A Man and a Mask: An Alternate 2020

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Author Topic: A Man and a Mask: An Alternate 2020  (Read 1488 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: March 05, 2024, 12:29:00 AM »

September 17th, 2020

There was a man who lived in Arlington. By all accounts, he was an average 30-something year old realtor, with a nice wife and kids. And like most people that year, he was dealing with a pandemic that uprooted everything. He didn't particularly like wearing masks, but most establishments kinda required it, and he wasn't about to boycott any of the restaurants he went to-or the establishment where his client was meeting him.

The man was rushing that morning. His alarm was just a bit late due to a slip of the finger. One of his kids hurt himself. The food entered his mouth the wrong way one time. Point is, he was rushing.The man was about to step out the door when he realized something. The familiar sensation of the mask in his pocket-it was absent. He turned back, saw his mask sitting on the shelf near the door, and yoinked it. The man thought, much later, about what would've happened in the meeting (he sold the house) if he hadn't gotten one-especially given he tested positive for COVID days later.

Luckily, the meeting was brief, and the man did do every other precaution. His client lived with his wife like he always did. His wife didn't make her brother look to his sons birthday party with disdain after hindsight set in. And said brother didn't cough in the vicinity of the US President on September 26th, 2020.

October 5th, 2020

Reuters: Will Trump Attend the Second Debate?

With just ten days to go until the second Presidential debate is held in Arsht Center, speculation has swirled that Trump may skip the stage. While Biden has committed to it yesterday, the President has declined to do so.

The speculation is fueled by the fact the Commission on Presidential Debates has announced changes to the format, which Trump has condemned. The incumbents performance in the first debate last week, which he is widely considered to have lost, has added further speculation.

Despite this, some believe Trump and his allies know a lack of appearances would jeopardize his chances in the already uphill battle against Biden, and many people believe Trump enjoys debating. However, speculation remains high.

October 8th, 2020

AP News: Trump to Attend Second Debate

Rumors of Trump's non-attendance have seemingly been put to rest. President Trump addressed the speculation at a rally in Wisconsin earlier today. Taking shots at reporters who discussed the possibility, Trump said claimed the discussions were ploys by the "mainstream media" to disparage him and help Biden so their ratings could go up, disparaging Biden.

"You know, these media people, these MSM people," Trump said at a rally, "they're all like "He's not gonna attend! He's scared!". I'm not scared. I beat Sleepy Joe handily, no matter what those polls say. He should be scared. I'll debate him once, twice, a hundred times if I have to! No matter what the phony polls say, no matter what the moderator shouts, we'll win and win big there and in November!". The crowd cheered loudly for several seconds before the President moved on to Israel.

With his exaggerated statement mentioning a "hundred debates", it's expected that Trump will attend the third debate despite said exaggeration. Biden is expected to accept the invitation.
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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2024, 02:30:36 AM »

I love butterfly effect stuff, interested to see where this goes.
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« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2024, 11:25:10 AM »

This looks really good, can't wait to see the effects one mask can have!
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« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2024, 11:46:47 AM »

Am busy with stuff, but expect an update late tomorrow.
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« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2024, 11:07:15 PM »
« Edited: March 07, 2024, 11:13:43 PM by Compuzled_One »

October 15th, 2020

Steve Scully was pinching his nose so hard he thought it'd crack. The candidates went of the rails again. Trump had gone of the rails on the question about the border, first rambling about illegal aliens voting and then about Biden packing the courts to jail his opponents. Biden, as payback, "went dark" as the kids call it and began interrupting Trump to.

"You're gonna get the courts to ignore all the illegals, all the loopholes, you're gonna tell them to lock me up-"
"The courts are already ignoring the blatant gerrymandering, the voter suppression, the-"
"Gentlemen, I remind you again, I can mute -"
"You talk about fraud and get mad when I call foul because you are hurting Mexico-"
"Oh my god, don't you ever quit yapping-"

There, Scully thought. Trump was muted-he'd started this, after all. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to mute Biden as well.

"Look at you, scarredy Scully, silencing me in front of all my people-"

OH GOD DAMNIT! Man, the guy could shout. Scully's best hope was that his vocal cords would give out as he continued rambling about god knows what. It seemed Biden wanted to take the opportunity.

"You know, for a man of personal responsibility, you sure-"

Okay, that should get him quiet, the moderator thought. He is an old ass man, he can't raise his voice that much, right?

"-ain't accepting yours for this."

COME ON, MAN, Scully thought, what the hell are they giving the guy? He ignored the passive aggressive potshot Biden took at him as he buried his face in his lap, and the two candidates continued shouting for about a minute until their vocal cords gave out.

"You see where this idiotic shouting match got you?!" Scully snapped as the two panted. "Jesus Christ, it's like I'm watching a teacher struggle with a child" he mumbled that last part. The debate, after that, was surprisingly normal-mostly because the two were still dealing with their vocal cords being damn near torn for half of it, and didn't want to experience it again in the other half.

October 16th, 2020
AP News: Who won the second debate, according to the polls

The chaotic second debate, already infamous due to the muting of the two candidates and Steve Scully seemingly hitting a breaking point thirty minutes in, has ended. It is widely believed by most polls Biden emerged as the narrow victor-his surprising energy and fighting back against Trump helping. However, the former Vice President being muted at all made those gains pyrrhic at best-most respondents say he only won narrowly.

Steve Scully and the CPD are viewed as losers-with the former snapping and the mute button only serving to make the candidates' throats sore, both were viewed as biased and ineffective by one side or the other according to nearly every online poll.

The surprise beneficiary is Jo Jorgensen, who saw a spike in online searches, as did other third party candidates like Kanye West.

October 20th, 2020
Reuters: Trump confirms attendance in third debate early

President Trump has confirmed he'll appear in the third debate. At a rally in Pennsylvania, the President said "You know, even though Scummy Scully gave me a tough time, I had fun, I had a fun night. I'm going to the third debate, and I'll win even bigger. They're to scared to shut my mic off now." As the crowd cheered, he moved onto talking about the Supreme Court packing.

With this, all indicators point to this election having the same number of debates as every election since 1996.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2024, 11:58:05 PM »

October 23rd, 2020
Wall Street Journal: Takeaways from the Third Debate

The third debate in the cycle has concluded, bringing that part of the season to a close. With it comes the time of whirlwind tours, October surprises, and all the hallmarks of the late campaign season. But first, it is time to analyze the debate.

Analysts generally say the debate started of strongly in Bidens' favor-both candidates spoke measurably, but he seemed to have a better grasp on it than his opponent. However, as the debate wore on, Trump became more testy-Biden responded in kind. As the candidates began to slowly but surely get more heated while the moderator did nothing, Trump began to take a hold of the conversation. By the end, Biden found himself unable to speak as Trump unleashed a bombastic speech about his sons laptop, until Biden cut in at what was supposed to be the end and demostrated surprising energy.

In the end, it seems no one can be considered the winner-both sides walked away like they proved something. The loser seems to be the moderator, Kirsten Welker, as well as the CPD and the debate format in general. Online, discussions are abuzz on how to change the system.

October 25th, 2020
AP News: Polls Begin To Tighten; A Second Upset?

Polls have begun to tighten as the nation inches to the final stages of an election that has radically altered the national landscape. Current polling shows Biden in the lead, but the average has shrunk to a 7.7% one in the wake of controversy involving his son and the debates.

Despite this favorability, not only are the polls within the margin of error, but Trump has shown the captability to beat polling, as proven by his upset in 2016. Some have speculated that lightning may strike twice-and ensure a second Trump term.

Despite previous trends and the current polls, the chasm is wider, and some believe polling has improved. But the chance of a second comeback shouldn't be underestimated.

October 28th, 2020

Oh how he enjoyed this feeling.

Donald John Trump looked onwards to his enormous crowd of supporters. Far bigger than the crowds Joe pulled-or the ones Harris was pulling just a bit farther away. But that wasn't his problem. Because nothing mattered than how much he did to these people. Not the Arizona heat, not the half-baked election, not nothing. And he would show it, his enormous glee, in 3...2...

"...And we will keep this country great!"

The crowd stood up and clapped. The area was filled with glee, adoration, for all he had done-or said he did, anyway. And as the claps intensified and made the air shakier then it already was, an enormous grin enveloped the Presidents face. A grin some people, some very bad people, had called smug. But his supporters adored it-from the distance, and up close.

He went down the tarmac as his happiest followers rushed to greet him. He shook hands with as many as he could. He made sure to get real close to the most ecstatic. And almost every time he looked into the eyes of those most loyal ones, he found the most beautiful gems, the most beautiful gold. Trust. Excitement. Camaraderie. Loyalty. All reflecting brightly under the hot sun.

But there was one man the President didn't see this in as he came close to him. His jubilant shouts spoke of the same loyalty as those before him. So did the shaking in his arm as he held it. The way the man had rushed through a dozen people to get close to him. But his eyes were mute. Cold. The sun lay cooled in them, the gems hidden away. And then, they were gone-first beneath the eyelids, then the Presidents eyesight alltogether. It only lasted a moment.

The man reeled back and coughed on him.

Trump briefly recoiled. His smile was shaken. But as the man laughed the cough of, Trump put it back on. As he continued down the tarmac, he picked up the pace. It only shortened what would've been a 45 second journey to a 30 second one. As Trump got into the limousine, he prayed internally that it wasn't what he thought it was-that the man was laughing at the thought of having the virus, not that it was deadly. A cold was disgusting, sure, but he knew how to deal with that pestilence. He knew he'd get through-he always did.

Unfortunately for Trump, a lot of things are bound to happen sooner or later.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2024, 10:40:17 PM »

November 3rd, 2020
7:00 AM

"What. The. HELLDOYOUMEANITSTHEVID!" said the President of these United States of America.

"Sir, you've taken three tests. It's official. You have COVID-19." Sean Conley said. The President had been feeling unwell since Halloween, but it took an assistant being diagnosed with the virus to have the President agree to a test. Seems the worst has been confirmed. Conley had tried to tell Trump not to go to any rallies, but he fully expected the President to say-

"I can't stay, Sean. Joe will eat me up, he'll squash me if he of all people is doing rallies. I gotta win this thing, I gotta keep this house."


November 3rd, 2020
5:00 PM

Well, Biden thought, absorbing the short applause, this is it. And he was right. After 77 years, several thoughts, three tries, and a hellish year, it would all come down to this. He'd either become the 46th President, serve two terms, and retire peacefully, or...well, that, but without the President part. At this point, he knew he was the moderate wings last shot. A part of him thought he'd loose. But hey, America survived for years of Trump and his insane eternal campaign. Without campaigning for a third term, he'd surely be less destructive. After all, he'd never try to violate the 22nd amendment...right?

Biden put the loony, paranoid thought aside. He needed to be confident. And so, before the paltry (due to COVID, he told himself) crowd, the former Vice President began the last part of his last campaign speech.

"Folks, I want to thank you all. You've done so much for me, for my campaign, for this country. We are on the edge of deposing one of the worst Presidents in this nations history. A President who has ignored the threat of COVID, ignored the threat of Russia, ignored the threat of radicalism. We have to return to normality. We have to build back our country. We have to repair bridges. And with your support, with your help, we can do that. We will win, and we shall bring back sanity to this nation. And I will be watching as you watch, from Delaware, every minute. Thank you."

The crowd clapped. The Vice President smiled. He hoped it was enough, but he gave it his best shot no matter what. With that, he walked of the stage, and into the car. From there, he'd get to Charlotte Douglas. And then, he'd fly back home.

November 3rd, 2020
6:00 PM

Trump couldn't listen to the crowds applause. The smile on his face appeared rehearsed, like a generic goofy smile of his. His eyes were watery.

Why?, the President thought, Why now?. He was about to win. Enormously. Gigantically. He'd win so much Joe would have a heart attack. So much California would turn red. And now, of all times, that disease had burrowed into his soul. He suppressed a thought in the back of his mind. A dark, paranoid thought. A thought that no matter what happened tonight, he'd be dead. That he couldn't enjoy his four years even if he wanted.

But that's not what the crowd called for. They called for showmanship. For rage. For bombast. And so, Trump mustered the last of his strength. The anger at Biden. At Hillary. At China. At the socialists. At each and every person he had called out since he came down that flight of stairs. And most important, at Obama.

"People of America! In the past year, we've seen the radical socialist Democrats try to tear our nation apart! The COVID scare! The Marxist BLM riots! The fake news media continuing its rampage! But we'll prove them wrong. We'll win, bigger than last time. Bigger than anytime! We will send Joe Biden back to his basement, we will keep the patriots in control, and we. Will. KEEP. THIS. COUNTRY. GREAT!"

The crowd roared as Trump left the stage. No one noticed the glove he had as he shook hand after hand. As for the President, he relaxed himself for a moment, the crowd's euphoria becoming his own. But as he stepped into the limouisine, drove away, and heard the noise quiet down, he couldn't wait to get to the hospital. Sadly, Georgia to DC is a long flight.

Final Aggregate
Biden: 50.9%
Trump: 44%
Undecided: 5.1%

November 3rd, 2020
8:04 PM

Jen Dillon sat nervously before the map of the US. Most states hadn't yet closed, but two did-Kentucky and Indiana. The results were coming in, and while the Republican domination was expected, the margin was what mattered. Dillon analyzed the results, compared them to exit polls, did everything over the past hour. Now, she had it. And it was shocking.

"Mr. Biden?", she called.

The old politician walked into the room. "Yeah?"

Take a look. Biden did as he was told. After looking at calculations, Biden began to get nervous. "I assume this means what I think it does?" The man said.

Dillon nodded. "Indeed. The most early results from Kentucky, at 12%, had Trump leading you by 4%, which was unexpected given historical patterns. After analyzing exit polls, historical data, the increasing lead the President is maintaining, and the Indiana results, we may have something nearly unprecedented."

She typed some things into a makeshift program she made. "Based on these results, there is a strong possibility there is a 269-269 Electoral College tie-the first tie since 1800."

Biden gulped. Considering the Senate and such, a tie wouldn't end well for him-although Harris could be a different story. "Can we still win?"

"With the margin of error in exit polls, yes." Dillon said. "Of course, you could also loose. Let's hope it doesn't go there."
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« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2024, 11:26:14 PM »

This is well done.  Would love to see the end of it when you have time!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2024, 09:54:27 PM »
« Edited: June 26, 2024, 03:11:53 PM by Compuzled_One »

November 3rd: Midnight EST

Texas Goes to Trump

That was what Biden read-even though his campaign team told it to him by then. And it concerned him. Polls showed Trump was leading slightly on election day, but that still would've meant the state wouldn't be called until at least tomorrow morning. Instead, it got called as the clock hit midnight-and was resoundingly red. If the figures that kept coming in were true, the President won by six to seven points, and gained with hispanics.

This wasn't good at all. Somehow, someway, that cockroach was beating the polls a second time. It didn't matter why (though Biden had some ideas), all that mattered was that this wasn't gonna be a sweep like the optimist in Biden thought it was. He was right to pump it up in Pennsylvania. But would that be enough? Enough to stop that bastard from winning again?

Biden breathed in and out. No need to get so flustered, he thought. This was still a two, three point shift-might've been more with higher turnout. If half of this hit the Midwest, he could still win with only that and the states that backed Clinton in 2016. So long as the demographics didn't shift to much, this could all be fine for him still.

November 4th: 10:37 AM

AP-BREAKING: President Trump Has Tested Positive for COVID

President Donald Trump has contracted COVID-19, according to the White House and a test for the disease that the President took. The news came as reports appeared during the preceding night that one of his staffers contracted the disease. Reports are emerging that First Lady Melania Trump may have the disease as well.

President Trump, who has been accused by many of dismissing the disease, is more susceptible to it that most-being 74 and overweight. It is believed the President will likely go into quarantine. While the news is a major shock, coming at the heel of the election, it is not expected to affect much-by now, it is almost certain all lines have dried up and all votes have been cast.

November 4th: 12:19 PM

Fox: Biden No Longer Projected to Win Arizona

Former vice president Joe Biden is no longer certain to win Arizona. Despite Fox News and many other networks calling the state for Biden, the former Vice Presidents lead has dropped significantly as ballot kept coming in. By now, the state is to close to call-at the moment of this news report being written, Biden's lead has shrunk to below 1%. Due to trends and the increasingly narrow margin, Arizona is no longer assumed to be going to Biden at this time.

Authors Note

Well, took a teensy little while to get around to it, but I'm back. I got interest in this scenario, and have nothing to do. So we're going to the end of the 2020 Presidential election. And then we're going to Virginia, and New Jersey. And then we're looking at the Senate, and the House, and the gubernatorial election. We're going to the Democratic Presidential Primaries, and the Republican Presidential Primaries, and the [REDACTED] caucuses. And then we're going to see who's gonna win the White House!

...Okay, sorry for the cringey meme.
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« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2024, 11:01:07 AM »

I like this.  Keep this going!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2024, 11:31:17 PM »

November 4th: 11:37 PM

"This can't be *cough* can't be happening." the President said to Bill Stepien on the phone. Trump's campaign manager had somehow evaded the sickness that inhabited the man he was getting to win-and he kept his distance to keep it that way. It didn't help that the President was...not happy about how some things were going.

"They can't be doing this, we were winning big when the votes came in. They had all these mail in ballots coming in at 3 AM, all for Biden. Because they're rigging in, that's why." the President's voice sounded gravelly. Stepien decided to reassure him. "Sir, please, don't act rashly. We're still ahead in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, and catching up in Arizona..." he paused "...somehow. We can still do this, we can win. Especially if something happens in Nevada or something" He finished.

"God, I hope so Bill" Trump said. "God, I can't imagine what's gonna happen with that old ass loon in power." He stopped. As Bill put the phone away to chuckle a bit at his boss calling Biden old, he heard something on the other end. He pulled the phone back up. "Sorry, what?" There was silence for a bit "...Nothing, nevermind. It was stupid." Bill was confused-especially since the President sounded sad. "Goodbye Bill." Bill nodded, although he knew no one could see. "Bye." he said, and hung up.

Trump put down the phone miles away at Walter Reed. He was silent for a few minutes. "God, why did I ask him that?" he said. "He's not a doctor. He can't tell if I'll die. And I won't die. I can't die."

November 5th: 7:02 AM

Brian Kemp was tired. He was staying up all night listening to the results. In that manner, he thought, he was like most Americans. A sense of dread dawned on him as he saw the Republican margins shrink and shrink.

He spoke with analysts, and they said that, to them, it looked like a 50/50 tie was possible, although Pennsylvania could swing right or the blue wall hold. Kemp worried about the chaos a contingent election would cause-especially with all the commie loons saying he and the others stopped the count or something. A brief thought flashed in his mind about the chance that some faithless elector would back Biden, but he cast that aside. God, he hoped nothing would get him involved.

November 5th: 10:35 AM
AP News: Trump wins Arizona

President Trump is projected to win Arizona again, AP news projects. Unlike many states, Arizona has seen a rise in Republican votes post election day. Analysis predicts he will almost certainly pass the 0.5% threshold needed for a recount, although it's likely to be narrowly. This expands the chances the President has to keep the White House...
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« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2024, 10:23:06 PM »

November 5th, 6:42 PM

Fox: Georgia Called for Trump

Fox: Wisconsin Called for Trump

These were the headlines the President saw as he lay on his hospital bed. The news invigorated the recovering Commander in Chief and brought a wide smile to his face. Despite all the mail in ballots, the polls, and all else, both states had swung to him again, being called minutes apart. At least, that's what Fox said. Already, Nasty Pelosi was making statements about how they'd do recounts in Wisconsin and all that jazz, but he and basically anyone else knew that'd almost certainly win that. With this news, bar anything insane happening, the White House would be his. Either Pennsylvania (which still wasn't called) swung to him, or this'd be sent to the House-in which case, he wins anyway!

He then saw another bit of good news.

Fox: David Perdue wins reelection!

He grinned at that two. Great man, that guy was. Now, that pretty boy wannabe Jon Ossoff was cast aside, and the piss colored nobody those Libertarians nominated couldn't do anything about it. Great man, David was, unlike Lisa and Susan. The President was worried about how close the state was on all levels, but that was besides the point. He laughed happily with joy. Sick as he was, he'd lead the country and keep the Senate without needing Pence. And nothing was gonna stop hi-

Trump instantly got quiet when he saw a new headline. Deathly quiet.

Fox: BREAKING: John Isakson, Georgia Elector and ex-Senator, Says He Will Vote Biden for President, Will Keep Vote for Pence as Vice President
Steve from Lambeth
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« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2024, 12:20:25 PM »

I instinctively knew when I first saw this thread a few months ago that this was going to be another generic 269-269 timeline. My instincts are bad.
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« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2024, 10:11:30 PM »

November 5th, 8:39 PM EST

> This can't be his own decision. He's a Republican senator in a safe red state. He wouldn't just back Biden.

>> He got bribed, I know it. Some cushy ambassadorship to Europe or some Caribbean nation, probably.

>>> It doesn't matter what he has, he's defying the will of the people. Kemp needs to stop the bastard.

>>> Doesn't he have some old people sickness? That might make him easy to manipulate. Maybe he won't even get anything.


>>> Yeah, right, a Republican senator who was chosen by the party just happened to change his mind.

November 6th, 6:22 PM EST

Brian Kemp stumbled through the Gubernatorial Mansion in the early morning hours. He was tired, he was stressed, he was angry, he was every emotion on the whole damn spectrum. Ever since Isakson defected to Biden, a fire had begun. It was small now, a candle flame. But Kemp saw that it had a lot of fuel. The rubbish that the President and this hellish year had heaped would soon allow it to engulf the whole dumpster-and then the city.

Online message boards buzzed with activity as the nuts and kooks Trump had dragged into his coalition spun wild theories about what the hell happened. Kemp saw some of those. He told himself it was morbid curiosity and a desire to know what was going on as small protests began filling the streets. This actually was the truth. But as Kemp 'reminisced' about why he just want to crash into his bed, he realized something else-he didn't know himself. How did Isakson slip past the vetting process? Why Biden and not some needless protest vote? And why pick Pence?

Kemp decided that he needed to do something he should've done when 12 hours ago-and thus he dialed Isakson.

"Hey, Brian." the voice on the other end said. Neutrally. "Hey, Johnny." Kemp said. He breathed in. "I'll cut to the chase, and I'm sorry-but what are you doing?" The governor said. It sounded less angered than he wanted-and more confused. "What we should've done four years ago." The man on the other end said. That was aggressive. Kemp couldn't reply as Isackson continued. "That bastard has done nothing for the nation. He just sat on his ass while the capitals burned and bodies pilled up. And if we think on the politics, he's done nothing for us either-this state shouldn't have been this close." Kemp finally spoke up. "John, voting against him could cause chao-" The old senator cut him off. "If you call an asshole out, is it your fault if he throws a hissy fit? Or starts throwing punches? Or gets the knives out?! Plus, he lost the popular vote anyway." Kemp was silent for a bit. "But why did you vote for Pen-" "The popular vote thing wasn't the only reason. Don't twist my words..." the voice became soft. "I'm sorry. Goodbye, Governor." The line went dead.

Kemp sighed. Okay, well that did no good. He looked outside the window. Already, a small crowd was gathering. He locked eyes with one before walking of. These people probably didn't have a permit, so they'd need to be cleared out. And Isakson would need to be sent to a secure location, or at least watched over-some crazies were likely out for blood. With that, Kemp dialed another number-Richard D. Wilson.

November 6th: 7:32 AM

Pence sat quietly at his usual seat in the Cabinet Room. He could've sat anywhere, really-no one else was in the room besides Meadows, who was standing anyway. The two decided to meet up to discuss the current situation.

"So, Trump's condition is stable." Meadows said. Not as a question, but a statement. Pence made an "Uhuh" sound and nodded without looking at him. "And he's stably cognizant". Same response. "Meaning the 25th doesn't need to be invoked." Meadows finished. "Yep." the Vice President finally replied. What followed was a good minute of silence as Pence both looked around and outside. Pence began tapping his pen halfway through.

Finally, Meadows said something. "Why does Isakson still back you?" Pence turned to him, shifted his eyes away, then turned them back. "Don't know. Guess he likes me more than the President." A double statement-he and Trump weren't on the best terms in the last couple of weeks. Meadows didn't seem to catch it-sadly. "Did you have something to do with this?" That set the Vice President off ever so slightly. "Excuse me?" he said angrily. Meadows looked on. "I did not have anything to do with this. I don't want to work with Biden. Plus, this'd sink my career."

Meadows noded, and sighed. "Yeah, you're right". Pence looked away. "Thank you." he said exasperatingly. But as he heard the footsteps of the others outside, Pence began to think about Meadows reaction. He knew him for months, and yet he assumed he'd do this, even for a fleeting moment. Pence recalled what he said just half a minute ago, about Isakson ending his career. And a worry popped up-that even if Pennsylvania turned, or even if he refused to be elected by the Senate, that what he feared had already come to pass. He hoped it was not so.
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