Wilson '96 : An Upcoming Western Storm

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« on: May 28, 2024, 03:24:18 PM »
« edited: May 28, 2024, 03:47:25 PM by Ragnaroni »


It is March 27th 1996, Pete Wilson is sitting at his desk, cup of coffee in hand and is admiring the headline of the Sacramento Bee : "WILSON WINS GOP NOMINATION!". It was a hard won fight and had taken every bit of political stamina and skill to defeat Bob Dole. The primary had been bitterly fought and unpleasant to say the least. He had been repeatedly attacked for his more socially liberal views and was called a Republican In Name Only on so many occasions that he had lost count.  As he sat at his desk, he pondered the results of the primary election and noted the path taken to win. It wasn't a path a Republican could win on the federal level anymore, he depended too much on states firmly in Democratic hands and practically lost the entire South to Dole with a few exceptions. It was miraculous that he had even managed to get Buchanan's endorsement of all things, mainly thanks to a discussion over immigration on which both men had agreed on most points. However, Wilson had to make some promises to Buchanan, concessions Wilson thought of them as concessions, mainly on social issues. This was the price he had to pay in order to win the primary. Pundits were still scratching their heads over how Wilson won, will this be a continuing trend?  This would be a troublesome reality and he needed to correct this. Clinton had swept the South in 1992 and looked set to do it again this November. He needed to win or at least take back some Southern states to have a chance at victory. The sheer magnitude of what was to come hadn't dawned on Wilson yet, as he still rejoiced from his victory the day before.

It was only 7:30 am and his landline was constantly buzzing with calls from strategists offering their services, lobbyists representing special interests and members of Congress seeking to be his Vice-Presidential pick. With a growing hint of annoyance, he politely replied with the truth, he wasn't yet going to make this decision and he wanted to wait until the Republican National Convention in San Diego to make his choice. He looked at the calendar, flipping through the months until he reached August of 1996. 5 months he noted, well actually less than 5 months. He had a lot on his plate, he needed to unite the party behind him and make sure the base actually wanted to vote for him, defeating incumbent president Clinton was going to be a Herculean task for Wilson and he was aware of this. He had a general idea of how to compete with Clinton but deep down, he knew the odds were strongly in favor of Clinton.

A more pressing issue was whether or not he should resign the governorship of California. Many California Republicans were vehemently opposed to this decision. Resignation would lead to a special election and an almost certain Democratic victory in the Golden State. This had happened with his Senate seat in the 1992 special election.Unfortunately, he had burned a lot of bridges with Proposition 187 which killed his chances with Hispanics, even the legal ones that had nothing to worry about. It wasn't even law yet as it was stuck in the courts. This was the point in agreement he had with Buchanan even if the men disagreed on many other things. For now, however, Wilson will remain as Governor of California, the largest state in the Union, this would be strongly benefitial to him as a key strength in the general election.

But for now, he will finish his coffee, continue reading his newspaper and get to work. He'll maybe write an electronic mail to some pollsters and consultants on what his strengths and weaknesses are, which states to tackle and all that stuff. It's becoming time to gear up for November 1996!
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« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2024, 03:45:47 PM »

 It is April 22nd 1996, Pete Wilson had spent the previous week discussing various topics with consultants on what his 1996 strategy should be. Surrounded by these very consultants, Wilson admired the hefty, and expensive, document in front of him. The several dozen page long document in front of him was the summary of a week's worth of suggestions on who to pick as a Vice-President, what Wilson should campaign on and what Wilson's key weaknesses would be against President Clinton. Skipping past the fancy cover page and getting into the real subject of the document. A consultant, a balding man with a well-fitting Italian suit began explaining the contents and Wilson's mind dirfted to the document.

The first key chapter was related to his Vice-President. Wilson already had a few ideas about who he wanted to pick but the document, and the people who wrote it, gave weight to his instincts. Firstly, the Vice-President should be someone popular with the American people which made Wilson smirk a little on how obvious this statement was. He didn't need to pay large amounts to "learn" this fact. It was considered best to avoid anyone in the Republican congressional leadership due to the unpopularity of the shutdowns that occured. President Clinton may not have backed down on his ambitious, and liberal, healthcare plan but the American people were fed up and frankly worried about the shutdown. Wilson jotted a note down on a blank paper : "No Newt Gingrich". The consultant continued, Wilson was a moderate Republican and while this helped him everywhere outside of the South, the path to victory while conceding the South to Clinton was nearly impossible. He needed a Vice-President with conservative credentials to balance him out. Someone who represented the views of the South very well. Preferably someone from a swing state. Wilson nodded, noting that Arkansas would be a long shot win. As Wilson was paying these men by the house, he suggested to tackle the next chapter.

Weaknesses. Of which they mentioned plenty. Firstly, Wilson had some odd stances for a Republican, being more on the pro-choice side of the abortion debate, something that was herecy to a large portion of the Republican base. He had also committed the same cardinal sin that sunk former President Bush in 1992, he raised taxes. Clinton was also more charismatic than Wilson but then again, Clinton oozed charisma. Another consultant interjected, stating that Wilson's weaknesses could in fact be a strength if he played his cards right. Maybe a run for New England or the Pacific Northwest perhaps? Suddenly a large amount of different voices shouted but Wilson wasn't able to understand any of it. Another consultant ignored his colleagues and started on the last chapter, Wilson's strengths.

Strengths. Wilson had been in politics for a significant amount of time at the local level as assemblyman and mayor of San Diego, in Congress as a Senator and finally in his current position as Governor of California. Being so involved in the politics of the US' largest state was undoutedly a massive boon to his skill and knowledge. The nineteen nineties are all about crime, everyone cares about it, everyone wants to be tough on crime. Wilson's handling of the disasterous 1992 Los Angeles riots was swift and ended the rioting then and there. He might have to jump around the inevitable question of use of federal and state troops to put down a riot but it did help his tough on crime stances. One key point that might benefit Wilson is the efforts he has expended on trying to reduce the state deficit, a far harder task than expected.

The head consultant, who hadn't spoken once during the meeting finally said something. He noted that these reports tend to be quite vague so early on and that they'll get better polling and strategies once the RNC has been concluded. But, he added with a hint of cynicism, it is clear that Wilson's chances of victory were slim at best and he would need a recession or a miracle to win this November. He arose and walked over to shake Wilson's hand and wished him luck in his campaign. The room slowly emptied but Wilson noticed one man, far younger than his colleagues. The man told him that he had an idea. During the 1996 Republican primary, Wilson had gotten the endorsement of Admiral James Stockdale, Ross Perot's VP pick for 1992. He had heard from a friend of a friend who knows Stockdale that Perot preferred Wilson over Dole. He added that it might be worth a shot getting Perot on board. He gestured at the phone in front of Wilson.
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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2024, 03:50:51 PM »

Great TL so far . Wilson would definitely be an interesting leader for the gop given his unorthodox views on quite a few issues (Taxes , abortion , guns , environment).

So definitely interested in this TL
Steve from Lambeth
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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2024, 05:42:07 PM »

It's the right board. Welcome to the EWI family! (I should be adopted by one of you one of these days...)

I wouldn't exactly describe a nomination contest that ends in March as a slog. Donald Trump was nominated in March and, no matter how Haley and company might spin it, it was nothing other than a stroll for The Donald with a couple of inconvenient obstacles in his way.

By any chance, were you influenced by the End of History 1996 mod on the New Campaign Trail? That's Wofford on Team Red vs Wilson on Team Blue.
President Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2024, 05:45:51 PM »

Nice work so far!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2024, 05:22:44 AM »

It's the right board. Welcome to the EWI family! (I should be adopted by one of you one of these days...)

I wouldn't exactly describe a nomination contest that ends in March as a slog. Donald Trump was nominated in March and, no matter how Haley and company might spin it, it was nothing other than a stroll for The Donald with a couple of inconvenient obstacles in his way.

By any chance, were you influenced by the End of History 1996 mod on the New Campaign Trail? That's Wofford on Team Red vs Wilson on Team Blue.
Originally, I wanted to into massive detail about the constant back and forth between Dole and Wilson. With Wilson's home state of California being the last needed for him to win. In the end, I thought it would be too hectic.

I've played that mod once but this was an idea floating around in my head for a decent while before seeing the mod.
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« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2024, 05:23:23 AM »

Thanks Cheesy
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« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2024, 06:23:28 AM »
« Edited: June 03, 2024, 02:47:26 AM by Ragnaroni »

It was May 6th 1996, the intense negotations with Perot's side were undergoing their final stage. It had been a few weeks since he had called Ross Perot in order to salvage his campaign, the atmosphere at the Wilson campaign was one of doom and gloom, how could they possibly beat Clinton in November? Many had told him that the smartest thing to do is go on the defense and try to salvage what he could in November.

Wilson was pleasantly surprised at how well he and Perot got along, they had agreed on most if not all key points : the budget, social issues, they were both moderate Republicans however, Wilson's support of NAFTA, marked by a November 1993 speech in Burbank, threw a slight wrench into the talks. Despite this, the two men got along incredibly well, as made evident by the fact that the phone call was three hours long. They had agreed on two meetings, one in Sacramento, California and the other in Dallas, Texas. The schedule was tight, the California meeting was on Monday, April 29th and the Texas meeting was today.

In California, Wilson had assembled a team of important Republican party members, including his primary-contender Bob Dole, who was going to retire after the election, former President George Bush, though Wilson had wished he could've convinced Ronald Reagan to come instead, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, about half a dozen Senators and Congressmen from key swing states and a few consultants like the young man from before, now identified as Zachary Comstock. For his part, Perot had brought Admiral Stockdale and several members of his 1992 campaign. They had discussed the viability of working together, the possible effect on the Republican party and how it could change how the party would function. Most of these allegations were foundationless in the eyes of Wilson. He deemed the Monday meeting to be vastly less important than the Friday meeting, the one-on-one meeting at Perot's private residence where they would discuss in more fine detail the conditions of the endorsement. Perot had a few important ones, all of which were reasonable to Wilson, granted Wilson was desperate for his endorsement.

         1. - A promise to balance the United States budget, preferably before fiscal year 2000 and possibly with the re-introduction and successful passing of a Balanced Budget Amendment, however both men knew this was unlikely.

         2. - Increased protections towards American industry affected by NAFTA and a possible renegotiation of NAFTA as a whole.

         3. - Keynote speakership at the Republican National Convention in San Diego. With a request to go before Pat Buchanan. Wilson had promised a several slots to Buchanan and other right-wingers at the RNC when Buchanan endorsed him.

         4. - A Vice-President picked from the state of Texas with Perot's backing and/or approval.

         5. - An active position in Wilson's cabinet to be determined at a later date. Probably Secretary of the Treasury or Secretary of Energy.

After deliberating with his team, Wilson accepted these terms with one minor objection, Wilson had barely any control over who spoke at the RNC and while Perot would surely be somewhere at the top.
For his part, Perot promised to endorse Wilson during the RNC and rally his voters behind Wilson. Some early internals had shown that while Perot's 1992 voters split 50-50 for Dole, the split was closer to 70-30 for Wilson, a massive advantage for someone trailing President Clinton. The two men shook hands and said they'll keep in touch, little did both men know but Perot was going to be a key asset for Wilson's campaign.

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« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2024, 03:38:07 PM »
« Edited: June 06, 2024, 02:45:41 PM by Ragnaroni »

It is June 11th 1996,  the past week was stressful to say the least. Pete Wilson was rehearsing his speech, an important speech, the nomination of his Vice-President. The amount of deliberation with his team and with Ross Perot, whose endorsement centered on this was plenty. Why is he even nervous, this isn't his first speech he thought himself, wiping sweat off his brow. He walked up the stairs and on to the stage as the the crowd began to go silent. Positioning himself behind the stage he noticed the crowd. It was bigger than any crowd he had seen during his entire political career, this was real. Swallowing his saliva and clearing his throat, he began.


"Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tonight, it is with great honor and pride that I stand before you all, the Republican Party's nominee for President. After much waiting, I am proud to announce to you my pick. A man who throughout his distinguished career in the Senate, has been a tireless advocate for fiscal responsibility, economic prosperity, and individual liberty. His steadfast commitment to the very values that define our nation is something we very much need these days. I introduce to you, Phil Gramm.

Round of applause

Senator Gramm's unwavering dedication to the American people, his steadfast belief in the power of the free market, and his proven track record of effective leadership make him an invaluable asset to our campaign and our country. With him by my side, we will work hard to restore the American Dream lost these past years, restore the confidence and trust in our government and bring back the Reagan-Bush era of prosperity for every American!

Senator Gramm is a man of principle, of integrity and sincerity. His expertise in matters of finance and the economy make him invaluable to our cause. His distinguished service on the Hill, his commitments to what's best for the American people and his support of good, sound policies earn him the respect and admiration of colleagues from both parties!

Please join me in welcoming Senator Gramm as my partner in this historic endeavor. Together, we will make America stronger, more prosperous and more united than ever before.

Thank you and God bless the United States of America!"

Thunderous applause

Wilson looked at the crowd, his pick of a Vice-President seemed to be have been a good one. The crowd was fired up and full of energy. This was good, this was very good! He glanced over at Gramm and gave him a thumbs-up, Gramm smiled back. As he walked off the stage after replying to the mass of reporters, he noticed that the mood of his team was changing. That somber, almost gothic tone had disappeared in favor of an aggressive, optimistic attitude.
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« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2024, 03:55:39 PM »

A Californian and and Texan on the same ticket facing an Democratic President from the Deep South. Hmmm when have we seen this before
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« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2024, 02:19:03 AM »

Figured it would’ve had to be Gramm or Kay Bailey Hutchison considering Perot’s Texan condition. Interested to see how this plays out.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2024, 02:29:50 PM »
« Edited: June 04, 2024, 02:35:49 PM by Ragnaroni »

It is June 13th 1996, the Wilson-Gramm campaign had an exciting new thing to show Wilson. The official Wilson-Gramm '96 website! Wilson was aware of the growing popularity and importance of the internet and was convinced this was the right path to take. Not only did he, for now, monopolize internet traffic interested in the election as the Clinton-Gore team hadn't made a site yet, it also provided him with good publicity for being "with the times". Surrounded by a few members of his campaign, Gramm notably absent and the intern who had developed the site, he powered the Micron Millennia wincing at the memory of how much he had spent on it and waited for Windows 95 to boot up.

A few minutes later, he was typing in the website address with the directions of the visibly nervous intern. The intern specified that the website was still in developed but Wilson brushed him off, he was curious now. He peered down towards the monitor and investigated the site...

Wilson was amused, they had done it. They'd beaten the Clinton team at making a website and there's no way that they'd make a better looking website. It already had plenty of details, especially important to Wilson was his campaign schedule and how you can support pages. He pondered at how much help they would get from the website, the internet was fairly new, more of a toy as of now. But Wilson was giddy about this. The entire team was, he suggested that they give the intern a proper job and maybe get a team to focus on the website. They were gaining steam and it was good. It was time to contact the press about this, this is a good story to keep him in the news cycle. He stood up and shook the intern not intern's hand and thanked him.

(BTW I actually sort of made a website so if you want it : https://ragnaroni.neocities.org/, its not supposed to be super detailed just fun)
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« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2024, 12:28:40 AM »

Figured it would’ve had to be Gramm or Kay Bailey Hutchison considering Perot’s Texan condition. Interested to see how this plays out.
Yeah it was pretty clear with the conditions. Also where are my manners, welcome to Atlas! I hope you'll like it here !!
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« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2024, 05:01:33 PM »

Definitely an interesting timeline so far, and I'll join in with the others in welcoming you aboard.
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« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2024, 05:19:02 AM »

It is June 15th 1996 and Pete Wilson received the Republican National Convention speaker list by fax. It was only a preliminary list so far but was almost certain to be the full list. He had to pull a lot of strings to get his top picks on the list. Some of the men he had wanted to have on the list had passed away like Hayakawa and others like Ronald Reagan were in terminal mental decline. Many didn't make the cut and he feared they might feel deceived.  Thankfully all the important speakers, Perot, Buchanan, President Ford, Dole were on the speakership list. It was an odd mix of conservative and liberal Republicans, there was a clear skew in geography towards the Sunbelt and California in particular. They had both black Republicans speaking, Wilson hoped it didn't seem too much like pandering but he knew it essentially was.  He looked at the fax, another thing made by someone from the Inter-net. The important speakers were in italic and covered important topics to touch upon at the convention.

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             August 12, 1996

Former President Gerald Ford
Former President George Bush
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan (with Ronald Reagan)
Chairman of the RNC Haley Barbour
General Colin Powell

             August 13, 1996

Ross Perot (Keynote Speaker)
Pat Buchanan
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole

Gov. George Pataki
Rep. Gary Franks
Gov. Jim Edgar
Sen. Slade Gorton
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Rep. Bob Dornan
Sen. John Ashcroft
Sen. Mark DeWine

             August 14, 1996

Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee Phil Gramm
Mayor Richard Riordan
Rep. J.C. Watts
Gov. Bill Weld
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Sen. Rick Santorum
Sen. John McCain
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Rep. Wally Herger

             August 15, 1996

Republican Presidential Nominee Pete Wilson
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« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2024, 05:41:55 AM »
« Edited: June 08, 2024, 10:43:50 AM by Ragnaroni »

Breaking News from CNN: President Bill Clinton to Re-Introduce Controversial Healthcare Plan

Image Source : https://www.theguardian.com/media/gallery/2008/nov/04/cnn-election-coverage-tv-news

Source of image : https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-global-trade-coronavirus-pandemic-financial-markets-bill-clinton-1e3d4d7f770c139aad732e3cea695434

"June 20th 1996, In a stunning and unexpected announcement, President Clinton has stated that he will re-attempt to push his controversial and doomed 1993 health care plan. This initiative seems to be an attempt by President Clinton to mend ties with disaffected liberals of the Democratic party and gain their support in the upcoming election this November. Political analysts seem to believe that Ralph Nader is an attractive proposal to these disaffected liberals who believe the Clinton Administration is too moderate or even too conservative.

During a press conference at the White House this morning, President Clinton emphasized the vital need for healthcare reform. "The challenges we face in our healthcare system are still very real and hurt America's most vulnerable. It's time we take decisive action to ensure that every American has access to affordable and high quality healthcare just in time for the new millennium" Clinton said. "Our work here is not done."

The original bill was strongly pushed by First Lady Hillary Clinton which was unexpected and unprecedented for a First Lady, however it got deadlocked in Congress and was the subject of vigorous and intense debate. It was also a key factor to the Republican victories in the House and the Senate two years ago. As we speak, leaders in the Republican controlled Congress are holding a press conference on Capitol Hill.

Republican Presidential nominee Pete Wilson, currently in Eugene, Oregon on a campaign stop has not yet made a comment but we are informed that Governor Wilson will make a improptu speech in Salem Oregon tonight at 9pm. Stay tuned to CNN for the news on this subject, Governor Wilson's reponse and future polling on this."

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« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2024, 05:58:21 AM »

[img width=609]https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/03d476e/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1984x2346+0+0/resize/1218x1440!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstorage.googleapis.com%2Fafs-prod%2Fmedia%2F7090cb135c9a4eae8e9b685cb331d7be%2F1984.jpeg[/img]

Note how can I fix the size of the Clinton image?
Try this. I reduced the picture to half its size.
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« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2024, 03:39:12 PM »

It is June 21st 1996, the Wilson team was in complete and utter chaos over the news.
The original intent behind being in Salem, Oregon was for a small townhall type of event to further test the waters of Wilson's campaign in the late Summer and early Fall. Wilson had a small, unimpressive speech by any standards, that he had quickly written and his speech writer glossed over when they were in Sacramento. No one was expecting such a major event like the one that occured to occur. President Clinton's decision to re-attempt the 1993 law was baffling. It must've been a mistake, a rumor but Zachary Comstock had gone to verify the news and it was indeed true. All of America was expecting a swift and coherent response and Wilson's skeleton crew of a team in Salem were getting non-stop phone calls from the press. The speech writer was in Sacramento, the press coordinator took the chance to spend the week in Oregon with his wife and Wilson himself was getting a cold.

The team struggled to come up with a decent speech response. It was 8:30 pm on the 20th and they didn't even have a first draft. The press was expecting something in the morning of the 21st. They didn't know how Americans would react to the President's revival of the 1993 law, while the 1994 midterms had been a massive success, the Republicans had lost a lot of goodwill with the government shutdown and bickering with Clinton. 2 years have passed since '94 and it was completely possible the American people were in favor of this in 1996. Was Clinton laying a trap for the Republicans this time? Confusion and uncertainty reigned that night.

Eventually a compromise was decided upon, they would bring up how it would reopen scars and reignite division in America. They wouldn't take a strong position on it until they had an idea of which side they should take. Wilson decided that day to not make a speech answering the news but kept to his current schedule and released a statement to the press.


[Wilson Campaign Press Statement]

June 21st, 1996

The Wilson campaign acknowledges President Clinton's decision to revive the 1993 law with a sense of concern and questioning. This legislation was at the heart of intense political debate just two years ago, deeply dividing our nation. Its potential for reopening old wounds and reigniting division cannot be overlooked.

As a campaign committed to addressing the pressing issues facing Americans, we are resolute in upholding the values that unite us as a nation. Our vision entails a fiscally responsible government, one that respects individual liberties above all else, and operates within the bounds of limited government intervention.

In the face of uncertainty, we remain steadfast in our dedication to these principles and will continue to engage with the American people as we navigate the challenges ahead.

[Wilson Campaign Spokesman]
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« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2024, 07:56:35 AM »

It is June 15th 1996 and Pete Wilson received the Republican National Convention speaker list by fax. It was only a preliminary list so far but was almost certain to be the full list. He had to pull a lot of strings to get his top picks on the list. Some of the men he had wanted to have on the list had passed away like Hayakawa and others like Ronald Reagan were in terminal mental decline. Many didn't make the cut and he feared they might feel deceived.  Thankfully all the important speakers, Perot, Buchanan, President Ford, Dole were on the speakership list. It was an odd mix of conservative and liberal Republicans, there was a clear skew in geography towards the Sunbelt and California in particular. They had both black Republicans speaking, Wilson hoped it didn't seem too much like pandering but he knew it essentially was.  He looked at the fax, another thing made by someone from the Inter-net. The important speakers were in italic and covered important topics to touch upon at the convention.

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             August 12, 1996

Former President Gerald Ford
Former President George Bush
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan (with Ronald Reagan)
Chairman of the RNC Haley Barbour
General Colin Powell

             August 13, 1996

Ross Perot (Keynote Speaker)
Pat Buchanan
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole

Gov. George Pataki
Rep. Gary Franks
Gov. Jim Edgar
Sen. Slade Gorton
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Rep. Bob Dornan
Sen. John Ashcroft
Sen. Mark DeWine

             August 14, 1996

Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee Phil Gramm
Mayor Richard Riordan
Rep. J.C. Watts
Gov. Bill Weld
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Sen. Rick Santorum
Sen. John McCain
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Rep. Wally Herger

             August 15, 1996

Republican Presidential Nominee Pete Wilson

I think it's interesting that in this time Pete Wilson would give Pat Buchanan such a prominent speaking spot in San Diego. Other than their positions on immigration, they seemed to have almost nothing in common ideologically; and I'm sure that many of the GOP higher-ups would have been a bit skittish in light of the criticisms of Buchanan's 1992 convention speech.

Maybe a deal was reached where Buchanan was explicitly told to avoid taking swipes at Hillary Clinton this time.
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« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2024, 11:23:19 AM »

It is June 15th 1996 and Pete Wilson received the Republican National Convention speaker list by fax. It was only a preliminary list so far but was almost certain to be the full list. He had to pull a lot of strings to get his top picks on the list. Some of the men he had wanted to have on the list had passed away like Hayakawa and others like Ronald Reagan were in terminal mental decline. Many didn't make the cut and he feared they might feel deceived.  Thankfully all the important speakers, Perot, Buchanan, President Ford, Dole were on the speakership list. It was an odd mix of conservative and liberal Republicans, there was a clear skew in geography towards the Sunbelt and California in particular. They had both black Republicans speaking, Wilson hoped it didn't seem too much like pandering but he knew it essentially was.  He looked at the fax, another thing made by someone from the Inter-net. The important speakers were in italic and covered important topics to touch upon at the convention.

____  _   _  ____    _  ___   ___   __  
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|_| \_\_|\_|\____| |_|  /_/   /_/ \___ /          
             August 12, 1996

Former President Gerald Ford
Former President George Bush
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan (with Ronald Reagan)
Chairman of the RNC Haley Barbour
General Colin Powell

             August 13, 1996

Ross Perot (Keynote Speaker)
Pat Buchanan
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole

Gov. George Pataki
Rep. Gary Franks
Gov. Jim Edgar
Sen. Slade Gorton
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Rep. Bob Dornan
Sen. John Ashcroft
Sen. Mark DeWine

             August 14, 1996

Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee Phil Gramm
Mayor Richard Riordan
Rep. J.C. Watts
Gov. Bill Weld
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Sen. Rick Santorum
Sen. John McCain
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Rep. Wally Herger

             August 15, 1996

Republican Presidential Nominee Pete Wilson

I think it's interesting that in this time Pete Wilson would give Pat Buchanan such a prominent speaking spot in San Diego. Other than their positions on immigration, they seemed to have almost nothing in common ideologically; and I'm sure that many of the GOP higher-ups would have been a bit skittish in light of the criticisms of Buchanan's 1992 convention speech.

Maybe a deal was reached where Buchanan was explicitly told to avoid taking swipes at Hillary Clinton this time.

I was originally going to have this be a theme in the primary but decided not to have the primary. The idea was that Dole insulted Buchanan in a passing comment and as a response (and wounded ego) offered to endorse Wilson if Wilson took a harder stance on immigration than Dole and also allow him to speak at the 1996 RNC. In this timeline, he's being carefully watched and his speech will be vetted but he will still have a rather conservative tone. (still somewhat "upsetting") And yes, no swiping at Hillary  Tongue
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« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2024, 03:45:42 PM »

It is July 8th 1996, the fax machine buzzed. Wilson waited anxiously, the paper would contain some polling from four states considered to be competitive this election. This was also a good excuse to take a quick coffee break. His team has been curious as to what the polling would show. Finally the machine ejected a paper and Wilson vigourously snatched it.

The Fax read :

              Missouri Voter Sentiment Poll
                   July 1-4 1996, 750 RV

If the Presidential election were held today,
who would you vote for?

| Candidate                           Percentage
|------------------------------   ------------
| President Bill Clinton (D)        48%    
| Governor Pete Wilson (R)       38%    
| Ralph Nader (G)                       6%    
| Other                                        2%    
| Undecided                                6%    


              Virginia Voter Sentiment Poll
                   June 30-July 3 1996, 1300 LV

If the Presidential election were held today,
who would you vote for?

| Candidate                           Percentage
|------------------------------   ------------
| Governor Pete Wilson (R)       47%    
| President Bill Clinton  (D)       42%    
| Ralph Nader (G)                       5%    
| Other                                       2%    
| Undecided                               4%    


              Nevada Voter Sentiment Poll
                   July 1-3 1996, 1475 LV

If the Presidential election were held today,
who would you vote for?

| Candidate                           Percentage
|------------------------------   ------------
| Governor Pete Wilson (R)       46%    
| President Bill Clinton  (D)       48%    
| Ralph Nader (G)                       3%    
| Other                                       1%    
| Undecided                                2%    


              Iowa Voter Sentiment Poll
                   June 25-29, 1259 RV

If the Presidential election were held today,
who would you vote for?

| Candidate                           Percentage
|------------------------------   ------------
| President Bill Clinton  (D)       50%    
| Governor Pete Wilson (R)       42%    
| Ralph Nader (G)                       3%    
| Other                                       1%    
| Undecided                                4%    


These were sort of the results he had expected, however he was surprised by the result in Nevada and Iowa.  There was a poll from Colorado with Clinton up by 3 points from late June, worrying his team but one of the team consultants reassured him about polling. Only get worried in the late Summer. He put the paper down and went back to drinking his coffee.

The formatting is bad i know... Its irritating
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« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2024, 05:42:34 AM »

Republican National Convention
August 12th 1996


This is Steve Scully speaking from the Republican National Convention in San Diego, California. The first day of the Convention has concluded and boy has it been an exciting day! The Republicans rolled out a killer lineup of speakers today, namely Former Presidents Gerald Ford and George Bush, former First Lady Nancy Reagan, Chairman of the RNC Haley Barbour and finally General Colin Powell.

Most notable of the speeches were Gerald Ford's introduction speech and Colin Powell's speech. We will show highlights of both of these speeches very soon. Curiously absent was former President Ronald Reagan who was represented by his wife Nancy.

"Thank you, Senator Gorton, delegates, fellow Americans. Welcome to the thirty-sixth Republican National Convention. It is definitely not true that I've seen them all. I have seen most of them since 1940 - when I was one of the young rebels who stormed onto the Convention floor in Philadelphia shouting "We Want Wilkie!" That was my first whiff of political campaigning - I'll tell you a secret: I did inhale."

"Governor Wilson has the skill, acumen and likeability to promote positive change in Washington. He will continue the program that Americans had voted for in 1994. Pete Wilson is not a dividing figure but a uniting one. The Republican Party has a big tent, encompassing diverse and vast views across the political spectrum but are united in their support of the fundamental values that define the United States and the values that the Republican Party exudes."

"Governor Wilson and Senator Gramm will act on the issues, not promise empty promises like the current President has. His tenure in California shows he is a man of Action, Honestly and Integrity and works for the best for the people of California and the United States!"

"Thank you for that warm welcome. It is an honor to stand before you tonight at this critical juncture in our nation's history. As a soldier and a public servant, I have had the privilege of serving our great country for many years, and I am deeply humbled by the opportunity to address you at this Republican National Convention."

"The Republican Party is the party of the American Dream, rags to riches. I, myself come from an immigrant family. They came here with nothing but hope and hard work. That is the American Dream, that if you work hard enough, anything is possible."

We look foward to tomorrow where 1992 Independent Presidential candidate Henry Ross Perot will deliver a keynote speech. Along with 10 other speakers including Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. We will cover the second day of the Republican National Convention in its entirety as it takes place. Thank you and have a good evening! 
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« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2024, 10:02:25 AM »

Republican National Convention
August 13th 1996



Welcome back to the second day of the Republican National Convention. Today has just ended and it was a powerful day. A lot of heavy hitters in the Republican Party spoke today. Some old, some new but all united in their support of Governor Wilson. Today's highlight was Ross Perot's keynote speech.

Here's a rerun of today's highlights :


"Thank you, thank you. It is my pleasure to be here. To be in support of Governor Wilson in his bid to be president of the United States. I need to stress the importance of economic reform and fiscal responsibility. We need to take action before this hurts our children’s future and ensure a brighter future for America.
Our national deficit is skyrocketing despite being in peaceful times. President Clinton and the Democrats want to push an ambitious and very expensive new bill which only adds to the deficit.
We need to cut wasteful spending, reform long-term entitlements and make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely. For the longest time, I believed that both Democrats and Republicans didn’t want to stop the spending but Governor Wilson did. In the state of California, he implemented policies to tackle this deficit and it has been proven to work. He will take this attitude to the White House with the same drive and determination.
Our trade policies must also reflect our commitment to American workers and businesses. We need trade agreements that are fair and beneficial to the United States, that open up foreign markets to American goods and services, and that protect our industries from unfair competition and practices. We must stand up for American workers and ensure that they have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed in the global economy.
To you, my fellow Americans, I say this: We have the power to change the course of our nation's history. We have the power to restore our economy, to make our government accountable, and to secure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren."


"I am grateful to be speaking again. Four years ago, I spoke of a culture war, a war for the soul of America. But what is the soul of America? What core values are representative of this nation?
Freedom. The freedom from an overbearing government. A government that thinks it knows better than the people of the United States. The freedom to live our lives free from interference.
To live a safe life in the suburbs far away from the rampant crime of our cities. To have the sanctity of marriage defended, their children’s right to go to a religious school ensured, unmolested from the filth of modern pop culture, a secure border and what party represents these values?
The Republican party. Which is why I am here, to show my support for Governor Wilson. We may not agree on every issue but I’ll tell you this, he is a whole lot better than Bill Clinton. He wants a return to the misery days of the Carter Administration. "


"As your Senate Majority Leader, I have had the privilege of working alongside many dedicated men and women who share our vision for a stronger, more prosperous America. Together, we have fought for policies that reflect our core values and address the pressing needs of our citizens. We have done a lot of good so far with the 104th Congress. Our legislative achievements are a testament to what we can accomplish when we put politics aside and focus on what truly matters: the well-being of our nation. Through this, I’ve learned the value of bipartisanship and working across the aisle. We must fight for the reforms that will improve the lives of every American. As well as the importance of party unity, the Republican party has a big tent and all views are welcome. Governor Wilson may have beaten me in the primary but I give my full support to Wilson and Senator Gramm for the upcoming election. These men have a difficult path to navigate first in November and then if all goes well, guiding the United States into the New Millennium. So tonight, I ask you to join me in supporting our candidates and our party. Let us rally behind Governor Wilson and Senator Gramm as they lead us into a new era of opportunity and prosperity this November!"

We look forward to tomorrow. Senator and Republican Vice-President Hopeful Phil Gramm will have his acceptance speech and the 15th, Governor Wilson will have his nomination speech. Stay tuned for more!
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« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2024, 02:41:34 AM »

Republican National Convention
August 14th 1996


Welcome back to third day of the Republican National Convention, in a few minutes Texas Senator Phil Gramm will be giving his nomination acceptance speech. He has had a long career in Texas politics, representing Texas' 6th Congressional District from 1979 to 1985 and then Senator from Texas from 1985 until this year. It appears that he is already on stage and will be speaking soon. Let's listen.


"Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for this warm welcome. I humbly accept the nomination for the Vice-Presidency. It is a most important responsibility. Governor Wilson and I know the challenges ahead and we are committed to fighting for the average American. We will restore the Reagan boom to America.

Our country faces significant challenges. Our economy is struggling, our families are under pressure, and our national security is at risk. But I am confident that with the right leadership, we can overcome these challenges and secure a prosperous future for all Americans.
I have served Texas with pride and worked for the best interests of Texans for many years and I am committed to putting this same drive and energy to work for the best interests of Americans nationwide. I am proud to serve alongside Governor Wilson in our bid for the nation's highest office!"
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« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2024, 03:23:07 AM »

Republican National Convention
August 15th 1996


Source : screenshot from this : https://www.c-span.org/video/?74190-1/rnc-preview-96-dinner

"Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Republicans, fellow Americans. It is an honor to be here. To stand where so few men have stood before, where great men like Lincoln and Reagan have accepted their nominations to be the candidate of the Republican Party of the United States. It is a truly humbling feeling.

I still remember my first taste of politics, it was working on Barry Goldwater’s 1964 campaign and I was hooked. When I first ran for a public office, two years later in 1966, little did I expect to get to the highest, most esteemed office in the United States and indeed the whole world.

As mayor of San Diego in the 70s, I had the responsibility of planning the Republican National Convention in 1972. Of course, this didn’t work out in the end but it was a learning experience like none other. In my many years serving the wonderful people of California, I’ve come to know many heavy hitters of Congress, former Presidents, Senate and House leaders of both parties. I’ve learned as Governor how to run the largest state in the Union for the last 5 years.

(Same source)!

I know what this nomination means, I know of the challenges and difficulties that lay ahead. We are gathering at a critical time in our nation’s history, the stakes could not be any higher. We are just 4 years from entering the new Millennium. We face numerous challenges domestically and abroad. But, we also have countless opportunities ahead of us. We can shape the future of this magnificent country into the Millennium and tackle the issues here and now.

We have a clear mission : to reignite the American Dream. To ensure economic prosperity for all and defend our freedoms as Americans. The Cold War might be over but our commitments abroad are still vital as we must remain a defender of human rights and democracy across this planet.

Our economy, the engine of our country, needs to be reworked to ensure strong growth and good opportunities for all Americans. We  need to fight for better, fairer deals for our workers and our businesses. We will cut unnecessary regulations that stifle innovation and entrepreneurship.

We must also address the issue of immigration. America is a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. We will secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, and create a fair and efficient system that upholds our values and strengthens our economy.

To the American people, I pledge to be a President who listens, who leads with integrity, and who always puts the interests of our nation first. I ask for your trust, your support, and your prayers as we undertake this important journey. I ask for the Republican party to cast aside its differences in taking down Bill Clinton and the Democrats this November!

Together, we will build an America that is stronger, freer, and more prosperous. Together, we will ensure that the promise of America is fulfilled for all who call this great nation home.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!"

Thunderous Applause

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