French National Assembly Elections, 06/30-07/07 (user search)

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  French National Assembly Elections, 06/30-07/07 (search mode)
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Author Topic: French National Assembly Elections, 06/30-07/07  (Read 29867 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 3,297
United States

« on: June 14, 2024, 07:08:15 AM »

What exactly can Ciotti do at this point?

If the vast majority of LR is against him and has been expelled, does he lose the LR "party line" in his constituency? does he run as an independent? It is possible that he goes as far as runs with the help (direct or indrirect) or RN?

This is such a weird situation that I guess you can't predict it, but curious what theories are there.
Sr. Member
Posts: 3,297
United States

« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2024, 08:57:09 AM »

On June 30, how early/how late will it take for the results to be announced?

The seven day turnaround for the the second round suggests this has to be quick, but I'm not sure what's "quick" in a French sense.
Sr. Member
Posts: 3,297
United States

« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2024, 02:30:19 PM »

Since the polls so far are awfully similar to the EU elections, give or take a few points, it's worth taking a look of what they elections looked like constituency by constituency. I've grouped the Popular Front lists together as well as RN with Reconquête (since they can probably be counted on to support RN either by the first round or in the runoff). In addition, I've taken into account that LR voters could either join the macronists or the far-right, so I marked off the constituency where they make a difference with special colors. Here's what it looks like:

EXD majority: 64
EXD >45%: 82
EXD ahead: 206
Total: 352

FP majority: 47
FP >45%: 30
FP ahead: 73
Total: 150

LR ahead: 1
ENS ahead: 3

EXD with LR sup: 63
ENS with LR sup: 3
ENS or EXD with LR sup: 5

So... yeah, without some degree of tactical mutual support between Macronistas and the Popular Front in the runoff, we are looking at a potential bloodbath. Of course the patterns are going to be at least somewhat different, and local candidacies will matter a lot, but this at least gives you a place for where to look come next Sunday.


What were Macron and his advisers thinking when they called this election...
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