew against RN (31%) and LR (28%)

Yeah, that was just the left giving up a free seat. Deeply stupid decision.

You may thank the LFI candidate (and official candidate of the NFP) who placed fourth and who, in the statement announcing his withdrawal, urges the PS dissident candidate (who placed third) to also withdrawing in order to beat the RN candidate. The PS dissident candidate has blamed his rival for the absence of left-wing candidate in the runoff, pointing to his lack of support in a hypothetical triangulaire.

This is the second time (after 2021) that the eighth constituency of Finistère, which would have normally been recaptured by the left, is lost due to the insistence of the NUPES/NFP to run here unelectable LFI candidates. This is a historically center-left constituency (in the Euro, the PS list got 19.5% against only 6.5% for LFI) held by a Modem centrist incumbent who sponsored a bill against school bullying and voted against Macron’s immigration bill. In those circumstances, running a little-known leftist firebrand sporting the colors of a party particularly toxic among rural voters in this constituency is just plain electoral suicide. Some would ask the question whether LFI really wants a victory of the left.

Something else but the RN candidate there (already running in 2022) shared some *interesting* opinions on his Twitter account:

Would the Zemmour campaign team be the last attempt of Rothschild and co to keep its hands over our homeland? To carefully read… how could one be an activist for the national cause and believe a single instant in such imbroglio? Marine#2022

The article he mentions is titled ‘These money relations between Zemmour and the globalist caste which embarrass us’ and published on a conspiracy theorist blog which also published articles pretending people who didn’t get their Covid vaccine would be exterminated by the government and that Brigitte Macron is actually a man.

(answering a Zemmour supporter)

How? After having been a member of the FN since 1982 and twenty campaigns under my name, I would follow a Zemmour who never shared our ideas until Rothschild ordered him to do so… I would rather die. Go to hell.

(in reaction after the understandable decision of Carrefour to stop selling Rivarol in its supermarkets after an umpteenth conviction of that weekly for denial of crimes against humanity)

Carrefour listens to my needs? Well, I will be no longer customer as Carrefour boycotts Rivarol. #freedom

Rivarol is the most ignominious French antisemitic weekly which has been routinely fined for incitement to libel, racial hate, offense and genocide denial. Its editor is totally obsessed by Jews and decided to invite for the 65th anniversary of his garbage newspaper Robert Faurisson (aka the pope of Holocaust denial in France) so he could explain there never had been an extermination process in Auschwitz.

And he is far from being an isolated case among the RN candidates.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2024, 02:34:10 PM »

Also two more RN dropouts. One in Calvados 1st (Caen) where they were far away in third, and  the other in Haute Corse 2nd which probably just corsica politicians doing corsica stuff.

In Caen, the RN candidate was forced by the party to withdraw after an old photo showing her wearing a Nazi hat was discovered.

Classical RN scandal, few years ago they had to kick out a parliamentary assistant after a disgruntled FN euro parliamentarian published a photo of him doing antisemitic cosplay.
Sir John Johns
Jr. Member
Posts: 876

« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2024, 03:50:36 PM »

Dupont-Aignan out. Awesome!
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