Which of these words should be censored on the forum? (Trigger warning) (user search)

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  Which of these words should be censored on the forum? (Trigger warning) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Which of these words should be censored on the forum? (Trigger warning)  (Read 353 times)
Kamala's side hoe
YaBB God
Posts: 4,556
United States

« on: July 02, 2024, 12:57:28 AM »

No words should be categorically censored on this site. -snip-
I wonder why the c word became so taboo in American society when British society and many other countries in the Anglosphere have no problem with it. I don't see why calling a woman a c word is so much worse than calling a man a dick. Sure, women are naturally more sensitive than men, but most people who lose their minds over a man saying the c word to a woman are the same people who get deeply offended whenever you say that there are any neurological/behavioral differences between men and women as an aggregate.

Probably gonna regret posting in this thread but

Ehh I love you VBM but this ain’t it chief

First of all, saying “women are naturally more sensitive than men” is not really correct. It is true that on aggregate there are some differences, and that includes that women tend to score higher on measures of neuroticism (tendency to feel negative emotions more strongly) than men but also they score higher on measures of emotional intelligence for example. Both could be seen as forms of “sensitivity” and women being “more sensitive” on average is not an inherently bad thing. I know you didn’t say that outright but it felt kinda implied.

Furthermore, the key is that such differences are on average/generalized/aggregated. There is still generally more variation in traits within groups than between them. So in other words any two individual women are more likely to be staunchly different on these traits than all women vs. all men. And of course there are plenty of somewhat neurotic men (raises hand) and plenty of very much not neurotic women (I’m married to one). So really not a helpful stereotype overall.

As for the “c*nt” thing, I really do look down on guys who say that to women. Sure logically you’d think it would be the equivalent of calling a man a dick. But due to the social stigma attached to it in US society at least, it is far nastier usually. Kinda like how a white person calling a black person the N word is worse than a black person calling a white person “cracker.” It just is what it is. You can’t ignore the social context of these things and look at them in a vacuum.

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